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View Full Version : Hillary’s Poll Numbers Just TANKED In One Of America’s Most Liberal Cities

09-15-2016, 02:57 PM
Hillary’s Poll Numbers Just TANKED In One Of America’s Most Liberal Cities

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers dropped dramatically in the Democratic stronghold of Washington, D.C., according to a Google Consumer Surveys poll published Thursday.

Clinton still led Republican nominee Donald Trump by 6 points, at 38 to 32 percent, but her lead fell dramatically in a poll released in the first Thursday of September, where Clinton led by 25 points, earning 48 percent compared to 22 percent for Trump.

The District of Columbia is ranked “safe Democrat” by the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics, and statistics site 538, but recent poll numbers could change that determination.

In every election since 1964, the District voted strongly for Democrats, with at least 85 percent voting for Democratic presidential candidates.

Clinton also lost ground in the key swing state of Ohio in a statewide Bloomberg poll published Tuesday. Clinton carried a seven-point-lead in the state, but the latest poll revealed Trump now carrying a five-point-lead, in a stunning turnaround.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/09/15/hillarys-poll-numbers-just-tanked-in-one-of-americas-most-liberal-cities/#ixzz4KMAE24fl

09-15-2016, 06:40 PM
Good to see her fall (although I do not trust polls much)...
based on her record, she is not fit to sit in the front seat of
even a go-kart.

Abbey Marie
09-16-2016, 11:30 AM
Stop getting my hopes up!!