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View Full Version : Hillary gets hammered by the press!!

09-15-2016, 03:02 PM
Just as they do with Trump, they nailed her with all of the tough questions! :rolleyes:

Is the press that covers her just really Hillary supporters? I really haven't see a conference yet, a REAL one where actual questions are asked, and tough ones, and she actually answers.


She’s Back! Hillary Clinton Discusses Binge TV Watching Habits With The Press

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton celebrated a triumphant return to the campaign trail by visiting briefly with reporters on her campaign plane before it took off for North Carolina.

“Welcome back to Stronger Together!” she said cheerily as she walked to the back of the plane.

When asked about what she had been doing in the past three days, she demurred until a reporter asked whether she was binge watching “The Good Wife” during her time off.

“It’s done, I’m so sad, I know, I really am. It’s really a loss,” she said, referring to the series finale of that show.

She pointed out that the show “Madam Secretary” was coming back, which she was looking forward to.
