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View Full Version : Air support of the coalition of the West of Islamic State militants.

09-18-2016, 07:44 AM
MOSCOW – U.S.-led coalition airstrikes killed more than 60 Syrian government troops on Saturday, a Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.

"Between 5:00 p.m. (1400 GMT) and 5:50 p.m. Moscow time, international coalition war planes (taking part in airstrikes) against the Islamic State carried out four attacks near the Deir-al-Zor airport that struck Syrian government forces," Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

"According to the information received from the Syrian command, the airstrike caused the deaths of 62 Syrian troops and injured 100 others," he added.

Konashenkov said the U.S.-led coalition aircraft - two F-16s and two A-10s - entered Syrian airspace from the direction of the Syrian-Iraqi border, adding that the Syrian forces that came under attack had been surrounded by "IS terrorist groups."

"Immediately after the airstrikes, IS militants began an offensive and fighting is taking place near the airport, where some time ago humanitarian aid was parachuted in to help the local population," he said.

The Syrian army also accused U.S.-led coalition aircraft of bombing a Syrian military position near the military airport of Deir-al-Zor, located in Syria's east.

Citing military sources inside the airport, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said at least 30 members of the Syrian security forces were killed in the airstrikes.

The airstrike occurred on the second-to-last day of a cease-fire brokered by Washington and Moscow and announced on Sept. 9.

The U.S. Defense Department, for its part, said it was possible that coalition airstrikes had struck Syrian army vehicles and personnel.

The Pentagon said it was targeting the Islamic State but halted the airstrikes after being informed by Russia that the wrong target may have been hit. EFE
I propose to discuss it.
I, as a military man (in the past) regard such (alleged) error exclusively as a deliberate air support for militant Islamists.
I beg you not to "translate arrows" on Stalin, Ukraine, a charge Putin eating children, and other nonsense.
Discuss a specific case, the error is or support terrorism by the US.

PS: please do not take my words to heart, this is just my opinion which has a right to be.
And links. http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2016/09/17/russia-more-than-60-syrian-troops-killed-in-us-led-coalition-airstrikes/

09-18-2016, 08:09 AM
It's hard to say what happened there.

Our President is incompetent and useless. Fortunately, he's almost gone.

I honestly don't know who we're supporting in Syria's civil war anymore. We're for sure not supporting terrorists, and I also don't think we're supporting Assad. As far as I can determine, we're good with bombing anyone except Russians on the ground.

Obama doesn't know what he's doing or what to do. Why he decided to step up bombing offensives over there with no clear side to support is beyond me, other than he was told there was a large gathering of ISIS forces.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-18-2016, 08:47 AM
It's hard to say what happened there.

Our President is incompetent and useless. Fortunately, he's almost gone.

I honestly don't know who we're supporting in Syria's civil war anymore. We're for sure not supporting terrorists, and I also don't think we're supporting Assad. As far as I can determine, we're good with bombing anyone except Russians on the ground.

Obama doesn't know what he's doing or what to do. Why he decided to step up bombing offensives over there with no clear side to support is beyond me, other than he was told there was a large gathering of ISIS forces.

obama aids the muslim terrorist group there that he supports..He definitely works against Assad and what should be this nation's best interests in regards to Syria.
Russia came in to counter the shit that traitorous bastard has been doing there, not to help this nation but instead to support Assad and counter the advancement of ISLAM AND THE CALIPHATE --that they are fighting to establish .
Whatever obama does is always (unless he is forced to do otherwise) against this nation's best interests.

He should be tried for treason and given the max sentence IMHO.-TYR

09-18-2016, 09:28 AM
That crap over there is a mess. It began in two places;

One when he refused to do a Status of Forces agreement with Iraq, and withdrew

The next when he kept "Drawing a Line in the Sand" and not backing up his own words.

This is all on Obama and Hillary. We should support Russia to get rid of this scourge.

09-21-2016, 05:57 AM
A report from the BBC, which may be of interest ...


The US has said it holds Russia responsible for a deadly attack on an aid convoy near the Syrian city of Aleppo on Monday. The White House has called it an "enormous humanitarian tragedy".

Meanwhile, US officials have told the BBC that two Russian war planes were responsible for the attack.

Russia strongly denies involvement of its own or Syrian planes, and says the incident was caused by fire on the ground and not by an air strike.

It's been my experience from history (we will all have knowledge of the events I have in mind, of course, from decades ago) that Russia, lamentably, specialises in 'enormous humanitarian tragedies' ...

09-21-2016, 07:55 AM
Hell, we also bombed and killed 8 Afghan Policemen allies. We'll bomb anyone!