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View Full Version : Clinton ‘Talks Tougher About My Supporters’

09-19-2016, 06:54 PM
Funny, true, sad...


Trump Shames Hillary in Florida: Clinton ‘Talks Tougher About My Supporters’ than Radical Islamic Terrorists

Donald Trump shamed his rival Hillary Clinton for not calling radical Islamic terrorists deplorable, but rather, calling millions of Americans who support his campaign “racists” and “deplorables.”

Clinton “talks tougher about my supporters than she does about radical Islamic terrorists,” Trump jabbed during his campaign rally in Estero, Florida — outside of Fort Myers — on Monday afternoon. “Has she ever talked that way about radical Islam?”

The Republican nominee began his campaign event by speaking about the recent terrorist attacks in Minnesota, New York City, and New Jersey over the weekend, saying, “These attacks and many others were made possible because of our extremely open immigration system, which fails to properly vet and screen.”

“Let me state very, very clearly, immigration security is national security,” he declared. “My opponent has the most open borders policy of anyone ever to seek the presidency.”

Trump alleged that as secretary of state, Clinton allowed thousands of illegal immigrants to be released into the United States because their home countries wouldn’t take them back. “She did nothing about it. Now, she wants a 550 percent increase in Syrian refugees above the high numbers we already have.”
