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09-20-2016, 07:10 PM
'Muslims Get Out' Sign Isn't Racist, Minn. Restaurant Owner Claims

A Minnesota restaurant owner who put the words “Muslims get out” on a roadside sign insists his message is not racist, despite the backlash it’s received.

Protesters descended on Treats Family Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor in Lonsdale Monday night after a weekend of terror saw stabbings at a mall in St. Cloud and bombings in New York and New Jersey, WKYC.com reported.

But the restaurant owner, identified only as Dan, believes people are “taking it the wrong way,” regarding the message on the sign.

“I didn’t want to put ‘terrorist’ on the board, so we were going to put ‘Muslim extremist,’ but we didn’t have room on the board,” he told Fox9.com. “People started taking it the wrong way and thinking we were against Muslims in general and we’re not, quite the opposite. We are not racist.”

"I am not talking about the Muslim population in general," he told WKYC.com. "I am talking about the Muslim extremists. I am sure there are far more good Muslims than there are bad, just like there is with any other race."

The suspect in the St. Cloud stabbing was praised by an ISIS-linked news outlet as a "soldier of the Islamic State," according to CNN, and investigators are still probing whether New York bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami had any direct ties to terror organizations.

As for Dan's sign, it stays for now. Lonsdale Mayor Tim Rud doesn't approve of the message, but said it is "in compliance with city ordinances," and he respects the business owner's right to free speech, WKYC.com reported.


09-20-2016, 07:18 PM
SO IS THIS....http://icansayit.com/images/obamafinger.jpg

And he Knew who it was directed toward....


09-20-2016, 10:57 PM
Man who puts up 'Muslims get out' sign says that people are "taking it the wrong way" when they read it as 'muslims get out'.
This blokes a genius.

09-20-2016, 11:16 PM
So a "Police Get Out" sign would be Ok I'm sure too.
no problemo

Since everyone will just know it REALLY means the 'Bad Apple' police.
sheesh c'mon right? no one would every get the wrong idea.

09-21-2016, 05:52 AM
The suggestion of racism is ridiculous. Islam is a 'religion' ... not a race. Richard Reid, aka 'The Shoebomber', was white and British. But he was also a Muslim, and acted on behalf of his creed, in its name, as a Muslim terrorist.

Anyone, in theory at least, could convert to Islam and become a Muslim .. regardless of racial origin.

No - the 'Muslims get out' sign was directed at those who chose to believe in a specific creed, philosophy, call-it-what-you-will. The creed which favours bombing innocents to smithereens ...

Basically, it's a 'murderers aren't welcome here - get out' sign. I see nothing wrong with it.

09-21-2016, 06:08 AM
Basically, it's a 'murderers aren't welcome here - get out' sign. I see nothing wrong with it.

It literally says "Muslims get out" no 'basicallys' about it.

09-21-2016, 06:10 AM
It IS an overreach, but it ISN'T a race, it's a stinking religion, and I mean stinking.

09-21-2016, 06:31 AM
It IS an overreach, but it ISN'T a race, it's a stinking religion, and I mean stinking.

Let's be honest, he's targeting arabs.

09-21-2016, 06:51 AM
Let's be honest, he's targeting arabs.

I'm sure he's not fond of Muslims, and I'm also sure it's a result of bombings all over the place, all the time. Personally, I might have thought twice, but I kinda agree with his sentiment. I just may have done it without saying it. :)

09-21-2016, 08:03 AM
not racist signs.


09-21-2016, 08:13 AM
not a racist sign
'jap' is nationality not a race.


09-21-2016, 08:13 AM
not racist signs.

Do you see islam as a race? Do you see christianity as a race? Do you see baptist as a race?

Is there such a thing as religionaphobia? Because I'm sure there is now!!

09-21-2016, 08:16 AM

09-21-2016, 08:17 AM
Do you see islam as a race? Do you see christianity as a race? Do you see baptist as a race?

Is there such a thing as religionaphobia? Because I'm sure there is now!!

Again, the store owner is clearly targeting arab muslims. I doubt he'd care or notice a white female Canadian Muslim entering his diner.

09-21-2016, 08:23 AM
Do you see islam as a race? Do you see christianity as a race? Do you see baptist as a race?

Is there such a thing as religionaphobia? Because I'm sure there is now!!

Religious bigotry, religious intolerance, religious persecution, religious wars, yeah that's a thing.
Been around for a few millennia.
That's not a modern Christian or a good american value. Was never something that Jesus and the apostles taught.
But maybe for the new/oldschool right wing it's make sense, because of the fea... i mean "concern".

09-21-2016, 08:28 AM

09-21-2016, 08:31 AM
Again, the store owner is clearly targeting arab muslims. I doubt he'd care or notice a white female Canadian Muslim entering his diner.

Religious bigotry, religious intolerance, religious persecution, religious wars, yeah that's a thing.
Been around for a few millennia.
That's not a modern Christian or a good american value. Was never something that Jesus and the apostles taught.
But maybe for the new/oldschool right wing it's make sense, because of the fea... i mean "concern".

I'm NOT defending him. I'm simply saying that it's not racist. Religious bigotry is a better suited name as Rev pointed out.

09-21-2016, 09:15 PM
rev. With all of your WWII era signs against the Japanese Americans in the 1940's. You sound like OBAMA, almost trying to remind all of us...we need to apologize for what took place back then. Next thing I expect you to mention will sound very familiar to you. When will you declare that WE THE PEOPLE, who weren't alive then; PAY REPARATIONS for what FDR (A democrat) started, and pay REPARATIONS to BLACK LIVES MATTER....Just because they need someone to blame for their permanent VICTIMHOOD.

09-21-2016, 09:32 PM
It IS an overreach, but it ISN'T a race, it's a stinking religion, and I mean stinking.

Since WHEN is Muslim a race, Noir and Rev?

Define Muslim as a race compared to caucasian, negroid, asian, and Australian aborigines.

09-21-2016, 09:56 PM
So a "Police Get Out" sign would be Ok I'm sure too.
no problemo

Since everyone will just know it REALLY means the 'Bad Apple' police.
sheesh c'mon right? no one would every get the wrong idea.

Police can't get out. Only if they do not have direct jurisdiction in a specific
locale, then it goes to another LE agency.

So Police Get Out is a False Premise.

09-22-2016, 07:58 AM
Let's be honest, he's targeting arabs.

Nope - he has Muslims in mind. As I've already illustrated, Muslims can be of any race.

Or do you deny that this is true ?

09-22-2016, 11:25 AM
Again, the store owner is clearly targeting arab muslims. I doubt he'd care or notice a white female Canadian Muslim entering his diner.

Yeah, he probably wouldn't notice.


09-22-2016, 11:28 AM
Yeah, he probably wouldn't notice.


How can anyone not love NightTrain?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-22-2016, 11:31 AM
Let's be honest, he's targeting arabs.

Are only Arabs muslim????

When I speak of muslims, I speak about any insane moron that adheres to the dictates of that murdering cult.
That read the Koran and then embrace the totally intolerant hatred and murderous commands that it gives!
Rather shortsighted arent ya?? -Tyr

09-22-2016, 11:33 AM
How can anyone not love NightTrain?

I know, right? My mom says the same thing, except she mispronounces it 'Rick' for some reason.

09-22-2016, 12:01 PM
Since WHEN is Muslim a race, Noir and Rev?

Define Muslim as a race compared to caucasian, negroid, asian, and Australian aborigines.

I (nor Rev) said they were, the only post in here saying muslims are a race is the (already established as idiotic) guy in the OP

I am sure there are far more good Muslims than there are bad, just like there is with any other race."

09-22-2016, 03:16 PM
Do you see islam as a race? Do you see christianity as a race? Do you see baptist as a race?

Is there such a thing as religionaphobia? Because I'm sure there is now!!

Again, the store owner is clearly targeting arab muslims. I doubt he'd care or notice a white female Canadian Muslim entering his diner.


I (nor Rev) said they were, the only post in here saying muslims are a race is the (already established as idiotic) guy in the OP

I beg your pardon?

09-22-2016, 03:52 PM
I beg your pardon?

Im not going to start talking for others (I shouldn't have mentioned Rev in my post in the first place), but as I did - from reading the thread I believe Rev was clear with where he was going with his discussion and it wasn't 'Muslims are a race'.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2016, 04:04 PM
When your "leaders" not only fail to admit there is a threat, but actually embrace un-vett-able refugees from these very wonky countries, and refuse to close our borders to illegal invaders, it breeds this kind of reaction.

09-22-2016, 04:36 PM
So a "Police Get Out" sign would be Ok I'm sure too.
no problemo

Since everyone will just know it REALLY means the 'Bad Apple' police.
sheesh c'mon right? no one would every get the wrong idea.

not racist signs.



Religious bigotry, religious intolerance, religious persecution, religious wars, yeah that's a thing.
Been around for a few millennia.
That's not a modern Christian or a good american value. Was never something that Jesus and the apostles taught.
But maybe for the new/oldschool right wing it's make sense, because of the fea... i mean "concern".

I beg your pardon?
I beg your pardon. I never said Islam is a race.
My point is to the stupidity and dangers of labeling generic large groups --- races, nationalities, religions, professions --- as a hated boogie man.

I think we disagree on enough already Elessar, no need to make up stuff.


09-22-2016, 04:39 PM
When your "leaders" not only fail to admit there is a threat, but actually embrace un-vett-able refugees from these very wonky countries, and refuse to close our borders to illegal invaders, it breeds this kind of reaction.

It doesn't take a president's action ...or inaction... to "breed" this type of reaction.
It's a part of American history/DNA, and human nature.

09-22-2016, 05:54 PM
Again, the store owner is clearly targeting arab muslims. I doubt he'd care or notice a white female Canadian Muslim entering his diner.

If you stand an Saudi/Iranian next to a Spanish or Italian you'd be hard pressed to tell them apart. Most of the people in that part of the world have darker hair and a darker complexion than someone from England or Sweden. All are considered white/Caucasian.

Muslim is NOT A RACE it is a RELIGION. It's just as idiotic to say No Catholics and have someone ASS-ume you're talking about Mexicans.

09-22-2016, 07:17 PM
For those who disagree with whether that sign is racist.

Tell us if you'd prefer to see this one in it's place, and you'd say nothing!


How bout you pete????

Abbey Marie
09-22-2016, 07:38 PM
It doesn't take a president's action ...or inaction... to "breed" this type of reaction.
It's a part of American history/DNA, and human nature.

I disagree. The leaders do set the tone, and none more than the President. And I would say that as a country we have been rather welcoming to people from all over the world, until they started trying to kill us.

Abbey Marie
09-22-2016, 07:51 PM
It doesn't take a president's action ...or inaction... to "breed" this type of reaction.
It's a part of American history/DNA, and human nature.

I'm also wondering why you don't think the things I mentioned could easily have a negative effect on people. Must you see everything as the result of evil white person racism?

09-22-2016, 08:00 PM
If you stand an Saudi/Iranian next to a Spanish or Italian you'd be hard pressed to tell them apart. Most of the people in that part of the world have darker hair and a darker complexion than someone from England or Sweden. All are considered white/Caucasian.

hmmm not hard at all if you travel a bit. Also northern Italians look much different than from Sicily.

09-22-2016, 08:05 PM
I'm also wondering why you don't think the things I mentioned could easily have a negative effect on people. Must you see everything as the result of evil white person racism?

Abbey. That's the constant impression I always seem to feel from rev as well. He pretends to be an equal opportunity hypocrite, but hides behind he actual dislike, and near hatred for anyone who doesn't look like him.
As I have personally experienced over nearly fifty years now. As a white person trying to be understanding, and compassionately willing to talk about the problems Black Americans have; I full well know, any attempts to do so usually end with a declaration that I am a racist, and unqualified to even discuss such problems.
It's almost a NO-WIN, anyway anybody tries.

09-23-2016, 06:31 AM
hmmm not hard at all if you travel a bit. Also northern Italians look much different than from Sicily.

Oh I have traveled, thank you very much. The skin tone and dark hair is very prevalent in that part of the world. All of which doesn't change the fact that Muslim is a religion and not a race.

09-23-2016, 09:30 AM
I'm also wondering why you don't think the things I mentioned could easily have a negative effect on people. Must you see everything as the result of evil white person racism?
I said "HUMAN Nature", really sorry you think I see "everything" as "evil white person racism". that's really not my POV.
I don' think i've used that term and In THIS thread I've said that labeling ANY Group as a boogie man is stupid.. "any" includes calling "white people" evil.

But to make make my point clearer. you said that the Muslim issues is a reaction to Obama.
I say NO, it's not so much Obama but the reaction is to the attacks by muslim extremist.
Instead of looking at the problem as primarily narrow group AMONG muslim, HUMAN NATURE and YES many white Americans reactions is to be "concerned" and angry at the whole GROUP, rather than do the hard work of sifting through the millions/billons of muslims to target the REAL potential threats. Threats in Islamic teaching and potential violence.

Is what I'm saying false?

I think you know I tend to deal with the good, the bad and the ugly of most issues.
And it seems to that here again just because i've pointed out some of the dark side of the Americans cultural history that I'm accused of thinking it's ALL Bad or "Evil". NOPE sorry if that all you want to see of my statement fine that's your right. but you'd be wrong. America has some wonderful history with minorities... and some horrible. BOTH are part of white Americas historical/cultural DNA. If you want to compare it to other countries also full of flawed Human Beings and claim it's better in various respects than others... from time to time... here and there... or conceptually... OK sure.

But I'm not going to pretend that After 9/11 some Americans didn't attack random Muslims or vilify and become suspicious of ALL muslims. And also put up signs similar those of the guy this thread is about. So what exactly did Obama have to do with that? Even George Bush went on TV at a Mosque to try and mollify some of that knee jerk anti-ALL Muslim anger that was roiling around the country. He said among other things...
...These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that.
The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.
The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.
When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race.
America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.
Women who cover their heads in this country must feel comfortable going outside their homes. Moms who wear cover must be not intimidated in America. That's not the America I know. That's not the America I value. I've been told that some fear to leave; some don't want to go shopping for their families; some don't want to go about their ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they're afraid they'll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in America....

Now is that very different from what Obama's been saying? Was Bush CAUSING people to hate islam MORE by saying those things, or is it only when Obama does it?
But I have to say even then I didn't agree that Islam was "peace" or that violence is against the muslim faith but i do agree with the sentiment that MOST muslims are NOT hell bent on killing us. And that we shouldn't be treating them all like criminal threats JUST because they are Muslim. I don't agree with Obama administration NOT calling Muslim extremist "muslim extremist." I think it's STUPID, and just a plain lie. I think he should be VERY specific and call it violent SHIA fundamentalist Muslim Extremist Cults. So that those outside of Islam can start to make a distinction and those inside can sense EXACTLY who our targets are and think twice about associating themselves with groups like that.

So anyway Abbey I think my points stands, when the Japanese Gov't attacked the U.S. many americans became self righteously suspicious and unwelcoming of ALL Japanese, Japanese americans as well as Germans and Italian Americans too. Not FDR's fault it's Human Nature, and part of America's historical knee jerk reaction by threats from 'the other'. Presidents often try to calm those reactions. Sometimes it helps sometimes not so much, sometimes it backfires. people are people.

09-23-2016, 09:42 AM
I remember when the Okalhoma City bombing took place that for hours... maybe a day... all the speculation was about Muslims/'Arabs' being the terrorist and i was struck by the anti-muslim/'Arab' sentiment rising up. Basically All muslims were being painted with a negative brush by some. But finally we all found out that it was a white guy. a former military guy. a former Roman Catholic. a member of a raicst militia group. Suddenly for some reason nearly all the GENERAL accusations against race, religion, profession and associations went away. But yes, there was some very real extra pressure on militias and racist groups... but that was nearly all from the left. However there were no SIGNS popping up at businesses or from average Americans that said...
"Military GET OUT!"
"Militia GET OUT"
"Whites GET OUT"
"Roman Catholics GET OUT".
Was it because Bill Clinton said the right things?

Abbey Marie
09-23-2016, 10:44 AM
I said "HUMAN Nature", really sorry you think I see "everything" as "evil white person racism". that's really not my POV.
I don' think i've used that term and In THIS thread I've said that labeling ANY Group as a boogie man is stupid.. "any" includes calling "white people" evil.

But to make make my point clearer. you said that the Muslim issues is a reaction to Obama.
I say NO, it's not so much Obama but the reaction is to the attacks by muslim extremist.
Instead of looking at the problem as primarily narrow group AMONG muslim, HUMAN NATURE and YES many white Americans reactions is to be "concerned" and angry at the whole GROUP, rather than do the hard work of sifting through the millions/billons of muslims to target the REAL potential threats. Threats in Islamic teaching and potential violence.

Is what I'm saying false?

I think you know I tend to deal with the good, the bad and the ugly of most issues.
And it seems to that here again just because i've pointed out some of the dark side of the Americans cultural history that I'm accused of thinking it's ALL Bad or "Evil". NOPE sorry if that all you want to see of my statement fine that's your right. but you'd be wrong. America has some wonderful history with minorities... and some horrible. BOTH are part of white Americas historical/cultural DNA. If you want to compare it to other countries also full of flawed Human Beings and claim it's better in various respects than others... from time to time... here and there... or conceptually... OK sure.

But I'm not going to pretend that After 9/11 some Americans didn't attack random Muslims or vilify and become suspicious of ALL muslims. And also put up signs similar those of the guy this thread is about. So what exactly did Obama have to do with that? Even George Bush went on TV at a Mosque to try and mollify some of that knee jerk anti-ALL Muslim anger that was roiling around the country. He said among other things...
...These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that.
The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.
The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.
When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race.
America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.
Women who cover their heads in this country must feel comfortable going outside their homes. Moms who wear cover must be not intimidated in America. That's not the America I know. That's not the America I value. I've been told that some fear to leave; some don't want to go shopping for their families; some don't want to go about their ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they're afraid they'll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in America....

Now is that very different from what Obama's been saying? Was Bush CAUSING people to hate islam MORE by saying those things, or is it only when Obama does it?
But I have to say even then I didn't agree that Islam was "peace" or that violence is against the muslim faith but i do agree with the sentiment that MOST muslims are NOT hell bent on killing us. And that we shouldn't be treating them all like criminal threats JUST because they are Muslim. I don't agree with Obama administration NOT calling Muslim extremist "muslim extremist." I think it's STUPID, and just a plain lie. I think he should be VERY specific and call it violent SHIA fundamentalist Muslim Extremist Cults. So that those outside of Islam can start to make a distinction and those inside can sense EXACTLY who our targets are and think twice about associating themselves with groups like that.

So anyway Abbey I think my points stands, when the Japanese Gov't attacked the U.S. many americans became self righteously suspicious and unwelcoming of ALL Japanese, Japanese americans as well as Germans and Italian Americans too. Not FDR's fault it's Human Nature, and part of America's historical knee jerk reaction by threats from 'the other'. Presidents often try to calm those reactions. Sometimes it helps sometimes not so much, sometimes it backfires. people are people.

I never singled out Obama; I said our "leaders". After you pressed the issue, I added that the President sets the tone. Which he does.

Re: the second bolded text: Kinda like how blacks have a knee-jerk reaction towards ALL cops after the actions of a few bad apples? I tend to think when we are bombed or are at war with a country or group of people, we have more right to that reaction, and I'm not even sure it is correct to characterize it as knee-jerk in those cases. Whereas the riots in Charlotte based on zero/erroneous evidence are the very definition of knee-jerk. But it seems to me that you don't seem too concerned about these reactions when it comes to the cops. If I've missed that, I apologize. I don't read everything.

I do agree with your last sentence. It is exactly what I am saying we have been missing from Obama. By inviting only people from one side of the controversy to the WH, and ignoring the Dallas cop murders, he has actually fanned the flames for many folks. And set the tone perhaps to the point that the NFL would not even allow the Dallas Cowboys to publicly honor the fallen Dallas cops.

09-23-2016, 11:20 AM
I never singled out Obama; I said our "leaders". After you pressed the issue, I added that the President sets the tone. Which he does.


When your "leaders" not only fail to admit there is a threat, but actually embrace un-vett-able refugees from these very wonky countries, and refuse to close our borders to illegal invaders, it breeds this kind of reaction.

Seems to me those criteria of 'leaders' only applies to Obama.
If i'm mistaken sorry.

...Re: the second bolded text: Kinda like how blacks have a knee-jerk reaction towards ALL cops after the actions of a few bad apples? I tend to think when we are bombed or or at war with a country or group of people, we have more right to that reaction, and I'm not even sure it is correct to characterize it as knee-jerk in those cases. Whereas the riots in Charlotte based on zero/erroneous evidence are the very definition of knee-jerk. But it seems to me that you don't seem too concerned about these reactions when it comes to the cops. If I've missed that, I apologize. I don't read everything.

I do agree with your last sentence. It is exactly what I am saying we have been missing from Obama. By inviting only people from one side of the controversy, to the WH, and ignoring the Dallas cop murders, he has actually fanned the flames for many folks. And set the tone perhaps to the point that the NFL would not even allow the Dallas Cowboys to publicly honor the fallen Dallas cops.

As far as "blacks" knee jerk reaction and it being over "ALL cops".
well it seems to me there's been a series of events... where blacks have been killed by cops.. over and over again.. many innocent and unarmed. and the current death you mentioned sparked, yes, a knee jerk reaction.

Concerning it only being bad apples and not a broader training and other issues that's another question.
I've pointed out several times ...to seemingly deaf ears... in the protect and serve thread that it's not ALL police.
And I've quoted many other Blacks and others that also say it's not All police. But yes you can find some protesters, rioters that say or chant things that could be taken to mean exactly that.
But as has been pointed out by several here, If there's a break in at their homes or shooting on their street etc, they will CALL the cops without hesitation. And be happy if they show up to help, White, Black, Asian or Muslim cop. Because hating ALL cops that's not really what they mean. Everyone just wants GOOD COPS who don't hurt/kill for little or no good reason.
However I have to wonder how many anti Muslims, or anti 'Jap' sign posters would be happy to see a Muslim FBI agent or 'Jap' policeman if they needed one. I suspect that many would be more happy to have ZERO muslims, or have had ZERO "Japs" in the country.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-23-2016, 11:56 AM
I said "HUMAN Nature", really sorry you think I see "everything" as "evil white person racism". that's really not my POV.
I don' think i've used that term and In THIS thread I've said that labeling ANY Group as a boogie man is stupid.. "any" includes calling "white people" evil.

But to make make my point clearer. you said that the Muslim issues is a reaction to Obama.
I say NO, it's not so much Obama but the reaction is to the attacks by muslim extremist.
Instead of looking at the problem as primarily narrow group AMONG muslim, HUMAN NATURE and YES many white Americans reactions is to be "concerned" and angry at the whole GROUP, rather than do the hard work of sifting through the millions/billons of muslims to target the REAL potential threats. Threats in Islamic teaching and potential violence.

Is what I'm saying false?

I think you know I tend to deal with the good, the bad and the ugly of most issues.
And it seems to that here again just because i've pointed out some of the dark side of the Americans cultural history that I'm accused of thinking it's ALL Bad or "Evil". NOPE sorry if that all you want to see of my statement fine that's your right. but you'd be wrong. America has some wonderful history with minorities... and some horrible. BOTH are part of white Americas historical/cultural DNA. If you want to compare it to other countries also full of flawed Human Beings and claim it's better in various respects than others... from time to time... here and there... or conceptually... OK sure.

But I'm not going to pretend that After 9/11 some Americans didn't attack random Muslims or vilify and become suspicious of ALL muslims. And also put up signs similar those of the guy this thread is about. So what exactly did Obama have to do with that? Even George Bush went on TV at a Mosque to try and mollify some of that knee jerk anti-ALL Muslim anger that was roiling around the country. He said among other things...
...These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that.
The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.
The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.
When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race.
America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.
Women who cover their heads in this country must feel comfortable going outside their homes. Moms who wear cover must be not intimidated in America. That's not the America I know. That's not the America I value. I've been told that some fear to leave; some don't want to go shopping for their families; some don't want to go about their ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they're afraid they'll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in America....

Now is that very different from what Obama's been saying? Was Bush CAUSING people to hate islam MORE by saying those things, or is it only when Obama does it?
But I have to say even then I didn't agree that Islam was "peace" or that violence is against the muslim faith but i do agree with the sentiment that MOST muslims are NOT hell bent on killing us. And that we shouldn't be treating them all like criminal threats JUST because they are Muslim. I don't agree with Obama administration NOT calling Muslim extremist "muslim extremist." I think it's STUPID, and just a plain lie. I think he should be VERY specific and call it violent SHIA fundamentalist Muslim Extremist Cults. So that those outside of Islam can start to make a distinction and those inside can sense EXACTLY who our targets are and think twice about associating themselves with groups like that.

So anyway Abbey I think my points stands, when the Japanese Gov't attacked the U.S. many americans became self righteously suspicious and unwelcoming of ALL Japanese, Japanese americans as well as Germans and Italian Americans too. Not FDR's fault it's Human Nature, and part of America's historical knee jerk reaction by threats from 'the other'. Presidents often try to calm those reactions. Sometimes it helps sometimes not so much, sometimes it backfires. people are people.

But I have to say even then I didn't agree that Islam was "peace" or that violence is against the muslim faith but i do agree with the sentiment that MOST muslims are NOT hell bent on killing us.

NO, NOT BY ACTION , but by Koran mandated support they are!! That is--if they are true muslims..
The head preaches to murder, the body supports the tails doing the murdering deeds..
With full knowledge that each time a tail is cut off, a new one is regrown by the untouched body and then instructed what to do by the untouched head. A hydra.....
Only this particular hydra is real, is murdering around the world daily.
Islam murders those that actively opposes its agenda.
Silence is not opposition to Islam's savagery and commanded destruction of all infidels, as by silence the main body insures not being attacked and destroyed.
Read the Koran , English translations are available-- AND HUNDREDS OF KORANIC VERSES SHOW MY WORDS ARE TRUE..-Tyr

11-26-2016, 01:17 PM
'Muslims Get Out' Sign Isn't Racist, Minn. Restaurant Owner Claims

What penalties, criminal or what else followed for a restaurant owner?
I just searched the Internet and further development is not found... well, still English-speaking Internet, there are difficulties in using them.

01-05-2017, 10:39 AM
This following picture would be (i.e, IS ..) aimed at a British audience. But it also correctly encapsulates the Muslim expectation that all host countries MUST bend to their wants and needs and see them as a priority, 'or else' those failing to do so earn demonisation through their failing to.
