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09-21-2016, 08:29 AM
So what does he need to do? When she screws up like she did in the past few weeks, he needs to drop the weird stuff that brings up controversy, and that's when he needs to get his gurus in there to write up some great speeches and ads. This has been his downfall, coming back to her issues with his own weirdness.

But Pennsylvania remains an issue, while he is closing the gap in other swing states. He needs to deploy double the amount he has on the ground now and see if he can pull closer, otherwise as the article points out, national polls and closing the gap may not mean much in the long haul. :(


Why Trump Remains a Long Shot

Donald Trump has surged in national polls but his prospects for winning the presidency remain dim.

His weakness among suburban voters, especially women, leaves him trailing by about 7 points in Pennsylvania, and it is tough to construct a plausible scenario giving him the 270 electoral votes needed to win without the Keystone State.

Similarly, his strength with blue collar men is likely not be enough to overcome his weakness among more-educated, middle class women in several other battleground states — even if not by such a wide margin.

New revelations about Hillary Clinton’s emails and her obsession with secrecy, laid bare by her bout with pneumonia, gave Trump an opening to reintroduce himself as a more reasonable choice to those women.

Instead, he resurrected the birther issue and pounded on the evils of immigration and free trade, and poor Mexico.

Middle class women work outside the home, and often employ or work alongside immigrants.

They shop at Walmart, are skeptical about balancing family budgets without inexpensive goods from China, and many recognize the United States can’t simply rip up NAFTA without wholly destabilizing Mexico and causing millions more to try to cross our southern border.

A more reasoned approach to immigration — one giving priority to applicants with skills in short supply and committed to assimilating — would benefit our economy but he still talks about building a wall and getting tough to make our country safe.

Rest here - http://www.newsmax.com/Finance/PeterMorici/donald-trump-long-shot-president-economy/2016/09/21/id/749322/

09-21-2016, 08:36 AM
I'm really looking forward to the 1st debate. That will tell the story.

How many drugs are they going to use to prop her up?

09-21-2016, 08:38 AM
I'm really looking forward to the 1st debate. That will tell the story.

How many drugs are they going to use to prop her up?

I'm hoping for a coughing fit. I'm really hoping she falls to the ground, but some may see me as not so nice if I say that! :laugh:

Trump needs to stay more on point than he did in the initial primary debates, but hopefully he'll be able to get some jabs in there about her health, the email scandal and her lies.

09-21-2016, 12:27 PM
Why Trump Remains a Long Shot

Rest here - http://www.newsmax.com/Finance/PeterMorici/donald-trump-long-shot-president-economy/2016/09/21/id/749322/

Most certainly because of who he is. Other Republican candidates polled better against hrc back during the primaries and the only reason he's doing this well in the first place is due to how awful she is IMO.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-21-2016, 12:32 PM
I'm hoping for a coughing fit. I'm really hoping she falls to the ground, but some may see me as not so nice if I say that! :laugh:

Trump needs to stay more on point than he did in the initial primary debates, but hopefully he'll be able to get some jabs in there about her health, the email scandal and her lies.

I hope she falls down and can't get up..
And would be nice if a lightning bolt hit the ffing scum right between the eyes -- you know, just for good measure.
I've asked repeatedly but God simply does not answer..-Tyr

09-21-2016, 12:32 PM
Most certainly because of who he is. Other Republican candidates polled better against hrc back during the primaries and the only reason he's doing this well in the first place is due to how awful she is IMO.

Indeed. If it were anyone but Hillary or perhaps Sanders, it would be a landslide. Weird how both parties came up with the most awful...