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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-21-2016, 08:57 AM
" No Good Deed Goes Unpunished"

Have you ever heard that old saying?
My father was quite fond of saying it and teaching we boys the truth of it.
He would say to us, " boys when you become men-never pass up a chance to help a poor person in need if its in your power to do so.
but know this truism- " in this cold , dark world , no good deed goes unpunished". Should you become honorable men and engage in doing good deeds with no hope or desire to be rewarded for doing so- then the dark forces in this world will punish you"!

Was he correct??? Did I find in my 62 years here on this blue marble that he had given us good advice and a clear warning of what to expect?
Yes and yes...

Now I admit to having my fair share of wildness and savagery in my youth...
I did so a few times but always with an open hand(slap), never with fist and never with full force to inflict serious damage.
Thus I am never saying I have been an angel. I worked at(as a job) and even played at (personal fights and for fun ) fighting.
This I countered by a great many good deeds and my stepping in to help weaker men and women when being hurt by tough hombres.

And --each time I did such a good deed--trust me on this--I was later punished. Often within mere hours or even a few days.

That part aside, I was very generous back then giving financial aid to friends and acquaintances in dire circumstances.
And doing so neither expecting, demanding or bartering for any form of compensation. For if one seek payment its not a good deed and can in no way ever be considered a counter for any bad they may have done (bad as in using excessive force even against very bad hombres)..

I have no desire to list specific examples of my giving away money. Although interesting the cause, the circumstances and outcomes-its not about
my actions being lauded.
Rather its about my having far more than an average experience in this part of life/living.

Later if discussions bring it about, I may reply giving specific examples but would truly rather not do so.
As this is about whether or not you think the old saying- "no good deed goes unpunished" is or is not a truism...
and why you may think it is or is not..

Myself, I know it is true and know it is true, just as surely as I know water is wet...

That being sad, I also know the force behind it and where that force comes from. --Tyr

Abbey Marie
09-21-2016, 10:52 AM
I have found that it is common for people you help to actually end up resenting you for it. Perhaps it is better to give anonymously after all.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-25-2016, 10:51 AM
I have found that it is common for people you help to actually end up resenting you for it. Perhaps it is better to give anonymously after all.
That truism I have encountered in spades well over a dozen times(a low estimate).
Such resentment, totally illogical could be the anger they have for themselves(for getting into such a bad need) --vented at the nearest target-the person giving aid..
As if that person is heaping injury upon their loss or deliberately attempting to crush their fragile ego.

Sadly, close relatives/friends are the worse at taking that approach in my experience..-Tyr

09-25-2016, 06:24 PM
I have found that it is common for people you help to actually end up resenting you for it. Perhaps it is better to give anonymously after all.

Abbey. As I suspect many people have also learned. My wife and I learned the hard way about NEVER lending money to WHAT USED TO BE FRIENDS.

We did it twice to FORMER friends we THOUGHT we could trust.

RULE OF THUMB NOW: If you want to lose a friend, or you don't want to see anyone again...LEND THEM MONEY!