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09-21-2016, 05:32 PM
Ah those famous words.

Such is the reason of 'show me who your friends are...'

Chaffetz is the one that has dogged the Clinton emails and served the FBI in open session of his committee.

Maybe now that he's in politics, instead of 'journalism' he'll be more polite? Seems like there's a lot of hope going around based on careers in politics.


Donald Trump’s New Chief Steve Bannon Called Republican Leaders ‘C**ts’

Steve Bannon had some strong feelings about Republican leadership in Congress two years ago, which may complicate any further campaign charm offensives on Capitol Hill.

08.19.16 1:30 PM ET

Donald Trump’s new campaign boss—the guy white supremacists are so excited about (http://www.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/articles/2016/08/17/alt-right-rejoices-at-trump-s-steve-bannon-hire.html)—once described D.C.’s top Republicans as “****s.”

Stephen Bannon, the Trump campaign’s new chief executive as of Wednesday, used the phrase two years ago in emails with Breitbart reporter Matt Boyle. Bannon ran Breitbart at the time, and the two schemed about how to get activists to “turn on the hate” as part of a plan to “burn this bitch down.” The emails, obtained by The Daily Beast, are just another reminder that the Trump campaign’s new management is unlikely to play nice (http://www.thedailybeast.com/content/dailybeast/articles/2016/08/18/how-donald-trump-s-new-hire-finally-killed-gop-unity.html) with party leaders.

The exchange took place on Dec. 16, 2014. In it, Bannon flagged a Roll Callstory (http://www.rollcall.com/218/chaffetz-lays-out-different-direction-for-oversight/) about a private meeting Rep. Jason Chaffetz held for about a dozen Capitol Hill reporters. Chaffetz was about to become chairman of the powerful Oversight and Government Reform Committee, and the meeting previewed his plans for the committee.

“Were we invited to this?” Bannon emailed.

Matt Boyle, then a Breitbart reporter and now its Washington political editor, replied that he wasn’t.

“To be honest, completely between us, I think Chaffetz is a sniveling little shit and deserves to have his ass kicked in the conservative media,” Boyle continued. “This is something that leads me very heavily in that direction.”

In another email, Boyle went into more detail.

“Again I didn’t get an invite but not sure if they maybe gave one to someone else here or something,” he wrote. “BTW— as for lighting people up in the next few weeks//months we need to be smart about it all. Let’s play the game with brains here, we can’t just kill them all. Let me get some feelers out for how the new congress is gonna work before we annihilate everyone.”

Bannon pushed for a more scorched-earth approach.

“Leadership are all ****s,” he wrote. “We should just go buck wild.”

Then he wrote, “Let the grassroots turn on the hate because that’s the ONLY thing that will make them do their duty.”

Boyle concurred.

“You know I agree,” he replied. “Let’s just not hurt ourselves in the process. If we’re gonna burn this bitch down, to quote the great Louis Head, we need to make sure the fire doesn’t burn us in the process. I’m working on plans with people right now to make it happen.”

Bannon and Boyle didn’t return requests for comment on the exchange. Chaffetz’s office didn’t comment either.

But Bannon’s slash-and-burn tendencies might not serve him as well in his new role...

09-21-2016, 05:43 PM
In my mind, I probably have called the Republican leaders worse than ****s, whatever that is.

Then a voice came out of the darkness,
saying "tear the system down'"