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09-24-2016, 04:34 PM
Before I provide the link, I beg you people who don't accept I don't know... kind of dead, do not watch this video.
In this video Lugansk, the capital of the Lugansk people's Republic, the record made by Briton Graham Phillips in 2014 short years, the video shows the slain family, from about the second minute, the family tried to escape from the besieged city. Behind the scenes is the only survivors, all the rest of the family killed by the intelligence unit of the army of Ukraine which passed on the analogue combat vehicles M2, one of the members of the family was killed by a shot from the main gun of the machine.

I want to ask you, if it was in your country, how he would react to this? Would require you to stop the war or give more rights to the military to suppress the rebels?

09-24-2016, 05:09 PM
I would like to add a video...
Until about the second minute, Graham Phillips is in the background (now) installed the monument and commented on the video.
The English version https://youtu.be/CO-KDYDknyw

Before the second-minute video which captured the attack by the army of Ukraine of the private sector of the suburbs of Lugansk... after the video with murdered family and... the common grave of the defenders of Lugansk militia. Each plate is a dead man... the combat situation is not allowed to bury each and were buried in a common grave.
Graham commented on the background of the monument, on which is written: "can't ever quite forget, never forgive!" is a result of the civil war, the monument erected to the innocent victims of the actions of the Ukrainian army and the inscription appeal to the soldiers of Ukraine... this is a civil war, the people of one nation, one country, will now hate each other.

You might ask why am I writing this to you and how it relates to you?
Direct, with your silent consent of the West supports this war, supplying weapons and money to Ukraine and die every day people very similar to you, it's not Baghdad, not Damascus... these people very similar to you.

09-24-2016, 06:12 PM
Before I provide the link, I beg you people who don't accept I don't know... kind of dead, do not watch this video.
In this video Lugansk, the capital of the Lugansk people's Republic, the record made by Briton Graham Phillips in 2014 short years, the video shows the slain family, from about the second minute, the family tried to escape from the besieged city. Behind the scenes is the only survivors, all the rest of the family killed by the intelligence unit of the army of Ukraine which passed on the analogue combat vehicles M2, one of the members of the family was killed by a shot from the main gun of the machine.

I want to ask you, if it was in your country, how he would react to this? Would require you to stop the war or give more rights to the military to suppress the rebels?

Perhaps it's a problem of translation. But, ruslanbag, are you accusing anyone who doesn't buy into your account of therefore being 'kind of dead' .. ?

I sincerely hope not. That would be gratuitously offensive.

So, then. Graham Phillips .. who, actually, is he ?

It turns out he's a British journalist, but one working for a Russian media outlet called 'RT'.

RT's biases are well known. Or to put it another way ... they earn the funding they receive directly FROM THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT.

This is something you omitted to point out to us.

How remiss of you.

See these links ...


LONDON — Britain's broadcasting regulator has issued a stern warning to RT because of biased reporting in four of its news bulletins during the Ukraine crisis earlier this year.

Ofcom warned the Russian state-backed channel that it would consider imposing a statutory sanction or other regulatory action if there were any future breaches of the due impartiality rules contained in Ofcom's Broadcasting Code.

RT is the Russian government-funded, English language television channel. Formerly called Russia Today, the company rebranded as RT in 2009.

Ofcom says RT's licensee, TV Novosti, did not adequately reflect the viewpoint of the interim Ukrainian government when making certain criticisms and allegations in four bulletins, broadcast on March 1, 3, 5 and 6.

This isn't the first time RT has been in trouble with Ofcom. The station has breached the code on other occasions.

In 2012, its coverage of Syria and Libya was examined and found to be in breach of rule 5.1, which covers impartiality.

Last month, the news channel launched RT UK news bulletins on weekday nights with host Bill Dod. The percentage of people in the UK who use RT for news dropped from 2% in 2013 to 1% in 2014, according to an Ofcom report on news consumption in the UK over the summer. CNN's share remained at 2%, while Al Jazeera increased from 3% to 4%.

In March, a U.S. news anchor quit live on air over what she described as the station's "whitewash" of coverage related to Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin.


RT, the Russian government-funded English-language television channel, presents its country’s view of the world.

So, it claims, does every other broadcaster. RT is just honest enough to admit it.

“Media outlets do not exist in a vacuum. Can you really expect any American corporate-owned news network to report a story in a way that goes against the U.S. national interest? Or Euronews to not advocate [European Commission] positions?” said Margarita Simonyan, who has led the editorial side of RT since its inception in 2004 as Russia Today.

George Galloway, a British minister of parliament who also hosts a show on RT, said media watchers shouldn't be shocked that RT has a different way of looking at the world than most Americans — and even its own American anchors.

“Every television station has its own bias. You are talking to me from the land of Fox News, so most of this kind of criticism is completely hollow as far as I’m concerned,” said Galloway. “Every state broadcaster like the BBC supports the prevailing view, the prevailing orthodoxy of its state. RT is no different in that regard.”

09-24-2016, 06:18 PM
It does not show or play well for me.

09-24-2016, 06:58 PM
Before I provide the link, I beg you people who don't accept I don't know... kind of dead, do not watch this video.
In this video Lugansk, the capital of the Lugansk people's Republic, the record made by Briton Graham Phillips in 2014 short years, the video shows the slain family, from about the second minute, the family tried to escape from the besieged city. Behind the scenes is the only survivors, all the rest of the family killed by the intelligence unit of the army of Ukraine which passed on the analogue combat vehicles M2, one of the members of the family was killed by a shot from the main gun of the machine.

I want to ask you, if it was in your country, how he would react to this? Would require you to stop the war or give more rights to the military to suppress the rebels?

ruslanbag43. You should begin reading, and begin a study of what IS happening in the USA.
We have a president who refuses to acknowledge that there IS A WAR taking place, every day in many of our major cities. And, the city our president claims as his own, has more than 3000 deaths, which have occurred on the streets of that city we call Chicago.
Then, you should also become familiar with how that same president refuses to identify TERRORIST threats in our nation, and will not SAY THEIR NAME.

As citizens. We have demanded an end to this kind of war, only to have our demands IGNORED.