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09-28-2016, 07:09 PM
New Freedom of Information Act results indicate there is nothing showing she completed the
required training to access, view, or use sensitive or classified material:


And I pointed these fact out several times, especially in the most recent "Trustworthy" Thread:

"It's hard to believe, particularly as it was her first year in office as secretary of state. The standard process is you will get all your security indoctrination done immediately upon taking office," Waurishuk said. "I don't care if you're a GS-1 or a private or a four-star general or President of the United States. You're going to go through your security indoctrination, particularly in the position of secretary of state."
Only authorized individuals can view SCI documents, and then only in a "Special Compartmented Information Facility." All smartphones, audio and video recorders, personal laptops, hard drives, writable CDs, MP3 players, and iPods are banned in the facility."


09-28-2016, 07:23 PM
New Freedom of Information Act results indicate there is nothing showing she completed the
required training to access, view, or use sensitive or classified material:


And I pointed these fact out several times, especially in the most recent "Trustworthy" Thread:

"It's hard to believe, particularly as it was her first year in office as secretary of state. The standard process is you will get all your security indoctrination done immediately upon taking office," Waurishuk said. "I don't care if you're a GS-1 or a private or a four-star general or President of the United States. You're going to go through your security indoctrination, particularly in the position of secretary of state."
Only authorized individuals can view SCI documents, and then only in a "Special Compartmented Information Facility." All smartphones, audio and video recorders, personal laptops, hard drives, writable CDs, MP3 players, and iPods are banned in the facility."


Elessar. Do you think it's any coincidence, or irony that "THE FBI" presents such information, and they (THE FBI) maintain's the records of such TRAINING, and the materials???

As a former RADIOMAN (Communications) Cryptological-CMS custodian myself. Every time I had to read, listen, and sign a SECURITY document. The FBI also issued a Polygraph to me, and others who would be handling...ANY classified material, or information.
So...I personally believe. The FBI is complicit in shielding CLINTON, and those who have been granted pardons...of sorts....are all GUILTY AS SIN.

09-28-2016, 07:26 PM
Elessar. Do you think it's any coincidence, or irony that "THE FBI" presents such information, and they (THE FBI) maintain's the records of such TRAINING, and the materials???

As a former RADIOMAN (Communications) Cryptological-CMS custodian myself. Every time I had to read, listen, and sign a SECURITY document. The FBI also issued a Polygraph to me, and others who would be handling...ANY classified material, or information.
So...I personally believe. The FBI is complicit in shielding CLINTON, and those who have been granted pardons...of sorts....are all GUILTY AS SIN.

But wait! There's more as per Trey Gowdy:



Check the "Related Stories" at the bottom of the 2nd quoted link.

Trustworthy? Bullshit!

09-29-2016, 12:05 PM
TUT TUT sounds like partisan conspiracy theory to me. I have no need to examine this at all because the people involved are all on ONE side therefore they must be completely wrong.

PLUS if were true it would mean hundreds of people in the State Dept., the FBI, the Justice Dept and private contractors as well as president Hope&Change were ALL covering and/or working for Hillary Clinton. :laugh::laugh: Someone would have Talked!! you can't keep secrets in gov't.... never happens.

AND BTW "cover up for Hilly job" mentioned in the that one alleged so-called email from that unknown contractor ...who is likely a republican:mad:... could mean.... like Cover Up the ummm, the uuuuh... cover up Hillary's personal emails to Bill...(crap!! Bill doesn't use email) I mean CHELSY!! I can't believe how far off the conspiracy deep end some folks have gone here. And is "newmax" even a real "news" source?!!! Don't the Koch Bros own that? or Roger Ailes or the TEA pARTY!? NewsMax.. more like right wing Conspiracy to the MAX. How come the regular ...never tells a lie or omits the truth... MSM hasn't run with this story huh?!! They'd get a big prize for uncovering this!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: But Maybe Hillary is a Lizard person too. and Aliens used the server! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

just for clarity all the above is sarcasm. IMO The above is the type of thing that comes from the left, right and BOTH at the same time if the story makes too much of the gov't seem corrupt.
But I'm convinced that Hillary and all of the people named as co-conspirators after the fact, DID help her set up and then cover up her Amateurish, Careless and illegal handling of classified e-mails and private servers.
In my mind it's just ANOTHER item on her list of crimes over the years that she'll never go to jail for.
And the fact that she'll never go to jail is another proof the the federal gov't is SHOT through with cronyism and deep corruption. it's the status quo.

09-29-2016, 04:19 PM
My clearance got compromised because our CMS Custodian was negligent in assisting
several people in getting their clearances updated / renewed. One that was also caused
to lapse was our Commanding Officer, as well as several pilots.

We all got interim clearances, but that was because we were already on record as having been
cleared without ever being revoked. The paperwork still had to be sent forward to get
the updates done, plus we still had to get record of the required training.

In her case, no record existed of the required training was found.