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10-03-2016, 04:24 PM
DOJ Reached ‘Side Agreements’ To Limit Search Of Clinton Lawyers’ Laptops

As part of its immunity deals with Hillary Clinton’s lawyers, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, the Justice Department agreed to destroy laptops the attorneys turned over to federal investigators and to limit searches of the devices to documents created before Jan. 31, 2015.

The perplexing “side agreements” are revealed in a letter that Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte sent to Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday.

Investigators with the House Judiciary Committee, which Goodlatte chairs, were able to review the DOJ’s agreements with Mills and Samuelson, who worked as aides to Clinton at the State Department before taking jobs as her lawyers.

“Please explain why DOJ agreed to limit their search of the Mills and Samuelson laptops to a date no later than January 31, 2015,” Goodlatte writes in the letter, which was first reported by Fox News and obtained by The Daily Caller.

Rest here - http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/03/doj-reached-side-agreements-to-limit-search-of-clinton-lawyers-laptops/

10-04-2016, 08:26 PM
jim....does the word "CROOKED" mean anything? We live in dangerous times when our own Justice Department, and the FBI have become so political.

Time for an INDEPENDENT investigation...assigned by Congress again.

Another WATERGATE type and nothing less.

Abbey Marie
10-05-2016, 10:23 AM
This brought to mind the rush to cremate JFK's body.

10-05-2016, 09:06 PM
The email scandal to begin with. Hilarious that now the democrat supporters swear up and down that she did nothing wrong. And also amazing that Comey declares her guilt as he reads some garbage of why he didn't charge her. And since then we just keep getting hit with more and more and more about what happened while she was in office. And astonishingly, other than maybe a few of us here on DP, it's largely ignored! :)


Please Tell Me These FBI/DOJ ‘Side Deals’ with Clinton E-Mail Suspects Didn’t Happen

The ‘side deals’ are further evidence of a highly politicized Obama Department of Justice.

Just when you think it can’t get any worse . . . According to House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte (R., Va.), the immunity agreements struck by the Justice Department with Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, two top subjects of the FBI’s Clinton e-mail investigation, included “side agreements.” Pursuant to these side agreements, it was stipulated that (a) the FBI would not scrutinize any documents dated after January 31, 2015 (i.e., about five weeks before the most disturbing actions suggestive of obstruction of justice occurred); and (b) the FBI — in an investigation critically involving destruction of documents — would destroy the computers after conducting its search.

These revelations are outlined in a letter Chairman Goodlatte penned yesterday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Goodlatte says his committee learned of the side deals upon reviewing the immunity agreements, which have not been made public. That review naturally prompted a demand by the committee to see the side deals, which — for reasons unexplained — the Justice Department elected not to provide when it gave the committee access to the immunity agreements. The side deals have also not been made public.

For anyone who worked in the Justice Department for any length of time, the striking of side deals with a defense lawyer (in this instance, Beth Wilkinson, who represents both Ms. Mills and Ms. Samuelson) is bracing. Written agreements with the Justice Department (regarding, for example, guilty pleas and cooperation) customarily include a clause explaining that the four corners of the document contain the entirety of the understandings between the parties. This is done precisely because defendants often claim they were enticed into signing the agreement because of this or that side deal purportedly agreed to by the government. The Justice Department likes to be able to say, “We don’t engage in those sorts of shenanigans. The agreement is the single agreement as written.” Why did the Justice Department make side deals in this case (which we’ve been told was treated like any other case . . . except, alas, when it wasn’t)?

Rest here - http://www.nationalreview.com/article/440697/hillary-clinton-email-scandal-side-deals-fbi-department-justice-politicized

10-05-2016, 09:14 PM
Plain and simple:

Underhanded cover-up by this "transparent" administration.

Attorney General is supposed to be non-partisan. Neither of the two chosen
by Obama have shown themselves to be that.

10-08-2016, 06:13 PM
Plain and simple:

Underhanded cover-up by this "transparent" administration.

Attorney General is supposed to be non-partisan. Neither of the two chosen
by Obama have shown themselves to be that.

Elessar. Remember that expression? YOU BECOME WHO YOU ASSOCIATE WITH?

Obama has chosen people to be around him who are AS Crooked, If not more Crooked than he is.

Holder, and Lynch, and now Comey, with dozens of members of the Democrat party are Crooks too!

So, it's true GUILT by ASSOCIATION.

10-08-2016, 06:57 PM
Elessar. Remember that expression? YOU BECOME WHO YOU ASSOCIATE WITH?

Obama has chosen people to be around him who are AS Crooked, If not more Crooked than he is.

Holder, and Lynch, and now Comey, with dozens of members of the Democrat party are Crooks too!

So, it's true GUILT by ASSOCIATION.

Yeah...and it sucks.

The left does not see it though. Obama and Hillary are both bullet-proof
and innocent..

You and I would be chopping rocks in a Federal Pen for doing this.

10-08-2016, 07:01 PM
Yeah...and it sucks.

The left does not see it though. Obama and Hillary are both bullet-proof
and innocent..

Elessar. Yeah. They Both THINK they are bullet proof, and innocent. But let's wait and see what happens if The Donald gets to replace the Drapes in the W/H, and despite all of the pardons Obama will hand out; History, and a very ANGRY "WE THE PEOPLE" will have the final say.

Let's ask gabby, and pete. They (think) they know everything.:laugh:

10-08-2016, 07:03 PM
Elessar. Yeah. They Both THINK they are bullet proof, and innocent. But let's wait and see what happens if The Donald gets to replace the Drapes in the W/H, and despite all of the pardons Obama will hand out; History, and a very ANGRY "WE THE PEOPLE" will have the final say.

Let's ask gabby, and pete. They (think) they know everything.:laugh:

Gabby and Pete not on this thread, but I hear You!:beer: