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View Full Version : Great article on Trump

Abbey Marie
10-09-2016, 12:20 AM

Explains so well what I have been trying to say here.

10-09-2016, 01:08 AM

Explains so well what I have been trying to say here.

Excellent article, nice find, Abbey!

This whole video tape was kept in reserve to counter WikiLeaks that they knew was coming. It's the DNC's October Surprise.

10-09-2016, 07:58 AM
There's nothing in the article I disagree with. Indeed it's what's been said for a long time, the right has moved towards the left. What I don't get, is there's a world of difference between saying that the party shouldn't 'blow itself up' over issues that won't be solved with an election, which most of those that boycotted Romney insisted upon; and bringing in someone who lacks any sense of decency in personal and business life, but we're supposed to back him because 'we don't know' what he'll bring to politics?

Because Trump reflects so many in a myriad of ways, he is the perfect foil to what?

10-09-2016, 11:23 AM
Total hypocrisy. Not to mention complete and utter BS.


10-09-2016, 11:49 AM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14568149_1127787013922998_2059694615437437933_n.jp g?oh=aeb6e5c7157b3f4a0ba0709fa3d10427&oe=58686C32

10-09-2016, 12:22 PM
Total hypocrisy. Not to mention complete and utter BS.

Agreed, like hell I can't judge a man who brags and advocates for sexual assaulting women.

10-09-2016, 12:29 PM
Agreed, like hell I can't judge a man who brags and advocates for sexual assaulting women.

You must have REALLY hated Bill Clinton :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-09-2016, 12:29 PM
Agreed, like hell I can't judge a man who brags and advocates for sexual assaulting women.

Or properly judge a wife that helps her husband do that over and over again (PROVEN ABOUT THE HILDA-BEAST AND HER DARLING HUSBAND).

Do you ever go there little Petey??

Sure you don't-- the damn hypocrisy rests in the lib/dem/socialist party--ffing rascals, liars and cowardly scum the entire lot of the ffing worms.-Tyr

Abbey Marie
10-09-2016, 12:29 PM
:clap: Outstanding!

https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14568149_1127787013922998_2059694615437437933_n.jp g?oh=aeb6e5c7157b3f4a0ba0709fa3d10427&oe=58686C32

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-09-2016, 12:52 PM
:clap: Outstanding!

What gets me and I have seen it often in the past- are dumb-asses that want to defend the "honor" of a woman that often openly curses worse than the words some man uses against her OR MERELY IN HER PRESENCE.
I've defended women-( even total strangers to me ) many times--but never about a woman being in close proximity to a guy using profane language that I've seen that lady use before and sometimes even worse.. ...
Had to be something far more substantial for me to involve myself and perhaps have to stomp the guy...
First ,one must establish how bad it is, if its truly deserved and/or if the lady is truly a lady and not just as foul-mouth as the offending guy is.
I know about about this thing--since as a bouncer for many years I had to make decisions on how to handle such altercations.
Usually, just tell the guy to shut up and leave the woman alone-- and he did not get to question my command--as that brought action.
I even had to often tell the "lady" to leave the man alone and stop cursing him like a damn sailor!!

Prudent judgment and a great deal of knowledge on Human Nature and how males and females are both -human,

10-09-2016, 02:40 PM
You must have REALLY hated Bill Clinton :laugh:

Yup, I don't defend Bill at all. Should have been removed from office.

10-09-2016, 03:33 PM
Well written.

And Yes, Pete, You and Gabby will still slide through the liberal slime to defend what
has been shown to be the Clintons misbehaviors.

10-09-2016, 05:26 PM
And Yes, Pete, You and Gabby will still slide through the liberal slime to defend what
has been shown to be the Clintons misbehaviors.

No one is defending Clinton's misbehaviors. Certainly not me.
Why are so many of you rushing in to defend Trump's misbehaviors? Does he get a pass on the things that Hillary and Bill are guilty of?

It's going to get worse. So you might as well strap yourself in. :cool:

10-09-2016, 05:41 PM
No one is defending Clinton's misbehaviors. Certainly not me.
Why are so many of you rushing in to defend Trump's misbehaviors? Does he get a pass on the things that Hillary and Bill are guilty of?

It's going to get worse. So you might as well strap yourself in. :cool:

gabby. STOP flattering yourself. We Trump supporters are not DEFENDING anything. Sadly for you. Trump is not a phony apologist. He stepped forward and took full responsibility for his words. Unlike most liberal, democrats who INTENTIONALLY say, and do things...while, at the same time, pretending they miss-spoke, or accidentally said something they also INSTANTLY, and Patronizingly apologize for to fool their followers who are also PHONIES.

10-09-2016, 05:50 PM
Yup, I don't defend Bill at all. Should have been removed from office.

How will you judge Hillary Clinton ? She's doubtless just waiting to try and twist the knife into Trump, when her own husband PROVABLY did WORSE, and DURING his time in Office.

Did she twist the knife into Bill ? Or did she help, through her comparative silence, to 'enable' Bill's own conduct ?

Any claim by Hillary that Trump is 'unfit for Office' should automatically translate into an even greater condemnation of her own husband ... which, I believe, has always been conspicuous by its absence ...

Bear in mind that Bill Clinton's activities were verified (.. despite his denials !). How does that compare to what's claimed on Trump's behalf, and Trump's unhesitating candour ?

10-09-2016, 06:05 PM
How will you judge Hillary Clinton ? She's doubtless just waiting to try and twist the knife into Trump, when her own husband PROVABLY did WORSE, and DURING his time in Office.

Did she twist the knife into Bill ? Or did she help, through her comparative silence, to 'enable' Bill's own conduct ?

Any claim by Hillary that Trump is 'unfit for Office' should automatically translate into an even greater condemnation of her own husband ... which, I believe, has always been conspicuous by its absence ...

Bear in mind that Bill Clinton's activities were verified (.. despite his denials !). How does that compare to what's claimed on Trump's behalf, and Trump's unhesitating candor ?

https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14522766_334898643528471_4598141803044705867_n.jpg ?oh=8c93377f508bd2f8d40cb74f1e1799b3&oe=58A0B50B