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10-10-2016, 02:16 PM
Will the debate help him at all in the polls? That's yet to be seen, but he better hops so, as he's taking a beating after his stupid comments were released. And yup, these articles are all from Newsmax. Skip on right now if you have an issue with that.


Trump's 'Masterful Performance' Rattled Clinton

GOP nominee Donald Trump delivered a "masterful performance" at Sunday night's presidential debate that left Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton "off her game and rattled," Trump's campaign spokeswoman, Kellyanne Conway, said Monday.

"He took the case right to Hillary Clinton from the very beginning," Conway told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program. "I hear her team really trying to spin the heck out of it last night and this morning as, 'hey, she came to talk about the issues.'

Clinton, though, was the one to start the combative nature of the events in the first debate with her "diversionary tactics and extraneous moments," by bringing up topics that moderator Lester Holt had not been talking about and had "nothing to do with the subject matter at hand," Conway said.

Conway started out Monday's interview by denying several stories that had come out in the wake of hot-mic tapes of Trump making explicit comments about women, including reports she called "really bad" by NBC that she was leaving the campaign.

She also denied reports that Trump's running mate, Mike Pence, is leaving the ticket, commenting the Indiana governor is on his way to North Carolina on Monday and has a full slate of events.

Finally, she told show host Joe Scarborough that he was "zero for three" when he asked if Republicans would be coming up with an alternative for Trump.

"I think people are looking for excitement and crazy stories," said Conway. "Tune into the campaign. There's plenty there. Watch the debate last night. You have lots of fodder."

In the debate, Conway pointed out, Trump talked about Clinton's 33,000 deleted emails and the fact that she didn't know that the letter "C" means "confidential" in a document, despite having been a senator, first lady, and secretary of state.


Scarborough, Brzezinski Praise Trump's 'Epic' Debate Performance

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski have both been critical over GOP nominee Donald Trump in recent months, but on Monday, they both praised him for what Brzezinski called an "epic" performance on Sunday night's presidential debate.

"This is the political reality, for the Republican base, Donald Trump delivered the attack against the Clinton machine that the Republican base in middle America [has] been waiting for, for years now," Scarborough commented the "Morning Joe" show he co-hosts with Brzezinski, going on to call Trump's explosive performance his "most effective" yet.

"My God, it was epic," Brzezinski, a liberal, who has admitted on the air that she could not be objective when it comes to Trump. "No Republican in America could have done what he did last night. It was vintage Trump. He produced a day-long show that rocked the political world."

Clinton was "on the defensive most of the night" and seemed "unsure of herself," while Trump, "who has made the Republican Party members' lives living and breathing hells for the past year and a half, last night turned it up to 11," said Scarborough. "And all of those people that jumped ship about halfway through the debate were looking at their TV saying, 'oh, shoot.'"

And when it comes to a leaked videotape of Trump using explicit language against women, Scarborough said "no Republican in America should have been surprised by what they heard on Friday" and he thinks many of those who backed away from Trump will be back.


Gingrich: GOP Demanding Trump Quit Have 'Egg on Their Face' After Debate

ormer House Speaker Newt Gingrich slammed those Republicans demanding that Donald Trump quit as the GOP presidential nominee, telling Fox News after the second debate in St. Louis, saying, "They have a lot of egg on their face, because the guy who showed up for the debate tonight… clearly has earned being the Republican nominee."

Gingrich said that Trump made his points so well during the debate that "it's kind of crazy for someone to suggest dumping him at this point, and I would hope a lot of those who panicked over the weekend would reconsider their position in light over what we have learned about Hillary through WikiLeaks and the importance of stopping her from truly crippling the country."

After the first presidential debate, the former House speaker was critical of Trump, telling The New York Times that he "has to decide that the presidency is worth drilling into," referring to his lack of preparation for the encounter.

But following the second encounter with Clinton, Gingrich emphasized to Fox News that "Trump came in prepared to go as hard as he needed to. I think he stayed nose to nose with her all evening and I think that she steadily lost . . .

"He was very fast, and I think very good in coming back on a number of occasions and basically totally outmaneuvering her in terms of language, examples, bringing her own record to bear," Gingrich added.


Huckabee: Trump Showed Contrast, 'His Cuts Drew Blood'

Mike Huckabee says while the second presidential debate "wasn't pretty" and "more like a street fight than boxing," Donald Trump won it hands down.

"Trump fearlessly took the game straight to Hillary [Clinton] and made the next 30 days about her repeated lies and corruption and not his disgusting comments of 11 years ago," the former Arkansas governor said Monday on his Facebook page.

"He often reminded people why he won the primaries by unapologetically hitting at failed policies of the elites and establishment from both parties.

"Trump needed to show contrast and he did. He is more a chain saw than a scalpel, but his cuts drew blood . . . Trump won the debate. That much I know."


Rep. Peter King: Trump 'Totally Dominated' Debate With Hillary

Donald Trump "totally dominated" his second debate Sunday with Hillary Clinton – and having former President Bill Clinton's accusers in the hall at Washington University "changed the tone of the debate" regarding the leaked 2005 video, Rep. Peter King told Newsmax TV.

"He showed upfront that this should not dominate the rest of the presidential campaign," the New York Republican told host J.D. Hayworth on the "Newsmax TV Post-Debate Special." "He showed enough contrition, and then he went on to get around to the issues that he was strong.

"Hillary thought it was smart just to sit back and not attempt to refute what Donald Trump was saying – and he really scored point after point.

"He used the word 'apologize' two or three times – and he didn’t want to get locked in a corner."

Watch J.D. Hayworth on Newsmax TV — on FiOS 115, YouTube Livestream, Newsmax TV App from any smartphone, NewsmaxTV.com, Roku, Amazon Fire – More Systems Here

Regarding Bill Clinton's alleged indiscretions, "it was very legitimate to bring it up," King told Hayworth.


Debate: Trump Was 'All Offense'

The debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was an acrimonious 90 minute exchange filled with slurs and insults that began with Clinton saying his loutish comments about women show exactly the kind of man he is and make him unfit to be president.

He quickly fired back, at her attacks of women who were involved with her husband in extramarital affairs and then proceeded to call her "a liar," "the devil," vowed to put her in jail and insisted she "tremendous hate in her heart."

And that was in the first half hour.

The debate was a town hall format in St. Louis with both candidates standing on a stage with undecided voters sitting there with them.

They did not shake hands when they met on stage.

The debate came two days after a videotape from 2005 surfaced revealing Trump expressing vulgar and aggressive attitudes about women. It caused an avalanche of elected officials over the weekend to drop their support for the Republican nominee.

After a strong showing in the first debate, Clinton was off her game — perhaps rattled by Trump’s Facebook press conference one hour before the debate began with women who accused her husband of raping them. She played defense woodenly and sometimes arrogantly.

"Tonight Donald Trump was all offense and Hillary Clinton was all defense," said Bruce Haynes, GOP media consultant at Purple Strategies. "He discussed specific policy issues with depth and matched her intensity."

"His strategic objective tonight was to stop the bleeding in his own party and he clearly succeeded," Hayes said.


Arizona Ex-Gov. Jan Brewer: Trump Connected With Voters

Amid the much-condemned video tape scandal where Donald Trump was heard bragging about sexual assaults against women, former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has promised to continue supporting the Republican presidential nominee despite dozens of GOP lawmakers disavowing him.

Lauding Trump for his second presidential debate performance, Brewer said in a statement:

"Donald Trump again showed his ability to connect with voters, and is clearly focused on ways to improve the lives of families across the country.

"As a decades-long Washington insider, Hillary Clinton has lost the trust of the American people with her misuse of classified emails on her homebrew server and her pay-to-play scheme where she traded official State Department access for donations to the Clinton foundation from foreign agents," said Brewer.

Adding, "America yearns for someone who will boost our economy and bring back jobs to our country, which is why people will vote for change in November."

The statement comes a day after Brewer took to Facebook to pledge her continued support.


10-10-2016, 02:30 PM
He rattled her, threw her own lies and guilt into her face in public.

He should have, however, mentioned her "Dodging Sniper Fire in Kosovo" lie out as well.

Abbey Marie
10-10-2016, 03:32 PM
A Fox reporter went onto Hillary's plane (?) to interview her right afterwards, and she was caught mid-sentence kind of yelling at someone that her entire team was waiting to go. When she saw the reporter/camera, she smiled on a dime and composed herself. The woman is one of the biggest frauds in politics. And that is saying a lot.

10-10-2016, 04:14 PM
There was a moment last night when a gentleman of color asked the candidates a question. Essentially the question boiled down to, and I paraphrase here, "Can you, as President, represent all Americans?"

I shit you not, for about a heartbeat I expected Trump to reply with:


10-10-2016, 04:16 PM
There was a moment last night when a gentleman of color asked the candidates a question. Essentially the question boiled down to, and I paraphrase here, "Can you, as President, represent all Americans?"

Effing excellent flick!! LOL

Black Diamond
10-10-2016, 05:59 PM
Effing excellent flick!! LOL


(Holds up thumb and index finger)

Black Diamond
10-10-2016, 06:02 PM
Will the debate help him at all in the polls? That's yet to be seen, but he better hops so, as he's taking a beating after his stupid comments were released. And yup, these articles are all from Newsmax. Skip on right now if you have an issue with that.


He's down by 11 points if Stein and Johnson are included. According to predebate/post tape poll..

It'll be single digits in a week, short of another bombshell

10-10-2016, 06:25 PM
"Richard Wolffe: ‘The nicest thing you could say about Trump’s performance was that it was bonkers’"

Wolffe goes on to say that the "banging sound" you heard last night "were the last nails being hammered into the coffin of the Trump campaign". It might also have been the stake that is Donald Trump being driven through the heart of the GOP.

538.com would seem to second that opinion...

Chance of winning

Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump


10-10-2016, 06:42 PM
"Richard Wolffe: ‘The nicest thing you could say about Trump’s performance was that it was bonkers’"

Wolffe goes on to say that the "banging sound" you heard last night "were the last nails being hammered into the coffin of the Trump campaign". It might also have been the stake that is Donald Trump being driven through the heart of the GOP.

538.com would seem to second that opinion...

Chance of winning

Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump


Of course, if you continue to use a far-left biased source for your rants.

10-10-2016, 06:50 PM
"Richard Wolffe: ‘The nicest thing you could say about Trump’s performance was that it was bonkers’"

Wolffe goes on to say that the "banging sound" you heard last night "were the last nails being hammered into the coffin of the Trump campaign". It might also have been the stake that is Donald Trump being driven through the heart of the GOP.

538.com would seem to second that opinion...

Chance of winning

Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump


Right on your very link, at least adding to exactly what this thread was about - which is who won last nights debate:

Trump needed to win tonight to stay alive. Clinton did not. Trump won, and he lives to fight another day. This race is far from over.

Thanks for sharing the link

10-10-2016, 07:21 PM
Trump fans


10-10-2016, 07:26 PM
Nice reply with no substance Pete.

10-10-2016, 07:28 PM
Right on your very link, at least adding to exactly what this thread was about - which is who won last nights debate:
Thanks for sharing the link

Selective quotes without being focused or specific are weak, desperate...

10-10-2016, 07:38 PM
He rattled her, threw her own lies and guilt into her face in public.

He should have, however, mentioned her "Dodging Sniper Fire in Kosovo" lie out as well.

There were times when she had that "deer in the headlights" look.


10-10-2016, 07:38 PM
Only a right wing blog would think Trump's performance was "masterful." :rolleyes:

I read the debate transcript and found both Trump and Clinton to be long on rhetoric and short on substance. Did either of them ever make a point that hadn't been made previously?
If I was judging the debate, I would say that both of them lost.

10-10-2016, 07:40 PM
Trump fans


pete. Those cartoons about your own life, and times are amazing. No substance, but plenty of laughs coming from your fingers on the keyboard. THANKS:clap::laugh::clap::laugh::clap:

10-10-2016, 07:48 PM
pete. Those cartoons about your own life, and times are amazing. No substance, but plenty of laughs coming from your fingers on the keyboard. THANKS:clap::laugh::clap::laugh::clap:

No, this is of Trump Tower and you appear to be in the 6th scene.

10-10-2016, 08:44 PM
No, this is of Trump Tower and you appear to be in the 6th scene.

Wow. Not related you say. But you do look so much like yourself in the cartoons.

Sounds like you took too many CLINTON pills, and actually believe every lie...even when proven wrong.

10-10-2016, 09:26 PM
There were times when she had that "deer in the headlights" look.

Hillary...all night, but with that conceited smirk of hers.

10-11-2016, 06:52 AM
Of course, if you continue to use a far-left biased source for your rants.

Same failed meme..."It's the librul media". I almost blew coffee out my nose when I read it, I was laughing so. But more to the point, 538.com has a sterling record for accuracy in it's political prognostications. And Nate Silver has won awards for his methodology and journalistic integrity. Dismissed.

10-11-2016, 07:09 AM
Selective quotes without being focused or specific are weak, desperate...


"Trump needed to win tonight to stay alive. Clinton did not. Trump won, and he lives to fight another day. This race is far from over."

That was from Christopher R. Barron, founder of GOProud.

As for the other assessments:

"We’ll never make headway on our serious challenges without robust national discourse. Trump’s campaign is depriving us it." - Kenneth Pennington

"I predict that on Monday there will be people saying that Trump won simply because he didn’t spontaneously combust on stage. Clinton was clearly more composed and knowledgable, while Trump did his usual word salad, ignoring questions and making the odd racist move of talking about inner cities to an undecided voter seemingly only because he was black." - Jessica Valenti

So much for your "selective quotes".

It's painfully obvious that the bar set for "victory" by Trump's supporters in these acts of political kabuki is a low one indeed, and would seem to entail little more than not soiling himself on stage.

Again, dismissed.

10-11-2016, 07:26 AM
A troll coming here a few times per year, only when he thinks the getting is good and he can rile a few people up. That's somehow debating or teaching us lessons? You've lost nearly every argument since the beginning of your bed pan changing days. If you had the nads to stay and actually go back and forth, that's one thing - but you like to take shots and then bail for months, or more. That's a lame troll.

You were dismissed many years back.

10-11-2016, 07:44 AM
A troll coming here a few times per year, only when he thinks the getting is good and he can rile a few people up. That's somehow debating or teaching us lessons? You've lost nearly every argument since the beginning of your bed pan changing days. If you had the nads to stay and actually go back and forth, that's one thing - but you like to take shots and then bail for months, or more. That's a lame troll.

You were dismissed many years back.

Bitter...Party of one. Although in the case of the GOP and the Alt-Right, it's a somewhat larger group being seated at the table. :laugh2:

10-11-2016, 07:49 AM
Bitter...Party of one. Although in the case of the GOP and the Alt-Right, it's a somewhat larger group being seated at the table. :laugh2:

My only bitterness is that I hate Hillary. I can deal with the politics though, just hate that fat ugly face, and did before she ever ran.

But that hardly changes the facts I wrote, which is that you come to troll every now and again, rarely answer questions, claim victory and disappear for months or much longer. Yeah, that makes me want to reply to someone trolling us!

I won't dismiss you this time though. You do that quite well all by yourself.

What's up, you pop a catheter on someone for awhile and give you some free time? :coffee:

Black Diamond
10-11-2016, 07:52 AM
A troll coming here a few times per year, only when he thinks the getting is good and he can rile a few people up. That's somehow debating or teaching us lessons? You've lost nearly every argument since the beginning of your bed pan changing days. If you had the nads to stay and actually go back and forth, that's one thing - but you like to take shots and then bail for months, or more. That's a lame troll.

You were dismissed many years back.
Be hilarious to see how he acts when Trump wins the election.

10-11-2016, 07:55 AM
Be hilarious to see how he acts when Trump wins the election.

I would LOVE to see that, but I don't see that happening anymore. :(

But no doubt he would be a weasel and not reappear until like 2020 or so.

10-11-2016, 08:26 AM
You were dismissed many years back.

Apparently that line really barbed him nicely... seems to be his favorite now! :thumb:

Abbey Marie
10-11-2016, 08:56 AM
Apparently that line really barbed him nicely... seems to be his favorite now! :thumb:

You're right! I think I've been dismissed. Should I not be posting anymore?

10-11-2016, 08:56 AM
Apparently that line really barbed him nicely... seems to be his favorite now! :thumb:

Yeah, I started that with him and others a long time back. But he forgot to bold it and enlarge it as I did to him. I'm flattered it hit home with reality so much, that he remembered it for future use of his own.

Abbey Marie
10-11-2016, 09:01 AM
Yeah, I started that with him and others a long time back. But he forgot to bold it and enlarge it as I did to him. I'm flattered it hit home with reality so much, that he remembered it for future use of his own.

Yet another community service you provide ;)

10-11-2016, 09:04 AM
You're right! I think I've been dismissed. Should I not be posting anymore?

I can't remember the thread where that was used on him back in the day... but I do remember there was a very long pause and then a stream of incomprehensible rage erupted in response.

I pictured him staring at the screen, eyes bugging and twitching in impotent fury before unleashing the beast!

I literally laughed my ass off, it was a beautiful moment.

10-11-2016, 09:05 AM
Yet another community service you provide

Sharing my sarcasm and stupidity? :)

10-11-2016, 09:07 AM
Yet another community service you provide ;)

There should be some sort of medal given to honor such selfless service.

10-11-2016, 07:47 PM
A Fox reporter went onto Hillary's plane (?) to interview her right afterwards, and she was caught mid-sentence kind of yelling at someone that her entire team was waiting to go. When she saw the reporter/camera, she smiled on a dime and composed herself. The woman is one of the biggest frauds in politics. And that is saying a lot.

Abbey....you reminded me of this. BOTH of the Clintons are as phony as 3 dollar BILLS.

10-11-2016, 08:53 PM

"Trump needed to win tonight to stay alive. Clinton did not. Trump won, and he lives to fight another day. This race is far from over."

That was from Christopher R. Barron, founder of GOProud.

As for the other assessments:

"We’ll never make headway on our serious challenges without robust national discourse. Trump’s campaign is depriving us it." - Kenneth Pennington

"I predict that on Monday there will be people saying that Trump won simply because he didn’t spontaneously combust on stage. Clinton was clearly more composed and knowledgable, while Trump did his usual word salad, ignoring questions and making the odd racist move of talking about inner cities to an undecided voter seemingly only because he was black." - Jessica Valenti

So much for your "selective quotes".

It's painfully obvious that the bar set for "victory" by Trump's supporters in these acts of political kabuki is a low one indeed, and would seem to entail little more than not soiling himself on stage.

Again, dismissed.

It is you who is dismissed. Insignificant spoon pounding spoiled liberal brat.

10-11-2016, 09:06 PM
It wasn't too far back where many of you were wondering where bullypulpit was and proclaiming him as your "favorite DP liberal."
Now you are back to roasting him. Jim wants BP to come change his catheter.
My how times do change. :rolleyes:

Abbey Marie
10-11-2016, 09:54 PM
It wasn't too far back where many of you were wondering where bullypulpit was and proclaiming him as your "favorite DP liberal."
Now you are back to roasting him. Jim wants BP to come change his catheter.
My how times do change. :rolleyes:

Oh heck no! Everyone knows YOU are our favorite liberal.


10-11-2016, 10:06 PM
Oh heck no! Everyone knows YOU are our favorite liberal.


Of course, as a woman, you are smarter and more perceptive than some others here. :boobies:

10-12-2016, 02:11 PM
It wasn't too far back where many of you were wondering where bullypulpit was and proclaiming him as your "favorite DP liberal."
Now you are back to roasting him. Jim wants BP to come change his catheter.
My how times do change. :rolleyes:

Nothing has changed. We have 2-3 liberals, and YOU sure as fuck ain't getting the vote!! BP is my hero next to a piece of shit like you.

10-12-2016, 07:57 PM
It wasn't too far back where many of you were wondering where bullypulpit was and proclaiming him as your "favorite DP liberal."
Now you are back to roasting him. Jim wants BP to come change his catheter.
My how times do change. :rolleyes:

gabby. Have you ever heard the expression in the form of a question?

"Are you shittin' me?"

Well, the response to that pretty well describes what most of us think of you.

Answer to gabby: "We would never shit you. Your are our favorite turd!" Liberally speaking of course.