View Full Version : A wheelchair-bound woman was gang raped by six asylum seekers

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-12-2016, 09:09 AM
Wheelchair-bound woman raped by refugees at Sweden asylum center, police say

police say
Published October 11, 2016

(REUTERS/Johan Nilsson/TT NEWS AGENCY, File)

A wheelchair-bound woman was gang raped by six asylum seekers, Swedish police have said.

The unnamed disabled woman had asked to use a toilet at a nearby asylum center after sharing a taxi with one of its residents.

But after she was invited inside, the woman, in her 30s, was attacked by the man and six of his fellow migrants.
More from The Sun

A furious group of more than 100 Swedes have since attacked the centre in Visby, pelting it with rocks.

The victim's lawyer Staffan Fredriksson told local newspaper Aftonbladlet: "She followed him in and had no fears that something would happen.

"Then the man took advantage of the situation. The abuse started in the toilet.

“Where they came from we don’t know. This was going on for a couple of hours.

“She got paralyzed in this situation and was not able to bring herself to resist physically, other than saying no.”

He added: "She is completely broken down."

Five men, all aged in their 20s, have since been arrested by Swedish police following the incident on October 2.

They are yet to release the men's nationalities or identities.

Sweden has been at the forefront of efforts to accept migrants fleeing conflicts in places like Syria and Afghanistan.

Last year alone it is estimated to have taken in more than 200,000 asylum seekers - around 2 percent of its population.

Germany, by comparison, accepted the equivalent of 1 percent over the same period.

This story first appeared in The Sun.

Anybody want to take a bet on which cult/religion these filthy animals belong to???
I am betting its none other than that ever so peaceful Islam.. whose male members rape and murder as a hobby and as a Koranic command.-Tyr

10-12-2016, 12:30 PM
And liberals here want to turn their heads and allow these kinds of people into the USA?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-13-2016, 06:21 AM
And liberals here want to turn their heads and allow these kinds of people into the USA?

Already have-- let in thousands of them.
And they will let in millions more if not stopped.--Tyr