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10-13-2016, 08:51 PM
then again, so have I. ;)

I basically agree with the following, I've basically stated versions of it since fairly early in the cycle.


How the Overstuffed GOP Primary Field Led to Trump’s Victory
The interests of the individual candidates often clashed with the interest of the party as a whole.By Jay Cobb — October 13, 2016
There are many theories for Trump’s rise, but the simplest is the truest. Celebrity populism combined with media support helped him win a divided field. He started from a base of around 20 percent, a number similar to past fringe candidates. He was then lifted to front-runner status with his media advantage. Unlike previous front-runners, he never came under attack in a way that would have exposed his vulnerabilities, as is happening right now.


10-13-2016, 08:54 PM
How weird this campaign has been! How many elections have some of us been through together? Can you think of another where I said, "Character matters?" Oh, I'm big on it in real life, but I've never been one to put it as my main focus.

Ok, there are things like racism that I've gone off on, but am not exactly known to be a one issue voter.

Abbey Marie
10-13-2016, 09:09 PM
How weird this campaign has been! How many elections have some of us been through together? Can you think of another where I said, "Character matters?" Oh, I'm big on it in real life, but I've never been one to put it as my main focus.

Ok, there are things like racism that I've gone off on, but am not exactly known to be a one issue voter.

I'm going to turn you into a social conservative yet, Kath. ;)

10-14-2016, 12:04 AM
I'm going to turn you into a social conservative yet, Kath. ;)

LOL! I doubt very much our values are all that different. I just tend towards a more 'I choose my friends and live my life along certain values-which as I said are likely close to yours.' I don't expect politicians or acquaintances to be a reflection of myself.

I vote for those that I believe will work for the issues that matter to me. Thus I can be for the overturning of Rowe v Wade, the death penalty, etc., and still vote for someone who's not in total agreement with me. Just like many of the disagreements we've had over the two candidates this election cycle, heated words, hurt feelings, etc., none of those make me think less of those I disagree with.

However, when there's the egregious behaviors/actions/words that may negate seeming agreement on issues. Likely because it removes the 'believe' part. I never have the expectations of total agreement on the issues, but do not expect to vote for, actually I won't vote for anyone I'm convinced is a criminal-indicted or not, a liar, a cheat, a racist, etc.

Abbey Marie
10-14-2016, 11:07 AM
LOL! I doubt very much our values are all that different. I just tend towards a more 'I choose my friends and live my life along certain values-which as I said are likely close to yours.' I don't expect politicians or acquaintances to be a reflection of myself.

I vote for those that I believe will work for the issues that matter to me. Thus I can be for the overturning of Rowe v Wade, the death penalty, etc., and still vote for someone who's not in total agreement with me. Just like many of the disagreements we've had over the two candidates this election cycle, heated words, hurt feelings, etc., none of those make me think less of those I disagree with.

However, when there's the egregious behaviors/actions/words that may negate seeming agreement on issues. Likely because it removes the 'believe' part. I never have the expectations of total agreement on the issues, but do not expect to vote for, actually I won't vote for anyone I'm convinced is a criminal-indicted or not, a liar, a cheat, a racist, etc.

Re: the bolded- are you saying then that I, unlike you, expect my politicians and acquaintances to be reflections of me? That makes me sound pretty narrow-minded, doncha think?

10-14-2016, 11:23 AM
Re: the bolded- are you saying then that I, unlike you, expect my politicians and acquaintances to be reflections of me? That makes me sound pretty narrow-minded, doncha think?

Nope, I used "I" for a reason, I have no way of discerning what motivates others.

10-14-2016, 03:35 PM
I still believe that Carson or Fiorina, outsiders, would have worked hard to break the current governmental overreach as many think Trump will do if he's elected. However, either would have been more palatable to the independents than Trump.

I think what bothers me more than anything is that if Hillary wins it will forever mean our first female president was nothing more than a political operative and did nothing with her life in the private sector other than keep a child rapist from going to jail.

10-14-2016, 03:39 PM
I still believe that Carson or Fiorina, outsiders, would have worked hard to break the current governmental overreach as many think Trump will do if he's elected. However, either would have been more palatable to the independents than Trump.

I think what bothers me more than anything is that if Hillary wins it will forever mean our first female president was nothing more than a political operative and did nothing with her life in the private sector other than keep a child rapist from going to jail.

Your avatar, which you've been using for like forever - I just noticed, is her panties halfway down her legs? :coffee: Is Trump in her room with her? :laugh:

10-14-2016, 03:43 PM
Your avatar, which you've been using for like forever - I just noticed, is her panties halfway down her legs? :coffee: Is Trump in her room with her? :laugh:

No, you dummy .. they're halfway up. You don't remember? :coffee:

10-14-2016, 03:53 PM
No, you dummy .. they're halfway up. You don't remember? :coffee:

I'm a glass half full half empty kinda guy! If half full, I have half left to drink! If half empty, I have half left to drink.

And if panties are involved, I know full well that's a win win situation for me too!! :)

10-14-2016, 04:00 PM
I'm a glass half full half empty kinda guy! If half full, I have half left to drink! If half empty, I have half left to drink.

And if panties are involved, I know full well that's a win win situation for me too!! :)

Well, that time your glass was half empty, obviously, or you would have remembered.