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View Full Version : FBI Document Dump Suggests Collusion Between FBI and State in Clinton Email

10-17-2016, 02:11 PM
Nothing to look at here, just a little more proof of criminal actions - as well as proof of rigging the election - which is EXACTLY what this coverup was all about.


Latest FBI Document Dump Suggests Collusion Between FBI and State in Clinton Email Investigation

Congressional Republicans say the FBI's interview summaries and notes, provided to the House Government Oversight and Intelligence Committees late Friday, contain indications of a "quid pro quo" between a senior State Department official and FBI agents during the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah told Fox News that "there was an alleged quid pro quo” involving Undersecretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and the FBI “over at least one classified email."

"This is a flashing red light of potential criminality," he said.

The FBI released the 100 new pages of material to the public on Monday.

Chaffetz has not yet read the new documents as he has been out of town campaigning, but based on a briefing from staffers, he said there are grounds for at least "four hearings" after the the recess. “In return for altering the classification, the possibility of additional slots for the FBI at missions overseas was discussed,” Chaffetz said. "Both myself and Chairman Devin Nunes of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence are infuriated by what we have heard," he added.

Via Fox News:

As Fox News previously reported, interviews released earlier this month, known as 302s, reveal the serious allegation that Kennedy applied pressure to subordinates to change classified email codes so they would be shielded from Congress and the public. Fox News was told as far back as August 2015 that Kennedy was running interference on Capitol Hill. But Kennedy, in his FBI interview on Dec. 21, 2015, “categorically rejected” allegations of classified code tampering.

"Left to their own devices the FBI would never have provided these [records] to Congress and waited until the last minute. This is the third batch because [the FBI] didn’t think they were relevant," Chaffetz said.

The second congressional source backed the assessment, and both added that they expect the FBI interviews will be released as early as Monday as part of ongoing FOIA requests.

A spokesperson at the FBI provided a lengthy statement to Fox Saturday night -- disputing Chaffetz's characterization and stating that, while the conversation did happen, the two issues discussed were not connected.

The State Department also responded to Fox News Sunday without directly addressing the alleged discussion of more overseas postings for FBI agents.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/10/17/latest-fbi-document-dump-suggests-collusion-between-fbi-and-state-in-clinton-email-investigation/

10-17-2016, 04:10 PM
Now this is serious, there's still 3 weeks before the election and this could change things.

10-17-2016, 04:52 PM
Now this is serious, there's still 3 weeks before the election and this could change things.

I wish that were true, Kath, I wish that were true.

I truly believe that if these things released were about Trump, he would be down by 70 points. But these things are coming out daily, and the media is in the tank and not doing much about them. And those folks I do come across that are towards the left, couldn't care less about Hillary and her actions. Or you have some like Bully, who just don't believe any of it - no matter how much proof is produced.

10-17-2016, 04:57 PM
I wish that were true, Kath, I wish that were true.

I truly believe that if these things released were about Trump, he would be down by 70 points. But these things are coming out daily, and the media is in the tank and not doing much about them. And those folks I do come across that are towards the left, couldn't care less about Hillary and her actions. Or you have some like Bully, who just don't believe any of it - no matter how much proof is produced.

Well he only became a politician a bit more than a year ago. Truth is, if it were anyone but Trump, Hillary would be done. But, it is what it is.

I actually just got off the phone with my soon to be daughter in law. Good Catholic girl she is, she was like, "I would not vote for Hillary if there was an alternative to Trump." I suggested Johnson, for the reasons already covered with her for months. She was like, "I may have to do that, I don't know." Mind you, she is liberal, but she's also really 'a Good Catholic girl-all schooling-including Notre Dame Law grad.' The Catholic thing is what really got her.

With those emails, there's literally something for everyone!

10-17-2016, 05:07 PM
Well he only became a politician a bit more than a year ago. Truth is, if it were anyone but Trump, Hillary would be done. But, it is what it is.

Not going to get into it again, I simply disagree with this. Always easy to look at such things in hindsight. But only the fault of the horrendously crappy campaigns they all ran. No one to blame but themselves. I said from day one that to an extent it didn't matter to me, as my goal was to keep Hillary out of office. Many of these emails are only showing exactly why. The anti-Trump sentiment and staying home, or voting for others, will only help Hilary. That is NOT to say that it's anyone's goal, but numbers are numbers, whether we hate a candidate or love them. Whether right or wrong. Conscious or no conscience. That's just a reality that we are all faced with. Votes pulled away from Trump, right or wrong, only gives him less votes.

10-17-2016, 05:20 PM
Not going to get into it again, I simply disagree with this. Always easy to look at such things in hindsight. But only the fault of the horrendously crappy campaigns they all ran. No one to blame but themselves. I said from day one that to an extent it didn't matter to me, as my goal was to keep Hillary out of office. Many of these emails are only showing exactly why. The anti-Trump sentiment and staying home, or voting for others, will only help Hilary. That is NOT to say that it's anyone's goal, but numbers are numbers, whether we hate a candidate or love them. Whether right or wrong. Conscious or no conscience. That's just a reality that we are all faced with. Votes pulled away from Trump, right or wrong, only gives him less votes.

I agree to not reargue same old same old. Voters staying home or voting other than Trump, are voting their preferences. That he couldn't raise his ceiling for those that were looking for acceptable is on the candidate. Just like Hillary, that find her unacceptable for all the lying, cover-ups, corruption, and outright unindicted criminal acts. It's on her.

That so many find both unacceptable is a bit heartening.

Isn't it interesting though that the wikileaks didn't come out when they may have changed the Democrat nominee?

10-17-2016, 05:28 PM
I agree to not reargue same old same old. Voters staying home or voting other than Trump, are voting their preferences. That he couldn't raise his ceiling for those that were looking for acceptable is on the candidate. Just like Hillary, that find her unacceptable for all the lying, cover-ups, corruption, and outright unindicted criminal acts. It's on her.

That so many find both unacceptable is a bit heartening.

Isn't it interesting though that the wikileaks didn't come out when they may have changed the Democrat nominee?

Same goes for the other 16 candidates, who some want to say in hindsight could easily have won - when they couldn't even beat Trump, who so many think is the worst.

Unfortunately, preferences are going to lead to a Hillary presidency, and that's going to hurt more than everything Trump has ever done combined. The amount of damage she has done can't be counted. Look at what she has done as SOS, and also just as a citizen. I don't want to even think about what she can do if she is president. Thus far has been peanuts compared to what she will be able to do from the WH.

10-17-2016, 05:36 PM
Same goes for the other 16 candidates, who some want to say in hindsight could easily have won - when they couldn't even beat Trump, who so many think is the worst.

Unfortunately, preferences are going to lead to a Hillary presidency, and that's going to hurt more than everything Trump has ever done combined. The amount of damage she has done can't be counted. Look at what she has done as SOS, and also just as a citizen. I don't want to even think about what she can do if she is president. Thus far has been peanuts compared to what she will be able to do from the WH.

Trump hasn't done 'anything' in the public arena. I do agree that Hillary is going to be a disaster. Sanders would have been better, as he wouldn't have been able to get much through. But, it is what it is.

10-17-2016, 05:42 PM
Trump hasn't done 'anything' in the public arena. I do agree that Hillary is going to be a disaster. Sanders would have been better, as he wouldn't have been able to get much through. But, it is what it is.

Outside of politics, Trump hasn't done anything?

10-17-2016, 05:51 PM
Outside of politics, Trump hasn't done anything?

My point being, he couldn't have Hillary's record, for better or worse. Got to judge him on what we have.