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View Full Version : Clinton’s Answer On Nuke Launch Time Used ‘Extremely Classified’ Info

10-20-2016, 07:57 PM
Clinton’s Answer On Nuke Launch Time Used ‘Extremely Classified’ Info, Military ‘Not Especially Thrilled’

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” CNN Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr reported that Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s statement about the time it takes to launch nuclear weapons is “extremely classified,” and while there is a lot of information available to public on what the process is for launching nuclear weapons, “if you know information to be classified, and you’re a government official, even if it’s in the open source, even if it’s on the Internet, you are not supposed to disclose it.” She further stated, “the bottom line is, the US military, not especially thrilled to be discussing in precise detail what it takes to launch nuclear weapons.”

Starr said that whether Clinton’s comment violated any operational security was a “fairly complicated question.” She continued, “A military spokesman told us that they do not discuss operational timelines for launching nuclear weapons. This is some of the most classified information. I asked Defense Secretary Ash Carter at a press conference earlier today. He declined to answer the question because it involved politics. Is it really classified? there’s a lot of open-source information about — you know, publicly available information on the Internet about what is involved in launching nuclear weapons, and when we asked the Clinton campaign, they sent us a number of citations of that publicly-available information. But here is the bottom line: The US military does not discuss the precise specifics of the timeframes of launching nuclear weapons. That, by all accounts, is extremely classified, and if you know information to be classified, and you’re a government official, even if it’s in the open source, even if it’s on the Internet, you are not supposed to disclose it. Could somebody be prosecuted for it? Who knows. That’s, you know — this is one of these constant questions in Washington nowadays. What exactly is classified, what’s disclosed, what is prosecutable? But the bottom line is, the US military, not especially thrilled to be discussing in precise detail what it takes to launch nuclear weapons.”


Retired General: Clinton ‘Foolish’ For Discussing Nuclear Response Time

LAS VEGAS — Hillary Clinton appeared to have revealed at least some sensitive information about the country’s national security when attacking Donald Trump at the final debate Wednesday night over whether he should be trusted with nation’s nuclear codes.

“The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so,” Clinton said. “And that’s why 10 people who have had that awesome responsibility have come out and in an unprecedented way said they would not trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes or to have his finger on the nuclear button.”

Retired Army Lt. General Keith Kellogg, who worked for the Joint Chiefs of Staff as director for all communications for U.S. forces and now advises the Trump campaign, responded to Clinton’s attack telling The Daily Caller Wednesday evening, “It is foolish to talk about any nuclear command control timing decision.”

He explained, “It is just not done, because you just don’t give up any indications of what your windows are for decision-making—especially when it comes to nuclear command and control. You hear her say it and it’s almost cavalier. It just corresponds to me to her cavalier approach to security in general from having an unsecured server in the basement in her home with a comment like that. It’s like ‘security’s not that important.’ It’s crazy. It’s incredibly foolish for someone to do something like that.”

Rest here - http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/20/retired-general-clinton-foolish-for-discussing-nuclear-response-time/

10-21-2016, 02:36 AM
While I'm all for disclosure of certain information pertaining to what the real motives of actions of of gov't are.
I'm NOT for exposing our weapons and war option details. That's stupid.

Finding out gov't players are doing Illegal stuff,
that's one thing.
Finding out they are Lying about motives
that's one thing.
But exposing nuke/military secrets is another.
At best that's careless and at worse treason.

10-21-2016, 08:36 AM
Her casual attitude about things like this is both frightening and dangerous.

I thankfully never worked with Nukes, but those that have know they are bound for life
to not discuss them.

Abbey Marie
10-21-2016, 08:45 AM
According to her husband's Secret Service guy, this is a woman who threw a vase at her husband in the White House, and gave him a shiner. Yup, I want her making nuclear war decisions.

10-21-2016, 08:57 AM

10-21-2016, 09:30 AM

LOL... Snopes has no idea whether the information is classified or not (neither do the talking heads) since the folks who REALLY know won't tell ... unless Hillary gets elected. Then she will treat that information with all the precautions she has other classified information and just put it on an unclassified server.

10-21-2016, 10:07 AM

Shouldn't involve yourself in subjects you know nothing about. Your political bias aside, you have nothing to offer here. Clinton should already be in prison for actual crimes committed and supported by facts.

Your casual dismissal of a matter of security that presents a grave danger to the US (an offense punishable up to and/or including death) is proof your partisan politics trump any real concern for this nation.

10-21-2016, 10:40 AM

All snopes is saying is that it's not classified. The article from the general is true.

Funny how there are tons and tons of articles about Clinton and her wrongdoings, and you pick on you think you can debunk and completely ignore the rest. True colors, Pete, true colors.

10-21-2016, 11:34 AM
Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Hillary Clinton’s Disclosure of Nuclear Response Times During Debate Was ‘Unconscionable’

On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily, Breitbart News National Security editor Dr. Sebastian Gorka, author of the best-selling book Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War, talked about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s clash over Russia at the third presidential debate.

“As I’ve said repeatedly, if there is anybody who’s been in the pocket of Vladimir Putin, it is Hillary Clinton. Everybody needs to have out there, the millennials that they know, their nephews, their nieces, just watch Clinton Cash on YouTube,” Gorka said. “The fact that 20 percent of our uranium was sold to Kremlin front companies, in a deal that was signed off by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, means if there’s anybody who can be bought by the Kremlin, it’s Hillary Clinton.”


Marlow brought up an overlooked moment from the third debate, when Clinton inadvertently revealed some sensitive information about U.S. response times to nuclear attack. Gorka said he wanted to address this issue “in a certain way, if you’ll permit me, as somebody who actually cares for the security of the Republic and who lives in the national security arena.”

From that perspective, he declined to comment on “the veracity, or lack thereof, of what she said.”

“Just one thing has to be drawn, one conclusion has to be drawn: the whole platform of the Hillary campaign, that Mr. Trump is not fit to serve as commander-in-chief, he’s not stable, he can’t be trusted – all of that applies to her, and solely to her,” Gorka said. “Anybody who puts Top Secret/SCI super-classified information on a private homebrew server, and then talks about our nuclear reaction times on live television, in front of tens of millions of people – that woman should not be allowed – I know this is a line Mr. Trump has borrowed from me, but I have to use it – that individual should not be allowed to run for local dog catcher, let alone the most powerful person in the world. It is unconscionable what she did on national television, and the fact the liberal media is giving her heat on that tells you everything you need to know.”


10-21-2016, 12:43 PM
Look...NOT revealing anything here

There are documents, US/NATO vessel movements, systems, radio frequencies, and radio systems I have direct knowledge of
which I am bound to the grave to not reveal.

Pete...you should be proud of yourself, because some of your comments show you are a complete, self-made idiot.

10-21-2016, 05:15 PM
All snopes is saying is that it's not classified. The article from the general is true.

Funny how there are tons and tons of articles about Clinton and her wrongdoings, and you pick on you think you can debunk and completely ignore the rest. True colors, Pete, true colors.

Pot kettle black. Just trying to balance this place out.

10-21-2016, 05:17 PM
Look...NOT revealing anything here

There are documents, US/NATO vessel movements, systems, radio frequencies, and radio systems I have direct knowledge of
which I am bound to the grave to not reveal.

Pete...you should be proud of yourself, because some of your comments show you are a complete, self-made idiot.

I'm sorry you lost the election by picking a loser. Try again in 4 years little gal. Good effort tho.

10-21-2016, 05:31 PM
Shouldn't involve yourself in subjects you know nothing about. Your political bias aside, you have nothing to offer here. Clinton should already be in prison for actual crimes committed and supported by facts.

Your casual dismissal of a matter of security that presents a grave danger to the US (an offense punishable up to and/or including death) is proof your partisan politics trump any real concern for this nation.

That would significantly limit his contributions to the board, especially when you consider that Jim as refused to put in a coloring section...


10-21-2016, 05:36 PM
Pot kettle black. Just trying to balance this place out.

pete311. The One, and Only way YOU could balance this place out, would be for us to find another PILE OF DUNG as big as you are. That would be the FAIR liberal thing to do for you.

10-21-2016, 05:39 PM
Fun! Where's my crayons?

That would significantly limit his contributions to the board, especially when you consider that Jim as refused to put in a coloring section...


Black Diamond
10-21-2016, 06:16 PM
That would significantly limit his contributions to the board, especially when you consider that Jim as refused to put in a coloring section...


Coloring books squelch creativity.

10-21-2016, 07:21 PM
I'm sorry you lost the election by picking a loser. Try again in 4 years little gal. Good effort tho.

Little Gal? Try again, punk.

You have no substance except insults when you hide behind your mommy's skirts.

10-21-2016, 08:15 PM
Little Gal? Try again, punk.

You have no substance except insults when you hide behind your mommy's skirts.

Elessar. We can shut him up for his stupidity. Just ask for a copy of his graduation certificate from PRE-SCHOOL for Liberals.:laugh: It's like asking a STOLEN VALOR wannabe for a valid DD-214.

10-22-2016, 09:49 AM
Look...NOT revealing anything here

There are documents, US/NATO vessel movements, systems, radio frequencies, and radio systems I have direct knowledge of
which I am bound to the grave to not reveal.

Pete...you should be proud of yourself, because some of your comments show you are a complete, self-made idiot.

Chatterbox godsend for a spy. :laugh:

10-22-2016, 09:55 AM
Her casual attitude about things like this is both frightening and dangerous.

I thankfully never worked with Nukes, but those that have know they are bound for life
to not discuss them.
Elessar There's no real secret. This is another Hillary red herring topic, acting like she knows something we don't.

Actual response time depends on the idiot with final say, but no one person can launch. Using Bengazi as a guide, I'd say most of our arsenal will be wiped out before a decision is maybe made.

The one caveat to the no single person rule is at sea, the Captain is God. Even he needs the XO to agree, but if he's got no comm, it's his call.

More important is time to impact and there is no set time. Distance and speed determine that.

The first strike is an air burst electro magnetic impulse (both sides) that jacks up everyone's comm. Have to recover from and get around that before anything else.

Should have kept her mouth shut. Thought she sounded smart while proving once again she was anything but.

10-22-2016, 05:49 PM
This proves....she lied....

And even Denied such information when asked by Congress, and the FBI.

After saying this....

10-22-2016, 09:30 PM
@Elessar (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3442) There's no real secret. This is another Hillary red herring topic, acting like she knows something we don't.

Should have kept her mouth shut. Thought she sounded smart while proving once again she was anything but.

I was instructed otherwise, but do not confess to be an expert.

She should have just avoided the issue, being honest for once.

10-23-2016, 12:50 PM
I was instructed otherwise, but do not confess to be an expert.

She should have just avoided the issue, being honest for once.

I consider her response stupid, pointless and relevant only as far as her usual poor judgement is concerned. The question to her IS relevant. I wouldn't trust her with my school gym locker combination. Does anyone really believe Hillary could make a decision in 4 minutes? Much less get it right?

No one's done a thing to her for less questionable violations of the law than this. Her fat ass would be doing hard time in a Federal pen for life if I had any damned say.

There's something really wrong when people just accept this unsat sh*t.

10-23-2016, 01:30 PM
But, but, but.... it's "lame" to discuss such things about/before the enemy. I'll bet the same folks are those who thought it a grand idea to announce plans for Iraq, and even announce when we'll leave. The enemy always loves to have detailed plans in advance. :rolleyes:

10-23-2016, 07:01 PM
I consider her response stupid, pointless and relevant only as far as her usual poor judgement is concerned. The question to her IS relevant. I wouldn't trust her with my school gym locker combination. Does anyone really believe Hillary could make a decision in 4 minutes? Much less get it right?

No one's done a thing to her for less questionable violations of the law than this. Her fat ass would be doing hard time in a Federal pen for life if I had any damned say.

There's something really wrong when people just accept this unsat sh*t.

She sure as SH*T did not leading up to...and past Benghazi!
Quote: "Who would you want answering the 'phone at 3 a.m.?"