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View Full Version : Hillary's Security Detail hated her - laughed at broken arm

10-20-2016, 08:06 PM
Her level of "respect" goes only as far as her team. I've long and often posted about those who have worked near Hillary, and how much they hated it.


Hillary's Security Detail Hated Her So Much That They Laughed When She Fell and Broke Her Arm

It's no secret that there is no love lost between Hillary Clinton and her security detail, but the intensity of their dislike for the woman who may become our next president is still a bit jarring. According to the New York Post, members of her diplomatic security detail while she was secretary of state hated her so much that they "privately snickered" after she fell down and broke her arm. The incident happened in the State Department basement in 2009, one of her former guards told the Post. Clinton, then 61, was on her way to meet President Obama when she took a tumble and ended up in the hospital with a shattered right elbow.

“We sort of got the last laugh. It was kind of like payback: You’re treating us like s–t. Hey karma is a b*tch! We were smiling to ourselves,” the agent told The Post on Wednesday.

But Clinton, who frequently behaved like a diva-in-chief, according to the agent, made it worse by pointing the finger at her detail for the mishap.

“She blamed us for breaking her elbow, saying it was our fault and we could have prevented that. She’s bad news,” the agent said.

The agent’s account backed up FBI documents released this week that showed Clinton’s protective detail despised her for treating them with contempt.

“When I first met her, we were given specific instructions: don’t look at her, don’t look at her general direction and if you need to talk to her, keep it short and stay out of her way,” the agent told The Post.

As PJ Media reported earlier this week, Clinton was so unpopular with State Department security personnel that some of them refused to work for her. According to FBI documents released on Monday, during Clinton's tenure many State Department security agents either left the agency or asked to be reassigned.

In contrast, the Post notes, "the security detail loved former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Clinton’s predecessor who served under George W. Bush."

“Condoleezza Rice was a true diplomat. She built a lot of rapport with her security detail. She would talk to you about family, football, she was one of the boys,” the agent said. “Hillary didn’t care. If you weren’t in her little inner circle — Huma Abedin or Cheryl Mills – she wanted nothing to do with you.”

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/10/20/hillarys-security-detail-hated-her-so-much-that-they-laughed-when-she-fell-and-broke-her-arm/