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View Full Version : NBC Poll: 45 Percent of Republicans Would Not Accept Losing Election

10-21-2016, 12:44 PM
I wonder why 18 percent of Democrats wouldn't accept the election? Seems some of them see the same shit going on around the country as many others. Probably a lot of them the Sanders voters who know for a fact that fraud took place, and are confident and have no reason to believe it won't happen again.


NBC Poll: 45 Percent of Republicans Would Not Accept Losing Election

Three in 10 voters — including 45 percent of Republicans — would not accept the election results if their candidate lost, according to a new NBC News/Survey Monkey poll released Friday.

The results:

Definitely/probably accept results: 68 percent;
Unlikely/definitely not accept results: 31 percent.

Among Republicans:

Definitely/probably accept results: 53 percent;
Unlikely/definitely not accept results: 45 percent.

By comparison, 82 percent of Democrats said they would accept the results.

A Politico poll, also released Friday, showed that 70 percent of voters want the loser to accept the election result.

Trump dropped a bombshell during the final debate Wednesday night when he refused to pledge to accept the election results, saying instead he would keep everybody in suspense.

Then Thursday at a rally in Ohio, Trump said he would accept the election results — if he wins.


Black Diamond
10-21-2016, 01:03 PM
Republicans know the country is ruined if Hillary wins. Why should they accept the destruction of the US?

10-21-2016, 01:17 PM
Republicans know the country is ruined if Hillary wins. Why should they accept the destruction of the US?

I can handle if the Witch wins on even ground. I can even handle if she wins and the MSM is biased. At least this election made that abundantly clear once and for all. Prior elections it was a non-stop back and forth debate as to whether the MAIN stream media was biased. Now it's been proven with EVERY agency. Fuckers. But that's the media, and that's their right to broadcast what they like, whether good for the election or not.

But the Hillary email debacle DOES NOT go as it did if she wasn't pre-anointed as our next president. They went to such great lengths to exonerate her, even in the presence of irrefutable proof. And not just proof in their faces, but proof that was in the hands of the American public and congress. And they still let her walk. Then we find out that they were even communicating with her campaign. The DOJ is meeting with her husband a few days before she is wrongly cleared.

Then not only is the MSM clearly guilty of being so biased, but then we find out they are even going back and forth behind the scenes with the campaign - and even at one point giving them questions ahead of time prior to a debate.

Then there are investigations around the country about voter fraud. I can't speak factually as to them just yet. But 4 million dead folks? A democrat operative on film talking about rigging elections, and for HOW MANY years?

Accept it on even ground - but there is not only no need to ignore the above things - I think it's mandatory to talk about them and get to the bottom of them.

10-21-2016, 01:58 PM
Jim. The IRONY of this is actually rather sad, and funny at the same time. Think about it.

If Hillary wins...How long will it be before the Die-hard Trump haters, and Hillary Lovers finally realize, and DENY that they voted to Destroy America, Once, and For All????

10-21-2016, 02:06 PM
Jim. The IRONY of this is actually rather sad, and funny at the same time. Think about it.

If Hillary wins...How long will it be before the Die-hard Trump haters, and Hillary Lovers finally realize, and DENY that they voted to Destroy America, Once, and For All????

They'll NEVER accept their part

We'll hear all kinds of excuses, like "my vote wouldn't have counted because I live in a heavy democratic area". Or, "I voted my conscious and went third party".

10-21-2016, 02:10 PM
The way that the election process works, it doesn't really make any difference if a candidate refuses to concede or if people are unhappy with the election results.
I remember Democrats raising a furious roar when GW Bush stole the 2000 election. Republicans were quick to condemn them as "whiners" and "sore losers."

10-21-2016, 03:07 PM
The way that the election process works, it doesn't really make any difference if a candidate refuses to concede or if people are unhappy with the election results.
I remember Democrats raising a furious roar when GW Bush stole the 2000 election. Republicans were quick to condemn them as "whiners" and "sore losers."

And yet the process back then didn't call for anyone to concede anything or proclaim things fraud free 20 days in advance. And the process you speak of had the democrats claiming the rigged thing. And then they didn't immediately concede, they had many recounts, and then various courts involved.

And those very same folks are already condemning Trump. Very short memories.

10-21-2016, 04:46 PM
And yet the process back then didn't call for anyone to concede anything or proclaim things fraud free 20 days in advance. And the process you speak of had the democrats claiming the rigged thing. And then they didn't immediately concede, they had many recounts, and then various courts involved.
And those very same folks are already condemning Trump. Very short memories.


10-21-2016, 05:39 PM
The way that the election process works, it doesn't really make any difference if a candidate refuses to concede or if people are unhappy with the election results.
I remember Democrats raising a furious roar when GW Bush stole the 2000 election. Republicans were quick to condemn them as "whiners" and "sore losers."

And YOU are still roaring, because you were proven to be liars by insisting Bush stole the election. Nothing has changed with any of you liberals gabby....except the DATE.

10-21-2016, 07:27 PM
The way that the election process works, it doesn't really make any difference if a candidate refuses to concede or if people are unhappy with the election results.
I remember Democrats raising a furious roar when GW Bush stole the 2000 election. Republicans were quick to condemn them as "whiners" and "sore losers."

And yet the process back then didn't call for anyone to concede anything or proclaim things fraud free 20 days in advance. And the process you speak of had the democrats claiming the rigged thing. And then they didn't immediately concede, they had many recounts, and then various courts involved.

And those very same folks are already condemning Trump. Very short memories.

And....the Democrats in Florida wanted to deny the absentee ballots from deployed military, even though
it is shown that the lag time in mail to and from APO's and FPO's affects delivery time.