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View Full Version : Drudge Falls for Fake Racist Pro-Trump youtube 'social experiment'

10-23-2016, 09:19 AM
Drudge Falls for Fake Racist Pro-Trump Stunt

A video of a group of black men destroying a Trump supporter’s car went viral after being picked up by conservative media. The problem? The guy who filmed it faked the whole thing.
On Monday, YouTube “star” Joey Salads claimed he had damning evidence that the “black community is very violent toward Donald Trump and his supporters.”
By Tuesday, YouTube “star” Joey Salads, a 22-year-old whose real name is Joseph Saladino, was asking for forgiveness for staging anti-Trump violence in a “black neighborhood.”
On October 17, Salads accrued more than a million views on his most newsworthy “social experiment” yet: “Trump Car DESTROYED in Black Neighborhood (Social Experiment).”

the 2 videos below go into a bit more detail about the video itself and the Bagofwaste that created it.
The 2nd videos also points out the type of commentary the followed it. Lots of 'N-word are this'... 'you know' N-words that,
One very funny one talks about how unintelligent blacks are and how easily manipulated they are compared to him, his race and others.



10-23-2016, 01:39 PM
Yeps, they sure did, as did I from various sites, as Drudge was hardly the only one. Kinda stupid, IMO, to purposely try and make racist videos like this and incite folks. I don't see the big deal in media "falling" for it. They saw something that was horrid, and posted it. No doubt they should fact check better, but kind of hard to do that these days with citizens taking their own videos.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-24-2016, 07:08 AM
Yeps, they sure did, as did I from various sites, as Drudge was hardly the only one. Kinda stupid, IMO, to purposely try and make racist videos like this and incite folks. I don't see the big deal in media "falling" for it. They saw something that was horrid, and posted it. No doubt they should fact check better, but kind of hard to do that these days with citizens taking their own videos.

idiots faked it--but in truth there was no need to fake it. Happens far to often ...White person's car in a black neighborhood , stolen, gets broken into or else trashed.
Nobody can deny the truth of it, as crime stats prove that statement is true.
Nothing justifies faking it..... however Trump campaign signs are far too often trashed and/or stolen by hillary bots--be they of whatever race.-Tyr