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View Full Version : Trump's Gettysburg Policies, He Would Win in a Landslide

10-23-2016, 02:16 PM
Anyone else catch his address yesterday? While his "Gettysburg Address" was light years away from what one generally thinks of when they hear this... it was still a great speech. And light years ahead of Hillary of course.


If the Election Were about Trump's Gettysburg Policies, He Would Win in a Landslide

If the 2016 presidential election were actually about genuine political policies, Donald Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton in one of the biggest landslides of all time. But the mainstream media--with, alas, considerable help from Donald himself--has made it about anything but.

Nevertheless, we shouldn't let those disgracefully biased, born again-bluenoses of the Newswoisie or Donald's obvious neurotic need to respond to anything and everything deter us from examining the proposals in his Saturday speech at Gettysburg.

That speech put forth some of the more intelligent and creative ideas to be before the American public in years. These proposals, contained in what Trump calls his "Contract with the American Voter," deserve to be heard and seriously debated in these last weeks before the election.

Undoubtedly the Newswoisie will do their best to squelch them, panicked that some innocent citizen might deign to compare Trump's "Contract" to the unremitting banality and moral vacuousness ("please see my website") of the Hillary Clinton campaign. But it is our duty -- all of us -- to expose this "Contract" to as many people as possible and give the American public a chance to consider it, even if their so-called "thought leaders" do their best to obscure it.

Let's first examine what the Daily Mail calls Trump's "anti-corruption to-do list" from the "Contract":

1. Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress

2. Hiring freeze on federal employees to reduce the workforce through attrition

3. Requirement to eliminate two federal regulations for every new one

4. Five-year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists

5. Lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying for foreign governments

6. Complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American election

Term limits is nothing new, of course, but Trump's packaging it with these other proposals undermines the longtime criticism of such an amendment -- that Congressional term limits would leave the unelected lifers in the bureaucracy with all the power, able to wreak more havoc than they already do. Trump wants to cut back their numbers through a freeze, diminishing their strength through attrition. More than that, he adds a stricture that for every new regulation they propose, two must be eliminated. How smart is that!

The ban on various kinds of lobbying, foreign and domestic, by "retired" public officials is also an idea whose time has come. Would all this come to pass if Trump were elected? It's hard to say, but when he states this is the first moment in years in which real change is possible, he's telling the truth. If not now, when? In fact, if not now, maybe not for another millennium -- and maybe not here, in the USA.

The second part of his "Contract" has seven proposals to protect the American worker.

One and two concern trade -- his well-known desire to renegotiate NAFTA and his equally well-known opposition to TPP (publicly adopted by Clinton, but privately abhorred by her, according to WikiLeaks). I don't know much of the details of our trade deals, but if they were negotiated anywhere near as abysmally as our foreign policy deals (Iran, North Korea), they certainly merit reconsideration.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/diaryofamadvoter/2016/10/22/if-the-election-were-about-trumps-gettysburg-policies-he-would-win-in-a-landslide/

Inner Sanctum
10-23-2016, 02:42 PM
Let's be honest with one another, Donny has nobody to blame but himself, he has constantly shot himself in the foot on an almost daily basis. He had to have known going in that the media was left and if he didn't he's as much of a fucking moron as i originally thought him to be.

The Repubs also are to blame, HRC is easily defeatable but thrse idiots went and nominated the only person with more dirt than her.


10-23-2016, 02:48 PM

Inner Sanctum
10-23-2016, 02:53 PM

Do you take exception to that line of thought?:coffee:

10-23-2016, 02:55 PM
Do you take exception to that line of thought?:coffee:

I just thought it funny that I knew who you were within just 2 posts. :laugh:

10-23-2016, 03:49 PM
I just thought it funny that I knew who you were within just 2 posts. :laugh:

Well as you probably have thought many times over "if that bastard ever tries to sneak back he won't be a puss and try to deny it". I had to use a dif name at first for obvious reasons but already had a plan as to how best out myself, you just forced my hand early is all. I must be in your thoughts.

10-23-2016, 03:56 PM
Well as you probably have thought many times over "if that bastard ever tries to sneak back he won't be a puss and try to deny it". I had to use a dif name at first for obvious reasons but already had a plan as to how best out myself, you just forced my hand early is all. I must be in your thoughts.

I'm telling ya bro, it was just too damn obvious. You're a "little" like Gabby, in how you targeted me. If you had went to politics, and simply stayed mellow and stayed with your thoughts, I would have just raised my eyebrows. But c'mon, straight to the Steelers game for today? LOL AND the Niners in return? And while you didn't necessarily target me in the political thread, because no one else had replied to my thread yet - it was just the way you had posted just seconds after the Steelers thread. Too damn obvious, posting just like you always did in the past. From Donald or Don to "Donny" sounds like you, and then the "fucking moron" part. While all on it's own it was normal, but right after the Steelers post you done did out yourself!

10-23-2016, 04:02 PM
Well normally i refer to the orange sexual predator as "Drumpf".

10-23-2016, 04:06 PM
Well normally i refer to the orange sexual predator as "Drumpf".

If you had no avatar, and no user name - and all I saw were your words - they are almost identical to bullypulpit. Over the years you have morphed into bullypulpit!! :laugh:

10-23-2016, 04:17 PM
If you had no avatar, and no user name - and all I saw were your words - they are almost identical to bullypulpit. Over the years you have morphed into bullypulpit!! :laugh:

2008/09 was devastating for me economically, i lost most of a 401k i had going, most of my accounts, well i was the first thing they cut back on and all the while i'm watching corps getting bailed out.......i hate em all. The Repubs nowadays are absolute fucking morons along with Dems, it's a total shit show.

Donny only loves 1 thing, he loves Donny, he always has. We all know what HRC is, no argument there.

Is Lisa Ann running? I'd vote for her.

10-23-2016, 04:26 PM
We all know what HRC is, no argument there.

You can't read all of the shit that Hillary has done, whether scandals or illegal things, putting our country in danger and even having folks killed... and then just say no argument and move on. The moving on is keeping her out of office!! Keep her out, then work for 4 years on what we things is next best, and then decide what is best in 2020. But what we do know, is that no way in hell should Hillary be put in charge in 2016.

10-23-2016, 04:43 PM
You can't read all of the shit that Hillary has done, whether scandals or illegal things, putting our country in danger and even having folks killed... and then just say no argument and move on. The moving on is keeping her out of office!! Keep her out, then work for 4 years on what we things is next best, and then decide what is best in 2020. But what we do know, is that no way in hell should Hillary be put in charge in 2016.

Well i'm assuming you are talking about some of the conspiracy shit as well as the few things we know for certain, iim judt gonna say she has been investigated by several committees all of which were heavily Republican and no friends of hers and she has come out clean every time. Hell lets go back to whitewater, nothing nada. I can't accept its all a conspiracy.

How should i shape your tinfoil 🎩, cowboy style or gangster fedora?

10-23-2016, 05:13 PM
Well i'm assuming you are talking about some of the conspiracy shit as well as the few things we know for certain, iim judt gonna say she has been investigated by several committees all of which were heavily Republican and no friends of hers and she has come out clean every time. Hell lets go back to whitewater, nothing nada. I can't accept its all a conspiracy.

How should i shape your tinfoil , cowboy style or gangster fedora?

She sent/received the confidential or worse in her private email server. She lied about everything to anyone who would ask or listen. The FBI busted her dead to rights with all of her lies. Whether you want to downplay it or not... it's highly illegal and she should have been jailed for it. Anyone not being a hack knows this and will admit to it. Others have been jailed for much much less. That's no conspiracy my friend. And that's just nearly the beginning.

10-23-2016, 05:19 PM
jimnyc. After reading this thread. It leaves me thinking, and reminding me of a warning all of us should remember. Which is: "BEWARE of strangers, pretending to bear gifts!"

10-23-2016, 05:23 PM
She sent/received the confidential or worse in her private email server. She lied about everything to anyone who would ask or listen. The FBI busted her dead to rights with all of her lies. Whether you want to downplay it or not... it's highly illegal and she should have been jailed for it. Anyone not being a hack knows this and will admit to it. Others have been jailed for much much less. That's no conspiracy my friend. And that's just nearly the beginning.

You need to move on, she's the next #madampresident and there isn't shit you nor i can do about it. Pissed? Blame the RNC.

10-23-2016, 05:30 PM
You need to move on, she's the next #madampresident and there isn't shit you nor i can do about it. Pissed? Blame the RNC.

Don't get me wrong, I've more or less conceded, I know she's going to win. I can point out and debate and discuss the scum within this woman - and still acknowledge that she will win the upcoming election. She should not win this election. She does not deserve to be in office in ANY capacity. We ALL know that.

And of course there's not much we can do about it - but we can certainly scream about her shit from the top of our lungs. Some like bullypulpit would like for us to just shut up about it and claim she does nothing wrong at all, and that anyone bringing up her shenanigans are either lying about made up things or simply whining about sour grapes. But there are SO many things that can be lined up from top to bottom. So much of it simply can't be debated, even if she does win. We all know how it works with her.

Remember your famous comment, buddy? "The Clinton's simply don't lose elections". And we BOTH know damn well how that works with them, don't we? :)

10-23-2016, 05:52 PM
Don't get me wrong, I've more or less conceded, I know she's going to win. I can point out and debate and discuss the scum within this woman - and still acknowledge that she will win the upcoming election. She should not win this election. She does not deserve to be in office in ANY capacity. We ALL know that.

And of course there's not much we can do about it - but we can certainly scream about her shit from the top of our lungs. Some like bullypulpit would like for us to just shut up about it and claim she does nothing wrong at all, and that anyone bringing up her shenanigans are either lying about made up things or simply whining about sour grapes. But there are SO many things that can be lined up from top to bottom. So much of it simply can't be debated, even if she does win. We all know how it works with her.

Remember your famous comment, buddy? "The Clinton's simply don't lose elections". And we BOTH know damn well how that works with them, don't we? :)

For the most part they don't.

This whole rotten shithole of a system we have is corrupt on all sides of the aisle.

I just wanna be left alone to chronic and microbrews, is that too much to ask?

10-24-2016, 06:40 PM
Let's be honest with one another, Donny has nobody to blame but himself, he has constantly shot himself in the foot on an almost daily basis. He had to have known going in that the media was left and if he didn't he's as much of a fucking moron as i originally thought him to be.

The Repubs also are to blame, HRC is easily defeatable but thrse idiots went and nominated the only person with more dirt than her.


Actually, the GOP has no one to blame but themselves for the monster that is Donald Trump. They've spent years, the last eight in particular, doing everything they can to undermine American's confidence in the mechanisms of government. Drumpf is the result. There are even GOP candidates for the House and Senate trying to sue the producers of political ads linking them to Drumpf. The sad fact of the matter is that Drumpf is chained to the neck of every GOP candidate like week old road kill...It was THEIR party that nominated him to stand for election to the Presidency. They all own him. They had their chance to distance themselves from him months ago...they knew what a loose cannon he is. But they ignored his outrages until they threatened to unseat them from power. And it's too late now.
Oh, and Jimmy...Drumpf's Gettysburg address was just cheap, populist, posturing on his part. If it doesn't put money in his pocket...it ain't gonna happen.

10-24-2016, 06:43 PM
Actually, the GOP has no one to blame but themselves for the monster that is Donald Trump. They've spent years, the last eight in particular, doing everything they can to undermine American's confidence in the mechanisms of government. Drumpf is the result. There are even GOP candidates for the House and Senate trying to sue the producers of political ads linking them to Drumpf. The sad fact of the matter is that Drumpf is chained to the neck of every GOP candidate like week old road kill...It was THEIR party that nominated him to stand for election to the Presidency. They all own him. They had their chance to distance themselves from him months ago...they knew what a loose cannon he is. But they ignored his outrages until they threatened to unseat them from power. And it's too late now.


10-24-2016, 06:47 PM
Actually, the GOP has no one to blame but themselves for the monster that is Donald Trump. They've spent years, the last eight in particular, doing everything they can to undermine American's confidence in the mechanisms of government. Drumpf is the result. There are even GOP candidates for the House and Senate trying to sue the producers of political ads linking them to Drumpf. The sad fact of the matter is that Drumpf is chained to the neck of every GOP candidate like week old road kill...It was THEIR party that nominated him to stand for election to the Presidency. They all own him. They had their chance to distance themselves from him months ago...they knew what a loose cannon he is. But they ignored his outrages until they threatened to unseat them from power. And it's too late now.
Oh, and Jimmy...Drumpf's Gettysburg address was just cheap, populist, posturing on his part. If it doesn't put money in his pocket...it ain't gonna happen.

Wow. You and innnersanctom sound like Twins, both working from the same, demented, tormented, vacuum between your ears. For your sake. I hope Hillary wins, if that's what it takes to make those in denial...get what they deserve. Our nation will survive, but will all of the Hillary fans, when they find out how she is doing nothing but USING ALL OF YOU, to get what she wants?

10-24-2016, 06:54 PM
Wow. You and innnersanctom sound like Twins, both working from the same, demented, tormented, vacuum between your ears. For your sake. I hope Hillary wins, if that's what it takes to make those in denial...get what they deserve. Our nation will survive, but will all of the Hillary fans, when they find out how she is doing nothing but USING ALL OF YOU, to get what she wants?

Just an Fyi - in case you or others didn't catch it...

Inner Sanctum IS OCA. He came back with a new account, we opened his old account, and then closed the inner sanctum account.

10-24-2016, 06:58 PM
Actually, the GOP has no one to blame but themselves for the monster that is Donald Trump. They've spent years, the last eight in particular, doing everything they can to undermine American's confidence in the mechanisms of government. Drumpf is the result. There are even GOP candidates for the House and Senate trying to sue the producers of political ads linking them to Drumpf. The sad fact of the matter is that Drumpf is chained to the neck of every GOP candidate like week old road kill...It was THEIR party that nominated him to stand for election to the Presidency. They all own him. They had their chance to distance themselves from him months ago...they knew what a loose cannon he is. But they ignored his outrages until they threatened to unseat them from power. And it's too late now.
Oh, and Jimmy...Drumpf's Gettysburg address was just cheap, populist, posturing on his part. If it doesn't put money in his pocket...it ain't gonna happen.

It all started with what Raygun termed the "southern strategy ".......and now it's come back and bit them in the ass.

Donny has always loved......well.....Donny and if anybody thinks he's a populist they are a nutter.

10-24-2016, 07:00 PM
Just an Fyi - in case you or others didn't catch it...

Inner Sanctum IS OCA. He came back with a new account, we opened his old account, and then closed the inner sanctum account.

Thanks jim. But liars, by any name they go by, are still liars, and even TROLLS.:clap:

10-24-2016, 07:03 PM
Thanks jim. But liars, by any name they go by, are still liars, and even TROLLS.:clap:

People who applaud their own posts always give me a chuckle.

10-24-2016, 07:08 PM
People who applaud their own posts always give me a chuckle.

You should be very flattered that you only get a chuckle. Staring at yourself in a mirror, and laughing, without all of us seeing it....MAKES ME FEEL GREAT. You are an endless source of laughter, as are most liars we have been listening to, and watching lately. You must be a big-shot at the DNC, where you hand out tickets to the DNC Olympic Pool, full of Grape Kool-aid, BEFORE TRUMP DRAINS YOUR SWAMP!

10-24-2016, 07:11 PM
It all started with what Raygun termed the "southern strategy ".......and now it's come back and bit them in the ass.

Donny has always loved......well.....Donny and if anybody thinks he's a populist they are a nutter.

Actually, it was Nixon who successfully used the "Southern Strategy" to peel boll-weevil Democrats off to the GOP with the promise that he wouldn't spend a whole lot of time on civil rights.

10-24-2016, 07:32 PM
You should be very flattered that you only get a chuckle. Staring at yourself in a mirror, and laughing, without all of us seeing it....MAKES ME FEEL GREAT. You are an endless source of laughter, as are most liars we have been listening to, and watching lately. You must be a big-shot at the DNC, where you hand out tickets to the DNC Olympic Pool, full of Grape Kool-aid, BEFORE TRUMP DRAINS YOUR SWAMP!

Honestly all politics aside......this post in nothing more than incoherent ramblings.........hard to read.

10-24-2016, 08:01 PM
Honestly all politics aside......this post in nothing more than incoherent ramblings.........hard to read.

Now that's funny. You, using the word 'Honestly'?????:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: