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View Full Version : Dems on the attack in Texas

10-23-2016, 05:50 PM
Sensing a possible opening in what is normally a very red state, Dems have started advertising in Texas.
Most of it is direct mail to areas with a lot of Latino voters. Cards printed in Spanish attack Donald Trump and tie local GOP candidates to Trump's policies. This is in addition to voter registration drives.
Recent polls show Clinton trailing Trump by two to three percent.

10-23-2016, 06:52 PM
Sensing a possible opening in what is normally a very red state, Dems have started advertising in Texas.
Most of it is direct mail to areas with a lot of Latino voters. Cards printed in Spanish attack Donald Trump and tie local GOP candidates to Trump's policies. This is in addition to voter registration drives.
Recent polls show Clinton trailing Trump by two to three percent.

Drumpf is the worst thing the RNC could've ever done. Reality is long time red states are now in play and down ticket Repubs are feeling the effects.

10-23-2016, 11:42 PM
Short sighted Republicans believe that they only stand to lose the White House if Trump falls on his face. Those lose sight of the down ticket races that could affect far more people than the presidency.
If Democrats start making inroads into states like Arizona and Texas, what chances do Republicans have in retaining an effective standing in Congress?

10-24-2016, 08:52 AM
Sensing a possible opening in what is normally a very red state, Dems have started advertising in Texas.
Most of it is direct mail to areas with a lot of Latino voters. Cards printed in Spanish attack Donald Trump and tie local GOP candidates to Trump's policies. This is in addition to voter registration drives.
Recent polls show Clinton trailing Trump by two to three percent.

Your "voting base" you are appealing to either can't legally vote, or are just more illiterate trash that believes they'll get the handouts they've been promised since forever and ever got. I sure as Hell wouldn't be bragging if my greatest appeal was to people who want to do nothing but live off what others earn.

10-24-2016, 09:46 AM
Your "voting base" you are appealing to either can't legally vote, or are just more illiterate trash that believes they'll get the handouts they've been promised since forever and ever got. I sure as Hell wouldn't be bragging if my greatest appeal was to people who want to do nothing but live off what others earn.

Umm Donny's followers believe he'll make em rich, who is more ignorant?

10-24-2016, 11:27 PM
There is more trouble brewing in Texas.
My sister was in Dallas last weekend to visit family. They have a couple of neighbors who are staunch GOP and Trump supporters. They are getting frustrated because they feel Trump is taking Texas for granted. There has been no organization and no funding for a couple of months.
The Dems have countered with direct mail offerings targeting the Spanish speaking community. There have been several rallies featuring Latin pop stars and TV personalities.
Meanwhile, GOP politicians in Texas seem to be sitting this one out.

10-25-2016, 10:26 AM
Umm Donny's followers believe he'll make em rich, who is more ignorant?

Let's get one thing straight, noob. I'm not one of "Donnie's followers". I probably despise the GOP as much as you. At least I have cactuai reasons for doing so, just the same as I have for wanting Hillary's fat ass behind bars where it belongs. The fact the former stinks does NOT legitimize the latter.

So let's be sure we call the spades spades here. I've eaten more shit here for my political opinion of Trump than you have hopes of c atching up to.

One of your first bitches when you returned was the GOP doesn't do anything. I agree. Been bitching about THAT since the Contract? in the 90s.

Difference here is I prefer them doing nothing than watching the Dems turn us into a 3rd World shithole. Hiarry's promises are about as like to happen as any other Dem promises since the 60s at least. She's done nothing mut fearmonger on Trump with her kindergarten level commercials. But then, I guess she knows her audience.

As far as Trump goes, take THAT argument to someone else. I have been REAL clear. I am voting AGAINST HItlery and FOR the preservation of the Constitution. If it was Daffy Duck, he'd get my vote against that treasonous bitch. Simple as that.

10-25-2016, 10:30 AM
As far as Trump goes, take THAT argument to someone else. I have been REAL clear. I am voting AGAINST HItlery and FOR the preservation of the Constitution. If it was Daffy Duck, he'd get my vote against that treasonous bitch. Simple as that.

There are two types of trump voters; trump supporters and #neverhillary. It's an error IMO to lump them together.

10-25-2016, 10:30 AM
There is more trouble brewing in Texas.
My sister was in Dallas last weekend to visit family. They have a couple of neighbors who are staunch GOP and Trump supporters. They are getting frustrated because they feel Trump is taking Texas for granted. There has been no organization and no funding for a couple of months.
The Dems have countered with direct mail offerings targeting the Spanish speaking community. There have been several rallies featuring Latin pop stars and TV personalities.
Meanwhile, GOP politicians in Texas seem to be sitting this one out.

About as credible as Hitlery's "I'm a Republican but crossing party lines" commercial they play ad nauseum.

10-25-2016, 10:33 AM
"noob" lol

10-25-2016, 10:55 AM
There is more trouble brewing in Texas.
My sister was in Dallas last weekend to visit family. They have a couple of neighbors who are staunch GOP and Trump supporters. They are getting frustrated because they feel Trump is taking Texas for granted. There has been no organization and no funding for a couple of months.
The Dems have countered with direct mail offerings targeting the Spanish speaking community. There have been several rallies featuring Latin pop stars and TV personalities.
Meanwhile, GOP politicians in Texas seem to be sitting this one out.

Taking Texas for granted? Quite the contrary. Trump is counting on Texas going for Hillary thanks to his unconcern and disinterest in winning the state...lol.

Read the last paragraph....


10-25-2016, 11:11 AM
Taking Texas for granted? Quite the contrary. Trump is counting on Texas going for Hillary thanks to his unconcern and disinterest in winning the state...lol.

Read the last paragraph....


You know how the left is around here. That Kooky leftwingnut ADA will probably try to indict Henry Bonilla again. :laugh: If they don't like the election results they can run off to OK again.:laugh:

10-25-2016, 01:45 PM
About as credible as Hitlery's "I'm a Republican but crossing party lines" commercial they play ad nauseum.
