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10-24-2016, 12:48 PM
So we know that the Dems set out to be disruptive at Trump events, even to the point of getting violent, and the last video showed they set out to target the elderly and worse, to make the Trump supporters look worse.


Hillary personally involved, approves Creamer plan

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas has released video evidence that left-wing organizer and high-level Democratic Party operative Robert Creamer is, in fact, linked directly to Hillary Clinton, who personally approved at least one of his disruptive tactics.

Last week, O’Keefe produced video showing Creamer, the co-founder of the Democracy Partners consulting group, and his colleague, Scott Foval, discussing their past and present efforts to incite violence at Donald Trump rallies and other events.

The stated goal was to create “anarchy” around Trump, presumably to make him less appealing to American voters. Foval described Democracy Partners as a contractor for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook tried to evade the controversy by denying a direct link between Creamer and the campaign.

When Breitbart News’ Washington political editor, Matthew Boyle, confronted Mook about Creamer and his firm in the spin room after the third presidential debate, Mook claimed: “They’ve never worked for our campaign.” When asked if Clinton had ever discussed the controversial political operations with Creamer directly, Mook replied: “I don’t think so.”

Now, however, O’Keefe and Project Veritas have released video of Creamer claiming that Clinton directly approved one of his more bizarre plans — an effort to attract media attention and incite violence by dressing an activist in a Donald Duck costume and sending that activist into Trump events, emphasizing the argument that Trump was “ducking” releasing his tax returns.

Rest here and video - http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/10/24/new-okeefe-video-hillary-clinton-approved-robert-creamer-plan-directly/

10-24-2016, 01:16 PM
Yep. This kind of crap doesn't happen without money changing hands.

The more disturbing part for me is the mass voter fraud they were discussing. Foval was drunk and trying to impress the undercover girl, you could see Creamer smelled a setup and was cagey... but not before implicating himself. Toward the end you could see him backing away - he clearly has good instincts for a trap. The reporter laid it on a bit too thick and gave the game away.

10-24-2016, 01:18 PM
Yep. This kind of crap doesn't happen without money changing hands.

The more disturbing part for me is the mass voter fraud they were discussing. Foval was drunk and trying to impress the undercover girl, you could see Creamer smelled a setup and was cagey... but not before implicating himself. Toward the end you could see him backing away - he clearly has good instincts for a trap. The reporter laid it on a bit too thick and gave the game away.

But here we are, 2 weeks from the election, and "even if" as I always say - does anyone care? WTF?

Black Diamond
10-24-2016, 01:24 PM
But here we are, 2 weeks from the election, and "even if" as I always say - does anyone care? WTF?

What kind of bombshell would the media not be able to resist?

Or what kind of event would sway this thing?