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10-24-2016, 11:24 PM
(I'm just posting an article, or should I say pieces of it. The full article is linked at the bottom)


Rigged? In What Way Is This Election NOT Rigged?

The political and media elites are outraged beyond measure by Donald Trump’s charge that the election could be rigged. How dare he suggest such a thing, they say, for the system is as honest as the day is long!

It shows he knows he is going to lose, they say. It shows that he has no faith in the American system, and is really a fascist at heart.

In reality, it shows no such thing, but it does show that a conversation about whether this election -- and the political system in general -- is rigged is one that the elites most desperately do not want to have.

And that is why we must have it.

And, if we’re going to have it in an honest fashion, the question should be framed not as “Is the system rigged?” but as “In what way is the system not rigged?”

First, there is the media.

Richard Nixon complained of media bias as long ago as 1960, but even he never envisioned the state propaganda machine we have today. Even just a decade ago, conservative media watchdogs were tallying up mainstream media stories that were favorable and unfavorable to conservative politicians and issues, and finding that unfavorable ones vastly outnumbered favorable ones -- which did, however, exist.

Now, even the idea that anything or anyone not left-of-center would get even the briefest fair hearing in the mainstream media seems quaint.

Recently, I stopped by the online portals of the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS -- all the self-anointed guardians of acceptable opinion -- and each one featured story after story showing Donald Trump to be evil, stupid, dangerous, and worse.

How many stories from those sources, and others like them, were favorable to Trump, or negative toward Hillary Clinton? Don’t kid yourself.

Then there is the voter fraud.

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their bought-and-paid-for media propagandists feign shock and outrage that Trump would dare question the integrity of the very heart of the political process. Meanwhile, two Democratic Party operatives have now lost their jobs over the damning videos by James O’Keefe that show them cheerfully, openly, and even proudly discussing how to game the system, get innumerable fraudulent voters to the polls, and pull off a foolproof, prosecution-proof rigged election.

That there has been no call for any official investigation, no outcry, but only ridicule and scorn from our guardians of acceptable opinion only underscores the point of the O’Keefe videos, and shows how deeply the rot has set in.

Yet O’Keefe’s videos are compelling enough to have cost two of those featured in them their jobs (ironically, the Washington Post report on this was written by … Dave Weigel).


So is the system rigged?

We have more evidence that it is than we have ever had before, and what we know now is likely the tip of the iceberg.

Whether or not Hillary wins on November 8, that knowledge cannot be unlearned. The best outcome we may be able to hope for in these dark days is that the election of 2016 will turn out to be the very last one that is rigged.

Let’s make sure that by 2020, the Leftist stranglehold on the political system and the media is definitively broken, with the revelations of this tumultuous campaign being the first cracks in the edifice.

Rest here - https://pjmedia.com/homeland-security/2016/10/24/rigged-in-what-way-is-this-election-not-rigged/

10-24-2016, 11:27 PM
And to be clear, I don't mean barely the voting system at all, as I really don't have any proof of that, or very little I should say. But rather the few things I have been going on about for the past month.

10-24-2016, 11:33 PM
There are going to be consequences to this election cycle and not just for GOP.

From the beginning I've asserted that Trump hit on the buttons of what are serious problems in the system, in the country. The problem from my perspective has always been the messenger, the analysis (or lack thereof) and subsequent lack of solutions.

The problem of this election though isn't just Trump. It's also Hillary and the way the DNC acquiesced to her 'entitlement.' Putting up Sanders as her opposition was supposed to have led to clear sailing, instead she still was nearly brought down. IF wikileaks had come out during the primaries, who knows? Trump v Sanders? Good lord!

Well the wikileaks didn't come out then, so here we are. While many are bemoaning the lack of investigation into the gist of the emails and the public focus on salacious videos and discussions instead of substance, wait. The media is going to get into those, right after she is elected. It's what they do, with the notable exception of Obama, but that was someone they put up, kept up, covered for, and believed in. That's not the case with Hillary. They don't like her anymore than she does them.

10-24-2016, 11:34 PM
Let me get this straight: Republicans get undivided support from Fox, which is one of the most influential TV news networks. All of most popular and listened to radio commentators are conservative Republicans. Pretty much all the most quoted online blogs are run by conservative Republicans.
Who is left to "rig" the system?

10-24-2016, 11:40 PM
Let me get this straight: Republicans get undivided support from Fox, which is one of the most influential TV news networks. All of most popular and listened to radio commentators are conservative Republicans. Pretty much all the most quoted online blogs are run by conservative Republicans.
Who is left to "rig" the system?

Fox is highly rated for 'cable' news, not compared to networks. Who is it that listens to 'radio commentators?' Same folks that are already voting for Trump-thus no net growth of his supporters. Indeed, my guess if I looked at the stats for 'radio talk' is that they've lost many listeners over the past year and half. Those that were not on the train, even those that eventually did jump on, had turned off the radio sells.

Even within the social media, dominant news still dominates. :laugh: Again if one could get into the analytics, I'd bet that more of their employee time is spent on new media, than writing for papers or news programs. Indeed, for 'print media' the emphasis has turned to making profits off of internet presence.

10-24-2016, 11:42 PM
Let me get this straight: Republicans get undivided support from Fox, which is one of the most influential TV news networks. All of most popular and listened to radio commentators are conservative Republicans. Pretty much all the most quoted online blogs are run by conservative Republicans.
Who is left to "rig" the system?

Fox news has railed on him just the same, and their polls have had him down big time, so nice try!

EVERY other MSM agency is in the tank for Hillary. A few of them have even been busted working with her, and even giving questions in advance. And then we're talking about help from the DOJ and CLEAR help from the FBI in where ANY other person in the nation would be doing time right now, and we all know that, the code is clear. Lynch on the runway with Billy. The list of things that took place is lengthy, and she without a doubt had media bias on her side, collusion with the media, collusion with the FBI. And then lets add in several states currently doing investigations for voter fraud. And then other fraud investigations on top of that. There is PLENTY of reasons to look into the rigged aspect, outside of stating the polling booths are rigged.

10-24-2016, 11:52 PM
I think the one thing that will eventually prove to be Trump's downfall is his failure to expand his base of support. If you read the speeches he gives (transcripts are online), the message is always the same. He is content to satisfy his core following.

I am starting to feel sorry for Kellyanne Conway. She goes on national news shows to spread the talking points. A few hours later (or perhaps the next day), Trump contradicts her. Trump goes off script so often that she can't keep up with him.

One of Trump's main complaints is that the media continually print unfavorable things about him. Yet he continues to say stupid things and do stupid things. He obviously doesn't understand the modern 24/7 media cycle. No one cares about the more mundane things. They want the next zinger.
Clinton understands how the media works. That comes from being a career politician. She knows when to stay clean and when to get dirty.
Let's face it, if you turn on the news for five minutes, or go online looking for the top news item, all the Wikileaks things aren't going to jump out at you. Trump saying nasty things about women is.

Yes, the election IS rigged against Trump. But only because Trump has done it to himself.

10-25-2016, 12:03 AM
Yes, the election IS rigged against Trump. But only because Trump has done it to himself.

I'll say it daily until the election, and then every day there after so no one forgets. The media has been HUGELY biased. They have been busted emailing back and forth with Hillary and her campaign. They have been busted giving out questions in advance of a primary. The DOJ was busted meeting with Bill Clinton. Of course never ending in helping Hillary at every turn. The FBI investigated Hillary and admitted she broke the law and everyone in the nation knows the criminal code. Hillary stated endless times to the FBI and to congress that she never sent or had any confidential emails on her server. Comey testified that this was untrue. And then again, a minimum of 3 states are currently having investigations about voter fraud. There are also further investigations centering around fraud in this election.

Oh, and 4 million dead voters on the rolls. :rolleyes:

10-25-2016, 06:27 AM
This is not front page news the cooperation between media and DNC, it's been going on for many election cycles and if Trump didn't know this going in then he is maybe the dumbest candidate ever put on a ballot. Bush knew this going in, still got elected twice.

Donny's problem besides the clearly obvious self inflicted ones is thusly:Demos outnumber Repubs rougly 2.5-1 in America and in order for a Repub to get elected he/she must garner a significant # of demo and independent votes and Donny has done little to nothing in order to procure those votes, he simply throws red meat to his base daily and his numbers bear this out, he has consistently been at 40-43% nationally since spring and that simply and factually will never be enough to get a repub candidate elected.

10-25-2016, 06:57 AM
Let me get this straight: Republicans get undivided support from Fox, which is one of the most influential TV news networks. All of most popular and listened to radio commentators are conservative Republicans. Pretty much all the most quoted online blogs are run by conservative Republicans.
Who is left to "rig" the system?

You forgot to mention that Steve Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News, is the CEO of Trump's campaign.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-25-2016, 07:16 AM
This is not front page news the cooperation between media and DNC, it's been going on for many election cycles and if Trump didn't know this going in then he is maybe the dumbest candidate ever put on a ballot. Bush knew this going in, still got elected twice.

Donny's problem besides the clearly obvious self inflicted ones is thusly:Demos outnumber Repubs rougly 2.5-1 in America and in order for a Repub to get elected he/she must garner a significant # of demo and independent votes and Donny has done little to nothing in order to procure those votes, he simply throws red meat to his base daily and his numbers bear this out, he has consistently been at 40-43% nationally since spring and that simply and factually will never be enough to get a repub candidate elected.

Bush knew this going in, still got elected twice.

Are you truly attempting to convince us that the media has not ramped up its dedication, collusion and corruption to a great new level since the first obama campaign and is not now serving as a surrogate political arm of the Dem party?
Everything changed since the obama came on the scene (supported by the globalists), thus the Bush reference(his two wins) you made , has no reue value in today's political world IMHO.-TYR

10-25-2016, 07:16 AM
There are going to be consequences to this election cycle and not just for GOP.

From the beginning I've asserted that Trump hit on the buttons of what are serious problems in the system, in the country. The problem from my perspective has always been the messenger, the analysis (or lack thereof) and subsequent lack of solutions.

The problem of this election though isn't just Trump. It's also Hillary and the way the DNC acquiesced to her 'entitlement.' Putting up Sanders as her opposition was supposed to have led to clear sailing, instead she still was nearly brought down. IF wikileaks had come out during the primaries, who knows? Trump v Sanders? Good lord!

Well the wikileaks didn't come out then, so here we are. While many are bemoaning the lack of investigation into the gist of the emails and the public focus on salacious videos and discussions instead of substance, wait. The media is going to get into those, right after she is elected. It's what they do, with the notable exception of Obama, but that was someone they put up, kept up, covered for, and believed in. That's not the case with Hillary. They don't like her anymore than she does them.

Sine all you know about Trump is via the media, and the media are busily buying into the rigging shenanigans ... what, exactly, DO you know is true, or not true, of Trump ? You're dependent on a biased media industry for your input.

10-25-2016, 09:19 AM
Only those who know they lost give up the rigged election cry. It's a last ditched effort and sad at that. An election can be rigged at a local level, not national. Busing in a few hundred people to vote twice does not make any difference.

10-25-2016, 09:24 AM
Only those who know they lost give up the rigged election cry. It's a last ditched effort and sad at that. An election can be rigged at a local level, not national. Busing in a few hundred people to vote twice does not make any difference.

Correct. Donny has known for quite a while that he was going down he is just looking for any excuse available. The dangerous part is the majority of his followers are ignorant and uneducated and will believe anything he says.

I predict bloodshed Nov.8/9

10-25-2016, 11:55 AM
pretty sad


10-25-2016, 11:57 AM
pretty sad

He is, without a doubt a propagandist.

10-25-2016, 12:12 PM
Only those who know they lost give up the rigged election cry. It's a last ditched effort and sad at that. An election can be rigged at a local level, not national. Busing in a few hundred people to vote twice does not make any difference.

Even if it were only one person voting fraudulently, that would be far too many. And they add up after awhile, hence so many current investigations going on.

And election can't be rigged nationally? Then there was no reason for the media to get involved, and to send questions behind the scenes and such. What would be the point? Same with the FBi/DOJ - and that's EXACTLY what they did in absolving Hillary - is rig the election. Many of you can ignore this forever, but it still happened, and the media/FBI/FOJ/Administration have all worked together to keep Hillary out of legal trouble and into the WH

10-25-2016, 01:34 PM
Excuses are the last resort of those who have lost confidence in their actions.

10-25-2016, 02:44 PM
Yes, the election IS rigged, but not the way some of y'all think.

"Wisconsin clerk limits voting near campus because ‘students lean more toward the Democrats’"


10-25-2016, 02:47 PM
Ri doubleG ed

The media, the president, the entire administration, the DOJ and the FBI in the worst way of course. Various states and then dead people. I see LOTS of dead people, over 4 million of them in fact.

r - i DOUBLE G - ed

10-25-2016, 03:32 PM
Ri doubleG ed

The media, the president, the entire administration, the DOJ and the FBI in the worst way of course. Various states and then dead people. I see LOTS of dead people, over 4 million of them in fact.

r - i DOUBLE G - ed

If Trump was winning you wouldn't bring this up. This is loser talk.

10-25-2016, 04:26 PM
If Trump was winning you wouldn't bring this up. This is loser talk.

Sure, loser talk. But yet there are active investigations in various states about voter fraud, and more. There is proven collusion between the media and Hillary's campaign. There is proof that questions were provided ahead of time during the primaries. There is proof that they screwed Bernie Sanders. The DOJ and the FBI ensured no charges and helped Hillary all along, and continue to do so. You can call it whatever you like, but the events still happened, lose or win. She'll just be the first winner who was proven to have lied to the FBI and got away with an illegal server and was nailed lying about that server endless times. Pinocchio's nose would be like 42 feet long if Hillary were in charge.

You can call it any type of talk you like, even loser talk. But the talk has been proven both criminally - and now rigging the election.

10-25-2016, 06:42 PM
Ri doubleG ed

The media, the president, the entire administration, the DOJ and the FBI in the worst way of course. Various states and then dead people. I see LOTS of dead people, over 4 million of them in fact.

r - i DOUBLE G - ed

There have always been dead people on the voter rolls. People often die without informing their local governments. I don't know how often the voter rolls are updated, but it is obviously not too often.
How many dead people voted in the last general election? Any?

10-25-2016, 07:11 PM
If Trump was winning you wouldn't bring this up. This is loser talk.

If Trump was winning, the media and propaganda onslaught on him would no doubt intensify. Non-provable accusations would be so plentiful that the average citizen would feel s/he was drowning in them.

How much of any of the sleaze claimed about Trump was in evidence, until just a handful of weeks ago ? And WHY WASN'T IT, if there's truth to be told ?

Trump reserves the right to question the election's result if he loses it. But, of course he does. Why should he accept an election where the victory was founded on deliberate and intensified attempts at disreputable squalid character-assassination ?

Voters have a total right to be able to judge those they want to elect, in a fair, honest way .. to see them as they are .. and not have their judgements skewed for them courtesy of sheer weight of propaganda designed only to harm and mislead.

Abbey Marie
10-25-2016, 07:26 PM
If Trump was winning you wouldn't bring this up. This is loser talk.

So in your world of relative morality, the ends always justify the means. Got it.

10-25-2016, 07:39 PM
Ol'Donny can question the results as much as he wants hell even up her jan 20 inauguration. What he can't do however is incite his brown shirts to violence.

10-25-2016, 07:48 PM
There have always been dead people on the voter rolls. People often die without informing their local governments. I don't know how often the voter rolls are updated, but it is obviously not too often.
How many dead people voted in the last general election? Any?

Spoken like a typical liberal gabby. Of course, you didn't include, as part of your question..."How many dead people will the Democrats take the place of...at polls for THIS ELECTION?"

There would be no need to report DEAD people voting if it was true...NONE OF THEM VOTED.
So...your DNC style, liberal, unspoken portion of the question disqualifies YOU from the start.