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View Full Version : Robert Creamer Says He Was on Calls With Clinton Campaign ‘Every Morning’

10-26-2016, 03:18 PM
Look - even more VIDEO for folks to ignore and scoff at because it's posted on Breitbart news. It's also on other sites too, knuckleheads! LOL


O’Keefe Sting Pt. IV Creamer Says He Was on Calls With Clinton Campaign ‘Every Morning’ Dem Super PAC Returns $20k Sent from Foreign Country… After First Video Dropped

Disgraced Democratic operative Robert Creamer participated in daily calls with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and worked directly with President Barack Obama to organize “issue campaigns.”

Creamer makes the admissions in the latest undercover video release from James O’Keefe and Project Veritas, which captured Creamer describing his activities.

O’Keefe also reports that Creamer accepted a foreign donation for a Democratic super PAC.

In the video, Creamer explains to a Project Veritas journalist that he works for the Clinton campaign and is in charge of “overseeing” activities at the Trump rallies: “I mean frankly I spend most of my time overseeing the Trump event rallies, I mean that’s what I do for the Clinton campaign.“

Last week, O’Keefe showed how Creamer and his Democracy Partners firm have been using a technique called “bird-dogging” to incite violence at Trump rallies and other Republican events for more than a year.

Later last week, Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook denied working with Creamer. On Monday, O’Keefe and Project Veritas released a video showing Creamer claiming that Hillary Clinton had personally approved one of his stunts, involving an activist dressing up as Donald Duck and trying to provoke Trump supporters.

In the new video, Creamer goes even further, saying: “Every morning I am on a call at 10:30 that goes over the message being driven by the campaign headquarters … I am in this campaign mainly to deal with what earned media with television, radio, with earned media and social media, not with paid media, not with advertising.” He also mentions a conference call discussing a woman potentially coming forward to accuse Trump of inappropriate behavior.

Creamer, a seasoned Chicago activist, also talks about his work with Barack Obama, whom he says he has known since the 1980s, when Obama was a community organizer in Chicago: “He’s a pro, I’ve known the President since he was a community organizer in Chicago.”

Elsewhere, Creamer adds: “I do a lot of work with the White House on their issues, helping to run issue campaigns that they have been involved in. I mean, for immigration reform for the… the health care bill, for trying to make America more like Britain when it comes to gun violence issues.”

In the new video, O’Keefe also reveals that Project Veritas arranged for a donation of $20,000 to be wired to the Americans for United for Change super PAC from Belize, via a bank account provided by Creamer. He adds that Americans United for Change suddenly returned the donation once the first Project Veritas videos were released last week.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/10/26/robert-creamer-james-okeefe-project-veritas-says-calls-clinton-campaign-every-morning/