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View Full Version : Huckabee: Media Coverage of Donald Trump Has Been ‘All Negative’ All the Time

10-26-2016, 07:05 PM
Of course he has given them some negative shit to speak about, no argument there. But he's also done an awful lot of positive things to be spoken about - but were ignored. Hillary and her endless negativity have been largely ignored. She was literally having SECONDS spent on her during much of the Wikileaks scandal leaks, while nearly half an hour on Trump.


Huckabee: Media Coverage of Donald Trump Has Been ‘All Negative’ All the Time

(CNSNews.com) - Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer on Wednesday that he doesn’t doubt the findings of the Media Research Center’s analysis of media coverage, which showed that 91 percent of the coverage was hostile towards GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

“What do you think of the report on its face? The numbers seem extremely high. Defend it,” Hemmer asked Huckabee.

“I mean it’s breathtaking, but I don’t doubt it. I mean if you just watch the mainstream media, that’s what you see. It’s all Donald Trump all the time, and it’s all negative, and so the Media Research Center, what do they do, they analyze the total number of minutes that’s given, what the anchors say, what the guests say, what the commentators say. They add it up,” Huckabee said on “America’s Newsroom.”

“It’s a pretty fair analysis, and 91 percent of the time, they’re speaking negatively about Donald Trump, and it may explain why right now the confidence of the American people in the news media is so much even below Congress. I mean the media has become about as popular as a whole gang of cockroaches in your kitchen these days,” Huckabee added.

The MRC study, which examined three mainstream television networks – ABC, CBS, and NBC – from July 20 to Oct. 20, found that the networks focused more “on the personal controversies involving Trump (440 minutes) than about similar controversies involving [Democratic presidential nominee Hillary] Clinton (185 minutes).”

Trump’s treatment of women “was given 102 minutes of evening news airtime, more than that allocated to discussing Clinton’s e-mail scandal (53 minutes) and the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play scandals (40 minutes) combined.”

Rest here - http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/melanie-hunter/huckabee-media-coverage-donald-trump-has-been-all-negative-all-time