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View Full Version : Hillary supporters are already making excuses

red states rule
10-28-2016, 03:34 AM
Oh my

It is the vast right wing conspiracy 2016

Seems Hillary backers know she is a bigger crook then Richard Nixon and are livid anyone would want to hold her accountable

Inside the GOP plot to undermine Hillary Clinton's presidency


Unfortunately for Republicans, this will be exactly what their base demands. After all, you can't go through an election in which your presidential nominee leads daily chants of "Lock her up! Lock her up!" and then think all that rage will just disappear. Talk radio and Fox News (invigorated by Clinton's election; partisan media are never happier than when they have a president from the other party at whom to shake their fists) will fan the flames, telling their audiences every day that Clinton is a villain of near-infinite malevolence and any Republican who fails to thrust his sword at her dark heart is nothing but a coward worthy of a primary challenge from the right.

In a certain way, it's hard to blame the House Republicans who will take up this cause. As they've learned in the last few years, having a congressional majority with a president from the other party is almost as bad as not having the majority at all. When the threat of vetoes means you can't legislate to put your priorities into action, what are you left to do? Digging up dirt on the administration is about the only way to feel any power. And you might just find something truly awful, or failing that, create enough appearance of scandal to make her re-election less likely.

The trouble, though, is that being driven by the search for scandal could prevent the GOP from making the changes required to give it a chance to win back the White House. If you get too caught up in your conviction that your opponents are twisted by evil and engaged in an endless criminal conspiracy, you can become convinced that all you need to do to win is get the goods on them. That belief could stop Republicans from making the kinds of changes that would enable them to broaden their appeal.
And that's their real challenge. In 2016, a party worried about whether it could do more than appeal to angry white men nominated a candidate who can do nothing else. They may find a way to put this election behind them, but so far the signs aren't promising.
