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10-28-2016, 06:24 AM
Over 4 million dead voters in the system. In the endless places I visit for comments and news, I've yet to see a SINGLE democrat supporter worry about this. I wonder why? That's a lot of folks still in the voter rolls that are actually 6 feet under.

The various ways to rig an election are all there, but if someone peeps about it somehow they are un-American. Various states, votes being changed automatically, media bias and collusion, DOJ, need I say more? Cover up from the FBI and collusion now proven. Of course now dead people. Someone must have been playing the Walking Dead too much and they got some ideas.

10-28-2016, 08:11 AM
I would imagine, that since the numbers are low, that most won't care about this? At what number does it become a concern? Wouldn't 4 million be a little something worthy of looking into?

And these folks in Chicago, what affiliation are they voting for? Isn't there ANY way of backtracking this crap?


2 Investigators: Chicago Voters Cast Ballots From Beyond The Grave

CHICAGO (CBS) — Susie Sallee was buried in 1998. Yet records show she voted in Chicago 12 years later.

Victor Crosswell died in 1994, but records show he’s voted six times since then.

And then there’s Floyd Stevens. Records show he’s voted 11 times since his death in 1993.

“It’s crazy,” Sharon Stevens Anderson, Stevens’ daughter, tells CBS 2’s Pam Zekman. “I don’t see how people can be able to do something like that and get away with it.”

Those are just a few of the cases CBS 2 Investigators found by merging Chicago Board of Election voter histories with the death master file from the Social Security Administration.

In all, the analysis showed 119 dead people have voted a total of 229 times in Chicago in the last decade.

Jim Allen, a city election board spokesman, says a majority of those dead voters were most likely clerical errors, involving family members with the same names and addresses.

“This is not the bad old days,” Allen says. “There are just a few instances here where a father came in for a son, or a neighbor was given the wrong ballot application and signed it.”

But in some cases, there was no clear explanation.

Take Tadeusz Ciesla. Records show he voted in 2010.

But his nephew Marek Ciesla says that’s impossible because he died in 1998.

“That’s a fraud,” he says.

Rest here - http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2016/10/27/2-investigators-chicago-voters-cast-ballots-from-beyond-the-grave/

10-28-2016, 08:50 AM

10-28-2016, 09:03 AM

Had NOTHING to do with any of that, but rather from J. Christian Adams.

And what about all of the other states, and now Chicago above? You ignore every last thing unless you can find it on a fact checker. But if it's true, then you ignore it. :rolleyes: