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View Full Version : BREAKING: FBI to reopen Hillary email case

red states rule
10-28-2016, 12:07 PM
Breaking - no link

Fox News states the FBI is going to reopen the email case on Hillary.

Looking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

red states rule
10-28-2016, 12:18 PM
From CNN (Clinton news Network)

FBI reviewing new emails in Clinton probe, director tells Senate Judiciary Committee

<cite class="el-editorial-source" style="text-align: center; color: rgb(38, 38, 38); box-sizing: border-box; font-family: CNN, &quot;Helvetica Neue&quot;, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700;">(CNN)</cite>
FBI Director James Comey said Friday the bureau is reviewing new emails related to Hillary Clinton's time as secretary of state, according to a letter sent to eight congressional committee chairmen.<section class="zn zn-body-text zn-body zn--idx-0 zn--ordinary zn-has-multiple-containers zn-has-3-containers" data-eq-pts="xsmall: 0, medium: 460, large: 780, full16x9: 1100" id="body-text" data-vr-zone="zone-1-0" data-zone-label="bodyText" data-containers="3" data-zn-id="body-text" data-eq-state="xsmall medium large" style="box-sizing: border-box; padding: 20px 0px 0px; overflow: hidden;">


10-28-2016, 12:19 PM

red states rule
10-28-2016, 12:21 PM

So how many liberals (or idiot RINOS) will vote for a Presidential candidate under a CRIMINAL investigation by the FBI?

Are Dems so desperate to win they will ignore this?

red states rule
10-28-2016, 12:28 PM
The Dem Underground is not taking the news very well

Their reactions remind of few folks here and what they must be thinking (and I use that term loosely)


10-28-2016, 12:29 PM
Breaking - no link

Fox News states the FBI is going to reopen the email case on Hillary.

Looking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh puhleeze. Haven't you figured out this game yet?

It goes like this....

Keep ginning up the false hope that Hillary will EVER suffer any consequences from ANY of her actions or inactions. It demoralizes the putzes that would never vote for her anyway.

And demoralizing the opposition is what the left is all about....always.

Obama won't/can't let Hillary go down because it would drag him down too.

red states rule
10-28-2016, 12:36 PM
Oh puhleeze. Haven't you figured out this game yet?

It goes like this....

Keep ginning up the false hope that Hillary will EVER suffer any consequences from ANY of her actions or inactions. It demoralizes the putzes that would never vote for her anyway.

And demoralizing the opposition is what the left is all about....always.

Obama won't/can't let Hillary go down because it would drag him down too.

The hosts on DNCTV are freaking out. It took the Feds along time to nail Al Capone. Took their time bringing down the Commission

So the Clinton's time may be up as well

10-28-2016, 12:51 PM
Are Dems so desperate to win they will ignore this?

Of course.

It might make a slight difference in vote percentage, but not enough to affect the outcome.

The FBI might come out with solid conclusions, and even an indictment, against Hillary.

Three months from now.

To quote a famous liar, "What difference, at that point, will it make???"

red states rule
10-28-2016, 12:55 PM
Of course.

It might make a slight difference in vote percentage, but not enough to affect the outcome.

The FBI might come out with solid conclusions, and even an indictment, against Hillary.

Three months from now.

To quote a famous liar, "What difference, at that point, will it make???"


on the other hand, after suffering a massive hit on their rep - they had no choice but to reopen the case

There is no doubt at all FELONIES were committed by Hillary. She committed at least three acts of perjury

This may cause her number to fall faster in the polls then Bill's pants around an intern

10-28-2016, 01:03 PM
The hosts on DNCTV are freaking out. It took the Feds along time to nail Al Capone. Took their time bringing down the Commission

So the Clinton's time may be up as well

Sigh......whatever floats your boat. If false hope is it, go for it.

I hold no such illusion of much-deserved justice being meted out for ANY Democrat. I've been observing them 'getting away with it' (including murder) for decades now. I get it.

10-28-2016, 01:16 PM
Wow, now THIS changes things. First off, the investigation alone will be enough to give so many pause and she will lose a ton of votes. And what if worse comes from this? Will anything come within the next 2 weeks?


Wait a minute, who the hell am I fooling. Ain't no one got time for that! If they didn't nail her with tons of proof the first go 'round, then why in the world would this be any different? It would be SO cool to see her in cuffs some time in the next 2 weeks after an indictment - but I haven't seen those pigs flying yet, nor ice in hell. :(

red states rule
10-28-2016, 01:19 PM
Wow, now THIS changes things. First off, the investigation alone will be enough to give so many pause and she will lose a ton of votes. And what if worse comes from this? Will anything come within the next 2 weeks?


Wait a minute, who the hell am I fooling. Ain't no one got time for that! If they didn't nail her with tons of proof the first go 'round, then why in the world would this be any different? It would be SO cool to see her in cuffs some time in the next 2 weeks after an indictment - but I haven't seen those pigs flying yet, nor ice in hell. :(

Damn right it changes things

You should check out what the Dems are posting as comments on the NY Times, Washington Post, and other sites.

They are freaking out worse the Michael Moore being told the All You Eat buffet has closed down for the night

10-28-2016, 01:28 PM
Wow, now THIS changes things. First off, the investigation alone will be enough to give so many pause and she will lose a ton of votes. And what if worse comes from this? Will anything come within the next 2 weeks?


Wait a minute, who the hell am I fooling. Ain't no one got time for that! If they didn't nail her with tons of proof the first go 'round, then why in the world would this be any different? It would be SO cool to see her in cuffs some time in the next 2 weeks after an indictment - but I haven't seen those pigs flying yet, nor ice in hell. :(

I may be way off here, but think Comey may be trying to resurrect his previous reputation. From what I've been reading for weeks now, the FBI has serious morale problem, they know that they've been grouped into all the other political agencies now.

If he sets up a grand jury and starts subpoena proceedings, we'll see.

red states rule
10-28-2016, 01:31 PM
I may be way off here, but think Comey may be trying to resurrect his previous reputation. From what I've been reading for weeks now, the FBI has serious morale problem, they know that they've been grouped into all the other political agencies now.

If he sets up a grand jury and starts subpoena proceedings, we'll see.

Kat given the obvious crimes Hillary committed - he has no choice but to do this and take it all the way

He knows what he is taking on and the slimming of him ion the liberal media has already started

10-28-2016, 01:36 PM
Kat given the obvious crimes Hillary committed - he has no choice but to do this and take it all the way

He knows what he is taking on and the slimming of him ion the liberal media has already started

Actually, no. He could just let the previous farce stand.

However, there was no swearing in, no charges, no grand jury, etc. There is no 'double jeopardy' problem. It could be that they actually get down to it? I doubt it, the system is now that corrupt.

If she wins, IF the R's keep Congressional majorities, IF they have leaders that don't come off as nut cases, she may be impeached. That's a hell of a lot of IFs.

red states rule
10-28-2016, 01:39 PM
Actually, no. He could just let the previous farce stand.

However, there was no swearing in, no charges, no grand jury, etc. There is no 'double jeopardy' problem. It could be that they actually get down to it? I doubt it, the system is now that corrupt.

If she wins, IF the R's keep Congressional majorities, IF they have leaders that don't come off as nut cases, she may be impeached. That's a hell of a lot of IFs.

He has heard the anger from his agents who did the leg work, and with all the corruption exposed in the emails he had to reopen the case

This may tip the votes Trumps way and spare us Hillary selling the entire country to the highest bidder, and her Judges from sitting on the USSC for the next 20 years or more

10-28-2016, 01:41 PM
He has heard the anger from his agents who did the leg work, and with all the corruption exposed in the emails he had to reopen the case

This may tip the votes Trumps way and spare us Hillary selling the entire country to the highest bidder, and her Judges from sitting on the USSC for the next 20 years or more

Not long to wait, mustn't forget though all those mail in votes.

Either way, the country is screwed. We'll see if Hillary ends up in orange, I certainly hope so.

red states rule
10-28-2016, 01:45 PM
Not long to wait, mustn't forget though all those mail in votes.

Either way, the country is screwed. We'll see if Hillary ends up in orange, I certainly hope so.

Maybe not in orange

Hiding at home living in exile and ashamed to show her face

I am not a Trump fan but his picks for the USSC are much better then hers. That is main issue Kat

10-28-2016, 01:51 PM
Maybe not in orange

Hiding at home living in exile and ashamed to show her face

I am not a Trump fan but his picks for the USSC are much better then hers. That is main issue Kat

His lists are, personally have no faith he'd appoint those. Doesn't matter though, we've all made our decisions so now we wait to see what the people decide Nov. 8th.

red states rule
10-28-2016, 01:53 PM
His lists are, personally have no faith he'd appoint those. Doesn't matter though, we've all made our decisions so now we wait to see what the people decide Nov. 8th.

Kat the way this election has gone it would be fitting to have both Trump and Clinton to end in a 269-269 tie

Then the House of Representatives select the next President

Would that be a fitting end to the most ugly election in our nations history?

10-28-2016, 01:54 PM
Kat the way this election has gone it would be fitting to have both Trump and Clinton to end in a 269-269 tie

Then the House of Representatives select the next President

Would that be a fitting end to the most ugly election in our nations history?

I'd like them to put in someone who hasn't run. Damn.

10-28-2016, 02:10 PM
Wow, now THIS changes things. First off, the investigation alone will be enough to give so many pause and she will lose a ton of votes. And what if worse comes from this? Will anything come within the next 2 weeks?


Wait a minute, who the hell am I fooling. Ain't no one got time for that! If they didn't nail her with tons of proof the first go 'round, then why in the world would this be any different? It would be SO cool to see her in cuffs some time in the next 2 weeks after an indictment - but I haven't seen those pigs flying yet, nor ice in hell. :(

Right. The problem is......the folks that were always going to vote for Hillary....no matter what....die-hard leftists and LIV Democrats....will still vote for Hillary. The only thing this might do is further cement the conviction of those voting for Trump in order to vote against Hillary. But yeah...nothing will come of this 'latest' shoe either. It's just another distraction and deflection.

10-28-2016, 02:14 PM
Actually, no. He could just let the previous farce stand.

However, there was no swearing in, no charges, no grand jury, etc. There is no 'double jeopardy' problem. It could be that they actually get down to it? I doubt it, the system is now that corrupt.

If she wins, IF the R's keep Congressional majorities, IF they have leaders that don't come off as nut cases, she may be impeached. That's a hell of a lot of IFs.

That is exactly what I was thinking and about to say. Too damned many "ifs"....and this ain't my first rodeo. Been here, done that. I won't fall for it again.

10-28-2016, 02:24 PM
FOX is reporting that these new emails came to light during the Anthony Weiner investigation on sexting. Really! OMG! It just gets worse.

10-28-2016, 02:29 PM
FOX is reporting that these new emails came to light during the Anthony Weiner investigation on sexting. Really! OMG! It just gets worse.

So it could be that the FBI may not be so much on Clinton as on Huma or someone else. Weird getting weirder.

red states rule
10-28-2016, 02:37 PM
So it could be that the FBI may not be so much on Clinton as on Huma or someone else. Weird getting weirder.

She would be a good one to make a deal with and get her to flip

Not since Sammy "The Bull" Gravano turned on John Gotti would the FBI bring down a Boss of a crime family

10-28-2016, 02:39 PM

Update (AP): Am I awake? (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/29/us/politics/fbi-hillary-clinton-email.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur)

Federal law enforcement officials said Friday that the new emails uncovered in the closed investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were discovered after the F.B.I. seized electronic devices belonging to Huma Abedin, an aide to Mrs. Clinton, and her husband, Anthony Weiner.

Hillary’s going to lose the election to Trump because the perv sexting teen girls (http://hotair.com/archives/2016/09/22/uh-oh-u-s-attorney-subpoenas-anthony-weiners-phone-records/) with his hand down his pants might have had classified information from his wife on the same phone? My God — this is the most Clinton thing ever. With 11 days to go, we have reached peak Clinton.

10-28-2016, 02:44 PM
Yeah, gotta be Huma Abedin that is the "official".

When they grabbed her phone / computer, they probably found some discussion with Hellary about lying to the FBI.

Good ol' Wiener! He's the gift that keeps on giving.

Also, with the thousands of FBI personnel that are enraged that Comey rolled over, we can be assured of massive leaks since they wisely no longer trust Comey to do the right thing. A rare second chance and they won't waste it.

red states rule
10-28-2016, 02:47 PM
Yeah, gotta be Huma Abedin that is the "official".

When they grabbed her phone / computer, they probably found some discussion with Hellary about lying to the FBI.

Good ol' Wiener! He's the gift that keeps on giving.

Also, with the thousands of FBI personnel that are enraged that Comey rolled over, we can be assured of massive leaks since they wisely no longer trust Comey to do the right thing. A rare second chance and they won't waste it.

I am wondering how the Hillary backers here will spin this

I wonder if they will blame Trump, Russia, Fox News, or will it Rush or Sean?

Or perhaps another vast right wing conspiracy?

10-28-2016, 02:59 PM
I am wondering how the Hillary backers here will spin this

I wonder if they will blame Trump, Russia, Fox News, or will it Rush or Sean?

Or perhaps another vast right wing conspiracy?

The moonbats have been remarkably silent today. I suspect they won't know how to respond until Soros gives them their opinion.

red states rule
10-28-2016, 03:02 PM
The moonbats have been remarkably silent today. I suspect they won't know how to respond until Soros gives them their opinion.


One in fact who has been online all day. I will not name names but if I met him in person I would love the sound he makes when he shuts up

10-28-2016, 06:08 PM
I think it all hinges on whether or not she wins the Presidency.

If she does, then if she has ANY way of evading culpability for her actions, she'll use it. She'll use whatever power at her disposal to make sure that any investigation goes nowhere, achieves nothing. Whatever it takes, no matter how disreputable the method .. she'll use it.

Diehard Dems won't care about this latest development .. of course. Winning, keeping power, will be all that they care about. Waverers ... depends on whether they care more about personalities, or the actual future of their country !! Because, even if you accepted the allegations against Trump as being true (and I DON'T), what Hillary's done is orders of magnitude worse.

A point was made about postal votes cast already. Hopefully there won't be too many of them, by this point ? I wonder.

10-28-2016, 07:10 PM
FOX is reporting that these new emails came to light during the Anthony Weiner investigation on sexting. Really! OMG! It just gets worse.


10-28-2016, 07:12 PM
Looked as if to me, Comey was still sucking up to the DNC with his release.:laugh:

red states rule
10-29-2016, 05:36 AM
Seems there are THOUSANDS of emails involved here. Some could be duplicates

But this is getting good for America and very bad for Hillary

FBI Stuns Washington, Reactivates Email Scandal Probe: Gamechanger?
PDATE II -- "Possibly thousands" of new emails to review, a process likely to hang over the remainder of the election. And were the Hillary/Huma emails classified? Were they among those deleted and wiped by Hillary's team? Might they contain additional evidence of criminal intent, or disprove statements made to the FBI?
