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View Full Version : Dem Group Files Complaint Against FBI For Interfering With Election

red states rule
10-30-2016, 04:07 AM
Dems are are again showing their support for law enforcement.

If they are not trashing Police Officers, now they turn on the FBI Director for doing his job

The Democratic Coalition Against Trump filed a complaint Friday against FBI Director James Comey with the Department of Justice, alleging interference with the 2016 presidential election.
The coalition, an arm of the Keep America Great PAC, filed the complaint with the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility, after Comey announced to Congress that because of new emails discovered on Huma Abedin’s electronic devices relevant to the Hillary Clinton email investigation, the agency would review those emails and assess their relevancy to the investigation.
For Scott Dworkin, senior advisor to the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, the announcement is evidence that Comey, a registered Republican, is attempting to undermine Clinton’s chances of taking the White House.
“It is absolutely absurd that FBI Director Comey would support Donald Trump like this with only 11 days to go before the election,” Dworkin said in a statement. “It is an obvious attack from a lifelong Republican who used to serve in the Bush White House, just to undermine her campaign. Comey needs to focus on stopping terrorists and protecting America, not investigating our soon to be President-Elect Hillary Clinton.”

10-30-2016, 04:20 AM
Dems are are again showing their support for law enforcement.

If they are not trashing Police Officers, now they turn on the FBI Director for doing his job

If anything remotely comparable could've ever happened to Trump (which of course it couldn't ..) the Dems would be cheering them on.

I'm reminded of the UK's fairly recent 'Brexit' vote (our 23rd June Referendum, which saw us vote to leave the EU). Our Left are doing all they can to throw spanners in the work of the beginnings of the exit process. 'Suddenly' they've found excuses to mire the whole process in as much red tape as possible.

So it is with this. The Left are very happy to see law enforcement agencies do what THEY want. Any actions taken which act against their interests, though, and suddenly their principles evaporate.

red states rule
10-30-2016, 04:31 AM
If anything remotely comparable could've ever happened to Trump (which of course it couldn't ..) the Dems would be cheering them on.

I'm reminded of the UK's fairly recent 'Brexit' vote (our 23rd June Referendum, which saw us vote to leave the EU). Our Left are doing all they can to throw spanners in the work of the beginnings of the exit process. 'Suddenly' they've found excuses to mire the whole process in as much red tape as possible.

So it is with this. The Left are very happy to see law enforcement agencies do what THEY want. Any actions taken which act against their interests, though, and suddenly their principles evaporate.

Reminds me on the reaction from the left of Trumps' STOLEN tax return. One page that showed his lawful application of current tax law, the left went wild

Now their reaction over the email investagation is pure outrage and an all out offensive on law enforcement