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View Full Version : Mainstream media says Trump fans are hurting their feelings

red states rule
10-31-2016, 03:56 AM
Gee, there feelings are being hurt? Anyone care?

he Mainstream Media says Donald Trump and his supporters have hurt their feelings.
CNN's Wolf Blizter unloaded on Kellyanne Conway, Trump's campaign manager -- demanding that they stop heckling journalists.

"He shouldn't be doing that," Blitzer said on CNN. "I mean, can you talk to him? And say to him, 'Mr. Trump, we only have a few days left, and these are hardworking young journalists, they deserve to have some security,' if you will, because of some of those Trump supporters out there, they get pretty nasty with what they're screaming at these young people."
Blitzer actually told her that some of the reporters are scared.

Well, boo-hoo and bless their hearts (as we say back in the South).