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07-29-2007, 02:36 AM
He’s done corporate downsizing, guns, Bush and health care, now Michael Moore has targeted the subject of his next doco - homophobia.

Moore has revealed that the anti-gay Christian right movement might be the topic of his next documentary. According to SlashFilm, he told magazine The Advocate that “I think it’s a very ripe subject for someone like me to make a movie about. Simply because we are not there yet and it remains one of the last open wounds on our soul that we are not willing to fix yet.”

He goes on to say “There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word homosexual. The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”


There is some really good commentary if you click on the link.

Michael Moore is just trying to spread awareness for his Lifestyle, that sick bastard. Maybe Rosie is helping him out on this? I don't see how a pathetic piece of garbage like this can be quoting the bible. I wonder what kind of lies he will come up with?!?

07-29-2007, 05:44 AM
Yes, homophobia is a huge problem in this country. That's why Americans have accepted Ellen DeGeneris as a spokeperson for American Express (plus she has her own talk show), flock to Elton John concerts, go to Dreamworks movies (David Geffen, the "G" in Dreamworks SKG is gay), people have gay friends. "The View" with gay Rosie O' Donnell attracted millions of viewers, not to mention that she would have been the successor to Bob Barker on "The Price is Right" if she could have reached an agreement on her salary. Her sexuality wasn't even an issue.

June is Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual pride month (and is announced in corporate diversity bulletins all across the land), cities all across the country have gay pride parades.

Yes, homophobia certainly is a huge problem (but enough about Michael Moore)....

Now... let's talk about Christophobia, the irrational belief that Christians and Christianity are out to get the rest of us. I wish I had a penny each time someone brings up Catholic priests. Let's be honest, it's not the fact that there are gay priests that have some people all flustered, in fact, they couldn't care less about the kids, either. The real reason is that it gives those losers a chance to bash the Catholic Church under the pretense of concern for molested children. Now, let's move on to Evangelical Christians. I wish I had another penny each time someone called, or implied, the they are dumb, illiterate and unsophisticated hicks that don't know anything else but the Bible, NASCAR and country music. Plus the portrayal of their leaders as sexually promiscuous, or sexually repressed weasels who mislead their flock and conspire to overthrow the government and impose a Taliban style government on the rest of us.

One simply has to read their hometown newspaper to see how widespread this problem is. The perception however is that it isn't a problem, but enlightenment.

07-29-2007, 06:34 AM
The one thing I know about generalisations is that there's usually a germ of truth in them. And that goes for generalisations whether they come from the right or the left.

On paedophile gay priests. They don't have to be Catholic but then Catholicism demands its priests be celibate. In other words it wants men who live an unnatural life to be its priests. That would suggest to me that a higher than average number of males with sexual problems (not "issues") are going to be attracted to the Catholic church. I mean, if they work for God then surely God will help them with their problem, right? But aside from that. The fact that the Catholic Church was aware of paedophile priests in various parishes and protected them from local law enforcement and civil claims is despicable. That's a systemic failure. Oh and it happened here in the Anglican Church too, so it's not Catholic bashing (I think in the US what we call the "Anglican" Church is the Pentecostal Church).

Gays. I wish they'd shut up. I don't care if someone's gay or straight or bisexual or transgender. I don't want to know, I'm not interested (well I would like to know straight up if a female I fancied was gay, for purely practical reasons of course). I think these days when someone bangs the closet door behind them we should be complaining about the noise and yawning with boredom about the revelation.

Hugh Lincoln
07-29-2007, 09:42 AM
Yes, to the left, Christianity is a religion that preaches Marxism and homosexuality, but those dumb right-wingers have just misunderstood its real meaning.

07-29-2007, 10:05 AM
Yes, to the left, Christianity is a religion that preaches Marxism and homosexuality, but those dumb right-wingers have just misunderstood its real meaning.

You need to be a bit more specific because "Christianity" is so broad a term that in the context of the current discussion it needs to be more specific.

On Marxism. The Vatican canned Liberation Theology, can't have any of that "care for the poor" stuff. Liberation Theology was definitely Marxist in its approach but I think it may have just used Marxist analysis rather than advocating full-blown Marxism. Anyway, moot point, the Vatican jumped on it.

On homosexuality. Some Christian churches are okay with it, some froth at the mouth and rant and rave and want to split from the communion. It's obviously not settled.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 10:07 AM
He’s done corporate downsizing, guns, Bush and health care, now Michael Moore has targeted the subject of his next doco - homophobia.

Moore has revealed that the anti-gay Christian right movement might be the topic of his next documentary. According to SlashFilm, he told magazine The Advocate that “I think it’s a very ripe subject for someone like me to make a movie about. Simply because we are not there yet and it remains one of the last open wounds on our soul that we are not willing to fix yet.”

He goes on to say “There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word homosexual. The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”


There is some really good commentary if you click on the link.

Michael Moore is just trying to spread awareness for his Lifestyle, that sick bastard. Maybe Rosie is helping him out on this? I don't see how a pathetic piece of garbage like this can be quoting the bible. I wonder what kind of lies he will come up with?!?

Will Pretty Boy Edwards make a guest appearance?

Hagbard Celine
07-29-2007, 10:08 AM
He’s done corporate downsizing, guns, Bush and health care, now Michael Moore has targeted the subject of his next doco - homophobia.

Moore has revealed that the anti-gay Christian right movement might be the topic of his next documentary. According to SlashFilm, he told magazine The Advocate that “I think it’s a very ripe subject for someone like me to make a movie about. Simply because we are not there yet and it remains one of the last open wounds on our soul that we are not willing to fix yet.”

He goes on to say “There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word homosexual. The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”


There is some really good commentary if you click on the link.

Michael Moore is just trying to spread awareness for his Lifestyle, that sick bastard. Maybe Rosie is helping him out on this? I don't see how a pathetic piece of garbage like this can be quoting the bible. I wonder what kind of lies he will come up with?!?

Just because someone stands up and tells the truth about how gays are treated in this country doesn't mean that they are also gay nimrod.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 10:10 AM
Just because someone stands up and tells the truth about how gays are treated in this country doesn't mean that they are also gay nimrod.

How are they mistreated?

But not giving them special treatment?

07-29-2007, 10:20 AM
Michael Moorse New Movie Is Going To Be Gay, Literally!!!!!!!

Who is Michael Moorse?

red states rule
07-29-2007, 10:21 AM
Who is Michael Moorse?

A fat liberal with more chins then a Chinese phonebook

07-29-2007, 10:32 AM
A fat liberal with more chins then a Chinese phonebook
Yep..Hes fat......lmao So what else do you have on him? He wears glasses? LOL

Honestly...Do you think that’s a valid comeback to use against Michael Moore? Do you think he gives a shit when stupid fuckers like you with 1/8 of his intelligence call him fat?

I will only say this once:
Any conservative who believes that calling Michael Moore "fat" is a good talking point proves that they cant handle the amount of knowledge is takes to discuss issues that he lobbies for.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 10:34 AM
Yep..Hes fat......lmao So what else do you have on him? He wears glasses? LOL

Honestly...Do you think that’s a valid comeback to use against Michael Moore? Do you think he gives a shit when stupid fuckers like you with 1/8 of his intelligence call him fat?

I will only say this once:
Any conservative who believes that calling Michael Moore "fat" is a good talking point proves that they cant handle the amount of knowledge is takes to discuss issues that he lobbies for.

It is full of lies

The US has the best health care system in the world

If fat boy needed a heart bypass operation - do you really think he would travel to Cuba for the operation?

07-29-2007, 10:50 AM
It is full of lies

The US has the best health care system in the world

If fat boy needed a heart bypass operation - do you really think he would travel to Cuba for the operation?
Wow...You really do enjoy making yourself look fucking stupid don't you?

Heres some facts for you bud:

The World Health Organization has carried out the first ever analysis of the world's health systems. Using five performance indicators to measure health systems in 191 member states, it finds that France provides the best overall health care followed among major countries by Italy, Spain, Oman, Austria and Japan.
The US wasn't even in the top 6...

The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18 th . Several small countries – San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore are rated close behind second- placed Italy.

Now...What were you saying??
Perhaps you would like to admit your're wrong? :slap:

07-29-2007, 11:03 AM
Who is Michael Moorse?

He invented Moorse Coode.

07-29-2007, 11:04 AM
It is full of lies

The US has the best health care system in the world

If fat boy needed a heart bypass operation - do you really think he would travel to Cuba for the operation?

He doesn't need to, he's filthy rich.

07-29-2007, 11:16 AM
Just because someone stands up and tells the truth about how gays are treated in this country doesn't mean that they are also gay nimrod.

Hag, let me ask you this: should we cater to the choices people make in life? In other words should we make law based upon lifestyle choices?

07-29-2007, 11:18 AM
Yep..Hes fat......lmao So what else do you have on him? He wears glasses? LOL

Honestly...Do you think that’s a valid comeback to use against Michael Moore? Do you think he gives a shit when stupid fuckers like you with 1/8 of his intelligence call him fat?

I will only say this once:
Any conservative who believes that calling Michael Moore "fat" is a good talking point proves that they cant handle the amount of knowledge is takes to discuss issues that he lobbies for.

And they also lack the ability to omit facts and outright lie in order to advance a radical agenda.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:26 AM
He goes on to say “There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word homosexual. The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”
Why dontcha address the fact that this statement is ABSOLUTELY TRUE?

Too scared it might come back to slap you in the face?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:28 AM
In other words should we make law based upon lifestyle choices?

Being a fag is NOT a lifestyle choice.
Any more than not being one is.

I mean, if you could stop being a dumbass, wouldn't you?
Therefore being a dumbass is not a lifestyle choice for you, its just the way you are.

07-29-2007, 11:28 AM
Hag, let me ask you this: should we cater to the choices people make in life? In other words should we make law based upon lifestyle choices?

You're assuming that sexuality is a choice. When did you choose yours?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:30 AM
Michael Moore can lose weight.

Republifascisti wil always be fucktards.

07-29-2007, 11:30 AM
Just because someone stands up and tells the truth about how gays are treated in this country doesn't mean that they are also gay nimrod.

As ive mentioned countless times before. If he is arguing the truth, why does he have to lie?

07-29-2007, 11:32 AM
Yep..Hes fat......lmao So what else do you have on him? He wears glasses? LOL

Honestly...Do you think that’s a valid comeback to use against Michael Moore? Do you think he gives a shit when stupid fuckers like you with 1/8 of his intelligence call him fat?

I will only say this once:
Any conservative who believes that calling Michael Moore "fat" is a good talking point proves that they cant handle the amount of knowledge is takes to discuss issues that he lobbies for.

no it simply means they are sick and tired of being ignored when they respond countering his bull crap positions only to be completely ignored by people who buy his propaganda without thinking about it at all. What the heck is with you people who refuse to actually think?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:37 AM
Why don't you tell us, avatar4321?

After all, it sure takes a lot of "thinking" to come up with such an original screen name.

07-29-2007, 11:37 AM
As ive mentioned countless times before. If he is arguing the truth, why does he have to lie?

That makes no sense at all.

07-29-2007, 11:38 AM
Oh boo hoo....People are just weally weally mean to homosexuals.....:boohoo:

Let Moore make all the stupid movies he wants.....He is just making all of his money off the liberals....Let them support Mikey's fat ass....:laugh2:

07-29-2007, 11:39 AM
no it simply means they are sick and tired of being ignored when they respond countering his bull crap positions only to be completely ignored by people who buy his propaganda without thinking about it at all. What the heck is with you people who refuse to actually think?

"Michael Moore is fat!" isn't countering any points at all, it's simply stating the obvious, Michael Moore is obese. Yes he is.

07-29-2007, 11:40 AM
Oh boo hoo....People are just weally weally mean to homosexuals.....:boohoo:

Let Moore make all the stupid movies he wants.....He is just making all of his money off the liberals....Let them support Mikey's fat ass....:laugh2:

It would have been good to be mean to J. Edgar Hoover or Roy Cohen, not because they were gay but because they were complete bastards :laugh2:

07-29-2007, 11:41 AM
Being a fag is NOT a lifestyle choice.
Any more than not being one is.

I mean, if you could stop being a dumbass, wouldn't you?
Therefore being a dumbass is not a lifestyle choice for you, its just the way you are.

I guess you have the evidence that modern science has been unable to find.......queer apologist?

Lol, find the A game.........quickly before its too late.

07-29-2007, 11:41 AM
Just because someone stands up and tells the truth about how gays are treated in this country doesn't mean that they are also gay nimrod.

Gay's are so mistreaded. :lame2: People have tolerated them but they are pushing it to far.

07-29-2007, 11:42 AM
You're assuming that sexuality is a choice. When did you choose yours?

Every human being is born with an innate attraction to the opposite sex, only queerness is chosen.

07-29-2007, 11:44 AM
It is full of lies

The US has the best health care system in the world

If fat boy needed a heart bypass operation - do you really think he would travel to Cuba for the operation?

Actually I herd it was a Gastric Bypass.

This asshole is to obsessed with money. He threw a temper tantrum when he found out a couple of his speaches he was suppost to give he was only making $750.00

07-29-2007, 11:44 AM
Michael Moore can lose weight.

Republifascisti wil always be fucktards.

You know that you look like a fucking moron when using the word fascist, right daddy long legs? I mean true fascism is located on the left side of the spectrum dumbfuck.

Maybe politics isn't your thing, dunno.

07-29-2007, 11:45 AM
Every human being is born with an innate attraction to the opposite sex, only queerness is chosen.

And you know that how?

07-29-2007, 11:48 AM
Gay's are so mistreaded. :lame2: People have tolerated them but they are pushing it to far.

How far should they "push it". Maybe I should rephrase that because someone will come in with an anally-fixated comment no doubt.

Should gays be satisiied that they're not being lynched for being gay? Should they be happy they don't go to prison for having consensual sex? They can vote which is good, so I suppose they should be grateful for that. But where should the line be drawn d'you think? What should gays shut up about? What should heterosexuals have that gays should never have? And why?

07-29-2007, 11:48 AM
And you know that how?

You must be kidding! ROTFLMFAO!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

07-29-2007, 11:49 AM
Actually I herd it was a Gastric Bypass.

This asshole is to obsessed with money. He threw a temper tantrum when he found out a couple of his speaches he was suppost to give he was only making $750.00

He's so obsessed with money he gave a cheque to one of his detractors to pay for a medical procedure which he couldn't afford.

07-29-2007, 11:50 AM
You must be kidding! ROTFLMFAO!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I asked you a question. How do you know that what you wrote is true?

07-29-2007, 11:51 AM
Why dontcha address the fact that this statement is ABSOLUTELY TRUE?

Too scared it might come back to slap you in the face?

What the fuck does this mean to you Forrest?

8. If a man lyeth with mankind, as he lyeth with a woman, both of them have committed abomination, they both shall surely be put to death. Lev. 20. 13.


red states rule
07-29-2007, 11:52 AM
Actually I herd it was a Gastric Bypass.

This asshole is to obsessed with money. He threw a temper tantrum when he found out a couple of his speaches he was suppost to give he was only making $750.00

and he gets his money from stupid libs who believe his crap

07-29-2007, 11:52 AM
I asked you a question. How do you know that what you wrote is true?

Don't they teach biology in the U.K.?

07-29-2007, 11:54 AM
Don't they teach biology in the U.K.?

Yes they do. It's also taught here. Now, about my question. Are you going to provide an answer?\
You don't have to of course.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 11:55 AM
Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers individual and other societal interests subordinate to the needs of the state, and seeks to forge a type of national unity, usually based on, but not limited to, ethnic, cultural, or racial attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: nationalism, authoritarianism, statism, militarism, corporatism, populism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, racism and opposition to economic and political liberalism.

Fascism is opposed to liberalism, dimbulb.

I mean true fascism is located on the left side of the spectrum dumbfuck.

Do you work at bveing this stupid, or does it just come naturally?

Right-authoritarian is BY DEFINITION fascism.

07-29-2007, 11:58 AM
That makes no sense at all.

You know you don't have an arguement when you start attacking them because of their screen name. :lame2:

red states rule
07-29-2007, 11:58 AM
Fascism is opposed to liberalism, dimbulb.

Do you work at bveing this stupid, or does it just come naturally?

Right-authoritarian is BY DEFINITION fascism.

Are your Edward from the other board?

07-29-2007, 11:58 AM
Fascism is opposed to liberalism, dimbulb.

Do you work at bveing this stupid, or does it just come naturally?

Right-authoritarian is BY DEFINITION fascism.

It's a confusion of terms thing. There's confusion about economic liberalism (eg Hayek) and social liberalism. Some folks don't understand that fascism relies on a controlled, command economy, like communism, but for different reasons.

07-29-2007, 11:58 AM
Yes they do. It's also taught here. Now, about my question. Are you going to provide an answer?

I just did, all credible biology throughout history has claimed and proven that humans are born with an innate attraction to the opposite sex. Throughout the 20th and 21st century science has endeavored to find a genetic link to homosexuality, as of 12:57 July 29 nothing even remotely close has been found.

What does this say to you?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 12:02 PM
What the fuck does this mean to you Forrest?

8. If a man lyeth with mankind, as he lyeth with a woman, both of them have committed abomination, they both shall surely be put to death. Lev. 20. 13.


Jesus din't say that.

You are proving to be a huge fuckin' idiot, OCA.

Did you even read the statement I quoted?
Here, let me help ya, soft-noggin:

“There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word homosexual. The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

Yer silly Leviticus quote, a rule for a bunch of goat-fuckin' desert nomads, has nothin to do with the Gospel of "jesus", and christer dipshits have no sense contantly dredging up that primitive shit.

Do you put people to death for working on the Sabbath?
That's a Levite law.
How about cutting the hair on their temples?
Wearing clothes of two different kinds of thread?
How about stoning to death disobedient children, adulterers, and those who plant two differnet crops side by side?

Christer fucktards are such idiots.

07-29-2007, 12:02 PM
I just did, all credible biology throughout history has claimed and proven that humans are born with an innate attraction to the opposite sex. Throughout the 20th and 21st century science has endeavored to find a genetic link to homosexuality, as of 12:57 July 29 nothing even remotely close has been found.

What does this say to you?

It says to me that you're not thinking straight. If every human had an innate attraction to the opposite sex then why do some have an attraction to the same sex?

Your comments about genetic links are funny. How can a gene be passed on where the sexual act can't result in reproduction? Or does it jump off someone's skin and bury itself in another host as the person is walking past?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 12:05 PM
I guess you have the evidence that modern science has been unable to find.......queer apologist?

Lol, find the A game.........quickly before its too late.

No evidence necessary.

Did you choose to be a shit-fer-brains?
Or is that a lifestyle choice?

I rest my case.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 12:06 PM
He doesn't need to, he's filthy rich.

If the US has such a rotten health care system I would be shocked if he went into a US hospital

Unless of course, he was lying (as he usually does in his works of fiction)

red states rule
07-29-2007, 12:07 PM
No evidence necessary.

Did you choose to be a shit-fer-brains?
Or is that a lifestyle choice?

I rest my case.

When do looney libs ever offer evidence to back up their rants?

07-29-2007, 12:08 PM
No evidence necessary.

Did you choose to be a shit-fer-brains?
Or is that a lifestyle choice?

I rest my case.

No evidence neccessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2: :laugh2::laugh2:

You can't debate.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 12:10 PM
No evidence neccessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2: :laugh2::laugh2:

You can't debate.

Are we to believe it because he said so?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 12:13 PM
I can when one is necessary.

This is not one of those times.

You can't show evidence that being gay is a "lifestyle choice" so your silly proposition has no basis, and is not deserving of debate.
When you can present evidence, rather than the deranged ramblings of a shitbrained republifascist christer, THEN we'll debate.

Till then, there is nothing TO debate.

07-29-2007, 12:14 PM
If the US has such a rotten health care system I would be shocked if he went into a US hospital

Unless of course, he was lying (as he usually does in his works of fiction)

The point is "system" RSR. I know - and I have never denied - that the US has leading edge medical research, world-beating hospitals (famous ones) and highly skilful surgeons (for example). I know that very wealthy people from around the world have travelled to the US for treatment because of all that expertise (but let's be a bit balanced, angioplasty was developed in Switzerland). But all that is a bit moot if you can't afford treatment. My point in the various threads on the topic here and elsewhere is that the system is what matters, not the level of care that the very wealthy can afford.

07-29-2007, 12:17 PM
Now watch carefully dear reader. The thread is at a critical point. Will the right have a response other than "Michael Moore has a fat arse/ass"? Will the right decide, against the obvious evidence, that they "won"?

Standing by for incoming :laugh2:

red states rule
07-29-2007, 12:18 PM
The point is "system" RSR. I know - and I have never denied - that the US has leading edge medical research, world-beating hospitals (famous ones) and highly skilful surgeons (for example). I know that very wealthy people from around the world have travelled to the US for treatment because of all that expertise (but let's be a bit balanced, angioplasty was developed in Switzerland). But all that is a bit moot if you can't afford treatment. My point in the various threads on the topic here and elsewhere is that the system is what matters, not the level of care that the very wealthy can afford.

Government run health care has failed everywhere it is tried. If you really want to destroy healtchcare in America - let the government run it

07-29-2007, 12:20 PM
Slight diversion - on the medical thread. The cardiologist I see did his post-grad at the University of Wisconsin (bit ironic giving what cheese does!) and the surgeon who got me out of big trouble a few years ago did his highly specialised training in New York City before coming back here and becoming the youngest professor of medicine ever in our State.

Okay back to chucking crap at each other :laugh2:

07-29-2007, 12:22 PM
Government run health care has failed everywhere it is tried. If you really want to destroy healtchcare in America - let the government run it

The Liberal's would like for nothing but to destroy healthcare in America let alone America itself, they already are turning it into The United States Of Mexico. :pee:

07-29-2007, 12:24 PM
Government run health care has failed everywhere it is tried. If you really want to destroy healtchcare in America - let the government run it

RSR that is not right. It is a success here. Therefore your claim is wrong. I'm not being stupidly jingoistic, it's fact. Even our currently rabid conservative/reactionary government won't mess with the system because it works well - not perfect - but well. You see your statement is just blind ideology devoid of rational thinking. Open your mind. That sort of thinking is exactly what we see in Muslim nutters. All they have to do to be masters of the universe is to memorise the Qu'ran. How dumb is that? But I tell you, it's the same sort of tunnel vision that you suffer from. Just believe in the free market and all will be well. You are a fundamentalist. I'm not insulting you, understand that, I'm attacking your ideas. Be open to ideas, it's a good thing. I've learned to toss ideology aside in favour of pragmatism. And I'm happy I have.

07-29-2007, 12:26 PM
The Liberal's would like for nothing but to destroy healthcare in America let alone America itself, they already are turning it into The United States Of Mexico. :pee:

What would be the advantage to them to do that? I mean, why would they even think like that? Why would an alternative government want to destroy the health care system in the US? From what I've seen they want to improve it and boy does it need improving. Note - as I have to keep repeating, we're talking "system", not the fabulous care that the extremely wealthy can afford.

07-29-2007, 12:35 PM
Jesus din't say that.

You are proving to be a huge fuckin' idiot, OCA.

Did you even read the statement I quoted?
Here, let me help ya, soft-noggin:

“There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word homosexual. The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”

Yer silly Leviticus quote, a rule for a bunch of goat-fuckin' desert nomads, has nothin to do with the Gospel of "jesus", and christer dipshits have no sense contantly dredging up that primitive shit.

Do you put people to death for working on the Sabbath?
That's a Levite law.
How about cutting the hair on their temples?
Wearing clothes of two different kinds of thread?
How about stoning to death disobedient children, adulterers, and those who plant two differnet crops side by side?

Christer fucktards are such idiots.

How about this queer apologist? Christ condemned queers:

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Romans 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Romans 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

PWNED...this is way too easy.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 12:38 PM
Romans was written by Paul, known also as Saul of Tarsus, Saul the Insane, Saul the Mysoginist, and Saul the Hateful.


You are such a fuckin' idiot.
Like most deluded christer-fucks, you know nothing about the fuckin' "bible" you cling to so dearly.

The statement was that JESUS NEVER CONDEMNED GAYS and you have yet to prove otherwise.

07-29-2007, 12:42 PM
Romans was written by Paul, known also as Saul of Tarsus, Saul the Insane, Saul the Mysoginist, and Saul the Hateful.


You are such a fuckin' idiot.
Like most deluded christer-fucks, you know nothing about the fuckin' "bible" you cling to so dearly.

The statement was that JESUS NEVER CONDEMNED GAYS and you have yet to prove otherwise.

By this post you have declared yourself to know absolutely dick about the bible. Why don't you go back to the streets and get paid for tossing salads? You were exceptional at that.

Jesus spoke through Paul, Jesus absolutely condemned queers. Anyway I don't take the word of a morally bankrupt leftist heathen.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 12:48 PM
By this post you have declared yourself to know absolutely dick about the bible.

An Introduction To The Book Of Romans

I. AUTHOR: The Apostle Paul
A. Externally1 and internally2 the evidence has been
overwhelming in critical scholarship in favor of
Pauline authorship of this letter.3 Once Pauline
authorship is accepted for works like Galatians, and
the Corinthian letters, than a work like Romans may
also be ascribed Pauline since the topics are so
similar, and there are no substantial difficulties4
B. Although some have denied Pauline authorship (e.g.,
Evanson, Bauer, Loman, Stek), it is no longer disputed5
C. Some consider Tertius to have composed Romans in
accordance with Paul's instruction (Romans 16:22),
however it is more probable that Tertius was Paul's
secretary who either wrote the letter in long-hand from
Paul's dictation, or who first took Paul's letter in
shorthand and then wrote it out in long hand with
Paul's final approval6

What a dipshit you are.

Why don't you go back to the streets and get paid for tossing salads? You were exceptional at that.
What a wonderfully "christian" sentiment.
Do you suck Jesus' dick with that filthy mouth?
For shame.

Jesus spoke through Paul
Prove it.

Jesus absolutely condemned queers.
Never once.
Though he did condemn hypocrites like you.

Anyway I don't take the word of a morally bankrupt leftist heathen.
The last vestige of a christer fucktard when they've reach the end of their intellectual rope.

07-29-2007, 01:02 PM
Theology, Christian theology, is so intricate that to really understand it people have to go to college/seminary. Quoting slabs of the Bible is a bit like the behaviour of the fundie Islamists who have to memorise the Qu'ran. It proves nothing, just that they have fundamentalist beliefs. In this very forum people have condemned the Islamists for being mediaevalists (I have, and I'm right to do so), but OCA you are behaving in exactly the same manner. You take the words of Paul without referencing the hundreds of years of study that theologians have put into examining his words. You want to accept, literally, what Paul wrote. We've come a long way since Paul. If we lived according to his demands now, society would break into little pieces.

Read Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians. It reeks of the fundamentalism you and others claim to despise in Islam.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 01:29 PM
What would be the advantage to them to do that? I mean, why would they even think like that? Why would an alternative government want to destroy the health care system in the US? From what I've seen they want to improve it and boy does it need improving. Note - as I have to keep repeating, we're talking "system", not the fabulous care that the extremely wealthy can afford.

To expand the power of government and have an excuse to raise taxes

07-29-2007, 01:29 PM
An Introduction To The Book Of Romans

What a dipshit you are.

What a wonderfully "christian" sentiment.
Do you suck Jesus' dick with that filthy mouth?
For shame.

Prove it.

Never once.
Though he did condemn hypocrites like you.

The last vestige of a christer fucktard when they've reach the end of their intellectual rope.

Jesus spoke through Paul, Jesus comdemned queers.......deal with it, its all right there in black and white despite all your protestations.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 01:30 PM
RSR that is not right. It is a success here. Therefore your claim is wrong. I'm not being stupidly jingoistic, it's fact. Even our currently rabid conservative/reactionary government won't mess with the system because it works well - not perfect - but well. You see your statement is just blind ideology devoid of rational thinking. Open your mind. That sort of thinking is exactly what we see in Muslim nutters. All they have to do to be masters of the universe is to memorise the Qu'ran. How dumb is that? But I tell you, it's the same sort of tunnel vision that you suffer from. Just believe in the free market and all will be well. You are a fundamentalist. I'm not insulting you, understand that, I'm attacking your ideas. Be open to ideas, it's a good thing. I've learned to toss ideology aside in favour of pragmatism. And I'm happy I have.

Oh it is right. Libs want to increase their power and the size of government

Walter Reed is a great example of government run health care

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 01:38 PM
Jesus spoke through Paul, Jesus comdemned queers.......deal with it, its all right there in black and white despite all your protestations.

Paul was a liar, and you can't PROVE "jesus" spoke "through" him.


Deal with it.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 01:39 PM
Paul was a liar, and you can't PROVE "jesus" spoke "through" him.


Deal with it.

You are in need of serious help and 24 hour adult supervision

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 01:43 PM
And you are in need of replacing that turd on top of your spinal cord with somethin' that contains a thought or two.


red states rule
07-29-2007, 01:45 PM
And you are in need of replacing that turd on top of your spinal cord with somethin' that contains a thought or two.


Angry libs are fun to watch. So consumed with hate and rage and unablle to cope with the truth

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 01:47 PM
I cope with truth just fine.

That's why I tear yer silly ass apart.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 01:49 PM
I cope with truth just fine.

That's why I tear yer silly ass apart.

Let me, and the rest of the board know, when that happens

So far alot of talk from you - but nothing else

07-29-2007, 02:02 PM
Paul was a liar, and you can't PROVE "jesus" spoke "through" him.


Deal with it.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul, Jesus condemned homosexuality choice. Should I believe a person who uses the word "Christer"? lol

Dude, deal with the truth, it won't hurt you, homosexuality choice is vile and disgusting............unless you like tonguing your buddy's hershey highway, well, do ya Spydey?

07-29-2007, 02:03 PM
Angry libs are fun to watch. So consumed with hate and rage and unablle to cope with the truth

It is, hatred and illiteracy though is a dangerous combination.

07-29-2007, 02:04 PM
I cope with truth just fine.

That's why I tear yer silly ass apart.

I'm sure you are dreaming of sticking your schlong in my sweet asshole right now............pole smoker.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 02:12 PM
I'm sure you are dreaming of sticking your schlong in my sweet asshole right now............pole smoker.
Is this something you would enjoy.
No thanks.
But, I do know some people who could accommodate that stretched out tunnel of yours.
If you could extract your head, of course.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul

Prove it.

Jesus condemned homosexuality choice.

No he didn't.

Should I believe a person who uses the word "Christer"?
Its what you are.
A christer.
With a small "c".

Only proper names deserve a capital letter, and christerism is neither proper, nor deserving.

Dude, deal with the truth, it won't hurt you
I deal with truth everyday.
The shit you spew ain't "truth".

homosexuality choice is vile and disgusting
Homosexuality is neither vile, disgusting, nor a choice.
You can't prove it is, therefore it is not.


unless you like tonguing your buddy's hershey highway, well, do ya Spydey?
If my buddy is a ripe, voluptuous model with a kickin body and an asshole like a cute little pink balloon knot, well, then, maybe.

I wouldn't exoect an ass bandit like you to understand that, though.
Oh well, to each their own.

07-29-2007, 02:17 PM
Lol ok kid, I guess you aren't up to brawling today, simply put you aren't fucking good enough.

The mose is dead and the cat walks away

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 02:19 PM

07-29-2007, 02:25 PM

I've already fucked you up so much that you are denying statistics and outright lying, overkill isn't one of my traits. Slink off and lick your wounds and comer back and see me when you've developed an A game.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 02:30 PM
You have proved nothing except how you can ignore reality and statistical analysis.

If anyone is running, its you, my bitch.

After that cheek cools, we can try again, okay honey?

07-29-2007, 02:34 PM
You have proved nothing except how you can ignore reality and statistical analysis.

If anyone is running, its you, my bitch.

After that cheek cools, we can try again, okay honey?

Yeah, everyone read the CDC stats and now behind and in fron oif you we are laughing our asses off. You definitely are one of the most illiterate posters ever, are my fries ready yet?

I've smoked you, i've fucking obliterated you, you simply are not smart enough to debate me......thats a fact.

07-29-2007, 02:40 PM
To expand the power of government and have an excuse to raise taxes

Government has natural limits. If you want to see how those natural limits have been expanded see the current administration in the US.

Taxes. It's a sensitive domestic issue in the US I know, but I don't know if I'd be worried so much about the raise on rates for a decent health care service. But that's a domestic issue, as I said, not a principle I want to get involved in.

07-29-2007, 02:41 PM
Oh it is right. Libs want to increase their power and the size of government

Walter Reed is a great example of government run health care

No, Walter Reed is a great example of government negligence.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 02:43 PM
No, Walter Reed is a great example of government negligence.

It is what libs will give all of us if they get their way

07-29-2007, 02:44 PM
Jesus and the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul, Jesus condemned homosexuality choice. Should I believe a person who uses the word "Christer"? lol

Dude, deal with the truth, it won't hurt you, homosexuality choice is vile and disgusting............unless you like tonguing your buddy's hershey highway, well, do ya Spydey?

I know my own NT knowledge is a bit deficientg but as far as I know Jesus never wrote anything down. He spoke to his Apostles and his Disciples. And I believe some of what He said was recorded by them. Ever interviewed a witness to an event? People tend not to remember much of what they saw and hard, they do remember what they felt though.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 02:47 PM
Government has natural limits. If you want to see how those natural limits have been expanded see the current administration in the US.

Taxes. It's a sensitive domestic issue in the US I know, but I don't know if I'd be worried so much about the raise on rates for a decent health care service. But that's a domestic issue, as I said, not a principle I want to get involved in.

When you have the producers paying more then 50% of thier income in taxes - it has to stop

We have a great health care system in the US - libs want to get their hands on it and fuck it up

07-29-2007, 02:53 PM
When you have the producers paying more then 50% of thier income in taxes - it has to stop

We have a great health care system in the US - libs want to get their hands on it and fuck it up

Who's paying that rate of tax? It's crippling.

No, you don't have a great health care system in the US, saying it doesn't make it so. You have a great system for those who can afford to buy health care. For those who can't afford to buy it you have a really shitty system. If you're fine with that then say so but please, enough of the propaganda. A market-based health care system WILL advantage the rich at the expense of the non-rich. That's what market systems do. I have argued all along that the market mechanism should be taken out of health care and so far no-one opposing me has actually addressed that point. "We have the greatest/best health system in the world" is an empty and boastful mantra that doesn't stand up to objective examination.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 02:56 PM
Who's paying that rate of tax? It's crippling.

No, you don't have a great health care system in the US, saying it doesn't make it so. You have a great system for those who can afford to buy health care. For those who can't afford to buy it you have a really shitty system. If you're fine with that then say so but please, enough of the propaganda. A market-based health care system WILL advantage the rich at the expense of the non-rich. That's what market systems do. I have argued all along that the market mechanism should be taken out of health care and so far no-one opposing me has actually addressed that point. "We have the greatest/best health system in the world" is an empty and boastful mantra that doesn't stand up to objective examination.

When you see the top Federal tax rate of about 37%, and add in SS tax, local taxes, state taxes, Medicare taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes - it is easy for the top producers to pay half their income in taxes

In order to pay for government run health care - how much MORE in taxes do you want them, and the rest of the taxpayers, to pay?

07-29-2007, 03:06 PM
June is Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual pride month (and is announced in corporate diversity bulletins all across the land), cities all across the country have gay pride parades..[/QUOTE]

Holy crap, they get an entire month? And a good one at that! i think they only get a week here, I should google before someone else does!

07-29-2007, 03:18 PM
no it simply means they are sick and tired of being ignored when they respond countering his bull crap positions only to be completely ignored by people who buy his propaganda without thinking about it at all. What the heck is with you people who refuse to actually think?
hahahahha thats funny.
Or maybe you just cant stand that a goofy looking guy is tearing your parties talking points to shreads?

Tell me Avfuck, did Ann Coulter "think" when she made this statement:

"I don't know if [former U.S. President Bill Clinton is] gay. But [former U.S. Vice President] Al Gore - total fag."

Or how about this one:

"I think [women] should be armed but should not vote...women have no capacity to understand how money is earned. They have a lot of ideas on how to spend it...it's always more money on education, more money on child care, more money on day care."

07-29-2007, 03:21 PM
Before I continue, I just wanted everyone on here to know…

I think that we should all block red states rule because he is literally one of the most incompetent and delusional "debaters" that I have ever come across. His ramblings and weird sentences marked by huge grammatical errors and no facts what so ever are very annoying because they get in the way of actual debate. So I just thought I'd throw this out that we should all be blocking his username...this goes for conservatives as well.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 03:24 PM
Before I continue, I just wanted everyone on here to know…

I think that we should all block red states rule because he is literally one of the most incompetent and delusional "debaters" that I have ever come across. His ramblings and weird sentences marked by huge grammatical errors and no facts what so ever are very annoying because they get in the way of actual debate. So I just thought I'd throw this out that we should all be blocking his username...this goes for conservatives as well.

Your version of the Fairness Doctrine?

Can't beat them - silence them

07-29-2007, 03:27 PM
What the fuck does this mean to you Forrest?

8. If a man lyeth with mankind, as he lyeth with a woman, both of them have committed abomination, they both shall surely be put to death. Lev. 20. 13.

lmao...You have absolutely no proof that the bible is the truth (because its not), so I think trying to quote the bible as a means of making policy is pretty fucking stupid. Conservatives lost on the bible debate about 80 years ago...its time to move on.

And if you’re going to quote passages from the Old Testament as a means of a law or something you feel everyone should abide by, why don't you ever quote the various other biblical laws about things people shouldn’t do?

07-29-2007, 03:31 PM
Your version of the Fairness Doctrine?

Can't beat them - silence them
Um no actually I've given you links with facts numerous times now and you continue to ignore them because you’re a fucking idiot.

I would look for board that specializes in political debate for people ages 10-13 if I were you...

Also...I would type your responses on Microsoft Word if I were you. Your grammar and spelling sucks.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 03:33 PM
Um no actually I've given you links with facts numerous times now and you continue to ignore them because you’re a fucking idiot.

I would look for board that specializes in political debate for people ages 10-13 if I were you...

Also...I type your responses on Microsoft Word if I were you. Your grammar and spelling sucks.

Being a lib who can't counter the facts presented, you fall back on the normal liberal debate tactic

Personal insults and temper tantrums

If you don't like what I post - ignore them. Or could it be I hit your liberal nerves and you have to lash out at me?

07-29-2007, 04:31 PM
I would look for board that specializes in political debate for people ages 10-13 if I were you...Also...I would type your responses on Microsoft Word if I were you. Your grammar and spelling sucks.

and this is what you call a posting from an adult????

Obama08 Before I continue, I just wanted everyone on here to know…

I think that we should all block red states rule because he is literally one of the most incompetent and delusional "debaters" that I have ever come across. His ramblings and weird sentences marked by huge grammatical errors and no facts what so ever are very annoying because they get in the way of actual debate. So I just thought I'd throw this out that we should all be blocking his username...this goes for conservatives as well.

Typical liberal tactic.....you don't like what a person has to say....So you want to shut them up Permanently.....


red states rule
07-29-2007, 04:32 PM
and this is what you call a posting from an adult????

Typical liberal tactic.....you don't like what a person has to say....So you want to shut them up Permanently.....


We should be used to this by now. Who is shutting down his ability to respond?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 05:29 PM
Yeah, everyone read the CDC stats and now behind and in fron oif you we are laughing our asses off. You definitely are one of the most illiterate posters ever, are my fries ready yet?

I've smoked you, i've fucking obliterated you, you simply are not smart enough to debate me......thats a fact.

My retarded dog could best you in a debate, the numbers you presented show something completely different from the from you represent, makin you a liar, and everyone has ALWAYS laughed at you, sandwich boy.

Fags are no different from you, except that they are honest about bein' ass wranglers.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 05:33 PM
When you have the producers paying more then 50% of thier income in taxes - it has to stop

We have a great health care system in the US - libs want to get their hands on it and fuck it up

The American health care system is a fuckin' joke.

Profit motive should not be a factor in public health and welfare.

HMO's make money by NOT providing care, which is why Americans in general receive substandard, overpriced, inadequate medical care.

The Dems may want their hands on it, but anything they do could only be an improvement compared to the way the republifascists have fucked it up.

I got better medical care when I was in Germany

07-29-2007, 06:15 PM
My retarded dog could best you in a debate, the numbers you presented show something completely different from the from you represent, makin you a liar, and everyone has ALWAYS laughed at you, sandwich boy.

Fags are no different from you, except that they are honest about bein' ass wranglers.

Read the stats again...................liar.

Are you habitual or purposeful in your lying?

red states rule
07-29-2007, 07:07 PM
The American health care system is a fuckin' joke.

Profit motive should not be a factor in public health and welfare.

HMO's make money by NOT providing care, which is why Americans in general receive substandard, overpriced, inadequate medical care.

The Dems may want their hands on it, but anything they do could only be an improvement compared to the way the republifascists have fucked it up.

I got better medical care when I was in Germany

What an outrage! A corporation in business to make a profit

Libs love to bash HMO's - until they get sick and need medical attention

If Germany was so good - please go back. No need to stay on my account

red states rule
07-29-2007, 07:08 PM
Read the stats again...................liar.

Are you habitual or purposeful in your lying?

Being a liberal - the answer to your question is YES

07-29-2007, 07:14 PM
I will start reading your comments when you learn how to spell and use proper English. Your lack of education is readily apparent.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 07:16 PM
I will start reading your comments when you learn how to spell and use proper English. Your lack of education is readily apparent.

When they are unable to counter facts - libs will comment on your age, sex, weight, looks, educational level, or home town

Anything except the debate they are losing

07-29-2007, 07:23 PM
It is difficult to debate someone who lacks the educational ability to debate.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 07:25 PM
It is difficult to debate someone who lacks the educational ability to debate.

Still doing the Liberal Two Step

Only way the lib tries to avoid being hit by the incoming facts

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 08:07 PM
What an outrage! A corporation in business to make a profit

Libs love to bash HMO's - until they get sick and need medical attention

If Germany was so good - please go back. No need to stay on my account
Healthcare should not be a corporation any more than any other public servants.
And that's what doctors should be PUBLIC SERVANTS.

HMOs are greedy scumsuckin rapists.....no wonder you love them so much, Dead State Fool.

Germany was good, so was Sweden, Denmark, Holland, and Belgium.

All of them have wonderful socialized healthcare, and nobody there EVER worries about how to "pay" if they get ill or injured.
IT'S ALREADY PAID FOR, just for being a citizen.

And that's the way it should be.

We don't pay for Police (except via taxation) or Fire Department (the same way), and we shouldn't hafta pay for Doctors either.

Healthcare for all citizens is a right, and is necessary for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 08:09 PM
It is difficult to debate someone who lacks the educational ability to debate.

I second that emotion.

This Dead State Fool and OCA the Sandwich Boy would make a lab monkey with electrodes in his forebrain look like a fuckin Rhodes Scholar.

07-29-2007, 08:28 PM
Yes! Socialism and mediocrity rule! Hell yeah!

Fuck socialists, Healthcare is not a right, I defy you to find that in the constitution.

Capitalism is the rock that America relies upon.

07-29-2007, 08:29 PM
I second that emotion.

This Dead State Fool and OCA the Sandwich Boy would make a lab monkey with electrodes in his forebrain look like a fuckin Rhodes Scholar.

You sound like Phil Mickleson talking shit after taking a beating from Tiger Woods..................can anyone taste the sour grapes?

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 08:30 PM
Capitalism is the rock that America relies upon.

But not for medical care.

I defy you to find that in the constitution.
Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I defy you to find government funded cops and fire department in there either.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 08:32 PM
You mean you actually watch GOLF?

No wonder yer so fuckin' boring.

And, besides, yer the one who sounds like he got his ass beat, but from what I hear, that's pretty normal around here, sandwich boy.

07-29-2007, 08:33 PM
But not for medical care.

Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I defy you to find government funded cops and fire department in there either.

Well we made decisions in America youngster, we decided that fire and police are rights and should be publicly funded and that a real man pays for his own healthcare or at least works for his healthcare getting paid for.

Just accept it, we will never have mediocre socialized medicine in America.

07-29-2007, 08:35 PM
You mean you actually watch GOLF?

No wonder yer so fuckin' boring.

And, besides, yer the one who sounds like he got his ass beat, but from what I hear, that's pretty normal around here, sandwich boy.

I know i'm talking to a simpleton, you wouldn't understand golf, too fucking stupid.

I'm the man here, ask around............i'll be a gentleman and give you a chance to run before the coroner is called in to haul you off because up to now I haven't even gotten warmed up, still waiting on you to pick up the fucking pace a little.......please?

07-29-2007, 08:39 PM
When they are unable to counter facts - libs will comment on your age, sex, weight, looks, educational level, or home town

Anything except the debate they are losing

Well I see shes back and upto her same old shit.

07-29-2007, 08:41 PM
You mean you actually watch GOLF?

No wonder yer so fuckin' boring.

And, besides, yer the one who sounds like he got his ass beat, but from what I hear, that's pretty normal around here, sandwich boy.

Just because you don't understand Golf is no reason to knock it.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 08:50 PM
Golf is for fat old pussies to get drunk outdoors and show off their ugly ass expensive crap clothes and yak about how much cash they made by fuckin' people over.

I understand "golf" quite well, thanks.

If you mean "the rules" of golf.
Yes, I understand those quite well as well.
A five year old could understand golf.
Which is why its popular amongst lardassed idiots.

Well we made decisions in America youngster,
I guarantee I'm older than you, dink.

and that a real man pays for his own healthcare or at least works for his healthcare getting paid for.
Bullshit macho crap.
A real man would put out his own fires and protect his family, too, loser.

That reasoning fails on so many levels.

Just accept it, we will never have mediocre socialized medicine in America.
Watch it happen, punk.
And it won't be mediocre.
Its not mediocre anywhere else.

That's why France ranks NUMBER 1 in healthcare satisfaction and you hafta go down twenty fuckin countries to find the US.

Every country with socialized medicine ranks higher than the US, and the US is roughly equal to most THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES.

So, I guess, yet again, you've been shown to be both and idiot, and a wrong idiot.

Yer welcome.

07-29-2007, 08:53 PM
Golf is for fat old pussies to get drunk outdoors and show off their ugly ass expensive crap clothes and yak about how much cash they made by fuckin' people over.

I understand "golf" quite well, thanks.

If you mean "the rules" of golf.
Yes, I understand those quite well as well.
A five year old could understand golf.
Which is why its popular amongst lardassed idiots.

I guarantee I'm older than you, dink.

Bullshit macho crap.
A real man would put out his own fires and protect his family, too, loser.

That reasoning fails on so many levels.

Watch it happen, punk.
And it won't be mediocre.
Its not mediocre anywhere else.

That's why France ranks NUMBER 1 in healthcare satisfaction and you hafta go down twenty fuckin countries to find the US.

Every country with socialized medicine ranks higher than the US, and the US is roughly equal to most THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES.

So, I guess, yet again, you've been shown to be both and idiot, and a wrong idiot.

Yer welcome.

You sure as hell don't act like your older, my 9 year old daughter is more mature then you.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:00 PM
my 19 year old daughter is more mature then you.
Is she hot?
Or is she a bitch like you?

If she's hot, send her over, I likes em' younger...

Every country with socialized medicine ranks higher than the US, and the US is roughly equal to most THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES.

What, no rational response, or worthwhile comment to the subject at hand?
Why am I unsurprised?

07-29-2007, 09:06 PM
Is she hot?
Or is she a bitch like you?

If she's hot, send her over, I likes em' younger...

What, no rational response, or worthwhile comment to the subject at hand?
Why am I unsurprised?

Do not talk about my daughter.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:10 PM
You started it.
Don't want her talked about, don't bring her up.


07-29-2007, 09:18 PM
You started it.
Don't want her talked about, don't bring her up.


It doesn't matter, someone with an ounce of maturity wouldn't talk about someone's 9 year old daughter.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:27 PM
Oh, so now she's 9.
Before she was 19.

Of course I wouldn't say anything bad about a child, but a 19 yr old is an adult.

Again, you have nobody to blame but yerself fer bringin it into the thread.

07-29-2007, 09:29 PM
Oh, so now she's 9.
Before she was 19.

Of course I wouldn't say anything bad about a child, but a 19 yr old is an adult.

Again, you have nobody to blame but yerself fer bringin it into the thread.

It's called a typo, get with the program.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:31 PM
Or a lie.

And I've been with the program.
You are the one who fucked up, and now that yer called on it, yer backpedalling.
SOP for conservatard republifascists when they get busted.

07-29-2007, 09:38 PM
Or a lie.

And I've been with the program.
You are the one who fucked up, and now that yer called on it, yer backpedalling.
SOP for conservatard republifascists when they get busted.

I may have opened the door, but once again your ignorance is showing. Like I have stated before you moron it is not me we are talking about. You wen't off about Hugh's mom. He did NOT open the door. You have no fucking right to do that. Then you try to divert the attention on me as you know you fucked up.

Your the one backpedalling and it's pathetic, just like you are.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:48 PM
You wen't off about Hugh's mom.

Why did you put an apostrophe in "went"?
Another "typo"?
Or is it because you are only borderline literate?

I vote for the latter.

You have no fucking right to do that.
When he posted that stupid pic, everything became fair game.

Only an abyssmal tool like you would get upset about what someone says on the internet.


07-29-2007, 09:50 PM
Why did you put an apostrophe in "went"?
Another "typo"?
Or is it because you are only borderline literate?

I vote for the latter.

When he posted that stupid pic, everything became fair game.

Only an abyssmal tool like you would get upset about what someone says on the internet.


Bullshit. Only an idiot like you would resort to attacking someone's family member as you never have a decen't arguement and have been schooled but quite a few people on here already.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:55 PM
In yer dreams, babe.
The miserable excuses for posters around here is a fuckin' joke.
There have only been a few even worthy of my skullsweat.

I present more than rational arguments to those that deserve them, and irrational abuse to foilks like you.
The more you abuse me, the more you get it back in spades.

Be civil, reasonable, and discuss rationally, and I'll be happy to do the same.

You get what you give, hon.

07-29-2007, 09:58 PM
In yer dreams, babe.
The miserable excuses for posters around here is a fuckin' joke.
There have only been a few even worthy of my skullsweat.

I present more than rational arguments to those that deserve them, and irrational abuse to foilks like you.
The more you abuse me, the more you get it back in spades.

Be civil, reasonable, and discuss rationally, and I'll be happy to do the same.

You get what you give, hon.

Quite calling me Babe and Hon you faggot.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 09:59 PM
Okay, ho'!

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 10:00 PM
Whatever you say, sweetums!

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 10:00 PM
Anything you want, hotstuff!

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 10:01 PM
Whatever you want, darlin'!

07-29-2007, 10:07 PM
Fascism is opposed to liberalism, dimbulb.

Do you work at bveing this stupid, or does it just come naturally?

Right-authoritarian is BY DEFINITION fascism.

This is exactly why people think you are an idiot. Because fascism is just another form of socialism.



Fact is liberalism has alot more in common with Fascists than conservatives are.

Spyder Jerusalem
07-29-2007, 10:14 PM
I guess it just comes naturally, huh?

Oh well, time to school you, then.


"A philosophy or system of government that is marked by stringent social and economic control, a strong, centralized government usually headed by a dictator, and often a policy of belligerent nationalism." (From The American Heritage Dictionary)

The name comes from the Latin fasces – a bundle of rods with a projecting axe, which was the symbol of authority in ancient Rome. The term was applied by Mussolini to his movement after his rise to power in 1922. The Fascists were viciously anti-Communist and anti- liberal and, once in power, relied on an authoritarian state apparatus. They also used emotive slogans and old prejudices (for example, against the Jews) to bolster the leader's strongman appeal. ...

A social and political ideology with the primary guiding principle that the state or nation is the highest priority, rather than personal or individual freedoms.

A system of government that promotes extreme nationalism, repression, anticommunism, and is ruled by a dictator.

As you can see, the definition of fascism is anti-Communist, anti-Liberal, dogmatic, conservative, nationalistic, and authoritarian.

Which describes republifascist conservatardism to a tee.

07-29-2007, 10:38 PM
Why did you put an apostrophe in "went"?
Another "typo"?
Or is it because you are only borderline literate?

I vote for the latter.

When he posted that stupid pic, everything became fair game.

Only an abyssmal tool like you would get upset about what someone says on the internet.



07-30-2007, 02:08 AM
When you see the top Federal tax rate of about 37%, and add in SS tax, local taxes, state taxes, Medicare taxes, sales taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes - it is easy for the top producers to pay half their income in taxes

In order to pay for government run health care - how much MORE in taxes do you want them, and the rest of the taxpayers, to pay?

And I thought our tax system was crappy.....jeez. Nope I pay 1.5% as as the Medicare levy, just like everyone else. That seems to me to be reasonable. If your governments can't get by on those taxes they're getting off you then someone somewhere is pissing down your leg.

red states rule
07-30-2007, 03:55 AM
And I thought our tax system was crappy.....jeez. Nope I pay 1.5% as as the Medicare levy, just like everyone else. That seems to me to be reasonable. If your governments can't get by on those taxes they're getting off you then someone somewhere is pissing down your leg.

That is the point

Dems passed a $400 billion tax increase and to some, that is not enough

07-31-2007, 03:15 AM
That is the point

Dems passed a $400 billion tax increase and to some, that is not enough

But in a country of 300 million people with more billionaires than anywhere - or anywhen for that matter - how does that translate for the average wage earner?

red states rule
07-31-2007, 03:47 AM
But in a country of 300 million people with more billionaires than anywhere - or anywhen for that matter - how does that translate for the average wage earner?

The Dems voted to repeal ALL the Bush tax cuts

The lowest wage earners will see their tax rate go from 10% to 15%

Retired couples makeing $40,000/yr will see a tax increase of about $1100/yr

The top 1% are already paying about 36% of all federal Incomes taxes now - how much more do libs want them pay?

07-31-2007, 05:09 AM
The Dems voted to repeal ALL the Bush tax cuts

The lowest wage earners will see their tax rate go from 10% to 15%

Retired couples makeing $40,000/yr will see a tax increase of about $1100/yr

The top 1% are already paying about 36% of all federal Incomes taxes now - how much more do libs want them pay?

Just one question - it's probably stupidly obvious - but how does the average wage earner pay their taxes? I mean is it withheld by the employer or do you have to pay all at once at the end of the FY?

As for the wealthy paying tax. Ask Warren Buffett. Didn't he say his tax rate was lower than his housekeeper's? Anyway that's a domestic issue for Americans, I should stay out of it.

red states rule
07-31-2007, 05:17 AM
Just one question - it's probably stupidly obvious - but how does the average wage earner pay their taxes? I mean is it withheld by the employer or do you have to pay all at once at the end of the FY?

As for the wealthy paying tax. Ask Warren Buffett. Didn't he say his tax rate was lower than his housekeeper's? Anyway that's a domestic issue for Americans, I should stay out of it.

The top 1% pay about 36% of all Federal Income taxes

The top 25% pay about 85% of all federal Income taxes

The bottom 50% pay about 3% of all Federal Income taxes

So If Warren feels he does not pay enough in taxes - let him send in extra.

The tax cuts ahve increased revenue to the government - at record levels BTW. We need MORE tax cuts to get the money out of DC

So this thread does not get off topic


08-01-2007, 09:21 AM
Michael moore, cant take criticism he is like a spoiled little princess, mommie, the mean man, said he disagreed, waahh.

He’s done corporate downsizing, guns, Bush and health care, now Michael Moore has targeted the subject of his next doco - homophobia.

Moore has revealed that the anti-gay Christian right movement might be the topic of his next documentary. According to SlashFilm, he told magazine The Advocate that “I think it’s a very ripe subject for someone like me to make a movie about. Simply because we are not there yet and it remains one of the last open wounds on our soul that we are not willing to fix yet.”

He goes on to say “There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word homosexual. The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”


There is some really good commentary if you click on the link.

Michael Moore is just trying to spread awareness for his Lifestyle, that sick bastard. Maybe Rosie is helping him out on this? I don't see how a pathetic piece of garbage like this can be quoting the bible. I wonder what kind of lies he will come up with?!?

red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:22 PM
Michael moore, cant take criticism he is like a spoiled little princess, mommie, the mean man, said he disagreed, waahh.

Michael Moore - a walking ad for birth control and the All You Eat Buffets

08-01-2007, 06:38 PM
Michael moore, cant take criticism he is like a spoiled little princess, mommie, the mean man, said he disagreed, waahh.

I thought you were a big fan of his movies?!? :laugh2:

red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:39 PM
I thought you were a big fan of his movies?!? :laugh2:

I like his movies so much - I never saw them

08-01-2007, 06:43 PM
I like his movies so much - I never saw them

Anyways, you probably have the original movies posters hanging around your house..............

red states rule
08-01-2007, 06:44 PM
Anyways, you probably have the original movies posters hanging around your house..............

They would come in handy when I run out of toilet paper, or litter box liners

08-03-2007, 03:52 AM
well who knew... Apparently mike is fabulous :lol:

He’s done corporate downsizing, guns, Bush and health care, now Michael Moore has targeted the subject of his next doco - homophobia.

Moore has revealed that the anti-gay Christian right movement might be the topic of his next documentary. According to SlashFilm, he told magazine The Advocate that “I think it’s a very ripe subject for someone like me to make a movie about. Simply because we are not there yet and it remains one of the last open wounds on our soul that we are not willing to fix yet.”

He goes on to say “There is nowhere in the four Gospels where Jesus uses the word homosexual. The right wing has appropriated this guy … and they have used him to attack gays and lesbians, when he never said a single word against people who are homosexual. Anyone who professes to be a Christian and does that is certainly not following the teachings of Jesus Christ.”


There is some really good commentary if you click on the link.

Michael Moore is just trying to spread awareness for his Lifestyle, that sick bastard. Maybe Rosie is helping him out on this? I don't see how a pathetic piece of garbage like this can be quoting the bible. I wonder what kind of lies he will come up with?!?

red states rule
08-03-2007, 05:11 AM
well who knew... Apparently mike is fabulous :lol:

I wonder how many idiots will fork over their money to this con man and his latest slap in the face of America

08-03-2007, 07:20 AM
Just one question - it's probably stupidly obvious - but how does the average wage earner pay their taxes? I mean is it withheld by the employer or do you have to pay all at once at the end of the FY?

As for the wealthy paying tax. Ask Warren Buffett. Didn't he say his tax rate was lower than his housekeeper's? Anyway that's a domestic issue for Americans, I should stay out of it.

Joe and Jane Sixpack employers are required to withold taxes from their weekly paycheck, add some more taxes to it then give it to the guv'mint. So a 15% tax rate is actually about 20 or 22.

Warren Buffet, Inc. has a team of CPAs working for him to use every method imaginable to avoid paying taxes. Every part of his life that he can claim is used in his business, all the trappings of corporate wealth, are treated as deductions, so he ends up paying a lower percentage than Jane and Joe.

red states rule
08-03-2007, 07:24 AM
Joe and Jane Sixpack employers are required to withold taxes from their weekly paycheck, add some more taxes to it then give it to the guv'mint. So a 15% tax rate is actually about 20 or 22.

Warren Buffet, Inc. has a team of CPAs working for him to use every method imaginable to avoid paying taxes. Every part of his life that he can claim is used in his business, all the trappings of corporate wealth, are treated as deductions, so he ends up paying a lower percentage than Jane and Joe.

From IRS data based on tax returns

Top 5% pay 53.25% of all income taxes (Down from 2000 figure: 56.47%). The top 10% pay 64.89% (Down from 2000 figure: 67.33%). The top 25% pay 82.9% (Down from 2000 figure: 84.01%). The top 50% pay 96.03% (Down from 2000 figure: 96.09%). The bottom 50%? They pay 3.97% of all income taxes.

The top 1% is paying more than ten times the federal income taxes than the bottom 50%! And who earns what? The top 1% earns 17.53 (2000: 20.81%) of all income. The top 5% earns 31.99 (2000: 35.30%). The top 10% earns 43.11% (2000: 46.01%); the top 25% earns 65.23% (2000: 67.15%), and the top 50% earns 86.19% (2000: 87.01%) of all the income

08-03-2007, 09:11 AM
Joe and Jane Sixpack employers are required to withold taxes from their weekly paycheck, add some more taxes to it then give it to the guv'mint. So a 15% tax rate is actually about 20 or 22.

Warren Buffet, Inc. has a team of CPAs working for him to use every method imaginable to avoid paying taxes. Every part of his life that he can claim is used in his business, all the trappings of corporate wealth, are treated as deductions, so he ends up paying a lower percentage than Jane and Joe.

Got it, thank you.