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11-01-2016, 09:35 PM
In case Breitbart isn't acceptable, a secondary source is at the bottom. But by now, all of her investigations are public knowledge.


Clintonworld’s Top 5 Active FBI Investigations

There are enough active investigations of Hillary Clinton and her inner circle to merit a list of the most important ones. In short, just about everyone tied to Hillary Clinton is the subject of a serious investigation. Not all of them were are the beneficiaries of those curious preemptive immunity deals tossed around by FBI leadership, to the consternation of some agents.

1. Clinton Email Scandal: As everyone knows, this supposedly de-railed investigation was dramatically hoisted back onto the rails by none other than Anthony Weiner – the accused pedophile who ended up with a huge trove of State Department emails on his computer, which the FBI seized because Weiner has been sending sexually explicit messages to a 15-year-old girl.

Not only is the Clinton email investigation back on the rails, it’s chugging along at high speed. It was reported on Monday that the FBI has “accelerated its timeline” for reviewing Weiner emails linked to Clinton.

2. The Anthony Weiner Investigation: The poor judgment displayed by Hillary Clinton in allowing vital government emails to slip onto Anthony Weiner’s computer is absolutely breathtaking.

Furthermore, Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin has trotted out the shopworn all-purpose Obama administration excuse that she knew nothing about the situation until she heard it reported on the news. That should disqualify her from ever obtaining any sort of security clearance, if Hillary Clinton had not already rendered information security a joke.

Both Abedin and Clinton could be in legal jeopardy, depending on what emails the FBI finds lurking in the diseased corners of Weiner’s laptop. Weiner himself is absolutely in jeopardy, the kind that puts perverts in jail for long stretches of time. He has every reason to make a deal with law enforcement.

He might have a lot to deal with. How did 650,000 State Department emails end up on his computer? The simplest explanation might be that Carlos Danger (as he once liked to be called) was stockpiling leverage to use against his now-estranged wife and her boss, The Smartest Woman Who Ever Lived.

3. The Clinton Foundation Probe: We’ve learned an FBI probe of the Clinton Foundation for possible financial crimes and influence peddling has been in progress for over a year. As the Wall Street Journal put it, some of the investigators were “frustrated” because FBI leadership seemed “uninterested in probing the charity.”

This is an investigation that could rope in a lot of people in Clinton’s inner circle, besides Hillary and Bill Clinton themselves. Abedin is a player, and so is Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, and another key aide, Philippe Reines. Bill Clinton’s old “body man” Doug Band – basically the Littlefinger of Bill Clinton’s financial empire, for you Game of Thrones fans – and even Chelsea Clinton could end up answering some tough questions.

Much will depend on whether the Clinton Foundation is scrutinized in isolation, or whether charges of influence peddling are pursued, at which point Hillary Clinton’s entire retinue from her days in the Senate and State Department would have reason to feel nervous.

4. The Podesta Brothers: Most of those WikiLeaks bombshells the Clinton media is ignoring with such furious intensity are to, from, or copied to John Podesta, the CEO of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and probably the most powerful figure in Clintonworld not named “Clinton.”

In one of the latest WikiLeaks revelations, Podesta is caught telling Cheryl Mills, “We are going to have to dump all those emails,” and it would be “better to do so sooner than later.” That sounds ominously like a conspiracy to destroy evidence in multiple federal criminal investigations, depending of course on which emails he was talking about, and what he meant by “dumping” them.

Podesta’s brother Tony, and the brothers’ Podesta Group lobbying firm, are involved in an FBI corruption investigation related to the deposed president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. The allegations boil down to illegal lobbying activities. Former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort also has a company that figures in the same investigation, so people across the 2016 political battlefield get to feel nervous about this one – but Podesta’s pipeline into the Clinton machine means more highly-placed people in her camp could become part of the investigation.

5. Terry McAuliffe’s Campaign Donations: The Clintons’ old friend Terry McAuliffe, currently the governor of Virginia, has been under FBI investigation for over a year by the Public Integrity unit over campaign fundraising and donations. Part of that investigation involves his time with the Clinton Global Initiative.

The events of greatest interest, until now, were some curious foreign donations, but now we’ve got the eye-popping sums of money McAuliffe steered to Virginia state senate candidate Jill McCabe, whose husband just happens to be Andrew McCabe, who just happens to be a top FBI official, and who just happened to end up in charge of the Clinton Foundation investigation.

This controversy doesn’t seem to be fading despite rote denials of impropriety and swift media assurances it was all a big nothingburger. Some of those dismissals are based on Jill McCabe receiving her pile of McAuliffe money before her husband became involved with an FBI investigation of the Clintons, but not all of it was donated before that point, and it hardly strains credulity to assert that the Clinton machine was making down-payments for favors it knew full well it would need later.


Influence peddling, acting for Putin's ally, hiding classified secrets and sexting - how FIVE separate FBI cases are probing virtually every one of Clinton's inner circle and their families

The extent to which Hillary Clinton's key advisers are now the focus of major FBI investigations is becoming clear.

The Clintons' long-term inner-circle - some of whom stretch back in service to the very first days of Bill's White House - are being examined in at least five separate investigations.

The scale of the FBI's interest in some of America's most powerful political fixers - one of them a sitting governor - underlines just how difficult it will be for Clinton to shake off the taint of scandal if she enters the White House.

There are, in fact, not one but five separate FBI investigations which involve members of Clinton's inner circle or their closest relatives - the people at the center of what has come to be known as Clintonworld.

The five known investigations are into: Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin's estranged husband sexting a 15-year-old; the handling of classified material by Clinton and her staff on her private email server; questions over whether the Clinton Foundation was used as a front for influence-peddling; whether the Virginia governor broke laws about foreign donations; and whether Hillary's campaign chairman's brother did the same.

Huma Abedin: secrets and access - and perjury?

Probes: Clinton emails; Clinton Foundation

Who is she: Currently vice-chair of the Clinton campaign she was has worked with Clinton for 21 years, since she was 19, as among other things, intern, 'body woman', chief of staff and senior adviser.

Huma Abedin is now represented by attorneys as the FBI begins the lengthy process of examining a laptop seized in the inquiry into her estranged husband's sexting relationship with a 15-year-old.

It is the most recent stage in the Clinton emails investigation in which the FBI has looked into whether Clinton and her staff broke strict laws on the handling of classified material while she was Secretary of State through their use of the now notorious Clintonemail.com server.

The case appeared to be closed in July when James Comey, the FBI director announced that Clinton would not be prosecuted. It was later made clear there would be no other prosecutions.

However last week's bombshell announcement that new emails were being examined put the focus squarely on 40-year-old Abedin.


Terry McAuliffe: Clinton cash from China

Probes: Clinton Foundation; links to foreign donations

Who is he: Currently Democratic governor of Virginia. Has previously been prolific Clinton fundraiser and chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and chairman of Hillary's failed 2008 run for the White House.

McAuliffe was a board member of the Clinton Foundation from at least 2004, so he will surely be caught up in investigations conducted by the FBI's Washington DC field office into whether it was used as a front for influence-peddling.

But the overlaps between him and the Foundation go further than that and into his own campaign for governor and related campaigning.

The Washington Post reported in 2015 how he and the foundation had 120 overlapping donors, who had given him, his campaign or his political action committee $13.8 million.

That political action committee then went on to fund another campaign - that of Dr Jill McCabe, whose husband Mark is currently the deputy director of the FBI. He was the assistant FBI director when Jill McCabe was running for state senator in Virginia.

The PAC controlled by McAuliffe, which had received money from Clinton Foundation donors, gave Jill McCabe more than $500,000, prompting her husband to stand back from the Clinton Foundation investigation.

Cheryl Mills: Woman at center of Clintonworld

Probes: Clinton Foundation; Clinton emails

Who is she: Long-term Clinton lawyer who advised Bill during impeachment then Hillary over emails; Foundation director; State Department chief of staff.

Cheryl Mills is unusual among Clinton insiders; she has already cut a deal with the FBI.

She exchanged partial immunity from prosecution in return for opening her laptop to FBI review during the Clinton email investigation.

Mills was chief of staff under Clinton at the State Department and communicated extensively on the Clintonemail.com private server.

The deal with the Justice Department - headed by Attorney-General Loretta Lynch - was hugely advantageous as it also limited the search to no later than January 31, 2015, the point at which the server's existence became known to a Congressional committee.

Phillipe Reines: What does he know of emails and access?

Probes: Clinton emails; Clinton Foundation

Who is he: Hillary Clinton press secretary when she was senator; press secretary to failed 2008 presidential campaign and spokesman for Chelsea during it; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Hillary; played Donald Trump in debate prep.

As one of her inner circle at the State Department, Phillipe Reines was one of those - he told the FBI - who Clinton turned to for help with her IT issues.

He also bought her an iPad in June 2010, when the technology was new.

Clinton was to go on to claim she only had 'one device'. Reines meanwhile used both his state.gov email and his personal gmail for government business while in office.

Reines was also deeply involved in responding to the Benghazi committee's demands for information about the server and the public relations response to it, Wikileaks emails from John Podesta's gmail have revealed.

However the other Clinton Foundation probe could also drag in Reines.

Reines was a key member of the inner circle when Clinton was Secretary of State.

His official title was 'deputy assistant undersecretary' for strategy, effectively her most powerful public affairs adviser.

That means that any knowledge he has of how the Clinton machine in the State Department interacted with the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton Inc machines in Manhattan would be crucial to the FBI investigation

John Podesta: 'Dean' of Clintonworld

Probes: Clinton Foundation

Who is he: Bill Clinton's first White House deputy chief of staff and later chief of staff; founder of DC lobbying firm Podesta & Podesta, now the Podesta Group; took charge of the Clinton Foundation in 2011 ; now Hillary campaign chairman; at 67, often seen as the 'dean' of the Clinton political machine.

The leaks from John Podesta's emails revealed by Wikileaks have shown how he was a key player in the Clinton Foundation - at precisely the time that the focus of the FBI influence-peddling investigation is likely to be.

At the time Clinton was Secretary of State and Doug Band, who had effectively run the foundation, wrote a memo which emerged in Podesta's leaked emails.

In it, Band detailed the overlap between the commercial activities of Bill Clinton and the charitable fundraising of the William J. Clinton Foundation (now the Clinton Foundation) - material which is likely to be pertinent to the influence-peddling case.

Tony Podesta: Dined with Hillary, lobbied for Putin's ally?

Probe: Undeclared lobbying for foreign government

Who is he: Older brother of John Podesta, with whom he founded what is now The Podesta Group of which he is chairman; social acquaintance of the Clintons; Democratic fundraiser

The FBI and the Justice Department are investigating possible ties to alleged corruption involving the former president of Ukraine - and Podesta's firm is one of those targeted.

Perhaps surprisingly, the investigation also lapped at the Trump campaign, as its then chairman Paul Manafort stepped down in August when it was revealed that his company was also being investigated.

The broad-based investigation is looking into whether U.S. companies and the financial system were used to enable corruption by the party of former pro-Russian Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, CNN reported.

The Podesta Group hired an independent legal firm to investigate whether it had been misled by the Center for a Modern Ukraine, a not-for-profit group linked to the ousted Ukrainian government, a spokeswoman for the group said in a statement to Reuters in August.

Doug Band: Man who made Bill rich

Probe: Clinton Foundation

Who is he: Bill Clinton's 'body man' in the White House; his chief aide after leaving office until 2011; CEO of Teneo Holdings.

The FBI investigation into whether the Clinton Foundation committed financial crimes or was involved in influence-peddling will inevitably focus on one man in particular: Band.

Band was at Bill Clinton's side to the same extent as Huma Abedin was at his wife's, starting as his 'body man' in the White House, putting himself through law school in the evenings, and then running Bill Clinton's post-presidency life.

His emails to Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin which have emerged in lawsuits forcing publication by the State Department show how he sent messages asking for meetings for people described as 'friend' or 'good friend of ours'.

Any influence-peddling or financial crimes committed by the Foundation appear to have some connection to them, if they were to exist.

His explosive memo detailing the project to make Bill Clinton rich which he sent to John Podesta made clear how involved he was in 2011 in the Clintons' lives and finances.

'Independent of our fundraising and decision-making activities on behalf of the Foundation, we have dedicated ourselves to helping the President secure and engage in for-profit activities – including speeches, books, and advisory service engagements,' he wrote.

Justin Cooper: Smashed BlackBerry with a hammer

Probes: Clinton Email; Clinton Foundation

Who is he: Staff assistant for Oval Office operations in Bill's White House; Doug Band's right-hand man; edited Bill's memoir My Life; registered the notorious Clintonemail.com server; now works for Teneo with Band.

Justin Cooper's role in the Clintonemail.com secret server started at the very beginning of its operation: he registered its existence.

At the time he was being paid by the Clintons as a family aide and through the Clinton Foundation.

He told one Congressional Committee - the Oversight and Government Reform Committee - that he had no security clearance.

However as the man with complete control over the server, he had unlimited access to its contents. He also destroyed devices which had been linked to the server, including a BlackBerry smashed with a hammer.

He was not prosecuted under the initial inquiry but if the Huma Abedin-Anthony Weiner record leads to new evidence, such a deal would be off the table.

He was also at the very center of the Foundation's operations during much of the time Hillary Clinton was in office.

He frequently appears in the leaked John Podesta emails as 'justin@presidentclintonoffice.com' and is involved in a series of key meetings.

That would make him a key focus for the other investigation into the foundation he was so intimately involved in was a front for influence-peddling or financial crimes

Anthony Weiner: Sexual sleaze

Probe: Sexting 15-year-old girl

Who is he: Former New York congressman when Clinton was senator; estranged husband of her key aide Huma Abedin; notorious serial sexter.

The FBI probe into Anthony Weiner is unlike any of the other Clinton associates and their family members.

Weiner is being investigated after DailyMail.com revealed how he had had a sexting 'relationship' with a 15-year-old girl who told him he was underage.

The girl told DailyMail.com that Weiner spoke about rape fantasies with her. She showed messages in which he spoke about being 'hard' and how he 'would bust that tight p****'.

The revelations came a month after Abedin had announced that her six-year-old marriage to him was over when he was caught sexting a woman in her 40s to whom he sent a picture of himself in bed, apparently aroused, with his son by Clinton's chief aide sleeping by his side.

The FBI moved on Weiner in the wake of the DailyMail.com revelations and seized all his mobile and electronic devices.


11-01-2016, 09:53 PM
She's getting to be toast!

I'll bet Obama pardons her....but for how many transgressions?

Black Diamond
11-01-2016, 09:57 PM
She's getting to be toast!

I'll bet Obama pardons her....but for how many transgressions?

Can you pardon someone who's never been charged or convicted? I'd like to know. I've been wondering

11-01-2016, 10:05 PM
Can you pardon someone who's never been charged or convicted? I'd like to know. I've been wondering

Yeah...a previous post showed that...I do not recall who put it up though nor which thread.

But multiple might be a bit to swallow.

Black Diamond
11-01-2016, 10:11 PM
Yeah...a previous post showed that...I do not recall who put it up though nor which thread.

But multiple might be a bit to swallow.


Black Diamond
11-01-2016, 10:58 PM
Yeah...a previous post showed that...I do not recall who put it up though nor which thread.

But multiple might be a bit to swallow.

Come to think of it, didn't Ford pardon Nixon, who hadn't been charged?

11-02-2016, 12:00 AM
Come to think of it, didn't Ford pardon Nixon, who hadn't been charged?


Black Diamond
11-02-2016, 02:05 PM

Yeah I should have thought of that

red states rule
11-03-2016, 03:50 AM
and yet folks like BP and Mike see nothing wrong and want 4 more years of this

And will scream when anyone asks questions or wants an investagation