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View Full Version : Cuban Terrorist Says "US predicted chaos never materialized"

07-29-2007, 03:15 AM
As the sun rose over Camaguey, 100,000 people filled a plaza of red-tile paths and green grass. Red and black flags symbolizing the July 26 holiday hung from every floor of an apartment building nearby.

Interim President Raul Castro told tens of thousands of loyalists Thursday that the country suffered a serious blow when his brother Fidel fell ill a year ago, but that the chaos that the U.S. had long predicted never materialized.

"We could hardly have suspected what a hard blow was awaiting us," the younger Castro said of Fidel's illness as he took his brother's place at ceremonies marking the launch of the Cuban revolution. "These have truly been difficult moments, although with a diametrically different impact than that expected by our enemies, who wished for chaos to take hold and for Cuban socialism to collapse," he said.

The one-hour speech by Cuba's 76-year-old defense minister came exactly a year after Fidel's last public appearances, when he celebrated the Revolution Day anniversary with speeches in the eastern cities of Bayamo and Holguin. Now 12 months at the helm, Raul's provisional leadership gained further airs of permanence as he delivered the keynote message on the island's top holiday.

With his characteristic frankness, he acknowledged that Cuba suffers from numerous problems that require "structural changes" he did not detail, especially government salaries that fail to cover workers' needs. He said authorities were studying salaries and other issues, but advised that production must improve to create funds necessary to increase wages.

"No country has the luxury of spending more than it has," he said, adding that Cuba must depend more on its own production and less on imports, especially food including milk for everyone, not just small children.

More: http://www.eitb24.com/new/en/B24_59298/world-news/CUBAN-REVOLUTION-Chaos-US-predicted-never-materialized-in

Now, ain’t this a twist on history? I especially like that remark about "No country has the luxury of spending more than it has." Sounds like a faux rEpublican remark to me.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 06:13 AM
How libs want to win the hearts of terrorists

Winning Terrorist Hearts
One of my progressive-liberal mentors, Iddybud, presented me with a challenge:

"What are your ideas about us winning over the Muslim world other than 1. bombing them into oblivion or 2.smothering them with "our way of life" at the point of a gun (when they do not wish to live in a Judeo-Christian society)?"

As much as I admire her wisdom, she's attacking a straw man. I do not want to bomb "The muslim world" into oblivion, nor do I want to force anyone to adapt my way of life at the point of gun, except for the Boy Scouts, Christians, smokers, pro-lifers, carnivores, homophobes, Uncle Toms, dittoheads, and SUV-owners. Shrub and his neocon warhawk buddies think the answer to terrorism is to kill the terrorists, but how can we make someone love us if they're DEAD? In order to win the hearts and minds of those who seek to bathe in our blood, we must learn to compromise. Compromise means bending a little bit, sacrificing something for the greater peace. And despite coming to the rescue of Muslims in Iraq, Bosnia, Kuwait, Somalia, and most recently in Iran, we just haven't really gone out of our way to prove our love.

Let's examine what the terrorists want from us, according to their own words:

Demand #1. Convert to Islam, or die.
Demand #2. Let us kill all the Joos.

Sure, these may seem like pretty reasonable demands on the surface. After all, they've been part of the official French anti-terrorism policy for years. However, America is secretly ran by Zionist Cabalists, and Christian Armageddonists who think Jesus will make a comeback in Israel. There's no way we're going to convince a nation populated by dogma-spewing, fundamentalist wackos to convert to Islam.

But what if we met them half way? What if say, 50% of Americans either convert to Islam or commit suicide, and we throw in 50% of the Joos for good measure? It would show the Religion of Peace that we're willing to take that extra little baby step towards friendship. Unfortunately, I doubt the mullahs will settle for that. We may have to go as high as 70 or 80 percent on both of the demands, just to prove our sincerity.

One may ask: How do we get a predominantly Judeo-Christian nation to give up their religious beliefs? The same way we get them to give up smoking; we make it so expensive and inconvenient that they simply quit. We start by designating all public places as "Judeo-Christian prayer-free zones", including churches. If anyone wants to talk to either Jesus or Yahweh, they'll have to do it outside in the snow with the smokers. Then we place an exhorbitant tax on praying, but offer an exemption if it's done on a rug, facing towards Mecca. These measures may seem extreme, but Christians in Iraq got used to it, and now live in total peace and harmony with their Muslim masters.

So whaddya say, America? Are you ready to step up to the plate and hit a home run for world peace? Or do you want to continue to alienate the Muslim world with your twisted, Judeo-Christian values and your snotty famine relief? Do you want a war without end, wrapped in duct tape and sprinkled with orange alerts, or do you want a utopian shangrila, where giant mushrooms sing lullabies, and candy unicorns leap happily over gumdrop rainbows?

The decision is yours.


08-02-2007, 05:15 AM
You didn't understand the question at hand, rsr. That would be forgiveable if you had not already done exactly the same thing at least a hundred times or more.

red states rule
08-02-2007, 05:17 AM
You didn't understand the question at hand, rsr. That would be forgiveable if you had not already done exactly the same thing at least a hundred times or more.

How about this one then?

New York Target of Terror Once Again
Almost 6 years after Bush read a story about a little girl to his pet goat, New York has once again fallen victim to an unspeakable act of terror. This time, the dark forces of hate and intolerance have struck the quiet campus of Pace University, where a paperback copy of the Holy Quran was founding floating in public toilet like one of Grampa's unflushed turds.

School authorities were ready to just write the whole thing off as an act of "vandalism" and forget about it, until a group of courageous Muslim Students stepped forward to demand they behead the Jew who committed this terrible Hate Crime - or any Jew, for that matter. To allow such and egregious insult to the Religion of Peace go unpunished risked a Muslim Blacklash, and leaders of the Muslim Community could not be held responsible for any violence or bloodshed they'd personally incite should the school refuse to act.

So without a moment more of hesitation, a campuswide manhunt was launched and the vile hate-criminal was brought to justice. The Muslim Community will sleep soundly tonight knowing that one Stanislav Shmulevich is behind bars. Thanks to New York's progressive legislation against Hate Crimes, he'll be facing up to 4 years in prison for tossing a Koran into the crapper.

Unlike the 2,000 year-old book of fairy tales known as "The Bible", the Holy Quran is sacred to the followers of Islam and must be treated with respect, never mishandled nor mutilated, and always carefully left at the bar where you get your lap dances the night before you plow a plane full of screaming passengers into a skyscraper. So Pace University officials ask that in the future, students wishing to exercise their First Amendment right Free Speech confine themselves to burning U.S. flags or smearing feces on the Virgin Mary.


08-02-2007, 05:38 AM
You're still shooting blanks, rsr. You have nothing to say but you insist on saying it.

red states rule
08-02-2007, 05:40 AM
You're still shooting blanks, rsr. You have nothing to say but you insist on saying it.

Only to a lib who lives in his own world of fantasy and facts

Libs tried the Hugo approach to media outlets that disagree with them - just shut them down

To bad for libs they could not send the troops to the Fox News building and shoot the tear gas inside - like lovable Hugo did

08-03-2007, 03:31 AM
with all due respect, i dont get your question. Cuba does not believe in human or civil rights for its people. Do you know how many cubans were murdered for being against the government, you know how many risk their life on a boat to come here, its not because cuba is a wonderful country, and i think its unfair for anyone to put usa and cuba in the same sentence.

You didn't understand the question at hand, rsr. That would be forgiveable if you had not already done exactly the same thing at least a hundred times or more.

red states rule
08-03-2007, 04:58 AM
with all due respect, i dont get your question. Cuba does not believe in human or civil rights for its people. Do you know how many cubans were murdered for being against the government, you know how many risk their life on a boat to come here, its not because cuba is a wonderful country, and i think its unfair for anyone to put usa and cuba in the same sentence.

Libs have had a long history of siding with dictators and those who hate Amercia

Why is this a surprise?

08-06-2007, 10:54 PM
I suppose George Washington is your mortal enemy. He fought quite admirably against the wishes of the Kingdom.

red states rule
08-07-2007, 05:23 AM
I suppose George Washington is your mortal enemy. He fought quite admirably against the wishes of the Kingdom.

Libs would have hated him as well

Not sitting down and talking to the British, fighting a needless war, and refusing to redeploy when the fighting got difficult

08-09-2007, 01:32 AM
George Washington was most certainly a political liberal by any definition, rsr. Quit trying to be cute. You ain't.

red states rule
08-09-2007, 04:36 AM
George Washington was most certainly a political liberal by any definition, rsr. Quit trying to be cute. You ain't.

Libs also will attempt to rewrite history to fit their twisted views when needed