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View Full Version : Someone tampered with a road sign so they could call Hillary Clinton a b - - - -

red states rule
11-03-2016, 03:17 AM
I almost put this in the humor section - but hell it is funny and true

And it really happened

Authorities are investigating apparent tampering with an electronic road sign at a busy Virginia commuter lot that resulted in a disparaging remark about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and a call for people to “Vote Trump.”

The sign at the Tackett’s Mill commuter lot in Lake Ridge flashed three consecutive message screens: “CROOKED *HILARY”; followed by a profanity (“IS A B - - - - ”); followed by “VOTE TRUMP.”

The messages were on display for an unknown period Tuesday evening while commuters headed to their homes in the Virginia suburb, about 25 miles southeast of the District.

Their tone reflects the bitter 2016 presidential race, in which both major-party candidates are historically unpopular and Trump’s supporters openly wear T-shirts calling Clinton the b-word and gleefully chant “Lock her up” during his rallies.


11-03-2016, 08:07 AM
More than likely a mischievous kid, and you can't argue with the truthfulness of the message!

Sounds like more than a few liberal snowflakes were greatly offended... might see a nice economic boost to local trauma counselors over this incident.