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View Full Version : liberal schizophrenia

07-29-2007, 04:06 AM
Do you ever wonder how liberalism can be sustained in the mind of anyone thinking about us? We are told that we are stupid to trust the government, that they are incompetant etc, but then they want to put the government in charge of more things. That just doesnt make any sense to me!

Take Michael Moore for example. For years he has been making his propaganda attacking the government for being evil and incompetant. And now he is going around arguing that the government should be in charge of health care. Why on earth would we want an evil incompetant government in charge of our health care? how is that going to make it better?

07-29-2007, 05:29 AM
"Government" is a necessary function at this stage of human development at least. In western liberal democracies apart from the nihilists and socio-anarchists (who have different views by the way) the argument is really only about the size and nature of government, not whether or not government should exist.

Looking at the two terms of the Bush Administration it's clear that it's not "government" that's the problem, it's the lack of competence of those occupying certain government offices.

So it's no contradiction in terms for a liberal (US terminology) to support government and urge that it should be of a size and nature likely to be effective, yet for that same person to condemn the incompetence of the Bush Administration.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 05:43 AM
Do you ever wonder how liberalism can be sustained in the mind of anyone thinking about us? We are told that we are stupid to trust the government, that they are incompetant etc, but then they want to put the government in charge of more things. That just doesnt make any sense to me!

Take Michael Moore for example. For years he has been making his propaganda attacking the government for being evil and incompetant. And now he is going around arguing that the government should be in charge of health care. Why on earth would we want an evil incompetant government in charge of our health care? how is that going to make it better?

You have to start thinking like a liberal if you want to understand them

The #1 trait of a liberal is their arrigance, To them, liberalsim is the only way to "solve" a problem. But liberals do NOT want to solve the problem - they want the issue

The game plan of libs is to keep telling the fools that vote for them that a) evil Republicans blocked their attampts to solve the problem. b) not enough money was spent on the program, c) the problem was bigger then they thought. or d) or mean greedy corporations are to blame and the libs can't do anything about it

Libs will never solve any issue - that is the way the stay in power and get the same people to vote for them election after election