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View Full Version : IF Trump Loses, Blame Early Voting

11-06-2016, 06:54 AM
I don't want either to win, but if I were for Trump I'd push for vote reform afterwards. For years I've been pushing for paper ballots, voter ID, end of motor/voter, and Ta Da, widespread mail in/early voting.

Verified absentee voting is one thing, wholesale mail in/early voting is crazy. While the FBI thing is certainly weird timing, there's no doubt that it has impacted choices. If those ballots were mailed in before the news or too soon to actually contemplate the implications-well too bad. Those count.

11-06-2016, 08:11 AM
I don't want either to win, but if I were for Trump I'd push for vote reform afterwards. For years I've been pushing for paper ballots, voter ID, end of motor/voter, and Ta Da, widespread mail in/early voting.

Verified absentee voting is one thing, wholesale mail in/early voting is crazy. While the FBI thing is certainly weird timing, there's no doubt that it has impacted choices. If those ballots were mailed in before the news or too soon to actually contemplate the implications-well too bad. Those count.

Based on polling of early voters in FL HRC is up 48-40, i see no reason for that trend to be dif in other states. If she wins FL and i believe she will it's over.

11-06-2016, 10:57 AM
You do realize that not everyone can get off on a work day to vote, don't you?
I don't see early voter as any different than going to the polls on election day. Obviously you go through the same process.

Ideally, elections should be held on a Saturday. The process of voting should be made as simple as possible, to allow as many people as possible to participate. Because that is how a democracy should work.

11-06-2016, 04:15 PM
If Trump loses, blame Trump.

He had every opportunity to present himself as Presidential and up to the task, but didn't.

If Trump loses, blame the GOP.

They did nothing to present us a candidate who stood out among the sixteen. They should have called a meeting and narrowed the field before the debates started.

As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter who wins come Tuesday, we as a country have lost and will lose.

11-06-2016, 04:26 PM
If Trump loses, blame Trump.

He had every opportunity to present himself as Presidential and up to the task, but didn't.

If Trump loses, blame the GOP.

They did nothing to present us a candidate who stood out among the sixteen. They should have called a meeting and narrowed the field before the debates started.

As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter who wins come Tuesday, we as a country have lost and will lose.

Obviously I agree with you. LOL! I'm still not voting for either of these.

What Comey has done though is clarify just how dysfunctional and corrupt the Federal Government is. July, October, and now November, the guy just won't stop. Either he really has a problem with taking the pressure from DOJ, WH, and his own agents, blowing with whichever is applying more pressure at a certain moment OR he truly is out of control and trying to influence the election.

My guess is the pressure is getting to him.

11-06-2016, 04:27 PM
I don't want either to win, but if I were for Trump I'd push for vote reform afterwards. For years I've been pushing for paper ballots, voter ID, end of motor/voter, and Ta Da, widespread mail in/early voting.

Verified absentee voting is one thing, wholesale mail in/early voting is crazy. While the FBI thing is certainly weird timing, there's no doubt that it has impacted choices. If those ballots were mailed in before the news or too soon to actually contemplate the implications-well too bad. Those count.

I don't know about other states, but in Oregon where the population is mostly rural,
if you feel you have either voted in error or made a mistake, you can request a new ballot.
The original will be destroyed. Just go to the county clerk's office.

11-06-2016, 04:50 PM
As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter who wins come Tuesday, we as a country have lost and will lose.

I believe this will be the epitaph of the 2016 election.
I blame both the Dems and the GOP for not giving the American people a fair choice.

11-06-2016, 08:27 PM
I believe this will be the epitaph of the 2016 election.
I blame both the Dems and the GOP for not giving the American people a fair choice.

I do have to largely agree with you.:beer:

11-07-2016, 06:57 AM
If trump loses blame Fraudulent voting mixed with a US society simply beyond ALL hope of redemption.

11-07-2016, 09:36 AM
Election day needs to be a holiday.

11-07-2016, 09:38 AM
If trump loses blame Fraudulent voting mixed with a US society simply beyond ALL hope of redemption.

Oh be a little more dramatic would you, get over yourself. The amount of excuses is so pathetic. Blame everyone but yourselves.

11-07-2016, 09:53 AM
Oh be a little more dramatic would you, get over yourself. The amount of excuses is so pathetic. Blame everyone but yourselves.

If Hillary wins, it most certainly IS a reflection on a society of losers. Nothing overly dramatic about fact. You want to talk overly dramatic? Watch any one of Fatlery's lame-ass commercials.

11-07-2016, 10:47 AM
If Hillary wins, it most certainly IS a reflection on a society of losers. Nothing overly dramatic about fact. You want to talk overly dramatic? Watch any one of Fatlery's lame-ass commercials.

Well no, that's like, just your opinion man. People thought the sky was falling when Obama got in office. Guess what, we're pretty much still doing the same as before. Hillary will be no different. I'm sorry you voted for the worst nominee in history and will be the butt of jokes for decades. Sucks for you.

btw, did you just call American's losers? How is the different than the deplorable comment. Hypocrisy strikes again!

11-07-2016, 11:37 AM
Well no, that's like, just your opinion man. People thought the sky was falling when Obama got in office. Guess what, we're pretty much still doing the same as before. Hillary will be no different. I'm sorry you voted for the worst nominee in history and will be the butt of jokes for decades. Sucks for you.

btw, did you just call American's losers? How is the different than the deplorable comment. Hypocrisy strikes again!

No, Einstein, I voted AGAINST the pathetic POS YOU voted for. I'd rather be me and able to think for myself than a mindless drone that is too lazy to bother with engaging my brain than ANYONE that would vote for Clinton. You can't even read simple sentences apparently.