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11-06-2016, 03:52 PM
Any last minute miracle of a chance - out the window.


FBI: No charges against Clinton after new email review

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — FBI Director James Comey abruptly announced Sunday that a review of newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton has not changed his conclusion that the Democrat should not face criminal charges. His announcement came in a letter to congressional lawmakers two days before Election Day.

Comey said the FBI has worked "around the clock to process and review a large number of emails" obtained from a device belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman and estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. He said the review has not changed the bureau's assessment from earlier this year that Clinton should not be prosecuted for her handling of classified information at the State Department.

The new review has roiled the presidential campaign in its final days, shattering what had appeared to be Clinton's solid grip on the race and emboldening Republican Donald Trump. During a campaign stop earlier Sunday, Trump warned that Clinton would be under investigation as president, prompting an "unprecedented constitutional crisis."


11-06-2016, 03:56 PM
Any last minute miracle of a chance - out the window.


FBI: No charges against Clinton after new email review

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — FBI Director James Comey abruptly announced Sunday that a review of newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton has not changed his conclusion that the Democrat should not face criminal charges. His announcement came in a letter to congressional lawmakers two days before Election Day.

Comey said the FBI has worked "around the clock to process and review a large number of emails" obtained from a device belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman and estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. He said the review has not changed the bureau's assessment from earlier this year that Clinton should not be prosecuted for her handling of classified information at the State Department.

The new review has roiled the presidential campaign in its final days, shattering what had appeared to be Clinton's solid grip on the race and emboldening Republican Donald Trump. During a campaign stop earlier Sunday, Trump warned that Clinton would be under investigation as president, prompting an "unprecedented constitutional crisis."


That's it......game over. Expect major unrest and gnashing of teeth Nov.8 night into Nov.9 by the extreme fringe of thevTrump supporters and he will encourage it.

11-06-2016, 03:59 PM
Anyone in their right mind will be upset if Clinton wins.

11-06-2016, 04:03 PM
That's it......game over. Expect major unrest and gnashing of teeth Nov.8 night into Nov.9 by the extreme fringe of thevTrump supporters and he will encourage it.

Dude, look at the actions of the kooky left in the past few weeks when there was a possibility that Trump was picking up ground. I don't believe for a second that folks on the right will be just fine when/if Trump loses. But I DO believe the left consistently lose their lunches when things don't go their way. This is why we see things starting in early years for them, with stupid "safe places" and the like. And why we see them even planning things to happen at Trump events. It's not the folks on the right that have the issues you keep referring to. Simply put, it's the folks on the left that have all of these issues, and plan for them which has been proven. You are drinking the Kool Aid from the very people on your side that try to plant these things from happening, or "stories" from leaking.

11-06-2016, 04:03 PM
I'll take emails over a pedo everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. I'm voting for her Tue......5 or 6 times.

11-06-2016, 04:07 PM
Dude, look at the actions of the kooky left in the past few weeks when there was a possibility that Trump was picking up ground. I don't believe for a second that folks on the right will be just fine when/if Trump loses. But I DO believe the left consistently lose their lunches when things don't go their way. This is why we see things starting in early years for them, with stupid "safe places" and the like. And why we see them even planning things to happen at Trump events. It's not the folks on the right that have the issues you keep referring to. Simply put, it's the folks on the left that have all of these issues, and plan for them which has been proven. You are drinking the Kool Aid from the very people on your side that try to plant these things from happening, or "stories" from leaking.

You don't think any of his followers will take to heart his "rigged" rhetoric? What do you think will happen when he refuses to give a concession speech? Dude it's all over the place, many instances of his supporters saying they ain't going away quietly or peacefully.

11-06-2016, 04:11 PM
I'll take emails over a pedo everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. I'm voting for her Tue......5 or 6 times.

Sure, from the scammer who even just dropped the money grabbing case! And no worry about national security, that's nothing to be concerned about from a sitting president. You're funny sometimes, Mike. Use the illegals angle and talk of illegal voting, which a sitting president just have the a-ok too. But it's just another reason, and I'll give you that, and a completely legal reason, as to why the shitheads on the left often have advantages. The dumbasses on the right will consistently vote with their consciences, and stay within the constitution and vote accordingly. Those on the left will always vote what it takes to take the office. Makes sense to me to an extent, get in office, right? They win with a lack of morals, all while sitting back and tossing jabs about how those on the right have no morals. And then after winning office, will sit back and talk about the lack of moral the righties have, those who lost office because they sat back on their morals while voting.

11-06-2016, 04:14 PM
Dude, look at the actions of the kooky left in the past few weeks when there was a possibility that Trump was picking up ground. I don't believe for a second that folks on the right will be just fine when/if Trump loses. But I DO believe the left consistently lose their lunches when things don't go their way. This is why we see things starting in early years for them, with stupid "safe places" and the like. And why we see them even planning things to happen at Trump events. It's not the folks on the right that have the issues you keep referring to. Simply put, it's the folks on the left that have all of these issues, and plan for them which has been proven. You are drinking the Kool Aid from the very people on your side that try to plant these things from happening, or "stories" from leaking.

Sure, from the scammer who even just dropped the money grabbing case! And no worry about national security, that's nothing to be concerned about from a sitting president. You're funny sometimes, Mike. Use the illegals angle and talk of illegal voting, which a sitting president just have the a-ok too. But it's just another reason, and I'll give you that, and a completely legal reason, as to why the shitheads on the left often have advantages. The dumbasses on the right will consistently vote with their consciences, and stay within the constitution and vote accordingly. Those on the left will always vote what it takes to take the office. Makes sense to me to an extent, get in office, right? They win with a lack of morals, all while sitting back and tossing jabs about how those on the right have no morals. And then after winning office, will sit back and talk about the lack of moral the righties have, those who lost office because they sat back on their morals while voting.

Ain't America fun?:laugh2:

11-06-2016, 04:15 PM
You don't think any of his followers will take to heart his "rigged" rhetoric? What do you think will happen when he refuses to give a concession speech? Dude it's all over the place, many instances of his supporters saying they ain't going away quietly or peacefully.

Collusion with the media. Collusion with the FBI and the DOJ. These are facts, Mike, even when he loses. The emails are there. Hell, the Dems dropped Wasserman Schulz. CNN dropped Brazile. We know these things took place. All of these things will have helped place her in office. She literally cheated in the democrat primaries, and there's barely even any talk about it on the news!!

Trump isn't sitting back stating that the machines are rigged, although I have seen talk of that in general, from both sides in fact.

But the first things I mentioned, they WERE rigged. You cannot deny the collusion, it's 100% impossible as it's all there in writing.

11-06-2016, 04:17 PM
It appears Obama does have a horse in this race:


11-06-2016, 04:18 PM
Ain't America fun?:laugh2:

The individual I chose will not win this election. I still come across as a winner. It seems to me that folks like you, and many others I have seen react in this manner, LOSE, as all they care about is "winning" for their side, and couldn't care less about any consequences for America. That's how I feel about it, Mikey.

11-06-2016, 04:19 PM
Collusion with the media. Collusion with the FBI and the DOJ. These are facts, Mike, even when he loses. The emails are there. Hell, the Dems dropped Wasserman Schulz. CNN dropped Brazile. We know these things took place. All of these things will have helped place her in office. She literally cheated in the democrat primaries, and there's barely even any talk about it on the news!!

Trump isn't sitting back stating that the machines are rigged, although I have seen talk of that in general, from both sides in fact.

But the first things I mentioned, they WERE rigged. You cannot deny the collusion, it's 100% impossible as it's all there in writing.

I'm not denying shit just saying game over..........Trump needs to do the responsible thing and tell his boys to calm their tits. Retool your shit and come back in 2020.

11-06-2016, 04:24 PM
The individual I chose will not win this election. I still come across as a winner. It seems to me that folks like you, and many others I have seen react in this manner, LOSE, as all they care about is "winning" for their side, and couldn't care less about any consequences for America. That's how I feel about it, Mikey.

Jimmy we've been losing since the late 60s, both sides only care about winning just 1 side plays the game better. Don't pretend the Repubs are squeaky clean.

If the Repubs had nominated Kasich i could've gotten behind that.......but #nevertrump.

11-06-2016, 04:26 PM
I'm not denying shit just saying game over..

Just forget the rest for now, the 2020 talk. I know Trump loses this year, and no way I see him coming back again.

BUT, be a man - do you admit that those things happened at least? The things we have seen in writing in front of us, and/or in video? Some folks still read an email and deny it. Do you at least admit the various avenues of collusion that I mention?

11-06-2016, 04:30 PM
Just forget the rest for now, the 2020 talk. I know Trump loses this year, and no way I see him coming back again.

BUT, be a man - do you admit that those things happened at least? The things we have seen in writing in front of us, and/or in video? Some folks still read an email and deny it. Do you at least admit the various avenues of collusion that I mention?

Do you really expect anyone on the left to say there's problems with hundreds of thousands of emails on Huma's family computer, which Weiner had access to?

Do you think they care that Hillary had her maid xeroxing classified information for her?

We could go on and on with what is wrong, but since the FBI says, 'No problem,' and DOJ tells agents 'no warrants,' either we accept the system or we don't.

Something has got to give, but Trump is not the answer. He's damn good at pointing out problems though.

11-06-2016, 04:31 PM
Jimmy we've been losing since the late 60s, both sides only care about winning just 1 side plays the game better. Don't pretend the Repubs are squeaky clean.

If the Repubs had nominated Kasich i could've gotten behind that.......but #nevertrump.

NEVER, have I claimed the Repubs to be clean, not a single time. ALL of our politicians are crooked. I said a long time back that they should drop every single last one of them. Set term limits for EVERY single one of them and then start over. And while I KNOW that there is crap on both sides of the aisle - we vote for them. We can get rid of the filth. But look at someone like Hillary. The MOST filth probably of every dirty politician ever, all combined into one, and we cannot get rid of her.

And I don't mean just vote against her and she's gone. I'm talking about the investigations too. Hell, she's as guilty as sin and even foreigners know that. MANY MANY have done MUCH less in the email department, or sharing of classified information - and were jailed and/or had their careers DONE for sure.

And this one will be our next president instead. It stinks. And you know it. You laugh about it, because it's the person you wanted in office from the get go anyway, but you know that it stinks.

11-06-2016, 04:33 PM
Do you really expect anyone on the left to say there's problems with hundreds of thousands of emails on Huma's family computer, which Weiner had access to?

Do you think they care that Hillary had her maid xeroxing classified information for her?

We could go on and on with what is wrong, but since the FBI says, 'No problem,' and DOJ tells agents 'no warrants,' either we accept the system or we don't.

Something has got to give, but Trump is not the answer. He's damn good at pointing out problems though.

I just don't get the whole FBI/DOJ stuff. Do they REALLY want her in office that bad? Or WHO is pulling their strings from above? Does ANYONE out there really expect to ever trust these agencies again?

Yeah, it sure sucks more because of the election right here in our faces... but that aside.. if you were to write a college paper on this and leave out all names - how in the WORLD can those folks read this, from a constitutional perspective and not see HUGE issues - unless they are writing it for Berkeley?

11-06-2016, 04:33 PM
Just forget the rest for now, the 2020 talk. I know Trump loses this year, and no way I see him coming back again.

BUT, be a man - do you admit that those things happened at least? The things we have seen in writing in front of us, and/or in video? Some folks still read an email and deny it. Do you at least admit the various avenues of collusion that I mention?

I already said it's more than likely true. If i were an RNC guy i would be going out and getting some waders and boots, they will never win another election unless they get dirty.......well after i told Trump to piss off and not even think about 2020.

It's America 2016, good guys get steamrolled.

11-06-2016, 04:34 PM
I already said it's more than likely true. If i were an RNC guy i would be going out and getting some waders and boots, they will never win another election unless they get dirty.......well after i told Trump to piss off and not even think about 2020.

It's America 2016, good guys get steamrolled.

+1 for being man enough to admit what you think might be what is in front of you.

But no way Trump would have a chance anyway, or any of them for that fact. I recall awhile back that Kanye West had planned on running for 2020!!

11-06-2016, 04:35 PM
NEVER, have I claimed the Repubs to be clean, not a single time. ALL of our politicians are crooked. I said a long time back that they should drop every single last one of them. Set term limits for EVERY single one of them and then start over. And while I KNOW that there is crap on both sides of the aisle - we vote for them. We can get rid of the filth. But look at someone like Hillary. The MOST filth probably of every dirty politician ever, all combined into one, and we cannot get rid of her.

And I don't mean just vote against her and she's gone. I'm talking about the investigations too. Hell, she's as guilty as sin and even foreigners know that. MANY MANY have done MUCH less in the email department, or sharing of classified information - and were jailed and/or had their careers DONE for sure.

And this one will be our next president instead. It stinks. And you know it. You laugh about it, because it's the person you wanted in office from the get go anyway, but you know that it stinks.

I was given no choice.......by the RNC. Johnson? Pleaseeeeee!

11-06-2016, 04:36 PM
+1 for being man enough to admit what you think might be what is in front of you.

But no way Trump would have a chance anyway, or any of them for that fact. I recall awhile back that Kanye West had planned on running for 2020!!

KANYE! Hahahahaha

11-06-2016, 04:38 PM
At this point, I just want someone to win and for the election to be over.
I am always glad that California is not a swing state. I don't know if I could live with the barrage of advertising that would come with it.

11-06-2016, 04:40 PM
I was given no choice.......by the RNC. Johnson? Pleaseeeeee!

Well, Johnson was all in for weed legalization! If you truly are 100% to the left I can understand why you didn't see anything on the right, but they did have 16 other choices, all palatable IMO.

KANYE! Hahahahaha

"Ima let you finish, but Hillary Clinton had the best illegal server of all time!!" :thumb:

11-06-2016, 04:45 PM
Well, Johnson was all in for weed legalization! If you truly are 100% to the left I can understand why you didn't see anything on the right, but they did have 16 other choices, all palatable IMO.

"Ima let you finish, but Hillary Clinton had the best illegal server of all time!!" :thumb:

I did like that about him! Just didn't like that he didn't want to stop at weed!

You keep saying i'm left but i think my new change of heart is more libertarian in nature. While i may not condone certain things for me personally i've come to the realization that as long as it doesn't affect me i don't have the energy to fight all these battles anymore and especially since i believe our input don't amount to shit.

11-06-2016, 04:46 PM
"Ima let you finish, but Hillary Clinton had the best illegal server of all time!!" :thumb:

OK, that was humorous. :cool:

11-06-2016, 04:55 PM
I did like that about him! Just didn't like that he didn't want to stop at weed!

I'm glad you said that, that was my stance. I didn't have an issue with him, or any other candidates wanting to legalize marijuana, whether for medicinal reasons or recreational. But when opening the doors for chemical based things like cocaine and meth and worse and worse... to much for me.

11-06-2016, 04:57 PM
I'm glad you said that, that was my stance. I didn't have an issue with him, or any other candidates wanting to legalize marijuana, whether for medicinal reasons or recreational. But when opening the doors for chemical based things like cocaine and meth and worse and worse... to much for me.

They turned an old Highs Dairy store by me into a methadone clinic........i see junkies daily. Not good.

11-06-2016, 05:00 PM
They turned an old Highs Dairy store by me into a methadone clinic........i see junkies daily. Not good.

There was one of them at the hospital by my grandmothers house back about 15 years ago or so. These folks would go in and get their methadone, and then it would literally be like the walking dead on that block afterwards, day after day!!

Black Diamond
11-06-2016, 05:05 PM
Did anyone really expect an indictment? This is the Clintons we are talking about.

11-06-2016, 05:10 PM
There was one of them at the hospital by my grandmothers house back about 15 years ago or so. These folks would go in and get their methadone, and then it would literally be like the walking dead on that block afterwards, day after day!!

I love the lean though, these fuckers are bent almost all the wsy over then BAM pop right back on and start bustin some sort of dance move before starting the lean all over again.

All they are doing is getting the shot of methadone and then moving on down to the shitty part of town and scoring.......what a life! The methadone clinic is useless.

11-06-2016, 05:11 PM
Did anyone really expect an indictment? This is the Clintons we are talking about.

How long did it take them to forever investigate her original 33,000 emails? And now they clear her in all of these new 650,000 emails in such short time?

I honestly didn't expect a negative outcome for her nonetheless. My faith in our "system" has been destroyed, and not remotely near from just the democrats, while of course I will acknowledge they are rats. But our entire system is screwed and being abused, and no one cares.

11-06-2016, 08:17 PM
How long did it take them to forever investigate her original 33,000 emails? And now they clear her in all of these new 650,000 emails in such short time?

I honestly didn't expect a negative outcome for her nonetheless. My faith in our "system" has been destroyed, and not remotely near from just the democrats, while of course I will acknowledge they are rats. But our entire system is screwed and being abused, and no one cares.

What astounds me is how can she (and they) get away with it?

I've said before...I carried a security clearance for 26 of my 37 years in the service.
I handled classified and sensitive messages, as well as classified systems.

ONE infraction would have cost me my job. Serious enough would have me in the Pen.

How the F*** is SHE immune?

11-06-2016, 08:24 PM
What astounds me is how can she (and they) get away with it?

I've said before...I carried a security clearance for 26 of my 37 years in the service.
I handled classified and sensitive messages, as well as classified systems.

ONE infraction would have cost me my job. Serious enough would have me in the Pen.

How the F*** is SHE immune?

Is your last name Clinton?

11-06-2016, 08:47 PM
Is your last name Clinton?

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14670704_1085965294857281_7542984280971113155_n.jp g?oh=e0cbaea4d85efd36cfc503b78c08bb17&oe=58D45231

11-06-2016, 08:54 PM
It's not over by any means. Take note: Comey only mentioned the EMAIL/SERVER investigation. Nothing else.

There are still many, many FBI investigations underway that Comey is unable, by law, to disclose, or talk about. I'm not defending him here. But...until all of the FACTS are known. We shouldn't be so quick to declare anything OVER.

11-06-2016, 09:24 PM
It's not over by any means. Take note: Comey only mentioned the EMAIL/SERVER investigation. Nothing else.

There are still many, many FBI investigations underway that Comey is unable, by law, to disclose, or talk about. I'm not defending him here. But...until all of the FACTS are known. We shouldn't be so quick to declare anything OVER.

POTUS election for sure is over

11-06-2016, 09:30 PM
Collusion with the media. Collusion with the FBI and the DOJ. These are facts, Mike, even when he loses. The emails are there. Hell, the Dems dropped Wasserman Schulz. CNN dropped Brazile. We know these things took place. All of these things will have helped place her in office. She literally cheated in the democrat primaries, and there's barely even any talk about it on the news!!

Trump isn't sitting back stating that the machines are rigged, although I have seen talk of that in general, from both sides in fact.

But the first things I mentioned, they WERE rigged. You cannot deny the collusion, it's 100% impossible as it's all there in writing.

All points are right on. This is a tipping point election. If Hillary wins, it is an election where the sitting President, the Attorney General, the Justice Department, the FBI, and especially the media used the full power of their offices and in many cases did illegal things, just to push one of the two candidates to win the election. It will be the election where America stopped being a representative Democracy and became something much lesser. It will be the election where the American federal government stopped being worthy of any respect, either from its citizens and from other nations.

But lets stop the ridiculous talk about Trump supporters revolting if he doesn't win. Trump may not concede, but that will be the end of it. Obama is the current President and he will be only too glad to hand over the office to Hillary. Its actually more likely that if Trump were to win, Hillary would not concede and Obama would use the Justice Department to do all kinds of shenanigans to sue and declare things unlawful, and to recount the votes in every state Trump won.

At least if he hands over the office to anyone, I can stop worrying that he is the AntiChrist. And if he doesn't then become Secretary-General of the UN.

11-06-2016, 10:53 PM
Is your last name Clinton?

Yours must be to defend them so strongly.

11-06-2016, 11:06 PM
The real Clinton email scandal is that a bullshit story has dominated the campaign


11-06-2016, 11:34 PM
The real Clinton email scandal is that a bullshit story has dominated the campaign


Never carried a clearance I'll bet.

11-07-2016, 05:50 AM
POTUS election for sure is over

Typical Leftie thinking. 'The election is over', when it hasn't even happened. Lefties tend not to be receptive to The Will Of The People.

Reminds me of the early '90's, in my country. Neil Kinnock, the then Labour leader, was convinced that 'the election is over', days before it had happened. He even gave a display of his jubilation at the 'inevitable' result he believed was in the bag ... .

Then, the General Election happened. HE LOST. He learned (at least, I assume he did ?) the lesson of not taking people for granted.

Nothing's for certain until the election HAS HAPPENED.

11-07-2016, 05:54 AM
... by the way, I don't believe this latest FBI development. If Clinton's been 'cleared', I think it came about as a result of a lot of high-powered string-pulling and top-level heavy-handedness. Last I heard, it was going to be 'months' before the FBI could've had any chance of concluding this latest investigation.

11-07-2016, 07:39 AM
... by the way, I don't believe this latest FBI development. If Clinton's been 'cleared', I think it came about as a result of a lot of high-powered string-pulling and top-level heavy-handedness. Last I heard, it was going to be 'months' before the FBI could've had any chance of concluding this latest investigation.

Exactly. I've read they found over 600,000 emails and that it would take weeks to go through them. Now, just days later, Comey is saying they've already gone through all the emails, and already are 100% sure there's nothing in them? That doesn't pass the sniff test.

11-07-2016, 08:28 AM
Yup, cling to your conspiracy theories. It's all you got. Desperate. Pathetic.

11-07-2016, 09:01 AM
Any last minute miracle of a chance - out the window.


FBI: No charges against Clinton after new email review

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — FBI Director James Comey abruptly announced Sunday that a review of newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton has not changed his conclusion that the Democrat should not face criminal charges. His announcement came in a letter to congressional lawmakers two days before Election Day.

Comey said the FBI has worked "around the clock to process and review a large number of emails" obtained from a device belonging to Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman and estranged husband of top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. He said the review has not changed the bureau's assessment from earlier this year that Clinton should not be prosecuted for her handling of classified information at the State Department.

The new review has roiled the presidential campaign in its final days, shattering what had appeared to be Clinton's solid grip on the race and emboldening Republican Donald Trump. During a campaign stop earlier Sunday, Trump warned that Clinton would be under investigation as president, prompting an "unprecedented constitutional crisis."


When the one person in charge of representing and upholding the law is put above it, then there is no law.

11-07-2016, 10:38 AM
Exactly. I've read they found over 600,000 emails and that it would take weeks to go through them. Now, just days later, Comey is saying they've already gone through all the emails, and already are 100% sure there's nothing in them? That doesn't pass the sniff test.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14915139_1218969091512650_5050224651486000973_n.jp g?oh=f646ab7b36fd3f5fcd63c2023f425501&oe=58998A25

11-07-2016, 10:50 AM
Exactly. I've read they found over 600,000 emails and that it would take weeks to go through them. Now, just days later, Comey is saying they've already gone through all the emails, and already are 100% sure there's nothing in them? That doesn't pass the sniff test.

Who said it would take weeks? The FBI? You think they read them each individually? It's called technology. It's wonderful.

11-07-2016, 11:46 AM
Who said it would take weeks? The FBI? You think they read them each individually? It's called technology. It's wonderful.

In a Federal investigation any honest, sane person would expect them to. The cop-hater himself supporting fascism. Makes sense it's you. What a hypocrite.

11-07-2016, 01:04 PM
In a Federal investigation any honest, sane person would expect them to. The cop-hater himself supporting fascism. Makes sense it's you. What a hypocrite.

Either you don't know much about computer science or your mind is stuck in the 50s.

11-07-2016, 01:05 PM
Who said it would take weeks? The FBI? You think they read them each individually? It's called technology. It's wonderful.

Interesting. Where was this technology when they were investigating less than 10% of the very same emails? That took forever, then suddenly they are able to investigate nearly 4,000 emails per hour, the week prior to the election.

11-07-2016, 01:10 PM
Interesting. Where was this technology when they were investigating less than 10% of the very same emails? That took forever, then suddenly they are able to investigate nearly 4,000 emails per hour, the week prior to the election.

as if you are privy to know anything about the investigation. you say these things not knowing hundreds of factors or investigation objectives.

11-07-2016, 01:14 PM
Either you don't know much about computer science or your mind is stuck in the 50s.

as if you are privy to know anything about the investigation. you say these things not knowing hundreds of factors or investigation objectives.

Interesting - and in your very last post you acted like you were a computer science guru. So in other words, you know JACK SHIT about the investigation, regardless of your yapping about CS and the 50's and software programs. You're just yapping like a clueless chihuahua

11-07-2016, 02:21 PM
Interesting - and in your very last post you acted like you were a computer science guru. So in other words, you know JACK SHIT about the investigation, regardless of your yapping about CS and the 50's and software programs. You're just yapping like a clueless chihuahua

Yup, just as much as you do. But I do know they don't need to read each email individually to find what they need to know. There are algorithms, queries and software for that. Congrats on voting for a loser. Biggest in history. Nice little trophy for you.

11-07-2016, 02:34 PM
Yup, cling to your conspiracy theories. It's all you got. Desperate. Pathetic.

Thanks so much pete. It's great to actually read your words, talking about yourself. And many of us totally agree with you. YOU ARE DESPERATE, PATHETIC, and TYPICALLY LIBERAL..Speaking out of your anal orifice. Time to Brush with Preparation-H, to get rid of that LIBERAL BAD BREATH.

11-07-2016, 02:36 PM
Thanks so much pete. It's great to actually read your words, talking about yourself. And many of us totally agree with you. YOU ARE DESPERATE, PATHETIC, and TYPICALLY LIBERAL..Speaking out of your anal orifice. Time to Brush with Preparation-H, to get rid of that LIBERAL BAD BREATH.

enjoy the next four years :clap:

11-07-2016, 02:41 PM
enjoy the next four years :clap:

Not as much as you will. Your supply of Preparation-H should also include your Liberal Toothbrush. I hope your Hillary wins. Just to see how all of you IDIOTS get to deal with being CHEATED, ROBBED, and LIED to again...Like Obama.

The country is smarter, and stronger than CRIMINALS who have no intelligence. So, four years of constant IMPEACHMENT hearings...Like Nixon's...is what you can ENJOY.

11-07-2016, 03:16 PM
Yup, just as much as you do. But I do know they don't need to read each email individually to find what they need to know. There are algorithms, queries and software for that. Congrats on voting for a loser. Biggest in history. Nice little trophy for you.

I know more than you do. I am familiar with the software they used to wipe the Clinton server. I was in fact a CS major. You get a trophy for being an idiot, and acting like you know what you're talking about when it comes to software and how they search for multiples.

Tell us then, Pete - what algorithms were used and how? C'mon, you're acting smart and putting others down, we are voting for losers and you're better - educate me on this then, Pete!! Please tell us how and what algorithms were used, and how they may have been used.

11-07-2016, 03:17 PM
enjoy the next four years :clap:

Why, your Mom ran for office? :laugh:

11-07-2016, 03:24 PM
Either you don't know much about computer science or your mind is stuck in the 50s.When so-called computer science uis used to misrepresent the truth, it means little to me. I'd much rather be stuck in the 50s than stuck on stupid going with the lie that is most convenient for me.

11-07-2016, 03:30 PM
Trained eyes can scan for key words and phrases, as well as classification markings.
Yet that is a shitload to survey.

Going through that many in a week (600,000) when it took a month to go through a great deal lesser
pile of them(33, 000)?

Naaahh....it is a scam...a set-up.

11-07-2016, 04:03 PM
Thanks so much pete. It's great to actually read your words, talking about yourself. And many of us totally agree with you. YOU ARE DESPERATE, PATHETIC, and TYPICALLY LIBERAL..Speaking out of your anal orifice. Time to Brush with Preparation-H, to get rid of that LIBERAL BAD BREATH.

Troll much? Yeah Pete is trolling too but you seem to be a connoisseur.

11-07-2016, 04:05 PM
It's easy to go through that amount when only looking for duplicates, or search strings. Of course there is no way to have went through them manually for any "new" information" or things not in their search strings, or what they were looking for.

11-07-2016, 04:11 PM
When you people gonna smarten up? The Clintons are the motherfucking Vito Genovese of the political world, they got everybody and everything on lockdown.....respect their game.

Knowing that she still gets my vote, says alot about the orange pedophile.

11-07-2016, 04:13 PM
When you people gonna smarten up? The Clintons are the motherfucking Vito Genovese of the political world, they got everybody and everything on lockdown.....respect their game.

Knowing that she still gets my vote, says alot about the orange pedophile.

She attracts idiots like flies?

11-07-2016, 04:16 PM
She attracts idiots like flies?

No troll:poke: Any fucking pedo that i wouldn't trust my daughters with ain't getting my vote.

11-07-2016, 05:22 PM
Troll much? Yeah Pete is trolling too but you seem to be a connoisseur.

Flattering yourself here, still makes you a loser. My constant attempts to imitate you must be working if you call me a connoisseur. The best part is. You seem convinced, or have convinced yourself long ago. That no other members read your constant BS here. I enjoy it when a KNOWN TROLL calls me a troll. It proves my efforts to be JUST LIKE YOU are working.
Otherwise. If you think I was only born yesterday, and you think you can win because you tell yourself how SMART you think you are. I'm open for anything you can RANT my way.
So. Have at it. I've got a few decades of dealing with idiots like you behind me.
Go for it.

11-07-2016, 05:27 PM
Flattering yourself here, still makes you a loser. My constant attempts to imitate you must be working if you call me a connoisseur. The best part is. You seem convinced, or have convinced yourself long ago. That no other members read your constant BS here. I enjoy it when a KNOWN TROLL calls me a troll. It proves my efforts to be JUST LIKE YOU are working.
Otherwise. If you think I was only born yesterday, and you think you can win because you tell yourself how SMART you think you are. I'm open for anything you can RANT my way.
So. Have at it. I've got a few decades of dealing with idiots like you behind me.
Go for it.

Intellectually speaking you are boring.....entertainment wise you are pure gold.

11-07-2016, 05:40 PM
Intellectually speaking you are boring.....entertainment wise you are pure gold.

Intellectually speaking, he offers more to the board than you ever did or will. Just sayin!

11-07-2016, 06:15 PM
Intellectually speaking you are boring.....entertainment wise you are pure gold.

That could be absolutely true if you had enough intellect to recognize how amazingly dumb you are trying to sound. But then. It's just more of you, talking about yourself since I am trying my best to BE JUST LIKE YOU in every way. You are dealing with your own FOOLS GOLD there.

11-07-2016, 09:07 PM
Who said it would take weeks? The FBI? You think they read them each individually? It's called technology. It's wonderful.

Pete, you need to think before you speak, instead of the other way around. Yes, the FBI said their own investigation into the new emails would take weeks. And their not going to do a keyword search and then just wrap up the investigation, not if they are honest. You should also consider that it took the FBI months to go over just the 30,000 email that Hillary turned over originally. Why do you think that suddenly can review twenty times as many emails in just one week? Ridiculous!

By the way, I would estimate that there are somewhere between 10 to 50 people on this board that know technology better than you do. Just sayin' :rolleyes:

11-07-2016, 09:39 PM
Pete, you need to think before you speak, instead of the other way around. Yes, the FBI said their own investigation into the new emails would take weeks. And their not going to do a keyword search and then just wrap up the investigation, not if they are honest. You should also consider that it took the FBI months to go over just the 30,000 email that Hillary turned over originally. Why do you think that suddenly can review twenty times as many emails in just one week? Ridiculous!

By the way, I would estimate that there are somewhere between 10 to 50 people on this board that know technology better than you do. Just sayin' :rolleyes:

But Russ..... you forgot that Pete claims to be smarter than all of us, and even the FBI, who has to be telling ONLY WHAT COMEY WANTS TO TELL US. Then again. Pete is like some other members claim to be. MASTERS of their own HAND-WORK.:laugh:

Black Diamond
11-14-2016, 09:49 AM
Yup, just as much as you do. But I do know they don't need to read each email individually to find what they need to know. There are algorithms, queries and software for that. Congrats on voting for a loser. Biggest in history. Nice little trophy for you.

He's a loser and yet he pulled off an "impossible" win. :laugh:

11-14-2016, 10:04 AM
He's a loser and yet he pulled off an "impossible" win. :laugh:

Oh, there's more. Much, much more!

It's Gold, BD! GOLD!!

Happy reviewing, my friend! :beer:

11-15-2016, 01:42 AM
Any last minute miracle of a chance - out the window.


FBI: No charges against Clinton after new email review

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — FBI Director James Comey abruptly announced Sunday that a review of newly discovered emails sent or received by Hillary Clinton has not changed his conclusion that the Democrat should not face criminal charges. His announcement came in a letter to congressional lawmakers two days before Election Day. ...

"Food for Thought"
I wonder how they've managed to revise thoroughly about 65,000 letters in a couple of days. Doesn't it look rather suspicious? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif