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11-06-2016, 05:21 PM
Over the past year, everything I have read would make it appear that the damage against BOTH Clinton's would be more so from their foundation than from any of her emails. Even quite a few came out from FBI sources stating as much, and that apparently they have a large team investigating the foundation.

Would it even matter now, based on prior discussions? I mean, suppose in a year from now they conclude their investigation, and find her guilty as sin (as usual). It wouldn't matter, they wouldn't be able to actually have any power to do anything should there be anything found, correct?

IMO, there shouldn't be anyone - ANYONE - that should be "above the law", not even some awesome cool guy like myself. :)

11-08-2016, 04:37 PM
jimnyc. I totally agree with you. But...when will Obama, and the Clinton's finally learn....They are NOT ABOVE ANY LAWS???

11-08-2016, 07:57 PM
jimnyc. I totally agree with you. But...when will Obama, and the Clinton's finally learn....They are NOT ABOVE ANY LAWS???

That is the question of the decade!

01-20-2017, 01:59 PM
Whoda thunk it?

In a tax filing, the Clinton Global Initiative said it's firing 22 staffers and closing its offices, a result of the gusher of foreign money that kept the foundation afloat suddenly drying up after Hillary Clinton failed to win the presidency.

It proves what we've said all along: The Clinton Foundation was little more than an influence-peddling scheme to enrich the Clintons, and had little if anything to do with "charity," either overseas or in the U.S. That sound you heard starting in November was checkbooks being snapped shut in offices around the world by people who had hoped their donations would buy access to the next president of the United States.

Probably not to far off.