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View Full Version : IF She wins tomorrow. The result eventually will be....

11-07-2016, 08:09 PM
An Oligarchy led by both Clintons, who will have total control over the Justice System, the FBI, and eventually.....
"The Supreme Court of the United States" (formerly protecting the Constitution)


https://www.google.com/search?num=20&site=&source=hp&q=oligarchy&oq=Oliga&gs_l=hp.1.0.0l9j5.2092.3678.0.7511. .1100.0j5j1.6.0....0...1c.1.64.hp..0.5.817.0..0i13 1k1j0i131i155k1.5rAqTS0V53Q

11-07-2016, 08:18 PM
That about sums it up, AT.

Flush The Constitution if she wins. Obama has already opened that door the last 7.75 years.

11-07-2016, 08:22 PM
That about sums it up, AT.

Flush The Constitution if she wins. Obama has already opened that door the last 7.75 years.

Agreed. And the major problem will still be. A terribly large Majority of Uninformed, Under-educated, Info-Illiterate, Selfish, Government Dependent Americans won't know it!

11-07-2016, 08:34 PM

11-07-2016, 09:31 PM
We already went through an oligarchy while GW Bush was in power. It was basically government by a few, for a few.
I can't see Clinton being any worse.

11-07-2016, 09:37 PM
We already went through an oligarchy while GW Bush was in power. It was basically government by a few, for a few.
I can't see Clinton being any worse.

Really? So you endose MOB RULE? A few in charge would even TAKE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE gabby. Happy Trails on that.

11-08-2016, 06:18 AM
I'm praying for a Trump win.

They say that first voting indications will emerge around 4am, our time (GMT). We should know what has happened by breakfast-time.

If I can manage it, I'll be staying awake all night .. hoping to see that, finally, America has managed to create a basis for turning itself around ... to become the strong, decent world-leader and great inspiration to the Western world it was surely always meant to be.

I fully agree that a Clinton win will be disastrous. It MUST NOT happen.

11-08-2016, 06:24 AM
Believe it or not, Al Jazeera will be devoting its English language news channel to nothing else but coverage of your election, for a good eight hours of constant coverage.

.. Seems that the Arab world considers the election outcome as of paramount importance to them ... ?