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View Full Version : Libs Lose Again - FCC Chairman Dismisses Fairness Doctrine

red states rule
07-29-2007, 06:59 AM
Will libs ever get tired of losing and showing what losers they are?

Forst they lose a vote in the House and now the FCC Chairman slaps down the ems attempt to monitor speech on the radio.

Nov 08 is going to fun - alot of Dems will be on the unemployment line in Jan 09

FCC Chair: Fairness Doctrine Not Needed

Jul 26 10:43 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal Communications Commission has no intention of reinstating the Fairness Doctrine imposing a requirement of balanced coverage of issues on public airwaves, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said.

Martin, in a letter written this week to Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., and made public Thursday, said the agency found no compelling reason to revisit its 1987 decision that enforcing the federal rule was not in the public interest.

Several Democratic lawmakers suggested that Congress take another look at the doctrine after conservative radio talk show hosts aggressively attacked an immigration reform bill when it was on the Senate floor, contributing to its defeat.

Pence and other Republicans in both the House and Senate countered by introducing legislation to bar the FCC from reinstating the rule.

Under the doctrine, first instituted in the late 1940s, broadcasters could lose their licenses if they failed to give free airtime to opposing sides on controversial issues.

Martin, in his letter, said government regulation was not needed to ensure public access to a wide range of opinion. "Indeed, with the continued proliferation of additional sources of information and programming, including satellite broadcasting and the Internet, the need for the Fairness Doctrine has lessened even further since 1987," he wrote.

Pence, in a joint statement with Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., welcomed Martin's position but said Congress should still pass his legislation so that no future administration or FCC chairman could revive the doctrine without an act of Congress


red states rule
07-29-2007, 07:03 AM
For those of you not up on current events

Fairness doctrine:
Political version: To encourage balanced air time
on radio and television where political opinion is expressed. Equal time for liberals, conservatives, left, and right points of view. Equality for all!

Translated version: To end the free expression of political opinion where radio is dominated by conservative talk.

The difference here, of course, is that Conservatives complain about the lack of diversity of opinion in the MSM, but the Dems's want to legislate it. Just what the world needs. Liberals own the opinion on the most powerful networks in the world, but don't want people to listen to the Truth Detector, Rush Limbaugh or Sean hannity

What the hell are the afraid of?

07-29-2007, 12:02 PM
The Liberals need to get used to losing, it's what they do best, well other then Lie, Cheat and Steal.

red states rule
07-29-2007, 12:03 PM
The Liberals need to get used to losing, it's what they do best, well other then Lie, Cheat and Steal.

That is about all they have left

They can;t compete with conservatives on talk radio so they have to have a temper tanturm

It is fun to watch however