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red states rule
11-09-2016, 12:47 AM
Woke up, turned on the TV, and was presently surprised.

Trump is 16 electoral votes away from winning. Trumps has a slim lead in PA, and is surging in MI.

The libs on MSNBC are making excuses (blaming Russia, sexism, and stupid voters

How can this happen? We have been told on this board "the Clinton's do not lose elections!"

Perhaps the liberal elites did not take seriously the anger of the voters. They thought Hillary's blatant disregard for the law others have to follow. Obamacare bankrupting people and the US Treasury. How the voters have had enough of illegals coming into our country, and DEMANDING social services paid for by US citizens. The USSC creating law out of thin air, and the endless crippling and costly regulations imposed on business

It is not over yet - but the message is being sent. If it is received and understood is another question. HIlary may very well win the popular vote but lose the electoral vote

However this may be the same as in 2008. The talking point the Clinton's do not lose elections may be blown out of the water

I have to go to work in the AM - so back to bed

Have a great night folks the Obama era is finally coming to an end

11-09-2016, 01:43 AM
Woke up, turned on the TV, and was presently surprised.

Trump is 16 electoral votes away from winning. Trumps has a slim lead in PA, and is surging in MI.

The libs on MSNBC are making excuses (blaming Russia, sexism, and stupid voters

How can this happen? We have been told on this board "the Clinton's do not lose elections!"

Perhaps the liberal elites did not take seriously the anger of the voters. They thought Hillary's blatant disregard for the law others have to follow. Obamacare bankrupting people and the US Treasury. How the voters have had enough of illegals coming into our country, and DEMANDING social services paid for by US citizens. The USSC creating law out of thin air, and the endless crippling and costly regulations imposed on business

It is not over yet - but the message is being sent. If it is received and understood is another question. HIlary may very well win the popular vote but lose the electoral vote

However this may be the same as in 2008. The talking point the Clinton's do not lose elections may be blown out of the water

I have to go to work in the AM - so back to bed

Have a great night folks the Obama era is finally coming to an end

'Brexit on steroids' is a great way of describing this.

I'm about to get my own sleep ! Coming up to 6.45 am (GMT), locally, as I type. Just before I saw this post, I'd added my own ... as follows ...


red states rule
11-09-2016, 02:09 AM
and the excuses are flowing

Trump's win is a whitelash

It Russia's fault

America is sexist

ect, ect, ect

Perhaps it the real reason for this upset is Hillary is a lousy candidate

Here is a pic from Hilary's HQ or it could be what is happening at OCA's house watching the returns come in


11-09-2016, 05:47 AM
As Michael Moore put it.. the biggest F*** YOU!!!!!!!! in history and a well deserved one too.

This was not just a judgement on Hillary Rotten Clinton but of Obama too

11-09-2016, 06:08 AM
Just woken up after a couple of hours' sleep. I've not looked at the newspapers today, or heard commentary about the news.

But then, I don't need to. First order of business ... waking up to a day where America knows its own 'Brexit' moment, where Americans voted to make a better, brighter, more prosperous future for themselves. Where those who voted for Donald Trump took responsibility for their own fate, instead of having it run for them by 'political correctness' Nazis (the Left, but of course).

There will be those who opted out of voting for Trump, just to do precisely that, and for no other reason. Such people did America no favours yesterday, and don't deserve respect, in my view. No - it's those who DID vote for their next President, who stood up to be counted, who are the real backbone behind America -- that's what I say.


The Left will have been dealt a body-blow. They can't have too many of those, in my opinion.

So to the future, and an America that's finding its way once more, where the will and the spirit of The People will know expression and proper representation. A path to greatness, if ever there was one.

So ......


11-09-2016, 06:12 AM
As Michael Moore put it.. the biggest F*** YOU!!!!!!!! in history and a well deserved one too.

This was not just a judgement on Hillary Rotten Clinton but of Obama too:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: