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11-09-2016, 11:37 AM
Her projections were as good as the colluding MSM. The glass ceiling fell on her head.

What excuses will there be? Or will one of her students write the excuse? LOL I've never seen someone write so much crap, and have so much crow lined up to eat. L.O.S.E.R. in so many ways. :lol:

11-09-2016, 11:42 AM
Her projections were as good as the colluding MSM. The glass ceiling fell on her head.

What excuses will there be? Or will one of her students write the excuse? LOL I've never seen someone write so much crap, and have so much crow lined up to eat. L.O.S.E.R. in so many ways. :lol:

I woke up, got some coffee, and logged on not knowing who won. Well, actually rugrats were in rare form this morning and got me up.:laugh:

I was going to take it, come what may.

Maybe she'll show.

11-09-2016, 11:45 AM
I woke up, got some coffee, and logged on not knowing who won. Well, actually rugrats were in rare form this morning and got me up.:laugh:

I was going to take it, come what may.

Maybe she'll show.

Couple of valium and a shot of Jack and she'll be back to normal in no time... well, normal for her

11-09-2016, 11:47 AM
Couple of valium and a shot of Jack and she'll be back to normal in no time... well, normal for her

That would surely 'splain a few things!!

I read an article earlier where they spoke of California - and "xanax" and "I'm gonna puke" :laugh2:

11-09-2016, 11:50 AM
That would surely 'splain a few things!!

I read an article earlier where they spoke of California - and "xanax" and "I'm gonna puke" :laugh2:

I speculate that there are some awfully dismal places in the US right now and it has nothing to do with the weather...DC was all HRC last night...

11-09-2016, 11:51 AM
I speculate that there are some awfully dismal places in the US right now and it has nothing to do with the weather...DC was all HRC last night...

I have another celebrity site, has like 100 pictures from the Javits center and the Dems last night. Some of them were actually despondent, crying their eyes out. That was awesome to see!! :laugh:

11-09-2016, 11:55 AM
I have another celebrity site, has like 100 pictures from the Javits center and the Dems last night. Some of them were actually despondent, crying their eyes out. That was awesome to see!! :laugh:

I bet.... strange thing is, I don't feel one bit sorry for them

11-09-2016, 01:04 PM
I'd just like to congratulate Gabby and her fellow Texans for helping Trump crush it last night!

I chuckled a few times seeing the moonbats on MSNBC and CNN discuss the possibility of Texas voting for Hillary.

Silly, silly moonbats. :grenade:

Don't jump, Gabby! You're about to get schooled on just how awesome America can be.

11-09-2016, 01:24 PM
I just cannot see shedding a tear over an election.

Just buckle your belt, tie your shoes, and move on. I did when Obama was
twice elected.

The sky is not falling over this (in many ways). It may halt the
dreams of a 'perfect liberal' society, but that is obviously not what all Americans wanted.

11-09-2016, 01:31 PM
Her projections were as good as the colluding MSM. The glass ceiling fell on her head.

What excuses will there be? Or will one of her students write the excuse? LOL I've never seen someone write so much crap, and have so much crow lined up to eat. L.O.S.E.R. in so many ways. :lol:

LMAO! I see what you are. You're one of those folks people call "sore winners"! :poke:


11-09-2016, 02:29 PM
Her projections were as good as the colluding MSM. The glass ceiling fell on her head.

What excuses will there be? Or will one of her students write the excuse? LOL I've never seen someone write so much crap, and have so much crow lined up to eat. L.O.S.E.R. in so many ways. :lol:

Personally, I have no problem with breaking that glass ceiling provided it is an honest
and respected woman, which Hillary did not live up to being.

I worked with many females in Command Centers over the years, and the vast majority
were focused, honest, and dependable almost to a fault.

Abbey Marie
11-09-2016, 02:49 PM
I have another celebrity site, has like 100 pictures from the Javits center and the Dems last night. Some of them were actually despondent, crying their eyes out. That was awesome to see!! :laugh:

Seeing that giant empty room with the "glass ceiling" she was going to emphasize, was awesome.
Always the posturing- and it was taken away from her. It is delicious.

Abbey Marie
11-09-2016, 02:53 PM
Btw, as a law school grad and lawyer from a ways back, the glass ceiling is waaay overstated. Work hard and anything can be yours. Including the Presidency, provided you're not as corrupt as the day is long.

red states rule
11-09-2016, 02:55 PM
Her projections were as good as the colluding MSM. The glass ceiling fell on her head.

What excuses will there be? Or will one of her students write the excuse? LOL I've never seen someone write so much crap, and have so much crow lined up to eat. L.O.S.E.R. in so many ways. :lol:

She may be group therapy with Mike


11-09-2016, 03:24 PM
until Gabby Shows up here's 'the view'


11-09-2016, 03:28 PM
Btw, as a law school grad and lawyer from a ways back, the glass ceiling is waaay overstated. Work hard and anything can be yours. Including the Presideency, provided you're not as corrupt as the day is long.


I can't think of anyone here on the board or IRL that would begrudge a woman the office. It'll happen, just not with a putrid example the Democrats ran with. If the GOP puts up a good candidate who is better than her competitors, I'll be the first in line to vote for her.

Just think of the bad that America shed during this election : We'll never have to see Hillary or Harry Reid or Wassermann-Schultz again, the deletion of Obama's insane antics (and legacy, oh my!), the reigning in of overzealous EPA and other Fed agencies, the utter destruction of the Democrat Party, a laundry list of moonbat Hollywood types who promised to leave the country, the list goes on and on.

Truly a great day in America. Possibly the greatest day for America in my lifetime.

I'm grateful that I got to witness it, even though it was truly exhausting at times.

11-09-2016, 03:56 PM
LMAO! I see what you are. You're one of those folks people call "sore winners"! :poke:

No doubt, my first post, about loving America, I even signed it "sore winner". :)

I am enjoying myself for a day. And when you have folks, who outright trolled, and maybe even used their damn avatars for such things - it's nice to remind them how wrong and stupid they were.

11-09-2016, 03:58 PM
I can't think of anyone here on the board or IRL that would begrudge a woman the office.

Condi!! Loved her for years. I would vote for her in an instant.

11-09-2016, 04:06 PM
until Gabby Shows up here's 'the view'

WAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Buncha whining babies. Whoopi is the worst. She's leaving, so someone just please show her the door? I wonder why she is on TV, shouldn't she be packing?

11-09-2016, 04:07 PM
Condi!! Loved her for years. I would vote for her in an instant.

I've thought for years that she would be perfect.

Very intelligent, talented, honest, and gracious.

11-09-2016, 04:09 PM
No doubt, my first post, about loving America, I even signed it "sore winner". :)

I am enjoying myself for a day. And when you have folks, who outright trolled, and maybe even used their damn avatars for such things - it's nice to remind them how wrong and stupid they were.

You people in the Populist wing of the GOP won't accomplish anything without the Conservative wing. Will Trump start implementing part of Shumer's agenda just to spite Cruz, Sasse, Lee, etc.?

11-09-2016, 04:12 PM
You people in the Populist wing of the GOP won't accomplish anything without the Conservative wing. Will Trump start implementing part of Shumer's agenda just to spite Cruz, Sasse, Lee, etc.?

You know...there are still a lot of moderate Republicans who strive to see both sides of the coin,
quite unlike die-hard liberals.

11-09-2016, 04:13 PM
You people in the Populist wing of the GOP won't accomplish anything without the Conservative wing. Will Trump start implementing part of Shumer's agenda just to spite Cruz, Sasse, Lee, etc.?Paid attention the last 8 years? Trump has a pen and a phone too. What're the RINO's going to do? Bore us all to death?

11-09-2016, 06:31 PM
Her projections were as good as the colluding MSM. The glass ceiling fell on her head.

What excuses will there be? Or will one of her students write the excuse? LOL I've never seen someone write so much crap, and have so much crow lined up to eat. L.O.S.E.R. in so many ways. :lol:

Remember when you told me not to troll Nov.8 if Hillary has won? Just sayin..........

11-09-2016, 06:52 PM
Remember when you told me not to troll Nov.8 if Hillary has won? Just sayin..........

Like you wouldn't have.:laugh:

11-09-2016, 06:54 PM
Remember when you told me not to troll Nov.8 if Hillary has won? Just sayin..........

No, I don't actually.

Sad for your little liberal girlfriend, are you mikey?

You guys trolled your garbage about Clinton - remember #madamPresident and #45 garbage? Now you guys will rightfully be told and see just how stupid you were. Enjoy your crow, mr. knowitall! :lol:

11-09-2016, 06:57 PM
Like you wouldn't have.:laugh:

Like he didn't already, right up until *BOOM*, the wicked witch and his dreams both went up in smoke!! :)

Priceless watching the liberals get their comeuppance. You fail, you get nothing, good day sir!! :lol:

11-09-2016, 07:27 PM
Now now people, poor Gabby has seen her dream of a Liberal SCOTUS vanish like smoke through a key hole.

The least we can do is to allow her a little time to have herself a pity party.


11-09-2016, 07:37 PM
Wonder if gabby will be one of the followers of Whoopie who ACTUALLY keeps her promise...and LEAVES the Greatest Nation on Earth to find happiness in LIBERAL MISERY????

11-09-2016, 07:40 PM
I have nothing else to say. I respect the will of the American people. :saluting2:

A short while back, Jim expressed his displeasure about my continual trolling and asked me to leave the board. Now might be a good time to do such.

11-09-2016, 07:52 PM
I have nothing else to say. I respect the will of the American people. :saluting2:

A short while back, Jim expressed his displeasure about my continual trolling and asked me to leave the board. Now might be a good time to do such.

Gabby, you really are not a bad sort. Heck, you even make sense occasionally. Your trolling does sometimes go overboard but I suspect you are more than capable of adhering to your principles in any discussion without resorting to name calling or back handed insults. Leaving the board is IMO a last resort. I would much rather see you adjust your style (not your beliefs) and try to engage in reasonable discourse with members of this board even though many hold opposing views. Just my view....

11-09-2016, 07:54 PM
I have nothing else to say. I respect the will of the American people. :saluting2:

A short while back, Jim expressed his displeasure about my continual trolling and asked me to leave the board. Now might be a good time to do such.

I agree with CSM.

Why don't you just buck up and act like a mature adult, not some snot-nosed pre-adolescent?

Insults, whether subtle or open, make you what you've been,

11-09-2016, 08:02 PM
Wonder if gabby will be one of the followers of Whoopie who ACTUALLY keeps her promise...and LEAVES the Greatest Nation on Earth to find happiness in LIBERAL MISERY????

She still hasn't visited Tottenham, in north London ! I tried hard to persuade her to visit it, during her trip to the UK.

Tottenham ...a London borough. Has always voted in Socialist regimes in its Council offices, continually, since the 1960's. If anywhere was going to be a 'Socialist paradise', that lot have had uninterrupted GENERATIONS to arrange it.

Instead ... it's a multicultural, multi-ethnic slum, with at least two riots to its name ! Travel through it, and the stench of urban decay is palpable.

On the plus side ... well, let's be fair. The Council offices themselves are very nice !

I propose that Gabby takes out British citizenship, lives in Tottenham, enjoys Socialism at its practical best. Who knows, maybe she can foment its next riot ???


11-09-2016, 08:31 PM
I have nothing else to say. I respect the will of the American people. :saluting2:

A short while back, Jim expressed his displeasure about my continual trolling and asked me to leave the board. Now might be a good time to do such.

And yet things continued on as usual, for quite awhile, no difference from you - going on about the new liberal supreme court we were going to have - how Trump was going to lose Texas, how he'll lose the vote from this group and that group - VERY sure of yourself. Now it's time to eat crow. So you rewind and want to ignore all your trolling, and pinpoint me telling you why don't you just bail.

Appears things in California are worse than I thought. The sadness and bitterness oozes through. Take your medicine. If you can dish it out, surely you can take it just as well.

Or you could follow your friends and go north and live with the "Snow Mexicans" in Canada!:coffee: Although, last I heard, they were quickly building a wall to prevent any liberals from making it to their country. <--- true story, saw it on twitter!!

11-09-2016, 09:49 PM
No, I don't actually.

Sad for your little liberal girlfriend, are you mikey?

You guys trolled your garbage about Clinton - remember #madamPresident and #45 garbage? Now you guys will rightfully be told and see just how stupid you were. Enjoy your crow, mr. knowitall! :lol:

You asked me, after you told me you were 95% sure she would win, if i was just back to troll on Nov.8. and not to do it.

True story.

11-09-2016, 09:53 PM
I have nothing else to say. I respect the will of the American people. :saluting2:

A short while back, Jim expressed his displeasure about my continual trolling and asked me to leave the board. Now might be a good time to do such.

That's kinda lame. You've been dishing it out for years. No one cares how you act when you're winning/on top. How you handle adversity defines you as a person.

11-09-2016, 09:55 PM
Like you wouldn't have.:laugh:

Still going to, every single misstep of his miserable 4 yrs in office...........spread out the chum and drop lines.

11-09-2016, 10:32 PM
I just cannot see shedding a tear over an election.

Just buckle your belt, tie your shoes, and move on. I did when Obama was
twice elected.

The sky is not falling over this (in many ways). It may halt the
dreams of a 'perfect liberal' society, but that is obviously not what all Americans wanted.

well, I did not shed a tear over the 2nd Obama election but I did throw up.

11-09-2016, 10:35 PM
Btw, as a law school grad and lawyer from a ways back, the glass ceiling is waaay overstated. Work hard and anything can be yours. Including the Presideency, provided you're not as corrupt as the day is long.

Kellyanne Conway broke the glass ceiling last night because she is the first female presidential campaign manager who's candidate was elected.

11-09-2016, 11:02 PM
And yet things continued on as usual, for quite awhile, no difference from you - going on about the new liberal supreme court we were going to have - how Trump was going to lose Texas, how he'll lose the vote from this group and that group - VERY sure of yourself. Now it's time to eat crow. So you rewind and want to ignore all your trolling, and pinpoint me telling you why don't you just bail.

Of course I was sure. We were all sure. I always say what I think.
I am not afraid to eat crow. I do it when I have to. My side lost. Just as it did in 2000 and 2004.

Funny you are talking about "trolling," when you made this thread specifically to troll me. Who is the immature one now?

As I have always said, DP is your board. You can do what you want. If you want to deny that you sent me a quite snotty and insulting PM requesting that I leave the board, go ahead. But it would be a lie. Again.

11-09-2016, 11:17 PM
Of course I was sure. We were all sure. I always say what I think.
I am not afraid to eat crow. I do it when I have to. My side lost. Just as it did in 2000 and 2004.

Funny you are talking about "trolling," when you made this thread specifically to troll me. Who is the immature one now?

As I have always said, DP is your board. You can do what you want. If you want to deny that you sent me a quite snotty and insulting PM requesting that I leave the board, go ahead. But it would be a lie. Again.

Not going to get into the PM/IM thing, but you have been an aggressor.

Just like OCA.

Maybe time to grow up and smell the coffee.

11-09-2016, 11:23 PM
Not going to get into the PM/IM thing, but you have been an aggressor.

Just like OCA.

Maybe time to grow up and smell the coffee.

Better a pitcher than a catcher eh Thurman Munson?

11-09-2016, 11:25 PM
Not going to get into the PM/IM thing, but you have been an aggressor.

How have I been the aggressor? I get attacked every time I post here. For the sole reason of being the dissenting voice on a conservative board.
If you read back, I am not the one throwing out insults. I am willing to overlook aboutime's geripsych attacks. But read the others. You want juvenile? Try Jim and Nightrain's junior high "eat a dick" comments.
Perhaps I am the only one that is on my meds. :cool:

11-10-2016, 12:00 AM
You people in the Populist wing of the GOP won't accomplish anything without the Conservative wing. Will Trump start implementing part of Shumer's agenda just to spite Cruz, Sasse, Lee, etc.?

Remember when you told me not to troll Nov.8 if Hillary has won? Just sayin..........

How have I been the aggressor? I get attacked every time I post here. For the sole reason of being the dissenting voice on a conservative board.
If you read back, I am not the one throwing out insults. I am willing to overlook aboutime's geripsych attacks. But read the others. You want juvenile? Try Jim and Nightrain's junior high "eat a dick" comments.
Perhaps I am the only one that is on my meds. :cool:

May I invite all 3 of you to eat a dick?

Black Diamond
11-10-2016, 12:23 AM
May I invite all 3 of you to eat a dick?

Put them on Don Lemon's show.

11-10-2016, 10:59 AM
Of course I was sure. We were all sure. I always say what I think.
I am not afraid to eat crow. I do it when I have to. My side lost. Just as it did in 2000 and 2004.

Funny you are talking about "trolling," when you made this thread specifically to troll me. Who is the immature one now?

As I have always said, DP is your board. You can do what you want. If you want to deny that you sent me a quite snotty and insulting PM requesting that I leave the board, go ahead. But it would be a lie. Again.

I 100% for sure ABSOLUTELY made this thread to troll you!!!! You're damn skippy about that one!! And during some heated PM's, in the midst of it all, I did tell you why don't you just leave. I did not deny it, dummy. But you were back trolling minutes later, and all went along the same for you, nothing changed, until...


11-10-2016, 11:02 AM
How have I been the aggressor? I get attacked every time I post here. For the sole reason of being the dissenting voice on a conservative board.
If you read back, I am not the one throwing out insults. I am willing to overlook aboutime's geripsych attacks. But read the others. You want juvenile? Try Jim and Nightrain's junior high "eat a dick" comments.
Perhaps I am the only one that is on my meds. :cool:

Why would that bother you? With your filth over the years, that one is lame. See YOUR thread in the cage, with all of your greatest hits over YEARS AND YEARS. With that said...

eat another dick.

11-10-2016, 01:25 PM
eat another dick.

You and Nightrain share a mutual obsession with eating dicks. I have to wonder what your cyber conversations are like. Gotta use it for something, I suppose. :rolleyes:

11-10-2016, 01:31 PM
You and Nightrain share a mutual obsession with eating dicks. I have to wonder what your cyber conversations are like. Gotta use it for something, I suppose. :rolleyes:

Considering your discussions in the past of spitting or swallowing, one would think you would LOVE the conversation and directives. Not in the mood after your "woman" loses?

11-10-2016, 01:33 PM
You and Nightrain share a mutual obsession with eating dicks. I have to wonder what your cyber conversations are like. Gotta use it for something, I suppose. :rolleyes:

Oh Hush.

I've argued with many, but sometimes you push the limit.

Got nothing against you myself, but you are your own worst enemy.

11-10-2016, 01:35 PM
Considering your discussions in the past of spitting or swallowing, one would think you would LOVE the conversation and directives. Not in the mood after your "woman" loses?

Nah, I'm over it. Life goes on.
But yeah, one of us still has that option. :thumb:

11-10-2016, 01:38 PM
Nah, I'm over it. Life goes on.
But yeah, one of us still has that option. :thumb:

How's things in Texas today? Why do you think you were SO off base on the voting in your state?

11-10-2016, 01:41 PM
How's things in Texas today? Why do you think you were SO off base on the voting in your state?

All it takes is an ISP trace, Jim.....got 3 engines to do it myself!

11-10-2016, 01:54 PM
All it takes is an ISP trace, Jim.....got 3 engines to do it myself!

She doesn't want me to expose her lies, but if she keeps making the hints she is - she will be exposed. Suffice to say, she's not far behind Hillary in the lying department.

11-10-2016, 03:22 PM
Nah, I'm over it. Life goes on.
But yeah, one of us still has that option. :thumb:

By the way...

You mentioned moving to Australia if Trump won.

Got your bags packed and airfare tickets yet?

Here's one point...put up or shut up.

Whiny liberal rants impress only themselves. Deal with it.

11-10-2016, 04:58 PM
I have have no more liberal rants to make. I have accepted the mandate of the American people and am ready to move forward. I remain a steadfast liberal, though. That will never change.
I have already switched over from campaign mode. If anyone wishes to continue to be vindictive, that is your privilege.
I suppose that I am just as much of a liar as Jim and Nightrain. Without the permafrost, of course. :cool:


11-10-2016, 07:43 PM
Sure thing gabby. And you are trying to convince all of us, after all of your perpetual lies, accusations, and slurs...that ALL IS WELL?
The only way you can prove your words are Honest, and from the Heart, would be for you to ACTUALLY move to Australia. Remember? You wanted us to believe you didn't lie? Prove it. And....will you need a http://icansayit.com/images/uhaul.jpg to get to Australia????

Will they allow all of your liberal junk on the ship???

11-10-2016, 08:32 PM
I suppose that I am just as much of a liar as Jim and Nightrain. Without the permafrost, of course. :cool:

I defy you to find one lie I've written on this board. Jim hasn't lied on any board in the 15 years I've known him.

I will paypal you $100 immediately, all you have to do is quote my lie right here in this thread, troll.

You, on the other hand, I have exposed numerous times on a diverse group of subjects.

I haven't built a special Gabby thread in a while now - would you like to review some of your lies I've cornered you in?

11-10-2016, 08:43 PM
I haven't built a special Gabby thread in a while now - would you like to review some of your lies I've cornered you in?

Please do. It's not like you have anything better to do with your time.

11-10-2016, 09:36 PM
Please do. It's not like you have anything better to do with your time.

gabby. Do you really want to go there? Wouldn't you be surprised to learn, or see how my wife and I invested in a roll of Toilet Paper, with the words..HILLARY, and GABBY on each sheet?
And it's so comfortable, only needing ONE SHEET at a time to get rid of BOTH of you.