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View Full Version : If You Voted For Donald Trump - Why?

red states rule
11-10-2016, 04:24 AM
Here are the reasons I voted for Donald Trump

Obama called me a bitter clinger...

Eric Holder called me a coward...

Hillary called me a Deplorable...

The jihadis call me an infidel...

The liberal media called me a sexist and racist

Donald Trump calls me an American.

I want our immigration laws enforced

I want funding to sanctuary cities cut off

I want conservative Judges appointed to the USSC who will base their decision on the US Constitution

I voted for Donald Trump.

Get it? Good. Now shut up, all of you know it all liberals.

We won you lost

Deal with it.

And if you said publicly you would leave the country if Trump won, do not let the door hit you in a** on the way out

Have a great day and enjoy the four year ride on the Trump Train

11-10-2016, 09:09 AM
A few reasons for me.

SCOTUS tops the list - that's the big issue.

I loathe Hillary and everything she stands for, especially her corruption.

International / Foreign Policy - Hillary would have continued to blunder around the planet creating chaos and foreign leaders would have even less respect for our President.

Immigration - it has to be done properly and legally, and the illegals already here need to be booted ASAP. And I want a wall. A big one.

NAFTA gutted our American industrial base, TPP would have finished the job.

I don't know if Trump will affect any change on abortion other than possibly indirectly through SCOTUS, but I do know Hillary thinks it is a fine practice.

2nd Amendment - Hillary said multiple times she'd go even further than Obama with regard to EOs infringing upon our gun rights.

Trump said many times that the harsh reigning in of the EPA and other jack-booted Fed agencies is a priority.

Abolishing Obamacare - it's insane that it actually got implemented.

Removing restrictions and roadblocks to energy related projects like Keystone, ANWR, drilling, fracking, etc.

11-10-2016, 09:12 AM
A few reasons for me.

SCOTUS tops the list - that's the big issue.

I loathe Hillary and everything she stands for, especially her corruption.

International / Foreign Policy - Hillary would have continued to blunder around the planet creating chaos and foreign leaders would have even less respect for our President.

Immigration - it has to be done properly and legally, and the illegals already here need to be booted ASAP. And I want a wall. A big one.

NAFTA gutted our American industrial base, TPP would have finished the job.

I don't know if Trump will affect any change on abortion other than possibly indirectly through SCOTUS, but I do know Hillary thinks it is a fine practice.

2nd Amendment - Hillary said multiple times she'd go even further than Obama with regard to EOs infringing upon our gun rights.

Trump said many times that the harsh reigning in of the EPA and other jack-booted Fed agencies is a priority.

Abolishing Obamacare - it's insane that it actually got implemented.

Removing restrictions and roadblocks to energy related projects like Keystone, ANWR, drilling, fracking, etc.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-10-2016, 09:23 AM
Because he was less likely to get into office and start kissing ass to get along with the current crop of corrupted creatures infesting the government.
Because he was the one most likely not to be owing massive favors to individuals that bankrolled his campaign.
Because unlike the others, he is far more likely to truly try to improve this nation by reversing the obama AGENDA AS MUCH AS HE CAN.
Because the dem party is by and large a full blown socialist PARTY THAT IS TOTALLY CORRUPT AND CRIMINALLY MINDED.
Because he is far less likely to kiss ass..
Some of us are damn tired of lying, kiss ass politicians--and we spoke damn loud and clear about it!-Tyr

11-10-2016, 11:41 AM
Since I don't believe anything that comes out of Trump's mouth that isn't self-aggrandizing. I'm hoping that changes by the way.

I ended up voting for him to keep the Clinton Crime Family out of the Whitehouse. When Comey said there would be no charges filed against Hillary that pushed me over the edge.

To stop the expansion of Clinton corruption in our country.

red states rule
11-10-2016, 05:02 PM
This visual should scare the hell out of liberals and Hilary backers


Abbey Marie
11-10-2016, 05:03 PM
Because I'm a Deplorable, of course.

red states rule
11-10-2016, 05:07 PM
Because I'm a Deplorable, of course.

You are my kind of deplorable Abbey!!!!

Abbey Marie
11-10-2016, 05:12 PM
You are my kind of deplorable Abbey!!!!

Thanks, Red!


11-11-2016, 02:32 AM
Drain the swamp


Respect for military and police



red states rule
11-11-2016, 03:47 AM
This perhaps is a main reason Hillary lost and the nation won
