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View Full Version : What should Trump do first after being sworn in?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-10-2016, 08:15 AM
What should Trump do first after being sworn in and having already chosen his cabinet?
1. Should he get started on the process of building that wall?
3. get down to business in reversing as much as he can of obama's deliberate nation destroying policies?
4. get down to the business of seeing justice served upon the Clinton crime foundation?
5. start correcting all the ass-kissing and failed foreign policies of the obama "betray this nation agenda"?
6. strengthen our military and show the world what a real AMERICAN PRESIDENT CAN DO ?
9. Kick the worthless America hating UN out of our sovereign nation?
10. Or all of the above? --Tyr

11-10-2016, 08:30 AM
Before his first serious steps he needs badly a course of advanced individual training as he is a freshman in this field. You may de a good chap, but this is too far from professionalism.
For this he needs his own strong reliable team of competent colleges with a lot of experience under their belts. http://s20.rimg.info/2ff84505882336ead0d37f0599fa0e53.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1283226183.html)

11-10-2016, 09:39 AM
What should Trump do first after being sworn in and having already chosen his cabinet?
1. Should he get started on the process of building that wall?
3. get down to business in reversing as much as he can of obama's deliberate nation destroying policies?
4. get down to the business of seeing justice served upon the Clinton crime foundation?
5. start correcting all the ass-kissing and failed foreign policies of the obama "betray this nation agenda"?
6. strengthen our military and show the world what a real AMERICAN PRESIDENT CAN DO ?
9. Kick the worthless America hating UN out of our sovereign nation?
10. Or all of the above? --Tyr

None will happen, endless fillibusters.......unless he governs by executive order like all good dictators.

11-10-2016, 09:43 AM
I think filabusters are gone, Reid set that table.

11-10-2016, 09:53 AM
I think filabusters are gone, Reid set that table.


It's GO time!

11-10-2016, 09:54 AM
I think filabusters are gone, Reid set that table.

They will be back in style like capri pants. There are any number of steps that can be taken to stop Donny from his march to fascism, the playbook will be wide open.

Plus you think the repub good ol boys in congress are just going to forget how he pissed all over them during the campaign? They will show him just who the sheriff really is.

11-10-2016, 10:04 AM
Start with freedom of the press, assure Assange via public statements that the US will not seek extradition orders for him, would be a start.

Abbey Marie
11-10-2016, 10:38 AM
What a lovely question to ponder, Tyr. So many excellent choices.

For me, it's getting a Scalia- type justice nominated asap.

But I must say, it would be cool if he went down to the Mexican border with a camera crew, an artist's rendering of "the wall", a shovel and a hard hat, and did a ground- breaking shovel of earth.

11-10-2016, 11:55 AM
1. Should he get started on the process of building that wall?
3. get down to business in reversing as much as he can of obama's deliberate nation destroying policies?
4. get down to the business of seeing justice served upon the Clinton crime foundation?
5. start correcting all the ass-kissing and failed foreign policies of the obama "betray this nation agenda"?
6. strengthen our military and show the world what a real AMERICAN PRESIDENT CAN DO ?
9. Kick the worthless America hating UN out of our sovereign nation?
10. Or all of the above? --Tyr

All of the above and move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in Israel.

11-10-2016, 11:58 AM
The only thing that most of those that comprise his winning margin care about:* Conservative SCOTUS appointment.

*Completely my opinion with no data to back it up.

11-10-2016, 12:04 PM
All of the above and move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in Israel.

Forgot about that! That's very important, too.

11-10-2016, 12:20 PM
All of the above and move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in Israel.

Have you thought over the consequences of such a step? http://s19.rimg.info/8d77168181c032bdd02ea3fbfbd52512.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1225235943.html)
And more... To choose the place of an Embassy for ANY foreign country is a matter of the "receiving country". http://s.rimg.info/df875516c1adf93f4b2fe9b7e6649658.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-86786631.html)

11-10-2016, 12:26 PM
Have you thought over the consequences of such a step? http://s19.rimg.info/8d77168181c032bdd02ea3fbfbd52512.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1225235943.html)
And more... To choose the place of an Embassy for ANY foreign country is a matter of the "receiving country". http://s.rimg.info/df875516c1adf93f4b2fe9b7e6649658.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-86786631.html)

Israel's capitol is Jerusalem and Israel has asked the US to recognize it as such. Obama has refused out of petty spite and lack of a spine.

11-10-2016, 12:38 PM
Israel's capitol is Jerusalem and Israel has asked the US to recognize it as such. Obama has refused out of petty spite and lack of a spine.

That's not true. He followed long standing US policy. Here's the last time it was discussed.


11-10-2016, 12:48 PM
Israel's capitol is Jerusalem and Israel has asked the US to recognize it as such. Obama has refused out of petty spite and lack of a spine.

It means that Obama as the President of the country, (as well as previous Presidents since1995) thought first about the personnel of the Embassy - the citizens of the USA.

According to Israeli law, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. This city of approximately 750,000 includes the most important parts of the Israeli government, including the Knesset, the residence of the president and prime minister and the Supreme Court. However, no other country recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital, instead keeping embassies in Tel Aviv, Israel's second-largest city, which served as Israel's capital between 1948 and 1950. The politics of Jerusalem are fraught because of international opposition to Israel's control over the entire city. Palestinians who lived in the city for centuries see the city as theirs, and the Palestinian Authority even names Jerusalem as its own preferred capital when the Palestinians secure statehood.

11-10-2016, 01:00 PM
The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 is a public law of the United States passed by the 104th Congress on October 23, 1995. It was passed for the purposes of initiating and funding the relocation of the Embassy of the United States in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, no later than May 31, 1999, and attempted to withhold 50 percent of the funds appropriated to the State Department specifically for "Acquisition and Maintenance of Buildings Abroad" as allocated in fiscal year 1999 until the United States Embassy in Jerusalem had officially opened. The act also called for Jerusalem to remain an undivided city and for it to be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel. Israel's declared capital is Jerusalem, but this is not internationally recognized, pending final status talks in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The United States has withheld recognition of the city as Israel's capital. The proposed law was adopted by the Senate (93–5), and the House (374–37).

Since passage, the law has never been implemented, because of opposition from Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, who view it as a Congressional infringement on the executive branch's constitutional authority over foreign policy; they have consistently claimed the presidential waiver on national security interests.

IMO, this should have been done long ago... like 21 years ago.

And, yes, Clinton and Bush are equally to blame along with Obama.

11-10-2016, 01:18 PM
Go into the oval office, replace the desk with a monster Trump desk, sit down, put his feet up, light a cigar - and say - "eat a dick, gabby"!

Over the line?

11-10-2016, 01:47 PM
IMO, this should have been done long ago... like 21 years ago.

And, yes, Clinton and Bush are equally to blame along with Obama.

This is not enough for Americans? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif


11-10-2016, 02:17 PM
This is not enough for Americans? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif


Oh, Balu, I think you know that we are more than capable of defending ourselves, and then some. Our people will not be abandoned and left to die under a Trump administration.

That tragedy was the fault of our current useless President and the defeated Hillary Clinton.

It's quite telling that immediately after Trump was declared the President that Putin sent a message congratulating Trump and expressed his wishes to rebuild the Russian/American relationship ASAP.

Putin respects Trump - one strong leader recognizes another.

On the other hand, French politicians expressed their dismay, which should tell everyone that it was the correct outcome of our election.

11-10-2016, 02:26 PM
Oh, Balu, I think you know that we are more than capable of defending ourselves, and then some.
The Life and History prove that over estimations and illusions often result unexpected surprises. http://s20.rimg.info/7af4e498aeed7d7f2e5cd65ce9b3c81e.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1264354407.html)

11-10-2016, 02:34 PM
The Life and History prove that over estimations and illusions often result unexpected surprises. http://s20.rimg.info/7af4e498aeed7d7f2e5cd65ce9b3c81e.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-1264354407.html)


Surely you aren't suggesting that any country on the face of the earth can match America on the field of battle? This isn't over confidence; it's a well known fact acknowledged around the world.

Don't you think that Putin wanting to restore good relations with America is a good thing? I do.

11-10-2016, 03:12 PM

Surely you aren't suggesting that any country on the face of the earth can match America on the field of battle? This isn't over confidence; it's a well known fact acknowledged around the world.

Don't you think that Putin wanting to restore good relations with America is a good thing? I do.
1. You make me smiling as all your practical experience was to fight against the Third World countries or against those who didn't have reliable now-a-days AA Defense (I mean Yugoslavia) and did not have invulnerable for your NORAD system missiles.
2. We are interested to create (to restore is an improper term in this case) good relations the USA ruined, but not at the expense of our sovereignty and security. We know what the war on own territory is. We know what it means to loose relatives, and to recreate our country. In is not to reconstruct New Orleans. So we were and are ready to act in a frame of these terms and conditions.

11-10-2016, 03:30 PM
1. You make me smiling as all your practical experience was to fight against the Third World countries or against those who didn't have reliable now-a-days AA Defense (I mean Yugoslavia) and did not have invulnerable for your NORAD system missiles.

I'm not sure why you're combative with me, Balu, but we can go that route too. :happy0203:

I'm pretty happy that we have a missile defense shield - courtesy of Ronald Reagan. That makes our allies very happy, as well, but severely mitigates the threat of missile attack from Russia or China and neutralizes the lunatic in North Korea. We know you don't like it, but we have the technology and resources, so we deploy it where it's needed. Just the threat of deploying it makes Putin go into convulsions.

The last major conflict the USA engaged in would have been Iraq against the 4th largest standing army in the world at the time. That was a turkey shoot.

As far as practical experience comparisons, who have you guys fought lately? Muslims in Syria? Civilians in Crimea or Ukraine? I'd say our boys have a bit more experience lately than yours do.

2. We are interested to create (to restore is an improper term in this case) good relations the USA ruined, but not at the expense of our sovereignty and security. We know what the war on own territory is. We know what it means to loose relatives, and to recreate our country. In is not to reconstruct New Orleans. So we were and are ready to act in a frame of these terms and conditions.

We had very good relations with Russia during George W. Bush's presidency, 2000 to 2008. That's because Putin saw a strong leader in him and didn't dare go on misadventures against Crimea or Ukraine. That happened after Putin saw what an ineffective and weak president Obama was.

At any rate, I'm hoping all the bluster and silly actions of the last 8 years can soon be put behind us and we can get the world under control again. It goes to hell when foreign leaders don't respect the sitting American President as we can see as we look around the world right now.

11-10-2016, 03:39 PM
I'm not sure why you're combative with me, Balu, but we can go that route too. :happy0203:

But I am NOT!!!
I am just telling the things their names with no aim to offend you, or anybody else.
The point is that my thoughts and estimations may differ from yours. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/friends.gif

11-10-2016, 03:44 PM
None will happen, endless fillibusters.......unless he governs by executive order like all good dictators.

Like Obama has?

I don't see it. He's not a career politician.

11-10-2016, 03:46 PM
What a lovely question to ponder, Tyr. So many excellent choices.

For me, it's getting a Scalia- type justice nominated asap.

But I must say, it would be cool if he went down to the Mexican border with a camera crew, an artist's rendering of "the wall", a shovel and a hard hat, and did a ground- breaking shovel of earth.

Seal the damned border! Enforce our present Laws.
Don't create 'feel-good' Laws.

11-10-2016, 03:49 PM
Go into the oval office, replace the desk with a monster Trump desk, sit down, put his feet up, light a cigar - and say - "eat a dick, gabby"!

Over the line?

Sorry, My Friend...I think so. Too much of that the last two days.

11-10-2016, 03:52 PM
But I am NOT!!!
I am just telling the things their names with no aim to offend you, or anybody else.
The point is that my thoughts and estimations may differ from yours. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/friends.gif

My apologies - we must be experiencing language barrier issues. I know English is not your primary language, but I'm glad you know it - I only know how to say 'Nyet' or 'Vodka'. :beer:

With Russia and the USA working together as partners, I'm confident we can get the international chaos back under control. That is my hope.

Europe, on the other hand, can fix their massive muslim problems of their own making. Britain was wise to opt out of the EU, but the rest of them are in for a brutal ride.

11-10-2016, 04:01 PM
My apologies - we must be experiencing language barrier issues. I know English is not your primary language, but I'm glad you know it - I only know how to say 'Nyet' or 'Vodka'. :beer:

With Russia and the USA working together as partners, I'm confident we can get the international chaos back under control. That is my hope.

Europe, on the other hand, can fix their massive muslim problems of their own making. Britain was wise to opt out of the EU, but the rest of them are in for a brutal ride.

I agree with NightTrain, Balu. This is no longer the 'cold war' and our nations do not need to
be constantly staring into each other's eyes. We are both too powerful for that and need to focus
on the common objective of wiping out terrorism.:beer:

11-10-2016, 04:33 PM
They will be back in style like capri pants. There are any number of steps that can be taken to stop Donny from his march to fascism, the playbook will be wide open.

Plus you think the repub good ol boys in congress are just going to forget how he pissed all over them during the campaign? They will show him just who the sheriff really is.

You don't seem to recognize what I'm referring to. Google it.

11-10-2016, 04:36 PM
Like Obama has?

I don't see it. He's not a career politician.http://www.dailydot.com/layer8/number-of-executive-orders-per-president/

Notice where Obama is at on list compared to some Repub "heavyweights"......lollllllllllll numbers don't lie.


mic drop

11-10-2016, 04:37 PM
I hate to be a naysayer, but I do think you all are crediting Obama a tad too much and not giving Putin the credit deserved. Obama didn't get this cold war all on his own.

11-10-2016, 04:40 PM
You don't seem to recognize what I'm referring to. Google it.

It will be brought back, either way though not enough of a majority to ramrod for Repubs.

11-10-2016, 04:41 PM
What should Trump do first after being sworn in and having already chosen his cabinet?
1. Should he get started on the process of building that wall?
3. get down to business in reversing as much as he can of obama's deliberate nation destroying policies?
4. get down to the business of seeing justice served upon the Clinton crime foundation?
5. start correcting all the ass-kissing and failed foreign policies of the obama "betray this nation agenda"?
6. strengthen our military and show the world what a real AMERICAN PRESIDENT CAN DO ?
9. Kick the worthless America hating UN out of our sovereign nation?
10. Or all of the above? --Tyr

1. The wall can wait. All he has to do is make sure the current immigration laws are enforced and stop the illegal flow of illegals by Obama and Hillary.

2. Easing up on regulations, passing an immediate decrease of corporate taxes, promising tax breaks to any company that brings jobs BACK to America, etc....all things that should take priority right now.

3. Reversing Obama BS can be a 'work in progress'. It can't or won't be done overnight.

4. Justice served to the Clintons may never occur. Getting the country back on track is more important in the immediate 'now'.

5. Eh....later.

6. Another high priority right up there with bringing back jobs, stopping illegal immigration, improving the economy.

7. I would fire everyone that has shown blind loyalty to the Obamas and the Clintons, right off the bat. But that's just me.

8. Ongoing and a work in progress. Bringing America back from the brink/chasm is THE most important task right now.

9. Bingo! That would be MY first move....lol!

10. With varying degrees of urgency....yes.

11-10-2016, 04:42 PM
None will happen, endless fillibusters.......unless he governs by executive order like all good dictators.

Nope. The people have spoken. Screw the DemocRats.

11-10-2016, 04:43 PM
I think filabusters are gone, Reid set that table.

Right. All the GOP has to do now is play by the same rules the rats have played by. If only they will....

11-10-2016, 04:49 PM
Right. All the GOP has to do now is play by the same rules the rats have played by. If only they will....

If they can stop fighting, they will. They have nothing to lose and may not be in this position again. It's obvious that the Democrats intend to do that as soon as they are the majority, so they may as well go first.

11-10-2016, 05:04 PM
Summon all the Republican senators who refused to support his campaign and kick them out of the GOP.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-10-2016, 05:14 PM
Like Obama has?

I don't see it. He's not a career politician.

Now that the worm has turned , here they come---like always--crying that power not be allowed if its by a Republican President..
The word hypocrisy should have a lib/leftist/dem party emblem attached to its definition in the dictionary IMHO.-TYR

11-10-2016, 05:22 PM
Summon all the Republican senators who refused to support his campaign and kick them out of the GOP.

He may do a version of that, Democrats would like that very much.

11-10-2016, 05:28 PM
He may do a version of that, Democrats would like that very much.

Nope. Things were looking mighty bleak a couple weeks ago until Trump surged, and Ryan acknowledged that it was Trump that saved the Senate and several House seats. "Trump's coat tails" was the phrase he used.

The GOP knows they're on borrowed time and the 2-year clock begins Jan 20.

The liberals are going to go batshit, but that's nothing new.

No filibusters and Republican control. This is the last chance for the GOP.

There will be no excuse accepted for failure.

11-10-2016, 05:30 PM
I haven't read the rest of the posts to see what else was added.

The U.S. Department of Education should be dissolved. Education should be in the hands of the states.

Constitutionalists need to retake the schools. This our country will be lost down the road if we don't take back the schools. Liberals will just keep producing drones and sending them out as fodder. Eventually, they will outnumber us.

Abbey Marie
11-10-2016, 05:31 PM
I'll give you this, Gabby. Now that we have power, we Republicans can learn a lot from Dems. Back the party leadership no matter what, ignore their crimes and misdemeanors, and fight for an increasingly radically conservative agenda, even if the country is not behind it.

11-10-2016, 08:31 PM
What is the FIRST thing Trump should do after being sworn in?
PARTY DOWN!! Let's get those inaugural parties up and running!!
If you can dream it, you can do it. :cool:


11-10-2016, 08:35 PM
What is the FIRST thing Trump should do after being sworn in?
PARTY DOWN!! Let's get those inaugural parties up and running!!
If you can dream it, you can do it. :cool:


President Trump has great taste in women, doesn't he?

11-10-2016, 08:42 PM
President Trump has great taste in women, doesn't he?

Nothing draws women like rich people with power. I bet the interest in becoming a White House intern is skyrocketing.
Trump should ask Slick Willy where he gets his cigars. :cool:

11-10-2016, 08:47 PM
I'll give you this, Gabby. Now that we have power, we Republicans can learn a lot from Dems. Back the party leadership no matter what, ignore their crimes and misdemeanors, and fight for an increasingly radically conservative agenda, even if the country is not behind it.

I am sure Dems have learned a lot from the GOP as well. Like how to be openly obstructionist and dig your feet in at every turn.

11-10-2016, 08:50 PM
I am sure Dems have learned a lot from the GOP as well. Like how to be openly obstructionist and dig your feet in at every turn.

How, exactly, are the democrats going to obstruct?

11-10-2016, 08:55 PM
How, exactly, are the democrats going to obstruct?

Not every vote goes through straight party lines. There are going to be some cracks on various issues.

11-10-2016, 09:28 PM
Not every vote goes through straight party lines. There are going to be some cracks on various issues.

Such as?

11-10-2016, 09:38 PM
Not every vote goes through straight party lines. There are going to be some cracks on various issues.

His own party will obstruct him much of the time and as an added bonus the ACLU has promised to hold all of his anti 14th amendment racist immigration crap in various forms of litigation in the court system for time and memorial.

It will be delicious to watch him blow up daily.

11-10-2016, 09:53 PM
Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
What should Trump do first after being sworn in and having already chosen his cabinet?
1. Should he get started on the process of building that wall? NO
3. get down to business in reversing as much as he can of obama's deliberate nation destroying policies? Please Be more specific
4. get down to the business of seeing justice served upon the Clinton crime foundation? MAYBE
5. start correcting all the ass-kissing and failed foreign policies of the obama "betray this nation agenda"? Please Be more specific
6. strengthen our military and show the world what a real AMERICAN PRESIDENT CAN DO? Please Be more specific
9. Kick the worthless America hating UN out of our sovereign nation? NO
10. Or all of the above? --Tyr NO

Start with freedom of the press, assure Assange via public statements that the US will not seek extradition orders for him, would be a start. YES

1. The wall can wait. All he has to do is make sure the current immigration laws are enforced and stop the illegal flow of illegals by Obama and Hillary.... And BUSH. YES

2. Easing up on regulations, passing an immediate decrease of corporate taxes, promising tax breaks to any company that brings jobs BACK to America, etc....all things that should take priority right now. PleaseBe more specific

3. Reversing Obama BS can be a 'work in progress'. It can't or won't be done overnight. YES

4. Justice served to the Clintons may never occur. Getting the country back on track is more important in the immediate 'now'. YES

5. Eh....later.

6. Another high priority right up there with bringing back jobs, stopping illegal immigration, improving the economy. Please Be more specific

7. I would fire everyone that has shown blind loyalty to the Obamas and the Clintons, right off the bat. But that's just me. UH, NO.

11-10-2016, 10:22 PM
Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days

At the end of October, Donald Trump spoke in Gettysburg, Pa., and released a plan for his first 100 days in office.

The plan (below) outlines three main areas of focus: cleaning up Washington, including by imposing term limits on Congress; protecting American workers; and restoring rule of law. He also laid out his plan for working with Congress to introduce 10 pieces of legislation that would repeal Obamacare, fund the construction of a wall at the Southern border (with a provision that Mexico would reimburse the U.S.), encourage infrastructure investment, rebuild military bases, promote school choice and more.


What follows is my 100-day action plan to Make America Great Again. It is a contract between myself and the American voter — and begins with restoring honesty, accountability and change to Washington

Therefore, on the first day of my term of office, my administration will immediately pursue the following six measures to clean up the corruption and special interest collusion in Washington, DC:

* FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress;

* SECOND, a hiring freeze on all federal employees to reduce federal workforce through attrition (exempting military, public safety, and public health);

* THIRD, a requirement that for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated;

* FOURTH, a 5 year-ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service;

* FIFTH, a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government;

* SIXTH, a complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

On the same day, I will begin taking the following 7 actions to protect American workers:

* FIRST, I will announce my intention to renegotiate NAFTA or withdraw from the deal under Article 2205

* SECOND, I will announce our withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership

* THIRD, I will direct my Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator

* FOURTH, I will direct the Secretary of Commerce and U.S. Trade Representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly impact American workers and direct them to use every tool under American and international law to end those abuses immediately

* FIFTH, I will lift the restrictions on the production of $50 trillion dollars' worth of job-producing American energy reserves, including shale, oil, natural gas and clean coal.

* SIXTH, lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward

* SEVENTH, cancel billions in payments to U.N. climate change programs and use the money to fix America's water and environmental infrastructure

Additionally, on the first day, I will take the following five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:

* FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama

* SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States

* THIRD, cancel all federal funding to Sanctuary Cities

* FOURTH, begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back

* FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered extreme vetting.

Next, I will work with Congress to introduce the following broader legislative measures and fight for their passage within the first 100 days of my Administration:

Middle Class Tax Relief And Simplification Act. An economic plan designed to grow the economy 4% per year and create at least 25 million new jobs through massive tax reduction and simplification, in combination with trade reform, regulatory relief, and lifting the restrictions on American energy. The largest tax reductions are for the middle class. A middle-class family with 2 children will get a 35% tax cut. The current number of brackets will be reduced from 7 to 3, and tax forms will likewise be greatly simplified. The business rate will be lowered from 35 to 15 percent, and the trillions of dollars of American corporate money overseas can now be brought back at a 10 percent rate.
End The Offshoring Act. Establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers in order to relocate in other countries and ship their products back to the U.S. tax-free.
American Energy & Infrastructure Act. Leverages public-private partnerships, and private investments through tax incentives, to spur $1 trillion in infrastructure investment over 10 years. It is revenue neutral.
School Choice And Education Opportunity Act. Redirects education dollars to give parents the right to send their kid to the public, private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice. Ends common core, brings education supervision to local communities. It expands vocational and technical education, and make 2 and 4-year college more affordable.
Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act. Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines, and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications.
Affordable Childcare and Eldercare Act. Allows Americans to deduct childcare and elder care from their taxes, incentivizes employers to provide on-side childcare services, and creates tax-free Dependent Care Savings Accounts for both young and elderly dependents, with matching contributions for low-income families.
End Illegal Immigration Act Fully-funds the construction of a wall on our southern border with the full understanding that the country Mexico will be reimbursing the United States for the full cost of such wall; establishes a 2-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for illegally re-entering the U.S. after a previous deportation, and a 5-year mandatory minimum for illegally re-entering for those with felony convictions, multiple misdemeanor convictions or two or more prior deportations; also reforms visa rules to enhance penalties for overstaying and to ensure open jobs are offered to American workers first.
Restoring Community Safety Act. Reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars.
Restoring National Security Act. Rebuilds our military by eliminating the defense sequester and expanding military investment; provides Veterans with the ability to receive public VA treatment or attend the private doctor of their choice; protects our vital infrastructure from cyber-attack; establishes new screening procedures for immigration to ensure those who are admitted to our country support our people and our values
Clean up Corruption in Washington Act. Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.
On November 8th, Americans will be voting for this 100-day plan to restore prosperity to our economy, security to our communities, and honesty to our government.

This is my pledge to you.

And if we follow these steps, we will once more have a government of, by and for the people.

11-10-2016, 10:51 PM
Good luck......lol

11-11-2016, 01:00 AM
How, exactly, are the democrats going to obstruct?

"Thoughts aloud"
Theoretically there are certain levers. Sure there won't be foreign diplomats with baskets with cakes among the demonstrators like Victoria Nuland in Kiev, Ukraine in 2013-2014. But the investors (trace the financing of Clinton election campaign by Middle East countries via "Clinton Fund") could want their money be returned back, and to keep tension in society it is enough to use several dozens armed Islamists and several victims in the streets. (usual practice in organized "color revolutions" to dismiss legal and elected state authorities) Mass Media, like CNN (Clinton News Network), can provide "information support" to form "public opinion" to speculate on.
Youth is the active force and student demonstrations forced out President de Gaulle in France in 60s.

red states rule
11-11-2016, 06:40 AM
Nothing draws women like rich people with power. I bet the interest in becoming a White House intern is skyrocketing.
Trump should ask Slick Willy where he gets his cigars. :cool:

Sorry Gabby, Bill is no longer President

That being said, President Trump should sit behind the deak in the Oval; Office and rescind all of the illegal Executive Orders Obama signed without Congressional authority

And order the AG to go after Bill and Hillary for their crimes regarding the Clinton Foundation, Hillary's perjury, and destruction of evidence

11-11-2016, 12:15 PM
If they can stop fighting, they will. They have nothing to lose and may not be in this position again. It's obvious that the Democrats intend to do that as soon as they are the majority, so they may as well go first.

Well as far as using the "nuclear option"..... they wouldn't be going first. The rats already pulled that in order to get ObamaCare passed against the will of We, the People and every single Republican in DC. If I were them (the GOP) I wouldn't hesitate to use the nuke option every time they threatened to block passage of a Trump bill. And I would then rub their noses in the fact that they used it first.

red states rule
11-11-2016, 12:20 PM
Well as far as using the "nuclear option"..... they wouldn't be going first. The rats already pulled that in order to get ObamaCare passed against the will of We, the People and every single Republican in DC. If I were them (the GOP) I wouldn't hesitate to use the nuke option every time they threatened to block passage of a Trump bill. And I would then rub their noses in the fact that they used it first.

Use the nuclear option right away. You know ems will block any SC Judge Trump puts up to fill the empty slot. Do not waste time and get the work done ASAP

Repeal Obamacare. Rescind the illegal Executive Orders. Start securing the boarder and building the wall. Put a conservative on the USSC. Screw the Dems if they get in the way - roll them over

11-11-2016, 12:20 PM
Kinda cute watching the libs look for ANYTHING positive out of this they can. All that's left is threats about what they will do. They lost everything. They 'want' to think that Republicans will block him too. Ain't happening if it's a rightie issue that they support - the very issues that the liberals whine about.

Even the folks who stopped selling his products are jumping all over the bandwagon this week. Even People magazine wants to use him and profit from him again.

Happy Times are here again!

red states rule
11-11-2016, 12:27 PM
Kinda cute watching the libs look for ANYTHING positive out of this they can. All that's left is threats about what they will do. They lost everything. They 'want' to think that Republicans will block him too. Ain't happening if it's a rightie issue that they support - the very issues that the liberals whine about.

Even the folks who stopped selling his products are jumping all over the bandwagon this week. Even People magazine wants to use him and profit from him again.

Happy Times are here again!

I think the Dems are down to 11 Governorships. Their political power has been severely weakened during the 8 years of Obama

red states rule
11-11-2016, 04:01 PM
His own party will obstruct him much of the time and as an added bonus the ACLU has promised to hold all of his anti 14th amendment racist immigration crap in various forms of litigation in the court system for time and memorial.

It will be delicious to watch him blow up daily.

This from the clown who said the Clinton's do not lose elections; the economy was going to tank after Trump won the election, and repeats how the SF 49's are a great football team

Who the hell would listen or believe to anything he says?

red states rule
11-12-2016, 02:23 AM
What should Trump do first after being sworn in and having already chosen his cabinet?
1. Should he get started on the process of building that wall?
3. get down to business in reversing as much as he can of obama's deliberate nation destroying policies?
4. get down to the business of seeing justice served upon the Clinton crime foundation?
5. start correcting all the ass-kissing and failed foreign policies of the obama "betray this nation agenda"?
6. strengthen our military and show the world what a real AMERICAN PRESIDENT CAN DO ?
9. Kick the worthless America hating UN out of our sovereign nation?
10. Or all of the above? --Tyr


11-12-2016, 02:33 AM
This from the clown who said the Clinton's do not lose elections; the economy was going to tank after Trump won the election, and repeats how the SF 49's are a great football team

Who the hell would listen or believe to anything he says?

In sounds strange.
What kind of economy you mean?
As far as I know Trump is planning to increase a number of working places in a country and to raise a real sector of economy by returning enterprises back to the USA.

red states rule
11-12-2016, 02:39 AM
In sounds strange.
What kind of economy you mean?
As far as I know Trump is planning to increase a number of working places in a country and to raise a real sector of economy by returning enterprises back to the USA.

That was from OCA, a sore loser with an ego reduced to rubble

he private sector is delighted with President elect Trump. Lower taxes, rescinded regulations, all the capital sitting overseas can be brought back to the USA and not excessively taxed. That spells economic boom

But to morons like OCA that simply means that once again he opened his big mouth and inserted his foot