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View Full Version : Donny Could Be Impeached Right Off The Bat

11-10-2016, 10:02 PM

11-10-2016, 10:03 PM
Praying to Jesus Paul Ryan finds his balls.

11-11-2016, 02:23 AM
Then Pence will be president and can choose his VP ...... it won't be Clinton. So, you gain nothing.

red states rule
11-11-2016, 04:04 AM
Then Pence will be president and can choose his VP ...... it won't be Clinton. So, you gain nothing.

Sassy, do not confuse Mike with facts. His logic makes a figure eight look like a straight line

Besides, trying to have a rational conversation with him is like banging your head against a brick wall. it hurts like hell and accomplishes nothing

And we see how HE is accepting the results of the election like he demanded those of us who supported President elect Trump to do

11-11-2016, 07:07 AM
Then Pence will be president and can choose his VP ...... it won't be Clinton. So, you gain nothing.

At least it won't be the orange pedophile.

11-11-2016, 07:24 AM
Well, since it takes both the House and the Senate to impeach, how likely is this to happen? Seems to me that there are a lot of special snowflakes out there grasping at straws. Maybe they should take their participation trophy and go hide in their safe space.....

11-11-2016, 07:30 AM
At least it won't be the orange pedophile.

Are you ready to prove what you've said? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/big_standart/blush.gif

red states rule
11-11-2016, 07:45 AM
Are you ready to prove what you've said? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/big_standart/blush.gif

Are you ready for Michael Moore to start doing ads for Nutrisystem? :laugh:

11-11-2016, 08:12 AM
Sassy, do not confuse Mike with facts. His logic makes a figure eight look like a straight line

Besides, trying to have a rational conversation with him is like banging your head against a brick wall. it hurts like hell and accomplishes nothing

And we see how HE is accepting the results of the election like he demanded those of us who supported President elect Trump to do

As I just said on another thread - and before I saw this one ! - Lefties will do anything rather than accept the democratic will of The People, if what comes of it is something they don't approve of. We've already seen rioting by such elements. What more destructiveness will we see ... and uselessly so, since the Left has no hope of overturning that democratic decision !

When you get down to it, there's nothing the Left won't do to push for what THEY - as opposed to the rest of us ! - want to see.

They are very bad losers.

red states rule
11-11-2016, 08:15 AM
As I just said on another thread - and before I saw this one ! - Lefties will do anything rather than accept the democratic will of The People, if what comes of it is something they don't approve of. We've already seen rioting by such elements. What more destructiveness will we see ... and uselessly so, since the Left has no hope of overturning that democratic decision !

When you get down to it, there's nothing the Left won't do to push for what THEY - as opposed to the rest of us ! - want to see.

They are very bad losers.

I do not know if Mike is a leftie but I do know he is a troll who is still angry over many of here ribbing him over his "Clinton's do not lose elections" i 2008

He came back, strutting in here, saying the same thing again.

And once again the voters gave him a Super Sized shit burger to eat. His ego was bruised, and his smart ass blown out of the water

His talking points are as worn out as a box spring on the set of a porn flick

11-11-2016, 09:46 AM
Are you ready to prove what you've said? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/big_standart/blush.gif

Ummmm there was a court hearing Dec.16 that somehow mysteriously was dropped days before election........can anybody say hush money?

red states rule
11-11-2016, 09:48 AM
Can anyone say tin foil hat time for Mike?

Please consider as you read each of his posts, this is the clown who has sneered for the last 9 years that the Clinton's do not lose elections

11-11-2016, 10:00 AM
Ummmm there was a court hearing Dec.16 that somehow mysteriously was dropped days before election........can anybody say hush money?

No mystery. She dropped the suit before and now again. The third time the court dismissed the case.

11-11-2016, 10:16 AM
No mystery. She dropped the suit before and now again. The third time the court dismissed the case.

I'd like to see her or her lawyer's bank statement. I trust nothing.

11-11-2016, 10:17 AM
You believed Clinton. :laugh2:

11-11-2016, 10:25 AM
You believed Clinton. :laugh2:

Actually no, if you go back and read you'll see several times where once the orange pedophile was nominated i was given no choice.

I'll say it again........i would take emails everyday and twice on Sundays vs a pedophile.

But you know what i find extremely fascinating is perusing your posts from yhis past campaign cycle you were fervently anti Trump but now...........is your bandwagon horse or motor driven.

11-11-2016, 10:28 AM
Actually no, if you go back and read you'll see several times where once the orange pedophile was nominated i was given no choice.

I'll say it again........i would take emails everyday and twice on Sundays vs a pedophile.

But you know what i find extremely fascinating is perusing your posts from yhis past campaign cycle you were fervently anti Trump but now...........is your bandwagon horse or motor driven.

Nope, both of them were unacceptable to me. If Hillary had won, I know what would have happened. Like when Obama was elected, all I can hope is that the new guy is better than I fear and the country wins.

It didn't happen with Obama, I hope Trump does better.

red states rule
11-11-2016, 10:28 AM
You believed Clinton. :laugh2:

Kat, in Mike's world Trump commits crimes

The Clinton's are simply misunderstood, taken out of context, and victims of a right wing conspiracy

Oh and they do not lose elections :laugh:

11-11-2016, 10:30 AM
Nope, both of them were unacceptable to me. If Hillary had won, I know what would have happened. Like when Obama was elected, all I can hope is that the new guy is better than I fear and the country wins.

It didn't happen with Obama, I hope Trump does better.

What happened when Obama was elected?

red states rule
11-11-2016, 10:35 AM
What happened when Obama was elected?

Lets see....

National debt doubled

The US got its first credit downgrade

1/3 of the workers in the nation are not working

40 million on food stamps

Obamacare blowing up and costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars

Unemployment for minorities still high

and life in the inner cities is worse now then it was in 2008

Need more??

Abbey Marie
11-11-2016, 12:02 PM
I like your affectionate "Donny" nickname for Trump. It captures what a regular man of the people he is.


red states rule
11-11-2016, 12:04 PM
I like your affectionate "Donny" nickname for Trump. It captures what a regular man of the people he is.


and what a sore loser Mr. "the Clinton's do not lose elections" really is :laugh2:

11-11-2016, 12:18 PM

Some of the liberals are smoking some really strong stuff there. How the hell do they ""think"" they can impeach Trump when the GOP controls both houses of Congress.....ie the Senate won't go there. Seriously....

they're wet-dreaming (as usual).

11-11-2016, 12:21 PM
I don't think watching the moonbats further self-destruct will ever get old. :popcorn:

Did anyone bother to check out OCA's 'source'? :2up:

red states rule
11-11-2016, 12:24 PM
I don't think watching the moonbats further self-destruct will ever get old. :popcorn:

Did anyone bother to check out OCA's 'source'? :2up:

Why would anyone ask for his source? If Mike says it - that makes it true

At least is what he has told us over the years

Like his source on how the Clinton's never lose elections

Black Diamond
11-11-2016, 12:29 PM
What happened when Obama was elected?

post hoc, ergo propter hoc

11-11-2016, 12:32 PM
I don't think watching the moonbats further self-destruct will ever get old. :popcorn:

Did anyone bother to check out OCA's 'source'? :2up:

I clicked on "Americans Against the Republican Party" and found the usual leftie BS. And yeah... I'm stocking up on popcorn. It's going to be a VERY interesting next few months....hehe.


red states rule
11-11-2016, 12:34 PM
post hoc, ergo propter hoc

What Mike is implying is the poartial quote of Mitch McConnell on Obama when he was first elected.

Hacks like Mike repeat PART of his comment while ignoring the rest of his statement

Here is what was really said

cConnell said Republicans need to treat the midterm elections as "the first step in retaking the government."

It was in that context that McConnell said, "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Garrett asked if that meant "endless, or at least frequent, confrontation with the president?"

Said McConnell, "If President Obama does a Clintonian backflip, if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues, it’s not inappropriate for us to do business with him."

In other words, in the very same interview, McConnell said that he'd be willing to work with Obama if Obama is "willing to meet us halfway." That's called compromise. And that sounds very much in the spirit of Obama's call to "seek out common ground."

11-11-2016, 01:20 PM
I clicked on "Americans Against the Republican Party" and found the usual leftie BS. And yeah... I'm stocking up on popcorn. It's going to be a VERY interesting next few months....hehe.



11-11-2016, 01:40 PM

Lol! Typical example of leftists "assuming". They just couldn't conceive of Hillary being rejected (again) by the American public. How many times does the evil commie hag have to face massive public rejection before she finally 'gets it'?

11-11-2016, 01:47 PM
Lol! Typical example of leftists "assuming". They just couldn't conceive of Hillary being rejected (again) by the American public. How many times does the evil commie hag have to face massive public rejection before she finally 'gets it'?

Indeed, much like Rotten Reid telegraphing he'd laid the ground work for the new Democrat Senate going nuclear on filibuster for SCOTUS nominations after Clinton's victory. So now the ground work is there, but not for the Senate majority he thought. ;)

11-11-2016, 02:06 PM
Ummmm there was a court hearing Dec.16 that somehow mysteriously was dropped days before election........can anybody say hush money?

If there truly was fire then we would have seen a legitimate case now wouldn't we isn't that what the dems say about Hillary. You guys and your double standards is just pathetic and you area bunch of sore losers...Idiots...

11-11-2016, 02:36 PM

OCA....aka Randal finally opens up to the DP membership....

In Person

Now, OCA demonstrates the 'DT's....or "Donald Trump Syndrome"

red states rule
11-11-2016, 03:50 PM
http://files.sharenator.com/580647_398990770132483_1745536681_n_Liberal_Logic_ 101-s500x416-369776.jpg

11-11-2016, 03:52 PM
Ummmm there was a court hearing Dec.16 that somehow mysteriously was dropped days before election........can anybody say hush money?

Can you say she admitted having never seen her attacker's face and it wasn't until decades later after having seen Trump on The Apprentice that she decided it had to have been him? Can you say the man bank rolling her lawsuit is a former producer on The Jerry Springer Show associated with several disputed cases related to celebrities? Can you say a publicist using a pseudonym had been trying to sell a video to multiple media outlets showing the accuser wearing a disguise as she recounted the incident? Can you say "money grab"?

Now, knock this shit off so I don't wind up defending Trump.

Thank you drive thru...