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View Full Version : Guardian Writer Calls for Trump’s Assassination After His Election Victory

red states rule
11-11-2016, 09:33 AM
My questions are:

Is she still employed?

Has she been arrested?

Why is the liberal media not reporting this (OK I know the answer to that question)

She later deleted her Twitter account.
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I guess @monisha_rajesh (https://twitter.com/monisha_rajesh) realized she shouldn't tweet threats about presidential assassination. @TelegraphNews (https://twitter.com/TelegraphNews) pic.twitter.com/LVokWkcu3y (https://t.co/LVokWkcu3y)
— Ian Essling (@ianessling) November 10, 2016 (https://twitter.com/ianessling/status/796770218974527488)


11-11-2016, 11:36 AM
My questions are:

Is she still employed?

Has she been arrested?

Why is the liberal media not reporting this (OK I know the answer to that question)

I just took a look at Twitter .. seems that there's been a spate of such calls ? This individual is only the latest. See ...


I doubt very much that she's been arrested. The powers-that-be, I think, are more likely to just see it as something to amuse them.

Anyway, she's deleted her Twitter account.

In case anyone doesn't know, the Guardian is a British Leftie newspaper .. a sort of upmarket Daily Mirror (gutter press tabloid).


red states rule
11-11-2016, 11:39 AM
Being a leftie paper, her Tweet probably eanred her a promotion and pay raise

Now if she would have tweeted the same thing if Hillary won, she would been fired, arrested, and her house burned to the ground