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View Full Version : 169 House Dems Send Letter to Trump Asking Him to Replace Bannon

11-16-2016, 10:04 PM
I'll post what they sent. Then I'm posting another article from the same site about misinformation about Bannon. I wish I had bookmarked other articles I had read in the past week. The majority of the smears being sent around about this guy are false. Then you have some who hate him simply because of his work at Breitbart. I personally don't have an issue with him, especially considering they aren't in office yet. Should he not do the right thing, then I would call for a replacement myself. But I like Bannon, and have throughout.


169 House Dems Send Letter to Trump Asking Him to Replace Bannon

WASHINGTON -- A group of 169 House Democrats sent a letter to Trump Tower today asking that the president-elect to pick a chief strategist who is "prepared to serve the interests of all Americans, not those of a select few."

The lawmakers asked Donald Trump to rescind the senior advisor appointment of Breitbart CEO Steve Bannon "immediately and build a diverse White House staff who are committed to the core American values of inclusiveness, diversity and tolerance."

"Immediately following your victory, many Americans were optimistic and hopeful that you would take the steps necessary to unify our country following the divisive and contentious election. In your election night speech you said, 'Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division. It is time for us to come together as one united people,'" the lawmakers wrote. "Unfortunately, your appointment of Stephen Bannon, whose ties to the White Nationalist movement have been well-documented, directly undermines your ability to unite the country. As elected representatives of millions of Americans from diverse backgrounds, religions, and ethnicities, we strongly urge you to reconsider your decision to appoint Mr. Bannon to White House Chief Strategist."

The letter, led by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.), noted that "since the election there have been a number of incidents across the country in which minorities, including Muslim Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Jewish Americans, have been the targets of violence, harassment and intimidation."

The Southern Poverty Law Center said it has collected 437 reports of harassment since the election, with the majority of the reports involved anti-immigrant incidents (136), followed by anti-black (89) and anti-LGBT (43).

"Mr. Bannon’s appointment sends the wrong message to people who have engaged in those types of activities, indicating that they will not only be tolerated, but endorsed by your Administration," the congressional letter continues. "Millions of Americans have expressed fear and concern about how they will be treated by the Trump Administration and your appointment of Mr. Bannon only exacerbates and validates their concerns."

"As the Executive Chairman of Breitbart News, Mr. Bannon repeatedly and aggressively pushed stories that promote anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and racism. During an interview last summer, Mr. Bannon bragged that Breitbart was 'the platform for the alt-right,' a movement that upholds White Nationalism while strongly rejecting diversity in any form. Under Mr. Bannon’s leadership, Breitbart has referred to a leading Republican who opposed your election as a 'Renegade Jew,' suggested 'Young Muslims in the West are a ticking time bomb,' declared that the 'Confederate flag proclaims a glorious heritage,' and praised the alt-right as a 'smarter' version of 'old-school racist skinheads.'”

The House Dems added: "Disturbingly, leading white nationalists like former KKK Grand Dragon David Duke, American Nazi Party Chairman Rocky J. Suhadya, Richard Spencer, Peter Brimelow, and Brad Griffin have praised the news of Mr. Bannon’s appointment."

Bannon’s appointment, the lawmakers wrote, "will not allow the country to heal and come together as one."

Cicilline, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said House Republicans were invited to sign the letter but no one did.

"Whether intentional or not, the appointment of Mr. Bannon sends a disturbing message about what kind of president Donald Trump wants to be,” Cicilline said. "I hope that the president-elect will consider our concerns as he prepares to enter office.”

The signatories did not include Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) or Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.). Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn (D-S.C.) did sign the letter.


Five Things to Know About the Steve Bannon Smears

The Left doesn't like that Donald Trump won the election. How ironic: before the election, mainstream hacks lectured Donald Trump about what horrors would ensue should he not accept its results. As with so much that emanates from the Left, they were projecting: the attacks on Trump counselor Steve Bannon are all part of their plan to do exactly what they accused Trump of planning to do.

Here are five things you should know about the Left's campaign to smear Bannon:

1. Thoroughness Doesn't Matter

A recent article at National Review is headlined: "Steve Bannon Is Not a Nazi—But Let’s Be Honest about What He Represents." Rather than dwell on the manipulative headline, let's inventory that article's sins of omission.

In describing Bannon's supposed parade of horribles, the article slips in this zinger:

In May, Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol was labeled a "Renegade Jew."

Wow. By who?! Bannon? A Bannon staffer?

One obviously wonders, but the article never says who had described Kristol this way. For if it had done so, it would have undermined the scent of anti-Semitism the post intended to conjure.

The author of the "Renegade Jew" line was the great David Horowitz -- who has spent much of his career defeating anti-Semitism in the public square -- writing at Breitbart. And the context of Horowitz's article? Whether or not Trump was going to be a good defender of the Jewish people.

As PJ Media's David Steinberg tweets:

David Steinberg davidSPJM

An article about two Jews arguing over how best to defend the Jewish people is your lone example of Bannons anti-Semitism.


2. Attacks on Bannon Are Alinskyite

The attacks on Steve Bannon are straight out of the Left's bible of "community organizing," Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

We're seeing radical leftists doing what leftists do, and just because some #NeverTrumpers are participating doesn't change the tactic's pedigree.

Alinsky advocated "personalizing" disputes and "destroying" the targets. Truth didn't matter. That's why you are hearing nasty -- and false -- branding of Bannon as a racist or anti-Semite.

If the Left succeeds against Bannon, they will then maul the next person in line, assuming they are a fighter. The Left doesn't bother with Republican quislings, because they know they pose no threat to their agenda. See, for example, Mark McKinnon.


3. Lose the Bannon Fight, Lose the Bigger Fight

The attack on Bannon is a probing attack on all constitutionalists, outsiders, Tea Partiers, and Reaganites. The attack is an effort to see if Trump has the spine to stand by the people who got him elected.

The Left hates the limited government agenda of movement conservatives -- the attack on Bannon is an effort to limit the influence of movement conservatives over the next four years.

If the Left can cause damage in this fight, they will use this Bannon model for the next fight.

Unfortunately, this strategy overlooks Trump's biggest asset -- he doesn't care what the Washington Post thinks. Like Bannon, he knows their audience doesn't support him -- and he also knows the Washington Post's business model is no longer viable.

4. Truth Doesn't Matter in the Bannon Attacks

I challenge anyone to find one thing Bannon has said that is racist or anti-Semitic.

In all the time I've spent with him, not a single thing of that sort has come out of his mouth -- not even close.

Steve is simply not your normal political player. When we were both on a panel a year ago in September, Bannon quipped it was the first time he had "long pants on since Memorial Day." Tsk tsk! You don't say things like that inside the Beltway! Bannon might break the mold, but he's no racist.

5. Out with the Old, In with the New

Twenty years ago, the conservative media landscape looked very different. Bannon and others have ushered in nothing less than a revolution.

The Washington Post hardly matters at all anymore, and those legacy conservative forums matter far less. Is it a coincidence that some of them are hosting the most toxic attacks on Bannon? Perhaps.

But you can't help but wonder if this is more about competitive advantage being sought by the publications who mattered a lot more before Steve Bannon and other conservative media sources supplanted the dominant players from two decades ago.


11-16-2016, 10:37 PM
Harry Reid....the Scuzball Zombie of Liars.

11-16-2016, 10:45 PM
It's horseshit!

Who has led the violence? liberal Democrats.
Who has incited the violence? liberal Democrats.

They are too blind to see that it is their kiss-ass policies over
the past 8 years that have lead to this.

Obama and his administration turning a blind eye to the OWS,
BLM, New Black Panthers, and riots.

You liberals baked your cake. Now choke on it.

11-17-2016, 08:43 PM

11-17-2016, 10:28 PM
I am all for Trump having Bannon on his staff.
Hitler had Goebbels. Trump has Bannon.
I'm just waiting for Bannon to hire David Duke and the guys from Duck Dynasty for his support staff. I am guessing he will find a place for Chachi as well. :p

11-17-2016, 10:43 PM
I am all for Trump having Bannon on his staff.
Hitler had Goebbels. Trump has Bannon.
I'm just waiting for Bannon to hire David Duke and the guys from Duck Dynasty for his support staff. I am guessing he will find a place for Chachi as well. :p

Thanks for finally admitting how much of a fan you have been, and still are for Hitler and Goebbels gabby. You must have attended the DNC TRAINING SEMINAR for ways to be like an ALINSKI ass-kisser, like Hillary.

We owe you all of our THANKS gabby. You've really set us all straight now.

11-17-2016, 11:46 PM
I am all for Trump having Bannon on his staff.
Hitler had Goebbels. Trump has Bannon.
I'm just waiting for Bannon to hire David Duke and the guys from Duck Dynasty for his support staff. I am guessing he will find a place for Chachi as well. :p

You are smarter than this crap.

Obama had Rahm Emanuel, had Holden. had Lynch, had Sharpton.

You can keep waiting....not gonna happen. All your hyperbole will not make it happen.

11-19-2016, 09:02 AM
"Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power," Steve Bannon says in interview, remarking that "darkness is good"

awesome dude you guys got here

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2016, 09:08 AM
Maggots rolling in their sewage...
Got to love it, seeing the justice that was recently delivered unto them, and now if Trump will just flush most of them away back to were they truly belong. -Tyr