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11-17-2016, 11:34 AM
London’s Muslim Mayor Urges Anti-Trump Migrants to Flock to UK

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has invited Americans who are annoyed at the election of Donald Trump to migrate to London.

Speaking alongside Google CEO Sundar Pichal, the invitation of Labour politician Khan comes amid rumours sad liberals are threatening to emigrate from the U.S.

Khan brought up reports that, after Donald Trump’s shock win in last week’s presidential election, left-wing Americans have been looking into migrating.

Referencing rumours that such a phenomenon caused Canada’s immigration website to crash, Khan said Trump haters with U.S. citizenship should look into migrating to the UK.

“Millions of people, I’m told, used Google’s search engine post the election on Tuesday – we know millions use it every single day,” he said.

“I heard one of the most googled things since Wednesday has been ‘how do you emigrate?’

“If talented people based in the US want to come here to London, my message is simple – London is open,” he told the audience.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/11/17/sadiq-khan-doesnt-like-trump-move-london/

11-17-2016, 11:42 AM
Sounds like an opportunity for all the "protestors" .... I am certain the mayor of London would be very happy to see a few flames, busted windows, etc.

11-17-2016, 11:57 AM
Sounds like an opportunity for all the "protestors" .... I am certain the mayor of London would be very happy to see a few flames, busted windows, etc.

What 'wonderful' news. Oh, joy .... !!!

It's not as though we even arm more than a small minority of our police, anyway ...

It's one thing for Leftie types to say they might consider moving out of America, and quite another to actually see it happen. Khan's call for them to move to the UK will probably amount to nothing. Though, if it did ... I've a funny feeling that it'd be Muslims who'd chiefly relocate ? As if London in particular isn't chock-full of them already !!

How many 'celebrities' said they'd emigrate if Trump won .. and how many really will ? Very few if any will keep their word, I suggest.

11-17-2016, 12:03 PM
no guns, gov't health care, plenty of muslim refugees to befriend, sounds like a great places for American leftist

11-17-2016, 12:17 PM
no guns, gov't health care, plenty of muslim refugees to befriend, sounds like a great places for American leftist

What's truly 'great' about it is that Lefties can directly see where Left-wing policies get them. They can perceive for themselves, firsthand, how relatively defenceless they are without guns. Or how ramshackle most of the UK's NHS truly is.

I'm sure they'd enjoy befriending Muslims. They can go to the areas where they're chiefly located, and see for themselves the refusal by Muslims to integrate. In fact, they can learn of the 'joys' of the Islamic Sharia Court system which UK Muslims - in defiance of British law, for the most part - insist upon respecting over and above British laws.

They can reflect on all of that .... then lament how they left a truly GREAT country, such as the US, purely on the back of propaganda they stupidly fell for.

Abbey Marie
11-17-2016, 12:34 PM
I'd hate to see London ruined like that- it's such a fine city. And imagine how they'd whine and cry over the Royals' "privilege".

11-17-2016, 12:48 PM
I'd hate to see London ruined like that- it's such a fine city. And imagine how they'd whine and cry over the Royals' "privilege".

Well ... 'tough'. They can protest outside Buckingham Palace ... before being moved on ....

London has changed in recent years, anyway. The centre of it is much as it always has been ... but the suburbs have changed considerably. It's there that the immigrants flock to, opening up their communities, buying up shops and businesses, basically 'terraforming' the indigenous communities ...

I lived in London until the mid-Nineties. I moved around 35 miles to the east, to live in Essex. A decade later, I moved back to London, and the same part of it as before. Many of the shops I knew had disappeared, replaced by Asian and Muslim ones. In fact, a favourite library of mine had been taken over as a Muslim Masjid.

The tallest building in that area had become a mosque.

And it's an ongoing process. No doubt, thanks to our Muslim Mayor, it'll be an accelerating one.

These days I live in Wales, but I revisit London periodically. Sadly, all I ever see is evidence of further decline ...

11-17-2016, 01:06 PM
Well ... 'tough'. They can protest outside Buckingham Palace ... before being moved on ....

London has changed in recent years, anyway. The centre of it is much as it always has been ... but the suburbs have changed considerably. It's there that the immigrants flock to, opening up their communities, buying up shops and businesses, basically 'terraforming' the indigenous communities ...

I lived in London until the mid-Nineties. I moved around 35 miles to the east, to live in Essex. A decade later, I moved back to London, and the same part of it as before. Many of the shops I knew had disappeared, replaced by Asian and Muslim ones. In fact, a favourite library of mine had been taken over as a Muslim Masjid.

The tallest building in that area had become a mosque.

And it's an ongoing process. No doubt, thanks to our Muslim Mayor, it'll be an accelerating one.

These days I live in Wales, but I revisit London periodically. Sadly, all I ever see is evidence of further decline ...
True! I saw it myself. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/sad.gif



11-17-2016, 01:18 PM
“If talented people based in the US want to come here to London, my message is simple – London is open,” he told the audience.

Rest here - http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/11/17/sadiq-khan-doesnt-like-trump-move-london/

Oh, they're talented, all right.

Nothing productive though, I'm afraid.

I'm all for the plan, but I'm curious as to why an elected official wants to destroy his city? Is it part of the master plan to import as many idiots as possible so the great muslim sharia takeover can commence in earnest?

11-17-2016, 01:31 PM
Oh, they're talented, all right.

Nothing productive though, I'm afraid.

I'm all for the plan, but I'm curious as to why an elected official wants to destroy his city? Is it part of the master plan to import as many idiots as possible so the great muslim sharia takeover can commence in earnest?
There is another wondering - How he is planning to establish relations with Trump Administration after such statements? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif
Or he is sure that Trump suffers amnesia? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

11-17-2016, 01:42 PM
There is another wondering - How he is planning to establish relations with Trump Administration after such statements? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif
Or he is sure that Trump suffers amnesia? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

I'm pretty sure that the London Mayor doesn't care what Trump thinks, and in the political realm he is completely insignificant.

He's been trolling the USA ever since he took office, and even came here to tour around and make stupid statements to appeal to American moonbats who ate it up with gusto.

But if he can lure even a few liberals to London, we're better off and he'll have my sincere thanks!

Abbey Marie
11-17-2016, 01:47 PM
Are non-Muslims now a minority in London? How did this guy get elected?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-17-2016, 02:39 PM
Are non-Muslims now a minority in London? How did this guy get elected?

European liberals have not the sense that God gave a goose. They have in blind ignorance born of arrogance, elitism and utter stupidity begged in their masters, the muzzy bastards , and when muzzy control comes I hope each one of those beggars suffers the fate so richly deserved!
The Brit government even attacked and destroyed homegrown Native groups trying to stop the muslim takeover!
Racing into a future wholesale slaughter, standing in utter contempt of the truth warning them--they will have deserved the death and enslavement that is racing to meet them..
My only sympathy is for those that did not go along with and beg in this herd of savage, murdering vermin ......
Britain will fall and quite likely in the next decade or two. Not at all likely to take 3 decades to finish it off at the rate they are bowing to and becoming fast allies with the new overlords they invited in!
I wish my good friend Drummond , would leave the lib/socialist morons there to the destruction they have so happily and blindly brought in on themselves.
America is the place he should be , at least there, still rests a chance to defend freedom against those ffing maggots that SO DAMN fully deserves hell's hottest fires IMHO.. ..--Tyr

11-17-2016, 04:45 PM
Are non-Muslims now a minority in London? How did this guy get elected?

The guy running against Khan was horrible, I mean he tried to win voters with statements like - "“When I was younger you didn’t see people in hijabs and niqabs, not even in Pakistan when I visited my family. In London (https://www.theguardian.com/uk/london) we got on. People dressed the same. What you see now are people born and raised here who are choosing to wear the jilbab [a loose gown] or niqab.“There is a question to be asked about what is going on in those homes. What’s insidious is if people are starting to think it is appropriate to treat women differently or that it has been forced on them. What worries me is children being forced to adopt a lifestyle.”

Eh? Would you vote for that???