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11-17-2016, 06:51 PM
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Cruz Would 'Fill the Bill' in Replacing Scalia

If President-elect Donald Trump wants to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court with a justice like the late Antonin Scalia, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would "fill the bill," Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday, making the suggestion even though the two fiery senators have had major disagreements over the years.

"Because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you take your disagreements to the point that you can't recognize reality," the South Carolina Republican told CNN Thursday. "Nobody can tell me Ted Cruz is not a constitutionally gifted, talented lawyer, because he is."

Graham admitted he's been "at times" one of Cruz' worst critics, but insisted Thursday that "We do have areas of agreement."

Earlier this year, after he'd dropped his own bid for the GOP nomination, Graham stunned reporters by commenting his party had gone "bats--t crazy," and saying that Cruz was so disliked, "if you kill Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial is at the Senate, no one will convict you."

Rest here - http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/lindsey-graham-cruz-replace-antonin-scalia/2016/11/17/id/759452/

11-17-2016, 06:59 PM
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Cruz Would 'Fill the Bill' in Replacing Scalia

If President-elect Donald Trump wants to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court with a justice like the late Antonin Scalia, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would "fill the bill," Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday...

Please tell me that this is not serious. :laugh2: :laugh2:

I doubt Cruz wants to be on the Supreme Court. He still has higher political aspirations. Namely opposing Trump in four years.

11-17-2016, 07:07 PM
I think Cruz wants to do more before considering a SCOTUS position. He's young.

11-17-2016, 07:11 PM
I think Cruz wants to do more before considering a SCOTUS position. He's young.

Exactly my thinking. Cruz still wants to be president. I believe he is going to run again in 2020.

Black Diamond
11-17-2016, 07:17 PM
I think Cruz wants to do more before considering a SCOTUS position. He's young.


11-17-2016, 07:36 PM
I don't know... a SCOTUS Justice is a pretty respectable position and he knows that he can do a world of good there for the country.

He'd be a wonderful replacement and I'm sure just the thought of him joining will make Ginsburg lose what's left of her mind. It would be a TwoFer.

11-17-2016, 07:40 PM
I don't know... a SCOTUS Justice is a pretty respectable position and he knows that he can do a world of good there for the country.

He'd be a wonderful replacement and I'm sure just the thought of him joining will make Ginsburg lose what's left of her mind. It would be a TwoFer.

True for much of it, but it's a lifetime appointment and I think he has too many other things he wants to scratch off before thinking of something like this. I may be wrong, but think he already said quite awhile ago that it wasn't something he was interested in. I don't think he really thought he'd be under any consideration in this administration. It may be he's not, but if there's no 'gotcha' down the line, Trump comes out looking like a good leader, leaving the past behind.

Black Diamond
11-17-2016, 07:43 PM
I don't know... a SCOTUS Justice is a pretty respectable position and he knows that he can do a world of good there for the country.

He'd be a wonderful replacement and I'm sure just the thought of him joining will make Ginsburg lose what's left of her mind. It would be a TwoFer.

Cruz can't sit still the rest of his life.

11-17-2016, 07:49 PM
Cruz can't sit still the rest of his life.

Well, there's a lot of lifelong Senators still around and that's an achievement in and of itself.

If Trump manages to get term limits passed, which I think there's about a zero percent chance of doing since the affected would have to vote for it, then that might sweeten the deal for Cruz.

11-17-2016, 07:58 PM
Please tell me that this is not serious. :laugh2: :laugh2:

I doubt Cruz wants to be on the Supreme Court. He still has higher political aspirations. Namely opposing Trump in four years.

And yet he would qualify if he wanted the position, and there wouldn't be jack shit the dems can do about it. Quite frankly, I'm anticipating him nominating one of the 20 he showed during the primaries, which are all great looking conservatives IMO, and that person WILL pass and then put the court back in the favor of the right. And with any luck, another won't be too awfully far behind.

11-17-2016, 07:59 PM
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Cruz Would 'Fill the Bill' in Replacing Scalia

If President-elect Donald Trump wants to fill the vacancy in the Supreme Court with a justice like the late Antonin Scalia, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would "fill the bill," Sen. Lindsey Graham said Thursday, making the suggestion even though the two fiery senators have had major disagreements over the years.

"Because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you take your disagreements to the point that you can't recognize reality," the South Carolina Republican told CNN Thursday. "Nobody can tell me Ted Cruz is not a constitutionally gifted, talented lawyer, because he is."

Graham admitted he's been "at times" one of Cruz' worst critics, but insisted Thursday that "We do have areas of agreement."

Earlier this year, after he'd dropped his own bid for the GOP nomination, Graham stunned reporters by commenting his party had gone "bats--t crazy," and saying that Cruz was so disliked, "if you kill Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial is at the Senate, no one will convict you."

Rest here - http://www.newsmax.com/Politics/lindsey-graham-cruz-replace-antonin-scalia/2016/11/17/id/759452/Those "Contract with America" RINO losers need to go.

11-19-2016, 08:47 AM
Cruz appears to like the idea of appointment to SCOTUS :

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is not ruling out the possibility of filling the Supreme Court’s open seat.

Asked Friday at a National Lawyers Convention event whether he’d accept a high court nomination, Cruz responded: “What I will say is that history is long and can take unexpected paths.”

“I think it is absolutely vital that that seat and every other seat that comes vacant on the court be filled principle constitutionalists who will be faithful to the law and will check their own policy preferences at the door,” he added.


11-19-2016, 09:10 AM
Cruz appears to like the idea of appointment to SCOTUS :


I saw that too, wondering if he is having a change of heart? We'll see though if any of these 'floats' actually are anything at all.

Abbey Marie
11-19-2016, 09:27 AM
I'd rather be on the SC than be Prez. Powerful position where I don't need to ever campaign again.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-19-2016, 09:42 AM
I'd rather be on the SC than be Prez. Powerful position where I don't need to ever campaign again.

I've always held that a lifetime appointment as a Supreme Court justice equaled if not exceeded a term as the President.
Especially to one that is a true Constitutional scholar and dedicated to the preservation of this great nation.
Were it my choice to make, I'd happily chose the lifetime appointment and be a very strict Constitutionalist that opposed the political activist leftist justices now infecting that body..-Tyr

11-19-2016, 04:02 PM
Well, there's a lot of lifelong Senators still around and that's an achievement in and of itself.

If Trump manages to get term limits passed, which I think there's about a zero percent chance of doing since the affected would have to vote for it, then that might sweeten the deal for Cruz.

Term Limits is a sticky wicket. In one way I can see it, but in another leery over it. You lose continuity and knowledge.
That is why the USCG created the Civilian Search and Rescue Controller job, GS-11 and GS-13. Too many people
were being transferred out in 3 or 4 years and there was a loss of skill and knowledge. So it is a very tough issue.

As for Cruz being offered the position? I think he might just be honored for having it offered graciously to him.
Who knows?

11-20-2016, 10:36 AM
Cruz is in no way qualified to be a judge at traffic court let alone the Supreme Court. He needs to go back to Havana and wait on tables at the beachfront hotel where his father worked as a homosexual honeypot gigolo for Castro and the Soviets. Ted Cruz is an idiot who spent his college years sniffing the Princeton basketball team's jockstraps. He's gay and creepy, he sweats constantly and smells like stale menudo.

11-20-2016, 12:46 PM
Cruz is qualified to be a SC Justice - there actually are no qualifications to get on the Court, beyond getting nominated and confirmed. You can be a convict, have no education, and don't even have to be a natural-born citizen. You can even run a home brew email server in your basement, and have perjured yourself 5,347 times to Congress.

I further think that Cruz would be an excellent replacement for Scalia. Cruz's reputation is that he has an excellent legal mind, and he respects the Consititution, just like Scalia.

Would he be interested - if it meant no longer being a Senator and never running for President? I'd say yes. The Supreme Court is for life, it's low stress and high reward, and you never get overruled. President is for 4 or 8 years, it is high stress (and high reward, but only if you have a slush-fund "Foundation"), and you can frequently get overruled - by the Supreme Court.

And don't forget that you actually have to get elected first, after 18 months of campaigning and mud slinging. And I don't think Ted Cruz would actually ever win a Presidential election. The best he can do is what happened this year, which is to do well in the primaries for a while. Let's face it, he's a niche candidate that can have a strong 10% following, but would never have broad appeal.

11-20-2016, 03:58 PM
Screw Ted Cruz.

Repeat after me... Supreme Court Justice Trey Gowdy...

11-20-2016, 04:00 PM
Screw Ted Cruz.

Repeat after me... Supreme Court Justice Trey Gowdy...

Gowdy can take Ginsburg's seat.

11-20-2016, 04:14 PM
Screw Ted Cruz.

Repeat after me... Supreme Court Justice Trey Gowdy...

Nice! He would fit in quite well!

He's straightforward and takes no prisoners! Plus, he knows the
Law and Constitution.

11-20-2016, 08:48 PM
Gowdy can take Ginsburg's seat.

Hilarious! Yes, she looks like she's 90 going on 115...


Black Diamond
11-20-2016, 08:48 PM
Hilarious! Yes, she looks like she's 90 going on 115...


She should retire.

Black Diamond
11-20-2016, 09:01 PM
I have a feeling if Hillary had won, she would have announced her retirement by now.

11-21-2016, 01:07 AM
Exactly my thinking. Cruz still wants to be president. I believe he is going to run again in 2020.
A soldier who doesn't dream of becoming a general is a bad one - Russian Proverb. http://s.rimg.info/83d91a5b1e68c306bea5c23f9bc21630.gif (http://smayliki.ru/smilie-90186951.html)